rayytheangry-blog · 7 years
Fetishization is not a compliment. It’s not flattering to have your humanity reduced to one aspect of your identity and to only be considered attractive to someone because you’re a member of a particular group. Fetishization is dehumanizing, disgusting, disrespectful and violent. There’s nothing cute about it.
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rayytheangry-blog · 7 years
why romantacize abuse\rape\pedophilia when you can
fuck off, and stop offending survivors of abuse with your fucking ships. please fucking stop???
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rayytheangry-blog · 7 years
i love this post/ i really do, thank you for speaking for the lgnt and abuse survivors which suffer when looking at ths stuff/ this truely helps us all.
Sebaciel is not good lgbt representation Ereri is not good lgbt representation Royed is not good lgbt representation Billdip is not good lgbt representation Hidashi is not good lgbt representation Rickmorty is not good lgbt representation 98% of Yaoi on the market is not good lgbt representation Stop acting like they are and get out of this fucking community you are being homophobic and stop using our coming out and general stories about our experiences as fodder for your abusive pedophilic incest ships, just stop.
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rayytheangry-blog · 7 years
one thing that really ticks me off is when ppl joke about when they were fujoshis. like, i know a lot of women are genuinely sorry for objectifying gay/bi men and its ok to recognize you were like that, but when ppl make jokes about how the used to read a lot of yaoi, even if they dont anymore, it makes me uncomfortable because they see their homophobia as a joke
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rayytheangry-blog · 7 years
reblog if you would love to destroy fujoshi culture
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rayytheangry-blog · 7 years
something interesting i found: fujoshi culture\yaoi\yuri\abuse\pedophilia in the otaku community rant.
Hello everybody. Lately i found this thing online, going over pedophilia,abuse,yaoi,shotacon/lolicon in japan, and its effect on the criminal and real world. Iwant to share this, because, im very sensitive toward the topic of romanticizing abuse, and sexualizing things who wouldnt be sexualized in real life, just because its "not real". I thought this might be interesting for you to read. Let me show you. Shihoko Fujiwara runs Lighthouse, a nonprofit for exploited children. She told CNN she once worked on a case where a predator used a cartoon to convince a child that sex abuse was normal. “So the pedophiles might bring the animation and say ‘this is how you practice with adults,’” she said. Child abuse in Japan While no link has been made between anime, manga and child abuse, Japan is facing a “serious” child abuse problem, according to a White Paper issued by the National Police Agency in March. The paper said the number of child abuse victims jumped 20% between 2011 and 2012, and the number of victims, arrests and cases are at their highest levels since they started compiling statistics in 1999. At the same time, the number of cleared child pornography crime cases rose to 1,596, the highest ever recorded, the paper said. Most – 85% – were Internet-related. The figures inspired the U.S. State Department to label Japan as an “international hub” for producing and trafficking child pornography. The U.S. report noted that no national law addresses the “unfettered availability of sexual explicit cartoons, comics and video games, some of which depicted scenes of violent sexual abuse and the rape of children. It added: ‘While the NPA continued to maintain that no link was established between these animated images and child victimization, other experts suggested children are harmed by a culture that appears to accept child sexual abuse.” Now this is absolutly horrifying. Its disgusting, its horrible. But…this kinda proves what ive been saying THIS WHOLE TIME. So many people say that shipping/romanticizing/sexualiying abuse/rape/pedophilia is okay, just because its ficrion or drawn. And this is what it causes in japan. Guys; dont you get it? Youre enforcing pedophilia. This can help pedophiles abuse the youth, this can help abusers normalize abuse towards kids or lovers. Sexualizing and romanticizing this CAN CONTRIBUTE TO ABUSE. Lately their have been reports in japan of men getting kidnapped,and forced into sexual acts together, alot more. Probly an effect of yaoi. Most of the kidnappers where girls as well, which kinda proves my point. So for the fucking love of god:stop. Stop hurting the CSA survivors, stop hurting us all, and excusing it with the comment "its drawn so its okay". because fiction culture effects reality. your actions effect reality’ what you romantacize effects reality. this blog will probly be full of anti fujoshi rants, and anti rape\abuse\and more messed up shippings.  so if you ship abuse, rape, or more or if youre a fujoshi:unfollow me right fucking now. 
i wll also be talking about my own expiriences with sexual assault,domestic abuse’ and bullying and how seeing these types of behaviours sexualized and romanticized makes me feel personally. leave if you doing like it. thank zou, and goodbye. i look forward to seeing all of you.
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