Ahh don’t worry!! I love talking abt the MCs and answering questions! Ask as many as you want! My inbox is also open if that’s a good way to share your questions and thoughts for you!!
Oh god if she has merch they have it all. I bet they’d have an agreement that they can’t wear it while being filmed, but one of the boys forgets and wears it to bed. So, while filming something like in the soop, the cameras catch one of the boys wearing one of her merch tops. Both their and her fans go “hmm. Interesting 🤔” and play detective on Twitter for a few days. (Until another boy distracts from that with a thirst trap)
PLEASE each of them getting to pick a video and arguing over who gets to go first, etc. like siblings. They would also always end up going past the amount of videos and time limit they set for themselves, but none of them ever regret it.
OH THEY DEFINITELY PICKED UP ON DINOS!! that’s why Jimin makes her a stegosaurus sweater :(( and they do a bunch of research on dinosaurs and special interests in autistic people so that they better understand it! They’d send her plenty of dinosaur things! Just like the books and stickers. Imagine Jin being the one who sent the stickers and absolutely cooing over how they’re all over her water bottle. 🥺
Again, I love questions and I love when people care enough to ask. I’m so glad you enjoy the fic idea!!! ♥️♥️
thought/fic dump time!!
Vlog mc is a famous YouTuber with millions of subscribers. She makes videos about her navigating life as a woman with autism. She gained traction with her educational videos, but her real draw was her fun personality and care for her fans. Her videos are flooded with comments from fans who appreciate her honesty and representation.
Some of her biggest fans are BTS. The boys love her videos, personality, and everything they've seen about her. They didn't mean to love her, but it's hard not to. After one of their concerts, she updated, and they daydreamed that it was a gift for them. They replayed the video over and over as artists scrubbed away their makeup, sets were broken down, and they were finally shuttled back to their hotel room, where they watched the video "just one more time."
MC posts a video titled "How I get through a meltdown." and it sends the boys into a tizzy. Not just because they're worried about their poor girl being overstimulated, or because she looks so cute as she explains her coping mechanism, but because when she says she uses music to drown out uncomfortable noises, she turns her phone around to show one of their albums.
Her next video is one of their all-time favorites. "Ranking my Top 50 Dinosaurs." MC goes on an hour-long presentation of her favorite dinosaurs and why, stimming and ranting so cutely that they can feel the hearts in their eyes. They spend the rest of the night watching stimming compilations made by other fans and raving on Stan twitter with alt accounts.
When MC finally sets up a PO box for fanmail, they fill it to the brim with gifts. Jimin makes a sweater for mc, with a stegosaurus hand sewn to the front. When he sees her wearing it in her next video, he can't decide between crying in joy or cumming in his pants. Jungkook sends her a hand-painted card, with a note telling her about his love and gratefulness for her. (purposefully messing up his handwriting) When MC gets teary-eyed on live from reading it, he screenshots and prints it out to hang in his room. (and cries too, but he'll never admit it.)
After so long of this, the gifts and videos aren't enough. They need to meet her. But how can they do that? She may be well-known, but she's nowhere near their status. Maybe, they think, they can get her into a function. They ask for an extra invite to an awards show and inconspicuously send it to their pretty girl's PO box, along with a dress they know she'll love. All those hours of studying her favorite colors, body shape, and safe textures pay off as they watch her gush over the pretty dress through her videos.
Finally, after years of watching her through a screen, they see her. They're dressed in textures she'll want to touch, colors she'll stare at for a little too long, and done up so handsomely that it'll make her stutter and stim as they lean in just a little too close. They swear as she rocks back and forth, giggles at their jokes, and softly rubs the wrist of their suits that she'll be theirs. Forever.
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thought/fic dump time!!
Vlog mc is a famous YouTuber with millions of subscribers. She makes videos about her navigating life as a woman with autism. She gained traction with her educational videos, but her real draw was her fun personality and care for her fans. Her videos are flooded with comments from fans who appreciate her honesty and representation.
Some of her biggest fans are BTS. The boys love her videos, personality, and everything they've seen about her. They didn't mean to love her, but it's hard not to. After one of their concerts, she updated, and they daydreamed that it was a gift for them. They replayed the video over and over as artists scrubbed away their makeup, sets were broken down, and they were finally shuttled back to their hotel room, where they watched the video "just one more time."
MC posts a video titled "How I get through a meltdown." and it sends the boys into a tizzy. Not just because they're worried about their poor girl being overstimulated, or because she looks so cute as she explains her coping mechanism, but because when she says she uses music to drown out uncomfortable noises, she turns her phone around to show one of their albums.
Her next video is one of their all-time favorites. "Ranking my Top 50 Dinosaurs." MC goes on an hour-long presentation of her favorite dinosaurs and why, stimming and ranting so cutely that they can feel the hearts in their eyes. They spend the rest of the night watching stimming compilations made by other fans and raving on Stan twitter with alt accounts.
When MC finally sets up a PO box for fanmail, they fill it to the brim with gifts. Jimin makes a sweater for mc, with a stegosaurus hand sewn to the front. When he sees her wearing it in her next video, he can't decide between crying in joy or cumming in his pants. Jungkook sends her a hand-painted card, with a note telling her about his love and gratefulness for her. (purposefully messing up his handwriting) When MC gets teary-eyed on live from reading it, he screenshots and prints it out to hang in his room. (and cries too, but he'll never admit it.)
After so long of this, the gifts and videos aren't enough. They need to meet her. But how can they do that? She may be well-known, but she's nowhere near their status. Maybe, they think, they can get her into a function. They ask for an extra invite to an awards show and inconspicuously send it to their pretty girl's PO box, along with a dress they know she'll love. All those hours of studying her favorite colors, body shape, and safe textures pay off as they watch her gush over the pretty dress through her videos.
Finally, after years of watching her through a screen, they see her. They're dressed in textures she'll want to touch, colors she'll stare at for a little too long, and done up so handsomely that it'll make her stutter and stim as they lean in just a little too close. They swear as she rocks back and forth, giggles at their jokes, and softly rubs the wrist of their suits that she'll be theirs. Forever.
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HI!;!2$28: ITS ME AGAIN <3 the anon from the vampy boys ask <3 ( please can i be 🎀 anon if it’s not taken? )
joonie would walk alongside her as he took her to a littles only session of the local playarea! he has to make sure his baby doesn't get hurt 24/7 ( the playarea is a 30 second walk from their house )!
bearyjinnie and standing on his hind legs with her while she’s in babyspace, trying to teach her to walk 🥺. and when she does eventually stand, they try to push eachother over ( like polar bears do ). jin is so scared to hurt her he hardly touches her and lets his cub push him over <3
yoongles and always laying on his back around her, trusting her enough to show his stomach <3. ( i’d think he’d be a puma or something instead of a normal cat! pumas are just so yoongi idk ). mewling to her like a kitten as she babbles something across the lines of “kitty cat!“ bc hes totally not an apex predator, he’s a kitty cat.
HOBI JUMPING ON HER 24/7. LICKING HER FACE TO HEAR HER GIGGLE AND LAUGH!,!::;$$ he brings her squeaky toys to chew on, but she gets scared everytime they actually squeak :(( so he buries them all and next time he goes out to get new toys, he makes sure none of them make noise <3
KITTYMIN purring and slowly blinking at her, trying to say "ilysm🫶", but baby thinks theres something in his eyes, and wipes his eyes 'gently' ( but shes a baby so, yknow ☹️ ), making jimin meow loudly in discomfort and everyone else laughing at him
taefox rubbing their noses together and happily yipping everytime she does it back <3 he'd also cuddle with her under piles and piles of blankets to "preserve heat" (its the hottest day of the year)
JUNGBUNNY RUBBING HIMSELF AGAINST HER ALLLL THEEE TIME. making sure she knows her fluffy bunny is there always!!!! standing on his hind legs whenever she gurgles "bunny stand!". he's willing to do anything she says <3
all of them hating whenever she's in a big headspace, so they force her to be a baby by putting her pacifier in her mouth and treating her naturally how they would treat their young. it works every time!
Hi!! Yes, you definitely can be!
Joonie being so intimidating when they go on walks!! omg. He'd be her scary ass escort that's smiling at her giggling and growling at dogs that come too close.
AWWW FAKE PUSH FIGHTS!! He'd just barely brush her with his fuzzy paws and dramatically fall back. I think there would be a time where to push him down, mc hugs him and hes so surprised that they both fall back together.
Also the trying to teach her to walk makes me think of the possibility of penguin! hybrid jimin (yes he's a tabby cat rn but the idea is just so cute) Penguins put their babys feet on top of theirs to teach them to walk, and imagine jimin doing it with mc!! he'd be so happy to be fufilling his more primal urge to care for her, and would gush over her excited giggles as daddy helps her walk.
You're right! He's a black panther hybrid. He'd be so soft for her. He's definitely not a big scary predator, he's her kitty kat that purrs and shows her his stomach anytime shes near. I can imagine him stalking into her room in his shifted form, looking all scary and intense, just to immediately flop onto his back when he's close enough for her to reach down and pet his stomach.
OMG HIM BURYING THE SCARY TOYS!! that's so cute. 🥺 mc would be so confused when she's big, asking where all his toys are, and he'd just smile and go "They scared my baby, so I buried them." (She'd be so touched that he did that for her, and equally embarassed that she was so scared.) He'd definitely make her go to the pet store with him when she's little, just to be completely sure that all toys are baby approved.
awww poor Minnie, just trying to tell his baby how much he loves her and gets a eyeful of fingers. They'd all find it funny as fuck, until baby starts wailing cause she hurt her kitty :( He'd have to curl up in her arms and lick at her fingers to make her stop crying.
He so would!! he needs to let out his affections for her, and the reciprocation of his more animalistic forms of affection just scratch an itch that human affection can't. He'd drag her into his little makeshift den (gently of course) and nip at the hands of any of the boys who reach into it. Can't they see that he's gettting her comfortable? so rude.
jungkook following little her around in bunny and human form, doing whatever she so cutely asks him to. :(( Making himself known with soft headbutts and chirps when she calls out for her bunny. He'd respond to her so much in bunny form that even in human form his head snaps around when she says anything close to "bunny."
While I don't think they hate her big headspace (they love all of them) they do definitely have times where her little space is just so endearing that they want to induce it. Putting her paci in her mouth, only respoding to childish speech, stopping her from doing things because she's "too little", only treating her like their young, etc. are all things they would do to get and keep her in littlespace. 100% success rate.
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Have you ever thought about a scenario where MC is the youngest member of BTS? Cause sometimes I wonder how the boys would keep their yandere tendencies on low profile if their target of affection also have to be in front of cameras and sometimes being followed by paparazzis or sasaengs
I have thought of it! I don't plan to do any member of BTS aus, but there will be stories with separately famous MCs.
In the video mc series, the boys will have to subdue their yandere tendencies with an mc who is on camera and in the public eye, along with containing themselves when her own and their obsessive fans cross boundaries/attack her.
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AHHHH THE FLASHBACK!!!! i got so excited when i saw it omg 🥹🤍 thank u so much for the work!!
THANK YOU!! I’m so glad you liked it!!! Sorry for the late reply, finals are in two days and I’ve been studying 🥲
I cant wait to publish the next Drabble!! It’s so close!! ♥️♥️
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Summary: He’s always been your protector, even when you didn’t know it.
Warnings: Stalking, Age Regression, Infantilization, Death/Murder, Nightmare, titles “papa” and “dada” used.
A/N: This is the first installment of the “Reminiscent” drabble series. In the Oh, Brother! Universe, All of them remember an encounter with mc before she knew she was theirs. (I suggest reading the chapter series before this series for context.)
You jolted up in bed, sweat misting your face and neck. You reached blindly across the bed. Both of your hands felt a person curled up on either side of you. Jimin, to your left, lazily opened his eyes. He scanned your form for a second before registering the panic across your face. His half-mast eyes shot open as he shot up.
“Baby! What’s wrong? What happened?” His hands cupped your face as his eyes scoured your frame.
You shook your head, nuzzling your cheek into his hand. “Nightmare.”
He sighed in relief. “Ok, ok,” He whispered, pulling you into his tight hold. He rocked you gently for a few moments.
“Dada?” You pulled back to gaze up at him. Only the minimal light from your bedside alarm clock helped you see his bare-faced features. Gorgeous, soft, and gentle eyes looked at you like you were the moon and stars in the pitch-blackness of your shared room.
“I need Papa. Gotta make sure he ok.”
“Oh, baby,” He placed a series of kisses on your left temple, “Of course.”
He slid out of bed gently, helping you step down quietly as Jungkook lay like a rock in his original spot. He would stay put like a well-worn river stone until the blare of an alarm awoke him.
The worry for your Papa made you hurriedly stomp to the door of your room.
“Where’s Papa?” You asked, already turning the doorknob.
“In his office. Papa doesn’t sleep with you on Saturday, baby.”
You huffed. “Papa,” You muttered the name until you reached the end of the hall, Jimin hot on your heels. “Papa, Papa, Papa.”
Jimin turned the doorknob, letting the small illumination shine on the corner of Hobi’s office. A small twin bed was tucked away, covered with a black comforter and one thin pillow. Hobi was resting on the pillow, his head thrown back and mouth slightly agape as snores escaped him. Jimin leaned against the door frame and gave your back a slight push.
“Go ahead. He won’t be mad. He’s never mad when you need him.”
With the soft push, you timidly tiptoed to Hoseok's side.
Jimin watched for a moment as you built up the courage to reach out your hand. He could connect the dots. The nightmare you had must have involved him. Maybe he died? Were you scared of losing him? He smiled at the thought. Loving them enough to have nightmares about losing them? He could preen like a peacock at the idea. With a puffed chest, he closed the door and sauntered back to your bedroom.
“Papa.” You tapped his shoulder lightly.
His eyes immediately opened, Scanning and flitting across the room like always. Hoseok was always aware of his surroundings. Now, his entire surrounding was you. He took in your tear-streaked cheeks, red eyes, and shaking hands. Before he could register his shock, you bust into another bout of tears.
“Papa!” You sobbed, immediately clambering onto the bed and his lap. The bed creaked with your racking shoulders.
“Thought you were gone!” You hiccuped. “Had a nightmare, and Papa left.” You dragged out the end of “Left.” with a pitiful whine and another hiccup.
Hoseok's hands rubbed your shoulders, kneading the flesh gently.
“Oh, my poor dolly. C’mere.”
He pulled you down onto his chest and busied himself with petting your back.
“Papa’s not going anywhere.” He whispered. You nodded against him but only cried more. “Hey. Hey. Hey.” Hoseok held your chin, forcing eye contact. Your bloodshot eyes hurt him more than a knife to the heart.
“I need you to say it.” He whispered, pleading. For once in his life, he found himself begging. “I need to know that you believe it.”
You sniffled and nodded. Your voice wavered and cracked.
“Papa’s not goin’ anywhere.”
He smiled. “Yeah. That’s right. Papa’s always gonna be here. Always.”
As you finally smiled, he remembered the truth in his statement.
Money was always an issue. You needed to leave your mother's house, but jobs were scarce, and the two you did have didn’t pay well. They all knew that and tried to help their girl in any way possible. Every time they found their way into your room while you were busy at work, they’d replace stolen chapsticks and panties with cash and coins. Stuffed between cushions, socks, and pockets, the money was shoved into your piggy bank. As you scrimped and saved with their provisions, your soon-to-be boyfriends happily watched from conveniently placed teddy bears and laptop cams.
Poor thing. Hoseok thought as he watched you lock the doors to your second jobs store. She must be so tired. He knew you were. Following your routes and schedule for the past few months had made him privy to your mannerisms and subsequent meanings. You were slouched over as you dug through your bag and pulled out a small box.
Oh no. You were putting earbuds on, head still down as you continued down the dark sidewalk. He wished you would stop at the bus stop you were approaching, but you continued on. The money you needed to save was taken from many things, including safe transportation. Hoseok sighed. She really does need daddy to look out for her.
He set off a block behind you, watching as you made your way home. His eyes scanned every door and alley, aware and calculating. You turned to the left, disappearing around a brick corner.
Out of the corner of his eye, Hoseok saw a creeping darkness. A man in a dark hoodie slid out of an alleyway, aiming for you. Hoseok felt anger bubble up in his throat like bile. He sped up, rapidly approaching the man as he crossed the street. The man turned but was grabbed by the back of his hoodie. Hoseok yanked him back, slamming the side of his head into the sharp corner of the building. A sickening crack rang out, pulling you out of your trance. You tugged one of your earbuds from your ear and turned. Nothing. After another curious glance backward, you kept walking.
Hoseok heaved, trying to steady his breathing as he listened to your footsteps grow quieter. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He grabbed the dead weight under its shoulders and started to pull. This fucking asshole is keeping me from my girl. Stupid fucking perve. Why are you so heavy? Fucking fat fuck. He dropped the body against the wall, neatly hidden behind a dumpster. The body wouldn’t be found until the morning or later.
Fuck. The hoodie. It had his fingerprints, hair, and everything else that would point an accusing finger at him. He snatched it off, pulling the blue fabric into his backpack. Ok. Nothing can incriminate me. He got mugged. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and things went south. Hoseok smiled at his bright idea and dug into the body's pockets. He opened the slim wallet and looked down at the cash tucked inside. Perfect. She’ll have a little extra allowance this month. Finally, the streetlamp cast a glimmer that caught his eye. On the body’s left hand, a golden ring winked at him. He pulled it off a limp fourth finger and held it in the palm of his hand. A ravenous smile spread across his face.
Hoseok lulled you to sleep as he remembered his devotion with a smile. His hands rubbed your back and neck gently, and he muttered quiet reassurances.
You clung onto the soft fabric of your Papas hoodie. It was a dark blue, speckled with red spots along the neck and chest that he insisted were the result of his messy eating, and fit him just loosely enough that you could bury your head underneath it if you wanted.
You were doing just that. You were breathing in steady breaths of his comforting scent as your fingers rubbed against the cotton. Hoseok's hands were busy rubbing your back and supporting his head as he looked down at the lump underneath his hoodie. He chuckled. Like a rabbit hiding away in her burrow.
“That’s it, Doll. Go back to sleep.” He whispered, not even sure that you could hear him. The hand rubbing his sleeve was now limp, curled up along his side as you laid atop him. Only your nose and whisps of fluttering eyelashes were visible from your hiding spot. Your comfortable huffs tickled his neck. Hoseok smiled, crooked and unsettling.
“Papas got you. I’ll protect you, always.”
#oh brother#hoseok x reader#bts x reader#yandere bts x reader#yandere hoseok#yandere hobi#tw age regression
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i really needed this news :( i had such an emotional day and just seeing the update finally gave me a bit of life again. thank you so much for sharing your work, love u 🤍
I'm so glad the update came at a good time for you!! I hope it took your mind off of your day for a little while!
thank you for reading and supporting! I get so happy when ppl enjoy the chapters and tell me, it means so much. Love u <3
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A Letter of Affection MasterPost
Summary: A letter you never thought would be read turns your life upside down.
Warnings: Age regression, Yandere behavior, Spiders, Ot7 x reader, Smut, Character death, etc. (Chapter Specific Warnings will be included.)
A/N: asks and other posts about this series are under the ‘letter mc’ tag, and text imagines are under ‘letter mc texts.’ both are tagged on this Masterlist.
Chapter 1
#letter mc#letter mc texts#bts x reader#bts ot7 x reader#yandere bts#yandere bts x reader#tw age regression
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🍄 - hi hi hi! I have returned from my busy schedule (hopefully for a while 😓)
I just had to stop and tell you how much I adore your latest Lettter!MC piece!! It’s so good, I could practically see the stickers and glitter used and I was wiggling in my seat the entire time (I read it during my new department’s orientation (boring!) and it made my day!) thank you so so much for posting it!! 💕
Omg hi lovey!!! It’s so good to hear from you again!
I’m glad letter mc gave you a little reprieve from work 😌 and thank you!! I’ve been planning the letter mc story for a while so I was rly excited to post the first chapter today!
I’m so glad you liked it 🥺♥️♥️♥️
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A Letter of Affection (1)
Summary: A letter you never thought would be read turns your life upside down.
Warnings: Age regression, use of title “daddy”, pet spider.
The laptop burned bright luminescence at red eyes, signaling its bitter need for rest. You ignored the woeful cries of your battered keyboard. Pages needed to be written and editors needed to be satiated so that they could take red pens and slash through ideas, plots, characters, hopes, and dreams. You were on the final page of this month's deadline, perfectly timed for a much-needed vacation.
You finished as the sun rose and pressed send just as the clock struck seven. You leaned back into the plush comfort of your couch and looked across the room.
“Hanging in there, webster?”
Webster burrowed further into her substrate, only fuzzy legs visible. The tarantula's pink toes wiggled around the dirt before finally stilling. You smiled, eyes pinned on your companion as she started to snooze.
You moved your laptop to the side and fell back into plush pillows. You had no more work, no place to be, or responsibilities to fill. Webster's water bowl was full, Editors had their new pages, and you were free to do as you wanted. You sighed. Pulling yourself off the couch, you shuffled to your bedroom. A pink box stared at you from under your bed, waiting for you to slip and fall into its contents. You obliged and slid it across the soft carpet into the living room.
"He's gonna love this." You whispered.
You threw the marker cap down onto the pink rug below you, that you were kneeling on. You had on a shirt two sizes too big, a unicorn displayed proudly on the front. fuzzy pink socks covered your feet while you rubbed them together to soothe your buzzing nerves.
But what if he didn't like it? What if he threw it out? Sure, the stickers were pretty, the glitter sparkly, and the contents sweet, but what if that wasn't enough?
"He not gonna love it." You cried, fat tears welling in your eyes. You wrapped your hands around your legs, burying your head in between your knees. Your shoulders shook as you whimpered.
Suddenly, through your bleary sight, you saw a glimpse of pink beneath the table. You pulled your head out from between your knees and bent down to the floor.
An envelope! Small and pink, it stuck out from the pile of crafting supplies strewn haphazardly across the floor.
You pulled it from the pile and set it atop the coffee table proudly.
"He gonna love. Gotta love. Daddy."
You caught yourself as you stuffed the letter full of your sweet words.
"He not daddy. Don't have daddy."
You shook your head, trying to focus your thoughts as you licked the envelope.
"Don't need daddy." You grumbled, stumbling up to your front door.
You wobbled as you put on your slippers. The apartment complex had four floors, the mail drop-off box being on the first.
"Ok," You whispered, "I can do this."
"I'm a big girl."
"Do you want to go through fan mail?" Hoseok asked, sipping a coffee as he slumped into the couch in Namjoon's office.
He looked up from his notebook. The lyrics weren't flowing like they needed to. Only a chorus had flowed from him in the 3 hours he'd been holed up. A break didn't sound so bad.
"As long as we go by the cafeteria." He eyed the cup in Hoseoks hand.
Hoseok gave him a slow nod and pulled himself up.
"Let's get going."
Hoseok scoffed, tossing another letter in a pile of torn envelopes and thick pages.
"Some chicks are actually insane, man."
Namjoon hummed, fiddling with the half-empty cup. he moved the latest letter to the side, his pile a neat stack compared to Hobi's maimed mountain of parchment.
He grabbed the next without a glance and brought it forward.
A pink letter.
"Interesting." He mumbled, twirling the letter forward to see the bubbly handwriting.
“What’d you say?” Hoseok asked, sparing a glance up from scribbles on notebook pages.
"Oh, Nothing." Namjoon sputtered. He carefully opened the letter, trying his best not to rip into the handwriting.
He pulled the contents from the envelope, spraying pink glitter onto his sweatpants.
"Fuck." He whispered, brushing it away. Most of it fell to the floor, but pink sparkles still winked at him from his lap. He flipped the pages open. A scribble caught his eye.
Dear Mr. Joon!
The exclamation point was written in a blue glitter pen.
Cute. He thought. Creative. I haven't heard Mr. Joon before.
He kept reading.
Your music really helps me be small. I make things too! Big me is a writer, and my company isnt always super nice about my ideas. But I really like listening to your music, hopefully, your company is nice. I hope. Dont want you to be sad like I am sometimes. But its not like sad sad, being small makes it better. I get to watch cartoons and use a sippy and take a lot of naps. I even got special clothes!! Im wearin my unicorn shirt right now! I really like it.
Do you have things that make you feel better? I hope so. you deserve to feel nice! you seem like a really nice daddy man mr. joon. have a good day!
(y/n) (l/n)
He read it over. He read it over again.
I've never gotten a letter from a little. He mused, leaning forward in his seat. He put his chin in one of his hands and let his eyes wander to the sides of the page. Little stickers littered the edges. There were stars, pink flowers along the sides, and a small pink gemstone sticker in all four corners.
She's so sweet. He read it again. Daddy?
Does she not have a caregiver? He thought, eyes widening.
How sad. She seems like she'd be really nice and behaved. Not that brats are bad, I'd still take care of a little that was a brat. Only one as sweet as this though. He nodded to himself. Only one as sweet as this.
"You ready to go? I think I've had all I can take." Hoseok groaned, leaning back in his chair as he yawned.
Namjoon's head shot up. "Uh... Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, let's go."
As they made their way out, that pink letter crept into his pocket.
“Goodnight, Hyung.”
“ ‘Night, Koo.”
Jungkook slipped into Namjoons arms. Affection was common in the family they built in dorm rooms, tours, and countless hours with no one but each other, and this was no different. Namjoon pulled away first and patted Jungkooks shoulder.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said. His hands were on his doorknob, already twisting it open before Jungkook could respond. He barely saw Jungkooks mouth twitch before the door was shut and locked. The letter was burning a hole in his pocket, pink turning to a fiery red as he threw it onto his desk.
Why this letter? He read at least 100 others before he got to it, it shouldn’t bother him like this. He shouldn’t be writing out a reply. He shouldn’t be asking about you. He shouldn’t be writing a return address. This was his real address, what the fuck was he doing?
He kept asking himself that as he snuck down the hallway, waiting until all the lights under his bandmates' doors went dark. He knew what they’d say if they caught him responding to fan mail. They’d snatch it from his hands, lecture him, give him the silent treatment, or read it. He didn’t know why, but the latter thought annoyed him most. This was for him. She wrote to Namjoon, not BTS.
The letter made a faint thump as he slid it into the mailbox. Stickers and a small tea bag added more substantial weight to the envelope. He sighed, nerves and contentment spread along his skin and raising goosebumps.
“No turning back now,” he whispered, before closing the mailroom door.
You pulled your coffee mug closer to your chest, mittened hands encasing the warm glass. It was all you could do to keep from throwing it across the room. You stared at the mail on your kitchen counter, bills and junk mail spread out around a single blue envelope.
It couldn’t be. You had kicked yourself when you realized what little you had done, but decided that it would be fine. They didn’t actually read fan mail. No harm, No foul. Right?
Apparently fucking not. Your hands shook as you put down your mug and slid off your mittens. One finger gently reached out to graze the looping scrawl of the envelope's return address. This wasn’t the HYBE office. You remembered how you searched for the fanmail address in little space, distracted by toy ads and BTS fancams. This address was entirely new to you.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you peeled away at the envelopes. You worked slowly at the paper to not rip it. Slowly, the contents revealed themselves. A sweet, honey-scented tea bag fell onto your counter. Then, a small sheet of stickers emerged. Little blue koalas stared back at you as you giggled.
“This is so cute.” You breathed. You dropped the stickers, letting them fall onto grey granite as you pulled a smooth paper from its blue container.
You slowly unfolded it, and your breath hitched.
Dear, (y/n)
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what if instead of possums and racoons, mc was obsessed with snakes and spiders instead?
it’d be very cute 🥺 but would scare the boys to death
They’d insist it stay in its enclosure and nearly fall down in a fear induced heart attack if they couldn’t see it walking around its enclosure with those furry little legs
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So close! but no, that scenes already been written 😌
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Your welcome for the bear in the big blue house ask. I have such good memories of that from being a kid and it makes me all warm and fuzzy rewatching it now. Especially since I no longer have to rewind the tape to watch it again lol. 🐻
Ahh thank you!!
it really is so cute! It seems like a really good regression show!
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what would the hybrid boys be like if they were to get extremely territorial with a little! reader?
also can i be ⭐️ anon? tysm!
ohhh omg. So with each other, it would be very dependent on the dynamic between them. Predators and prey would be much more aggressive with each other when being territorial, as their instincts take over. Predator-Predator and Prey-Prey would still be aggressive, but their base instincts being threatened would them much more hospitable to each other.
If someone is being territorial due to a rut, all of them are going to give in, as they know what it's like and that being rational isn't a thought in the boy's mind. BUT if one of them is being territorial just ot be that way, especially if its unfair to their share of time with mc, it could get bad enough to fight with one another.
there's going to be that problem in the series, especially in the beginning, as the groups navigate living with other packs and territory over a shared mate.
of course!!
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OH MY GOODNESS!! i’m so extremely late to your comeback and i want to smack myself i’m so so sorry. I can’t tell you how overjoyed I am that we get to interact with you again and be blessed with your amazing mind and stories, i slept at 4am tryna catch up on all I missed 😩 🤍 I hope you feel a lot better now and that you always take care of yourself!! Don’t feel pressure to pump things out, real ones will wait patiently :3
it's so sweet that you care enough to stay up late :( thats so flattering, i hope you didn't have anything relying on ur sleep schedule that next day!
thank you! I've just been busy, but I'm so glad to be sharing ideas and working on current and new stories!! I hope y'all are ready for these new series and updates cause they're gonna be SOMETHING
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i dont want to seem demanding bc ik rushing authors is impolite, and i dont want to cross boundaries. but could you write some hcs abt little mc nd her vampy daddies <3 have a good day!!
of course! also, you can find more under the fairy and cryptid mc tags, so I tagged them on this post for you :)
the boys work in the mafia, as it's the only way to let them stay in the same place for any long semblance of time without changing their identites.
when they first start courting mc, they try to learn to make human food and fail horribly. the only one who remembers how to cook is Seokjin, so he gives them lessons on the prep of her fav foods.
they would be very careful for the talk of turning mc, as they're all so so scared of losing her. She's so incrediblly fragile compared to them and others of their species, she bruises and breaks and hurts so much that it breaks their hearts. They want to turn her, but time the discussion very carefully so as to not lose her.
she figured out that they were vampires comically fast. the blood bags in the fridge and discomfort in the sun didi nothing to help hide that.
when mc is finally turned, it hurts like a motherfucker. The process of becoming a vampire is long and painful, and can only be sustained by the blood of the vampire that turned the person. MC regresses to deal with the trauma and pain of the transition. She teethes on their thick skin while her teeth grow in, is bottle fed the blood she needs to survive, and held tightly to their chests as she wails at the pain of her muscle tearing and rebuilding themselves.
they all "dress up" as vampires together on halloween to make MC happy, and let her "trick or treat" at all of the building around their estate. Each boy themes their building and compliments with her pretty oufit before sending her off with candy and a kiss. (she likes to go as draculara for halloween, her fav doll.)
the boys absolutely use their connections to buy her sample and unsold versions of the draculara dolls. they think it's th ecutest thing that she loves a cartton vampire so much.
she often sits in their laps while they do "business deals," either asleep or fiddling with a toy.
The memeber holding her is almost always more focused on her than their business. They're bouncing her, asking her questions about the doll she's playing with, petting her cheeks as she sleeps, etc. the only two who can focus more on their work than her are Namjoon and Yoongi.
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