Aftermath of the first Moonstone appearance
charlotte brings moon to her bedroom and lays her there, by this time moonstone was already gone. Moon slowly wakes up and is startled by the stranger.
W-who are you!?
I'm charlotte and.. We're kinda need to have a conversation. B- WHERE'S SHADOW? CASES?? cassey and shadow are together...The thing that just happened.. It's about your necklace moon. H-how do you know me!? I'll answer all your questions if you let me speak. Okay then, speak. Your necklace originated to the earlier times of the universe...the power in that ruby necklace was to powerful for this world, so the Gods and goddesses put the power inside a ruby gem and it was turned into a necklace... It was lost long ago, and it came to your hold.. Woah woah- this thing is magic!? Pretty much.. do you know where you got it? I had this since I was a kid.. Wait- how do you know all this shit? Well, I kind of... Live in the necklace..? WHAT. I am a demon, when I was young, I was chosen to accompany your vengeful spirit in the ruby necklace... You turned into her earlier. S-so!? s-shes like my emo side!? Yeah.. The ruby necklace holds a dimension itself, me, and her.. Well.. Her name is moonstone. She was created to accompany your emotions for the rest of your life because you now hold the most powerful power in the universe. I am here to accompany her to not go to far the line... W-wait! W-when moonstone was out, I felt paralized and I watched everything on a big screen in this.. Purple thingy reddish thingy room.. Was that..? Yep, the ruby necklace... That's where me and her live while your alive.. Wait- that means you guys know everything about m-me.. yep, Everything. The ruby necklace cracked, meaning your emotions were a tad powerful and moonstone was able to take control. Moonstone feeds on the power of your emotions... Jealousy, envy, vengeance where she's most powerful. O-oh.. You are now the Guardian of this necklace...please.. Keep it safe. W-where is moonstone exactly? In the ruby necklace.. Why aren't you in the ruby necklace? Because when she's been out, that means that there's a risk she's gonna take control again... My job is to keep your emotions at bay and not let any powers from the ruby necklace get out. A shard broke apart off the necklace earlier... Isn't that a bit dangerous? *charlotte takes the shard and puts it back in place, a couple seconds later, the ruby necklace is all fixed*
Wooaahh... I hope that doesn't happen again.. You know, your basically stuck with me for the rest of your life you know..
Dang, looks like we need to get to know each other huh? I know everything about you. You should get to know me.
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Tw: Step siblings relationship,toxic relationship,angst,break up,shows emo side of a character, cheating
Moon had a hard time during her childhood. Her mother, Aria resented moon and neglected her. Moon had resented her mother, she wasn't stupid she knew her mother didn't want her. Aria still loved moon though. (mostly moons mother ivory)
Moon was alone through her earlier years, she earned two friends from the orphanage nextdoor /Shadow and Leo. During they're breaktime they would talk from the windows and they became very close friends.
Aria was aware of this and thought of a bright idea of letting shadow and Leo live at their house so Moon wont be as alone,she didn't adopt them legally though. Moon was so happy with this news.
She grew up with her bestfriends, they treated each other as siblings and called themselves sis/bro. Moon was a vocalist in a big/ HUGE HUGE band but she retired early. She was a damn millionaire at the age of 19. Shadow was a hot guitarist in the band and shadow and moon were most adored by fans.
Everything was good with her, as she grew up in her earlier stage. She developed some feelings for her older brother, sweet home alabama right? But she Leo and shadow knew that they weren't real siblings...so it ain't a problem... right..?
Each sibling has a talent,
With shadow growing up learning about ninja dark magic because of one scholarship that one of Arias boyfriends gave to Shadow.
Moon possession of the powers of the ruby necklace, but she doesn't know that yet. Also, moon still keeps on the necklace even though she doesn't know anything about it. It's a pretty necklace and it suits her, SHE NEVER TAKES IT OFF.
Leo is like, better at everything. Smarter than everyone,faster than everyone..hotter than everyone? Etc..
Shadow,moon,Leo had moved in together in a luxury apartment that shadow and moon could totally afford.
Even when shadow and moon were like the hot couple of the decade it was toxic. Shadow played with Moon's feelings most of the time before getting a relationship with moon and moon was just head over heels in love..
To much love.
One night, Leo went out drunk and robbed a bank. Shadow and moon went out to help the police find him cuz he's not going far drunk.
While searching around the city, Shadow and moon were separated and shadow and another police officer, Casey. They talked about stuff while searching for Leo and exchanged numbers,They quickly became the bestest of friends and shadow would flirt with her time to time.
They found Leo in a arcade using the bag of coins to pay for arcade coins.
As shadow and Casey were saying they're goodbyes moon jumped on shadows back like a fangirl, "Ofcourse, I was a fool to think he didn't have a girlfriend he's to.... Everything for me! I was a food to think he'd every like me.." Cassey thought.
Days, weeks, months to 2 years passed.
Moons and shadows relationship is a mess.
Moon was obsessively in love
Shadow was the same, but not to moon..
To cassey..
Shadow went out of the house, moon told him to take a walk because he was getting way to pale, like a ghost.
moon finds shadows phone ringing from a someone... "Cassey❤" she didn't answer the call, but she went through the messages.
What the FUCK!?!?
She scrolls through the messages
You know, I wish you were my girlfriend instead
Shadow, you have a girlfriend! Oh common, sometimes she could be a brat and a creep. She's probably madly in love with me
Still, she's still your girlfriend!
Her eyes dwell up in anger.
Good night cassey babe <33
Goodnight shadoww❤❤
He barely says goodnight to me..
Happy valentines day cassey! I sent you flowers<3 I think I hid it behind the door, sorry I can't greet you in person my girlfriend would murder you haha.. You really gotta tell her.. I appreciate all this but I would date you if you were single. Don't worry cass, I'll break up with her if she doesn't get useful anymore.. Like... You know... Doing all of the things! Hahaha! okay..
She reads the earliest chat.
I think I'm gonna break up with her today.
shadow, please let her down gently...you don't know how she'll react.. Especially of all your lovey dovey stuff on me the past 2 years.. Dont worry bunny...we'll be together soon
moon shakes and crys angrily on the floor. She was madly in love with this dude, she did everything in the relationship. Shadow never really commit to the relationship, never called moon a nickname, never greeted her on her birthday, valentines or any holiday!
Shadow comes back with a smile.
"Moon, I've got something to tell you.."
They sat down on the couch
"I've been meaning to tell you...we should break up- "
"Yeah so you could go to your side chick who you were hiding for 2 FUCKING YEARS, WHILE I LOVED YOU IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE"
"How did you-"
Moon teared up
"i-if y-you love her more than me.. I'LL JUST HAVE TO FUCKING ELIMINATE THE COMPETITION"
Moon raged, probably over reacted...but unfortunately, she did overreact, suddenly the ruby necklace was shaking, like it's about to burst. The gem cracked, just a small crack.
Moon and shadow was stunned to see the purple light of energy coming out of the necklace, but in a flash. The energy ball got bigger and surrounded moon.
Something changed when she was seen again, her hair became purple with lighter violet highlights, a energy scrapped halo... A brand new fit! And.. A scythe..
The ruby necklace turned into another form.
something also came out... Or a someone..? a girl who looks like a demon.. Red hair red skin tone and stereotypical devil wings and horns
She was arguing with moonstone, she turned around to see shadow.
??? : shadow you should go and find your chick and protect her...
"Hahahaha..... HAHAHHAHA!!! I'm finally out! NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW...."
"OHHH~ is that moons love interest? HAHAHAHAHHA! Pathetic!! But whatevs!I'm gonna fucking kill your pathetic girlfriend~"
"moonrock don't do this!"
"Dont be so sensitive charlotte! I'M JUST DOING MY JOB~"
"I am to! Your crossing the line!!"
Moonstone chases after shadow with a big grin, shadow runs as fast as he could to cassey and protect her.
"now now~ don't be so protective~ this is what you get for being a CHEATER! HAHAHAHAHHA-"
moonstone raises her hand to the sky where a ball of energy forms and was about to kill them with it.
Moonstone fell to the ground when an energy blade was stabbed into her.
Shadow and cassey screams on the sight of moonstone and the demon girl.
Don't worry, energy Blades are basically a power sleeping pill.
She helps shadow and cassey and let them go, she picks up moonstone which is slowly fading into moon and takes her to moons home
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Hello! Welcome to my blog, Im Bethany.
I write stories.
I write my fantasies.
I'm a minor (pls don't be creepy)
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The story of the ruby necklace
Before heaven and hell, there was only one creation...Earth,
......and a distorted monster.
A powerful spirit that says to only exist for chaos, it lived into the only creation so far, Earth.
They are worshipped by the first humans that started to be aware of his threat to destroy Earth and probably galaxies near.
Discord physical form is formed by a bond of 3 people. 3 people that are destined to be together in every life they have, no matter how much they are rebirthed.
The Gods and goddesses became aware from this monster but they are also threatened by this spirit. Discord is more powerful as a spirit but They rather have their physical form to control it.
What do they want? They want to be served, Just like the Gods and Goddesses. They are the spirit of envy, jealousy and Pride, one of the soul of the destined three has the same spirit as discord.
The 2 other souls holds the power of discord from that one person, They create balance. The opposite of discord allowing discord to control itself.
Discord had 3 loyal servants. Ivory,Melody and Lilith. The first of the destined three.
They are the best of friends and they serve discord together aware of its power.
Ivory, Melody and Lilith are the most powerful Goddesses along with their husbands, Most powerful God's. They have betrayed discord after millennials of serving them.
They trapped his spirit in a simple necklace that holds one jewel. A Ruby stone, Counted as the most powerful material so far on existence.
Ivory,Melody,Lilith had gathered their powers to create a realm.
Heaven and hell
To determine where the beings shall go to according to what they deserved. They created balance.
Lilith,Melody and Ivory fought to who will keep the ruby necklace. Ivory wanted to have the necklace first as she was going to be crowned Queen of heaven or Queen of the good as they call it, while Melody rules a kingdom in hell and Lilith be crowned Queen of Hell or Queen of Evil.
They all fought in the
Battle for the ruby necklace
The last battle for the ruby necklace's goal was to get every child on heaven to claim them as fallen angels and to raise them for evil especially the Queens coming newborn.
during the last battle, Ivory gave birth to Her daughter. She gave her baby to the most loyal servant in hell / her best friend. Lilith's sister, Aria.
Aria was the most loyal servant in hell, and also Ivory's bestest friend since lilith and melody cut ties with her for keeping the ruby necklace.
During the war, The king of hell has stayed back into the castle. Aria was caught holding Ivorys child which the king recognized quickly.
The king threatened Aria to give the baby to the king which aria refused to and ran. The king called all of the demons to chase after Aria
The angels thought this was a surrender of hell but the queen was suspicious. Ivory sneaked into hell, she found Aria being sentenced with her baby on "The fall".
she ran towards her bestfriend and baby, she chants a spell quickly while the demons scream at them. Ivory ends the spell and gave her daughter,
The ruby necklace.
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A story of a broken heart,a happy love, and the power of jealousy.
Once upon a time. A queen gave birth to a beautiful girl during a war, the demons came unannounced, They're plan to take every child to raise for evil.
"Aria! my queen, The demons declared war unannounced! We need you to the battle field my love." The king hurriedly said with a panicked tone.
"I will come Stephen, I will take my daughter to a safe place."
The queen hurriedly ran to "the edge", the edge that blocks heaven and hell which only the king and Queens of heaven and hell could break. The queen met with her bestfriend, Aria. The most loyal demon to the king of demons
"Aria, please.. take care of my daughter like your own I shall serve my people and fight this war." Ivory said.
"I will ivory...now go."
_________________2 povs. Same time
Aria was given a huge responsibility, she was scared to lose her bestest friend, but this baby is in her hands now. She ran to the castle where she lived, she thought that the king and queen of besihogo were out for war.
While she was walking, a screaming voice was behind her calling her out.
The demon king.
"Aria!! What are you doing!? Your supposed to be out for war!?..what is that..is that.. the heavens child!?!? Give it to me!!"
"n-no!" Aria said scaredly.
"What!? Your most loyal to me. You better f(/king give that child to me or you will be sentenced!!"
"NO!" aria ran...and ran.
A loud whistle from the demon king was heard. All the demons retreated from heaven, locked the edge and then chased aria with the demon king.
Aria was surrounded by her fellow demons with weapons. She was at the "fall". At the back of hell, there was a cliff like fall that when you fall there, you are rebirthed as a human and to live with a mission. This was referred as "sentenced" the highest form of punishment.
Ivory ran to the battlefield. Using her powers to fight. She was confused as to why the demons were following the sound of the whistle. Heaven thought it was a term of surrender... Ivory sneaked into hell to see what was happening. Then she sees aria.
"Give the baby and you will be freed." The demon king threatened
Aria looked back... hesitating to jump.
Ivory ran to aria and held her and her daughter chanting a weird spell. Ending the chant with
"daughter and mother with there needs of life then shall we be reunite... Soon."
"w-wha?" Aria said.
Ivory put a necklace on her daughter's neck, it was a ruby necklace then Ivory suddenly pushed aria. And they ended up on earth,with their needs of life, They were not rebirthed,But stayed there age with certificates on a table. Mother and daughter.
Aria cried out angrily, "why would you do that ivory!?" She was scared.. Because of Ivory's love for her daughter, Aria was sentenced and has the responsibility to raise her bestest friend's daughter like her own, By herself... Without her best friend or even the title of being the most loyal demon of the decade.
She walked up to the child with tears of anger, she wants to hurt her.
"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" She screamed..but something stopped her.
The moonlight shined on the child and revealed it's beautiful hair and face looking up at aria,She was so beautiful. Aria picked her up and admired her then looked up at the moon.
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