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OK, first "face morph" assignment, with apologies to our fellow classmates. This one uses one student's body, nose, and hair, another's eyes, and anothers eyebrows and beard. I struggled with blending color and light with the backgrounds (and perspective) more than the facial replacements. Tried these three versions to see what the results were.
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I'm currently a second year grad student (M.A. in Photography at CSU, Fresno). I work in both film (35mm, medium, and large formats) and digital. I work in alternate process (mostly, salt and gum bichromate printing), gelatin silver, and inkjet. I am currently working a lot in stereoscopic photography (film and digital) and have been photographing Monuments of Empire in the UK as well as Neolithic and Medieval sites in Scotland. This blog is driven by my enrollment in ART 133 - Alternative Digital Imagery. A current project is photographing origami tessellations. I want to do images of the tessellations in different lighting as well as macro shots of the patterns of folds.
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