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Winter is losing its grip. At least for now. 
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Damn… I love my land.
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Some woodland treasures from my private glade
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[EDIT: The illustration “It’s okay to be different” is not showing someone who is binding with bandages! That would be extremely unsafe. I was trying to portrait a post-op scene.] This is a collection of all my body positive illustrations for non-binary folks I did in 2017. I hope, they help you! <3
You can find part 2 here: [LINK]
For more body positive artwork, please check out my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bopolena/
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this is your time <3
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I think this video explains two-spirit and gender norms in a way so it’s very easy to understand how beeing non-binary is possible. From a view that I would think even some who aren’t that open to this subject would start to see that there is a world outside of gender norms.
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I’m trying to recover from a mental break I had last month. I got released on my bday. I’m on a break from fb and instagram now but wanted to start blogging here... do you think that’s a good or bad idea? I’m not sure how much I should share... tumblr has helped me a lot but I feel very fish outta water lol. Any advice would just help me hopefully make a decision 🤦🏾‍♀️ aha
For me personally it helps a lot sharing openly online. I don’t know why. But this is something you have to feel into yourself. If you’re not comfortable in people connecting what you share with who you are, maybe create a second tumblr or other platform where you feel you can share freely. Sometimes stuff just needs to come out in order to be processed and seen from another angle. And for me it’s often easier to share on social media or a blog than writing in my own personal journal for some reason. And I also don’t get the same result from journaling. I think they both has their place and how they work is different for everyone ^-^ Really awesome that you dare to take social media breaks. It can be quite scary but oh so well needed, especially if you’re dealing with a lot! Sending you lots of love and hugs if you want <3
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archaeologists are still trying to figure out my gender but the current theory is that it was used for ritualistic purposes
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Do you ever think of writing a book about your journey? 🤍🌿🤍🌿🤍🌿
I have, but, my memory is a bit hazy and also there are things I’m not yet ready to talk about. Would feel strange leaving stuff out. Also, I know parts of my story would not be welcomed by everyone to read, it would hurt people I care for :/ 
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Been wanting to get back to blogging for some time. But I’m not feeling the site where I created my blog. So, I decided to try this platform again. To see if I’ll enjoy sharing in words and pictures. My idéa is to let myself be rather unfiltered here. Be open and vulnerable while having some boundries. I’m glad the site looks very similar to how I remember it so I still can work the controls HA ha.  ANYHOW. if you have any questions, suggestions or something else, drop a message to me ^-^ https://rawmagicalfrequencies.tumblr.com/ask
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In devastating news today, 26 Oct 2020, VicRoads has destroyed 300 years of living cultural heritage.
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The Directions Tree (pictured above) was felled today at around 1.30 pm Australian Eastern Standard time.
This tree was over 300 years old. It was a place where the Djabwarrung people could go to seek spiritual guidance and to feel connected to their ancestors.
And it was cut down today, to make way for a road that has multiple other viable routes.
This has been an ongoing battle since 2018. There have been protectors on site since June 2018, and multiple attempts over the years by VicRoads to bully or intimidate protestors off the land, including getting the police to show up in drives to arrest protectors. Police have also spent the last two years specifically targeting known protectors, going so far as to jailing one (indigenous) man for six months because he had an expired drivers licence. When that one finally made it to a judge, the judge was disgusted and and threw the whole case out, cause who the hell imprisons someone for six months for having an expired licence?? Cops with a vendetta, thats who.
There have been multiple legal challenges from multiple directions over the route of this road, and the fact that the planned route requires the destruction of three indigenous heritage sites. There is an open court case at the moment, set for December, and by moving ahead with works and destroying one of the sites, VicRoads is in direct contravention of a court order.
Not only did they cut it down, they also then loaded the tree onto a truck and drove it up and down the stretch of road past one of the other sites where the protectors are camped. They know full well how devastating this destruction is, and they drove thw felled tree back and forth in front of the people who've spent three years protecting this tree, deliberately taunting them.
The destruction of the Directions Tree is an abominable crime. And its one that they want to commit again. Theres a Grandfather tree -- over 700 years old -- that is next in their firing line.
If youre in Australia, please call or email Dan Andrews (Victorian premier), Sussan Ley (Federal Environment Minister) or your local MP and protest the destruction of the Directions Tree, and ask them to protect the Grandfather Tree.
If youre international, please email them. Feel free to call, too, but international rates are pricey, and them getting flooded by international emails will be really, really helpful and will show them that the world's eyes are on them.
Dan Andrews: [email protected] . Phone number: 03 9651 5000.
Sussan Ley: [email protected] . Phone number: 02 6277 7920.
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Friend: Do you know anything about attatching entities and stuff?
Me: Yes, I've actually been thinking about it frequently the last couple of days.
Friend: Weird!
Me: Synchronicities!
Friend: Yah, but I don't think it's good synchronicities!
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