Happy Birthday to my boiiiii
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A holy image 
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He’s so cute!!!!!
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wow very yorak
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So, I wanna know, anyone ever seen Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets?
It's a sci fi that came out last year with Dane Dehaan and Cara In it that's based off of a French comic book series where a suave flyboy goes around with his badass girlfriend saving the universe.
It's all I can picture with Lance and Allura now. Especially since Laureline (the girl) takes zero shit from Valerian (the guy).
Like I wanna AU this so bad xD
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and then she yeeted him
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not to sound too optimistic, but we managed to predict galra keith, the broganes actually being broganes, the real shiro being stuck on the astral plane, kuron, and other major stuff that have been confirmed canon, so idk why klance would be any different
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The DnD episode was such a blessing
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The Lotor Yeet™ Has Become a Saga
This bitch empty–
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This boy is so throwable. Honestly makes me question how much he weighs I mean… hE BOUNCES
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the list of things no one is gonna talk about from season 6:
-lance literally died
-there are THOUSANDS of other alteans that are alive on a galra base some where
-the castle of lions is Gone
-Lance fucking Died
-now that Lotor is gone someone else is gonna have to step up to lead the glara empire
-shiro was canonically dead since season 2
-there was a canon scene where Lance was Dead
-the mass amounts of shiro clones???
-lance blaming himself for no one knowing about shiro sooner
-they’re going back to earth next season!!!
the list of things everyone is talking about from season 6:
-“you’re my brother” and (alternatively) “i love you”
- “kLAncE iS dEAd!!1!”
- lotura vs shallura
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voltron: legendary petting zoo
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made another couple of fake screenshots, kind of B)
I feel like we need some happy things before whatever mess happens
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This is a headcanon I have no evidence for and will hold to my chest till proven wrong.
He named his pupper lance.
Edit: i forgot keiths freaking burn scar… frick.
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This is a headcanon I have no evidence for and will hold to my chest till proven wrong.
He named his pupper lance.
Edit: i forgot keiths freaking burn scar… frick.
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wait but i wanna know where keith got his fuck ugly jacket from like we know now that its not like, a familial hand me down and we’ve seen him wear like, a full jacket when he was a kid so like……….. keith really went out and bought that ugly fucking jacket with his own money and just wore it. unironically. he thinks it actually looks good. the jacket has . no sentimental value other than he just saw it in a thrift store window and thought “damn that shits ugly as hell i HAVE to wear it”
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Keith is so beautiful.
Excuse me while I go cry at how beautiful he is ToT also rip hands
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