rawringzombie · 2 months
i need you to suffocate me with your love. i need to feel like i am bound by my wrists, chained to you by your devotion. i want you to be so violently possessive over me that it feels like your love will kill me.
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rawringzombie · 2 months
i just want to be all someone thinks about. i want to know that they'll stay because they feel an emptiness in their chest without me. i want them to search for me in everything and find me every time. i want to be their god and their most devoted angel, all at the same time.
love only ever feels like a drug to me, when will someone become violently addicted to me, too?
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rawringzombie · 2 months
husband left me on delivered its been 45 minutes... .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·.
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rawringzombie · 2 months
ill unlock the windows and doors for you!!
HELLO WIFE!!!!! ヽ(*´∀`)
AW THANKS, YES US AND A UHAUL LETS GO!! u also make me feral, and why arent u in the walls but outside the window? (˃̣̣̥ᯅ˂̣̣̥)
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rawringzombie · 2 months
HELLO WIFE!!!!! ヽ(*´∀`)
AW THANKS, YES US AND A UHAUL LETS GO!! u also make me feral, and why arent u in the walls but outside the window? (˃̣̣̥ᯅ˂̣̣̥)
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rawringzombie · 2 months
Chat I love my wife…. I miss wife!!!
Wife gone. I cry.
Wife come back please
Kith kith mwah mwah σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡ /p
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rawringzombie · 2 months
everyone wants a loser gf until she’s sobbing bc she missed you, she actually doesnt leave the house, she wants to spend all your time together and is upset when you’re not able to, she’s crying because she perceived a very slight shift in your tone, and she is on her knees begging for scraps of attention when you begin to pull away.
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rawringzombie · 2 months
idk if someone sent me a letter covered in unidentified blood professing their love for me i’d kiss them
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rawringzombie · 2 months
Tumblr media
𖹭 𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙨𝙠 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚!
♥️. what nicknames do you have for your darling?
💌. does your beloved know how you feel about them?
🗂️. do you keep tabs on your darling? if so, how?
🍬. do you prefer sweet, spicy, or sour foods?
🖋️. are you a romantic person? how do you like to express romantic feelings?
🔨. do you like weapons? which ones are your favourite?
💍. are you engaged / do you want to get married someday?
🔪. what "-dere" character do you relate to the most?
🧵. do you believe in 'meant to be' or soulmates?
☎️. how often do you talk with your darling?
🎭. do you act differently around different people? how do you act around your beloved?
🎁. do you prefer giving or recieving gifts?
💊. what coping mechanisms help you most?
🌹. how easily do you get jealous?
「. . . 𖹭 practice reblog karma!」
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rawringzombie · 2 months
That send a heart emoji game, but it better encompasses the complex feelings between queer mutuals/followers:
❤️~ I’m deeply in love with you even though we’ve never met Irl
🧡~ I have feelings for you but will never tell you that off anon
💛~ We’re just friends… unless?
💚~ I want to be you
💙~ We’re actually just good friends, but I would die for you
💜~ You’re hot and you intimidate me
🩵~ You’re so cool, and I genuinely want to be besties
🤎~Me, you, and a U-Haul?
❣️~ I don’t know if I hate you or if I’m attracted to you
❤️‍🔥~ Oil up
❤️‍🩹~ Please get help
💌~ Why do you live so far away? 😭
💔~ If we were married we’d get divorced in less than a year
🫀~ You make me go feral
♥️~ You’re my type
💘~ I would fight you in a Wendy’s parking lot
💞~ Enemies to lovers?
💗~ I want to start an intense platonic friendship with you
💓~ We would destroy each other
💕~ You’re my dear old friend (homosexual undertones)
💖~ I’m judging you ☕️
🫶~ We’re bros/besties, but if you asked me out, I wouldn’t necessarily say no…
🫰~ I antagonize you because I care <3
😘~ I have a crush on you, AND I want to be you
🥰~ Pay attention to me 🥺
💑~ Let’s be roommates 😉
🤍~ You scare me, and not in a hot way
🩶~ We would not get along
🖤~ I’m outside your window 😀
💟~ I’m afraid of messaging you first
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rawringzombie · 2 months
i hope my next partner lets me stalk them like my last did
hehe... im happiest when i can always keep my eyes on my darling ♡
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rawringzombie · 2 months
need attention im sooooooo boreddd grrr
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rawringzombie · 2 months
copying husband these r fun
♥️ Yandere Alphabet Asks ♥️
Based off of this post.
Affection: How do you show your feelings to your darling, if you do? How intense does it get?
Blood: What is the most extreme thing you think you’re capable of doing in real life for your darling? What’s the worst thing you have already done?
Cope: How do you handle your more unhealthy intrusive thoughts or urges?
Darling: What makes your darling special compared to everyone else? Why them?
Exposed: Are you honest with your darling about your feelings or the true extent of them? Does anyone else know?
Feeling: How does your darling make you feel? Where are you at emotionally right now?
Give: Imagine you are getting interviewed by your darling or potential darling to be their beloved. How would your “application” be like, what can you offer them?
Happy: Have you ever given up something important to you to make your darling happy? How important is their happiness to you?
Ideals: What would your ideal future or end game with your darling be like?
Jealousy: How jealous or possessive do you get?
Kisses: How do you act around or with your darling? Is it different from the way you act around everyone else?
Love Language: What are your giving and receiving love languages? How does this apply to your darling?
Manipulate: Have you ever lied to or manipulated your darling? Would you?
Note: Imagine you’re sending a love letter or message to your darling. What would it say?
Obsession: How obsessed are you with your darling? Have you ever stalked them?
Personality: How would you describe yourself in general? 
Quit: How long do you think it would take for you to “move on” from your darling if necessary? Would you be capable of moving on?
Regret: Do you ever feel guilty about being a yandere or loving differently from other people?
Stigma: What do you think brought about this side of you (childhood, mental illness, personality traits etc)?
Type: What type(s) of yandere are you?
Unique: What kind of yandere tendencies do you have?
Vent: Gush, rant, or vent about your darling or anything in general.
Wit’s End: Would you ever hurt your darling?
Xoanon: How much do you revere or worship your darling? 
Yearn: Any recent thoughts or daydreams you had?
Zenith: What would break you? What do you think would break your darling?
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rawringzombie · 2 months
Oh to dote on you and spoil you rotten. Gradually making you more dependent on me- even for the simplest of things. Being so patient and affectionate when you keep coming to me to ask question after question. Then to suddenly take away my much-needed assistance. Watching you struggle would be so cute! Lost without my direction; a pitiful thing that needs my guidance, otherwise, you would stumble just simply trying to navigate your life.
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rawringzombie · 2 months
1, 3, 6, 10, 12
tysm from asking !! lets see ^^
1. do i have a darling(s)? whats my ideal darling?
to answer this, no i do not! i dont really have a clear image of what my ideal darling would be, most likely just one i could spoil and spend a lot their time with..
3. who is someone you could not live without? (/p)
i have about 3 people in my life i could not live without. without them i dont know how i would function!! i do like having others make decisions for me alot, and im also a very big people pleaser. i would like to mention one of them, @dollkichi my bestie and husband!! i love them very much and i dont think i could do life without him!!
6. how much of someones life do you want to control? what aspects of it?
good question! i have wanted to have access to their social medias maybe, only if they allow it. also maybe monitoring who they talk to, if i dont like them aswell. i would also like to know what their whole plan is throughout the day!!
10. what is my darling to yandere ratio?
well, honestly i am a bit of both. I would love to have my own darling one day, one who i can have as a cute servant of mine and who i can also worship!! but i would also like to be someones darling .. one who i can treat as royalty and maybe change parts of myself for them to like me best!!
12. whats an object i cant live without?
probably my computer. its what i spend most of my free time on. whether im watching a show, talking to friends, or playing games. It also helps me if i need a distraction from something! my computer is what occupies most of my days during the summer, and still during the school year.
thanks for the asks and feel free to send more !! ^^
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rawringzombie · 2 months
irl yandere / darling ask game !!!!
a mix of irl darling ++ irl yandere asks !!
1 — do you have a darling ? or multiple ? if not , what is your ideal darling like ?
2 — how much would you change about yourself for your darling / yandere ?
3 — who is someone you couldn’t live without ( platonically ) ?
4 — would you be okay being locked up
5 — would you want to lock up your darling ?
6 — how much of someone’s life do you want to control ? what aspects of it ?
7 — how much of your life are you willing for someone else to control ?
8 — would you ever let your darling go , if you had kidnapped them ?
9 — what kidnapping method do you think about the most ?
10 — what is your yandere to darling ratio ? ( how much are you of each ? )
11 — can you handle long distance relationships ? for how long ?
12 — what’s an object you can’t live without ?
13 — what would be one object you’d most likely steal from your darling ?
14 — consider this a free pass to ramble about your darling or partner :)
15 — would you ever hurt your darling / partner ? how ?
16 — how would you celebrate your darling’s birthday ?
17 — what would you say to your darling / partner right now if you could ?
18 — how much are you willing to support your partner no matter what ?
19 — if anything , what would be most likely to bring you to k!ll your darling ?
20 — is there anything you dislike about your darling ? or : what’s the least desirable trait in a partner to you ? 
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rawringzombie · 2 months
aw bestie i cant live without you either!! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
Thank you for the ask!! These were super fun to go into! Questions are under read more, lots of yapping once again ∩^ω^∩
3 — who is someone you couldn’t live without ( platonically ) ?
Okay SO the thing is, I get really attached to people especially platonically. I have multiple people that I just absolutely love with all my heart. There are people I still love that I'm not in contact with anymore because y'know that WAS one of my friends whom I loved. Anyways, I'm just tryna get my point across here that I love deeply when it comes to platonic relationships and I most likely won't ever stop loving someone once they've got my love. I probably wouldn't be able to live without my three best friends, they are literally my world. I'd much rather die than lose them. I would be distraught if they left me and would probably never get over them!! I genuinely don't believe I'd be able to find a better match for me than them if anything were to happen to them. Although, there is someone currently quickly climbing the ranks in people I platonically adore and I could see them being added to this list of people in the future. Tagging one of said three besties bcuz I can. I love you soo so much @rawringzombie !! <3
6 — how much of someone’s life do you want to control ? what aspects of it ?
I am absolutely sane and can be trusted with control over someone's life!!!! Do not listen to anyone that says otherwise!!! Anyways, if it wouldn't make them unhappy then I'd love being able to just monitor them in any way I'm allowed to. I like learning all I can about the people I get obsessed over so it'd be a dream to get their permission to watch them and also go through things such as their texts, social media, etc. I just wanna know what they're doing at all times!! I guess I'd kinda want to control relationships BUT only if the person is clearly bad for them, y'know? I just hate seeing the people I love get hurt by others and it's even worse when they just completely disregard what I say about someone when they are obviously a shitty person towards them. Otherwise, I wouldn't wanna meddle in their relations with others much because I'd want them to be happy above all. I get jealous extremely easily but that wouldn't excuse trying to force someone to cut contact with another person no matter how much I hate said person for taking away their attention. At the end of the day, as long as they still pay attention to me too then I’m okay with whoever they talk to if said person isn’t awful towards them. OH, and being able to choose what they wear sometimes simply so I could make them all pretty and we could perhaps even match!! (๑>◡<๑)
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