rayraywillis · 3 days
Like our fleeting youth, summer is almost over.
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rayraywillis · 4 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester Additional Tags: POV Sam Winchester, Author Projecting onto Sam Winchester, Abused Sam Winchester, Abused Dean Winchester, Pre-Season/Series 01, Protective Dean Winchester, Hurt Dean Winchester, Abusive John Winchester, Bad Parent John Winchester, The Author Loves Sam Winchester and he can do no wrong Summary:
“Leave and never come back.” John hissed.
“Perfect.” Sam repeated. “See you never again.”
And he slammed the door behind him.
Or: Sam’s and Dean’s while Sam was at Stanford
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rayraywillis · 6 days
Link me too when u finish writing, I am so down to read this!!
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The classic tale of man finds injured bird, man brings home bird to patch it up, bird turns out to be a were-bird creature, bird then imprints on man and won't leave Bird man creature kinda hot. Man considered sexuality and level of patience
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rayraywillis · 8 days
baby jack’s first word is not dada or papa it’s “dean” but specifically in the exact annoyed-yet-fond tone that cas always takes with dean. dean is just hanging out in the nursery, dusting or something, and he hears from the crib THEE most exasperated “dee!” in the world and it came from his one year old son
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rayraywillis · 8 days
I just think that when Castiel said: I love you. Dean should have immediately replied: Stay, and love me then.
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rayraywillis · 8 days
I just think that when Castiel said: I love you. Dean should have immediately replied: Stay, and love me then.
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rayraywillis · 8 days
I just think that when Castiel said: I love you. Dean should have immediately replied: Stay, and love me then.
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rayraywillis · 9 days
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Delicate, this thing between you and I. Every time we touch, I catch fire.
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rayraywillis · 10 days
Tag me pls @rayraywillis
so i saw this gifset which reminded me about the events in 15.09 and just about lost my mind so i wrote a fic about that whole "dean almost confesses his feelings to Cas in Purgatory but Cas cuts him off because of the Empty deal" thing. here's the first part mwah
“Okay, Cas, I… need to say something.” 
He’s brave enough now. 
Well, okay, not brave—but the fear of losing Cas before Dean can ever spit the words out is bigger than what’s on the other side of admitting his feelings. 
That prayer was apologizing. Getting on his knees and begging Cas to forgive him—for the way he was shaped, the way he was raised, the way he can’t seem to do anything but attack a problem by yelling and punching. That prayer was an explanation. An explanation that Dean would never dare tell anyone else. An admission to everything. 
Well, almost everything. 
Now this moment: this is his confession. Where he doesn’t apologize. Instead he boldly proclaims. Something he didn’t want to do in his prayer; something he wanted to look Cas in the eyes and say to his face. 
Three little words. That’s all it is. 
They poise on his tongue. Dean opens his mouth, to let them fly—
“You don’t have to say it.” 
Dean shuts his mouth, wings clipped. 
Cas pauses; then: “I heard your prayer.” 
Dean stares at him for a long, terrible moment. Cas doesn’t smile; just looks… sad. Like always does. And Dean knows him well enough to know what Cas is saying between the lines. 
You don’t have to say it. 
Don’t say it.
Clear as a bell, Dean hears it in his head: He’s rejecting you. 
So Dean pulls in. Frowns. Blinks himself back into reality; the reality where Cas doesn’t want Dean to cross that line. Doesn’t… want that. He swallows hard, something in his throat ticking. 
Don’t say it. 
Dean nods. He thinks that his lips uptick in something of a fake smile. An admission. And then Cas walks away.
And Dean feels like his chest is going to split into two.
(this is going to be a longer fic so let me know if you want to get tagged when I post it)
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rayraywillis · 11 days
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rayraywillis · 14 days
pick-up line: i’ll cosplay your otp with you
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rayraywillis · 16 days
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A commission I did for @gracefreakdean which goes with her beautiful fic cornerstone (go read it, it's gonna take your breath away!)
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rayraywillis · 17 days
crazy how fanfic authors drop the most beautiful and gorgeous pieces of work ever, leaving you speechless and sobbing at three in the morning as you quietly contemplate the masterpiece you just read
and they don’t get paid for it they just do it because they’re having fun and they want to share their joy with you
like I would literally die for all of you fanfic authors out there reblog to swear your allegiance to fanfic authors
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rayraywillis · 19 days
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I think they should let Cas smoke sometimes.
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rayraywillis · 19 days
My family raised horses and trained them for barrel riding. My mom trained her horse and they had a routine that never changed. She would lead it out across the paddock and down our long drive way to collect the mail, then back where the mail got put into the kitchen, and that was her warm up to get her ready before she would take it out for a good fast gallop around the pasture a few times, she would make the same walk when she finished exercising her a couple times to cool her down before going into the barn to wipe her down and give her water and check her over, (like her hooves to make sure she hadn't gotten a rock or anything stuck, also she would wipe her ankles and hooves down to get mud and grass, or burs, etc off ) her horse was so used to this routine that afterwhile , she didnt even have to halter her or put a saddle on to take her thru the whole thing. It would follow with her nose a few inches behind her should just as a dog taught to heel and when she stopped it stopped and waited and at the end when they went to the barn she didn't even have to reach and grab it's leg and pull it up to look at it and wipe it down. It just pulled a leg up one at a time, in the same order as always and she would take it to hold it steady while she worked and then let go and it put that leg down and pull up the next. It knew every single step of the routine by heart and just ran on autopilot after while.
Wireless wunk
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rayraywillis · 20 days
I was today years old when I learned that when you type "otp: true" in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship
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rayraywillis · 23 days
I don't think fic writers know how much they matter
Do you know how many times you distracted me when I was hurt or lonely? Do you know how many times a line or a scene from fanfic marked me so much that I remembered years later, even though I can’t recall my own phone number? 
Even if the fic isn’t perfect or popular or multi-chaptered… Sometimes there’s just one sentence that changed me.
You, miles and miles away, changed me.
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