raylearader · 4 years
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Sokka, Suki, and Toph watching Aang energybend Ozai from the airship.
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raylearader · 4 years
We live in a basement suite. So I built a loft for our corgi Wolfgang. 
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raylearader · 4 years
not be like “ugh the Youths” but i think kids nowadays have gotten Too Comfortable on the internet.
like i see these tweets on twitter like “hey im 14 and i just got kicked out pls rt so i can find somewhere to stay im in x state/city” and like HOLY SHIT i cannot emphasize enough how incredibly dangerous this is. you’re broadcasting to EVERYONE that you are young, vulnerable, and desperate AND information on how to find you!!!! like i know you meant for that to be just for your friends on twitter but that’s a public tweet!!! ANYONE could see it!!! like I saw it and i have no idea who you are you are not in my circle and yet!!! so like WHO ELSE has seen it!!!
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raylearader · 4 years
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Did anybody have “mysterious 12 foot tall metallic monolith discovered in the desert” on their 2020 bingo card?
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raylearader · 4 years
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Men are......weird
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raylearader · 4 years
this IS a vagueblog but you're not a post-leftist genius for understanding that billionaire holdings are in illiquid stocks
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raylearader · 4 years
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forbidden knowledge
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raylearader · 4 years
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Four centuries old Topiary in the cloister garden at Pazo de San Lorenzo in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
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raylearader · 4 years
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“Do you ever think there are days when Sidious regrets turning Anakin ‘Bottomless Pit of Need for Attention’ Skywalker to the Dark Side as his apprentice?”
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raylearader · 4 years
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raylearader · 4 years
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Compilation of the two card spreads I have posted so far!
core / context
do / don’t
worst case scenario / best case scenario
short term / long term
want / need
change / remain
Clicking the links will take you to the individual posts for more details about each spread 💙
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raylearader · 4 years
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“[I]t is actually more expensive to be poor than not poor. If you can’t afford the first month’s rent and security deposit you need in order to rent an apartment, you may get stuck in an overpriced residential motel. If you don’t have a kitchen or even a refrigerator and microwave, you will find yourself falling back on convenience store food, which — in addition to its nutritional deficits — is also alarmingly overpriced. If you need a loan, as most poor people eventually do, you will end up paying an interest rate many times more than what a more affluent borrower would be charged. To be poor — especially with children to support and care for — is a perpetual high-wire act.”
— It Is Expensive to Be Poor | The Atlantic
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raylearader · 4 years
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raylearader · 4 years
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+ Gee, Brain. What do you want to do tonight? - The same thing we do every night, Pinky… Try to take over the world.
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raylearader · 4 years
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raylearader · 4 years
“This is Lola. She likes cheese.”
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raylearader · 4 years
yes offense but someone who isnt well versed in social justice discourse and has somewhat ignorant views of that stuff but who still genuinely cares about other people and actually does something to help them even if they dont necessarily “understand” them will litchrally always be superior to someone who thinks of other peoples suffering as an intellectual exercise and is only interested in developing their knowledge of theory and having all the Correct Opinions to look smart online or in their undergrad philosophy class lol
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