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ravishankaradhikari10 · 4 years ago
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ravishankaradhikari10 · 4 years ago
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ravishankaradhikari10 · 4 years ago
Tips on How to Stop a Dog From Licking 2021
Excessive dog licking can not only be frustrating for you the owner, but can also lead to health problems in your dog. In fact, dog licking problems may even be directly related to an underlying problem that has not been discovered; especially if your dog is continuously licking himself.
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If there is one particular area he is paying attention to, it may be a skin irritation or an allergy that is to blame. If it is his feet, perhaps the pads are inflamed or overly dry. In the winter months this is due to cold air, snow and in some areas road salt.
Dogs will lick themselves if pain is present or they have picked up fleas. Exam your canine thoroughly, and take him to the vet if needed. You will see this problem if your dog is overly stressed as well.
Once any health problems have been ruled out and this continues, it may very well be a behavioral problem that needs to be corrected. Canines lick to communicate with each other and you as a member of their "pack" as a means of greeting.
In the wild, this is a ritual each dog goes through upon greeting and showing respect and attention. Your canine most likely uses this greeting when you return home, or in the morning when waking up. Puppies love to greet people this way, as the first means of communication.
But if your pet is continuously slobbering all over you and everyone he meets, this can be frustrating and embarrassing as well, and to stop your dog from licking you constantly will take some patience, but you can break him of this annoying habit in a short period of time.
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It may be possible that you have inadvertently contributed to this problem by showing affection or attention whenever he started licking you.
Allow your dog to greet you as usual, for a few seconds, then pull your hand away, pat him on the head or whatever, and go about your tasks. If you are sitting down watching television and he begins licking, firmly say "no licking" and withdraw your hand.
Replace your hand and see if he persists. Repeat this each time he goes in for a lick, and instruct everyone else who is around the dog to do the same each time this occurs. He should eventually get the idea that constant slurping is not allowed. If this does not cure him, you may consider applying some substance created to stop your dog from licking. Visit your local pet store and inquire about these products.
Danny Taylor of DogTraining-User-Reviews.com, specializes in helping new pooch owners get the info that they need to help train their new best friend. Danny, a professional dog trainer himself, leads his team of dog obedience trainers to constantly review new training methods, and programs in the market and make sure you get the best value products that work for you. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular dog training programs at DogTraining-User-Reviews.com [http://www.dogtraining-user-reviews.com].
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