raspberryscals · 2 months
Edlog 8/02🪻🪺🪻🪺🪻
Literally worst day ive had in a while mentally, so i was planning on just having an iced coffee fast but then idk im upset
Wi: 160.9€\|>~!!~<!!~
8:00a - iced coffee (300)
4:00p - small almondmilk latte (80) and like 2 onion rings (50)
11:00p - 1 cocktail and a slice of pizza (350 ugh)
Burnt: 469cal
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raspberryscals · 2 months
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raspberryscals · 2 months
Im gonna be sooo fr u guys i genuinely have anger issues but only when it comes to my weight like i turn into a frat brother with severe problems. I gained this morning and i literally felt like punching a fucking wall omg idk what came ovwr me
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raspberryscals · 2 months
Edlog 8/01🪻🪺🪻🪺🪻
Wi 159.2 | ana august yall ana august
1:00 - half an iced coffee (200)
7:00 - a couple fries (100)
9:00 - chicken and broccoli over a lil rice (350)
12:00 - yasso bar and a protein roll (320)
Consumed: 970
Burnt: 512
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raspberryscals · 2 months
Edlog 7/31🪻🪺🪻🪺🪻
Posting this as exposure therapy like god let me lock in
Wi 160.1
3:00 - cottage chz toast (180)
8:00 - half a chx caesar wrap no dressinf (300?)
10:00 - an entire baklava (400)
12:00 - one raw english muffin (120)
NET: 1000
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raspberryscals · 2 months
Edlog 7/30🪻🪺🪻🪺🪻
Ok so see how i stopped logging then i gained and now ive been a pig??? Let me lock the fuck in omg.
Wi 159.9
2:00 - protein roll (220)
6:00 - pita (90)
8:00 - grilled chx with buffalo (300?)
10:30 - 1/2 quest bar (90)
NET 600
This isnt funny. Tomorrow im getting back in the groove. I cant keep being a fat fuck.
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raspberryscals · 2 months
See yourself being perceived by others in this light bc you already are such a remarkable beauty to witness
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Pov : everyone who sees you says this about your looks
"Omg you're drop dead GORGEOUS 😍 "
"HOW are you so pretty 😭😭 what's your secret"
" you're literally the prettiest girl I've ever seen I'm not even kidding"
"Your eyes are so mesmerizing wow😍 ..I'm in love"
"U have the most perfect lips"
"Ur eyebrows are always on fleek"
"I love how long and thick ur eyelashes are"
"You're so beautiful I'm obsessed"
"Ur skin is literally FLAWLESS"
"I'm convinced you're a real life goddess"
"I looove ur hair it looks so healthy and soft and luscious "
"How are u even real? U look so ethereal and out of this world!"
"Ur beauty has me daydreaming and writing poems"
"Ur beauty alone leaves an unforgettable mark on everyone"
"I can't fathom how pretty you are"
"Everything about u is perfect, like youre unbelievably stunning"
"What's it like being the most beautiful girl in the world?😍"
"U have this kind of beauty thats so captivating, haunting and addictive to look at"
"I love ur stylee u always look so chic"
"You're such an eye-candy I could look at you forever"
"Ur face is literally my desired face, ur beauty is the standard"
"Girl I would kill to look like u"
"Ur beauty leaves me speechless everytime, how do u have that effect?"
"I don't think anyone who looks at u can resist falling in love w you"
"Has anyone ever told you how powerful your beauty is? Like it's dangerous how beautiful u are"
"Do you model? U literally have the body and looks for it"
"I love ur fashion sense , u give off IT girl vibes"
"Stop looking at me with those siren eyes 🫠"
Pov : people say this behind your back
"She's def the kind of girl who steals all the attention with her beauty when she walks into a room"
"Y/N had a huge glow up, she keeps getting prettier everytime I see her"
"She looks so stunning in pictures but wait till u see her irl its even better"
"I genuinely think she's the prettiest girl in existence"
"There's something about her beauty thats so hypnotic it sticks in ur mind"
"My heart starts beating so fast when she looks at me. Her beauty makes me nervous"
"Have you seen Y/N? she's the prettiest around here"
"She has that kind of beauty that everyone wanna copy"
"She's naturally beautiful like she doesn't even try"
Let me know if u want more like this 💫
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raspberryscals · 2 months
thinking about tummy tattoos~
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532 notes · View notes
raspberryscals · 3 months
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repost form my oldd acc
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raspberryscals · 3 months
Yes I’m always cold, but it’s nice.
Yes I get dizzy when I stand up, but it feels good.
Yes I’m always shaking, but I don’t mind.
Yes I’m tired, but I like it.
It means it’s working.
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raspberryscals · 3 months
How it feels going to bed on an empty stomach:
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(Pic from 📌)
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raspberryscals · 3 months
600cal diet + tons of water + 40min/60min Pilates (morning and night) + walking 10k(+) steps EVERY DAY = losing at least 10lbs/4.5kg every week
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raspberryscals · 3 months
Edlog 7/16🪻🪺🪻🪺🪻
From last night heheh forgot to post lol.. fasted for a while which im happy about just wish i got to go to the gym.
Wi 155.1
10:00 - paced around (236)
7:00 - chicken parm sandwich (400)
8:30 - legendary sweet roll (220)
NET: 384 CAL
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raspberryscals · 3 months
Edlog 7/15🪻🪺🪻🪺🪻
Ate like a pig today ok awesome at least i didnt binge too bad and i lost but still.. at least ill have my car back again tmr and can start going to the gym again
Wi 155.6
1:15am - ab workout (56)
12:30 - half a sandwich (80)
3:00 - another ab workout (54)
5:00 - some poverty nachos (100)
6:00 - chicken & potatoes (300)
9:15 - quest bar (180)
10:30 - another ab workout lol (42)
12:00am - protein chips & cottage cheese (200)
NET: 708 CAL
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raspberryscals · 3 months
Comparisonspo but its just any picture of me and with any of my friends (im a duff)
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raspberryscals · 3 months
Edlog 7/14🪻🪺🪻🪺🪻
Got laid off today lol so… didnt really get the chance to do much. Def ate too much but im happy with what i did eat i guess.
Wi 156.2
4:00 - legendary sweet roll (220)
7:00 - broccoli and potatoes (300?)
10:00 - yasso bar (100)
10:30 - ab workout (79)
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raspberryscals · 3 months
Edlog 7/13/24🪻🪺🪻🪺🪻
Ok so im maintaining but in a crazy deficit so it could be muscle? Ill wait a couple days ig.. anyways my muscles are SORE from the 25k steps yesterday so i got exactly 10k today and tried to chill on myself with res.
Wi 156.6
12:00 - paced (209)
2:45 - half a poke bowl (325)
4:00 - stairs (222) and treadmill (157)
6:00 - more grilled wings (300)
8:00 - too much tru fru (360)
10:00 - ab workout (62)
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