Gourmet Hunter
527 posts
and writer wannabe | 30s | she/her💥 Here mostly to feed on YYH content 💥
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rargend · 10 months ago
I'm not sure how active the YYH fanfom here still is lol but since for the first time I started to write (more like translate) a longfic to English, thought I should share it here! Title: Black Moon Rating: M Genre: Mystery/Noir, Cosmic Horror, Angst Pairing: It's a slow burn that might develop into a Yusuke x OC? Summary: Things are not what they used to be. Especially not for Yusuke. After a tragedy he just can't let go, he decided to hang back from everything he once cherished: his friends, his career, his ties to Demon and Spirit World. That all changes when an unlikely case comes to his attention. But when Yusuke discovers that the trail of suicides is just the tip of the iceberg, it's probably too late.
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rargend · 1 year ago
has Yoshihiro Togashi made any pronunciation over the yuyu live action?
Togashi hasn't made any pronunciation yet, but Keita Machida (Koenma) told us about the rare visit sensei made to the film set.
During the live premier of Netflix's Yu Yu Hakusho live action and in an interview to Exile Tribe Magazine, Machida-san remembered the day he had to act in front of Togashi-sensei.
Machida had shot about 90% of his scenes in the Koenma's Office, in the Spirit World. He thought the shooting was over, but a year later, they had to re-shoot everything from the beginning. The reason for this is that the set was entirely rebuilt, Koenma's room was about three times more luxurious and had improved significantly over the previous set.
Togashi-sensei happened to be on the film set that day, when they were re-shooting the scene Yusuke (Takumi Kitamuta) came to Koenma's Office for the first time. At that time, Machida was filming a scene where Koenma had to give orders and talk bossily to Yusuke. There was a camera behind Yusuke, and further back, in his field of vision, was Togashi-sensei!
In the premier video, Machida says that the distance Togashi-sensei was standing from him was about the same distance director Sho Tsukikawa was sitting.
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According to Machida, "It was unbelievable and exhilarating to be able to perform while being watched over by my creator (laughs)". It was his first time meeting Togashi-sensei. He rarely came to the filming location, so it was really a coincidence that he was there that day. Machida was quite nervous because you don't get to meet Togashi-sensei very often.
When asked if Togashi-sensei had talked to him, Machida replied he was so nervous that he vaguely remembers about it. When Togashi-sensei saw his performance as Koenma, he said positive things like, "It was really good,'' and "That part was fun''. Machida thinks sensei probably said positive words to encourage the cast. But, he felt more motivated to create something that people would enjoy. He thanked sensei for his kind words, and thinks that's reflected in the series as well.
Takumi Kitamura (Yusuke) also talked about how he felt shooting the scene that Togashi was watching, saying "It was a comical scene, but it was the most nerve-wracking of all".
Even though the live action wasn't directly supervised by Togashi-sensei, two of his former editors, Yu Saito and Kengo Monji who worked with Togashi on Hunter × Hunter, supervised the Netflix series. Kengo Monji also worked on the Yu Yu Hakusho OVA (2018).
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Source: Netflix's Yu Yu Hakusho End Credits
I've seen some people sharing that Togashi co-wrote the first episode, but be careful with that kind of information!! Apparently, someone had written that on wikipedia, but didn't provide any source. It seems that it was deleted it. The screenplay is only credited to Tatsurō Mishima.
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rargend · 1 year ago
Perfectly said! I think that with more budget/more episodes, this series would have been perfect. But still they managed an amazing job with just 5 episodes and I still loved every second of it 😆
Much has already been said about the Live Action adaptation, but I'm adding in my thoughts because I'm in a meeting that I don't really care at all about, and I'm on a YYH brain rot. 💖
Overall, I like it for what it is: an interesting retelling of Yuyu Hakusho. I didn't find the CGIs too distracting, the color grading feels nostalgic, the fight choreography is very on point, I immediately took to all the actors and felt that they delivered, and I could see the care in the little details like lines and sequences that they picked from the Manga and some few from the anime. The first two episodes is good and hooks you in, but the latter episodes suffered from the pacing. I'd compare it to having a 5-course meal, with the last 3 courses being fed to you in succession. And because the show was busy feeding you plot points it forgets emotional resonance. With better pacing, I think this would have been better. That said, I'd give this a 7/10.
I have other thoughts but if anyone cares, maybe it will be nice to talk about this LA or just YYH in general. 😊
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MORE SPOILER HEAVY THOUGHTS UNDER THE CUT! (will be edited as more thoughts come along) 👉🏼 💥
👉🏼 I recognize that I may be an outlier here, but I feel that by combining the first four arcs, it makes the story more cohesive. It hits on the necessary plot points to get to the climax of YYH - finding out about the corruption of the spirit world. Paced appropriately this probably would have Toguro as the red herring big bad of the show but ultimately have it all lead to Sensui.
👉🏼 And also budget. And more episodes.
👉🏼 While I was sad over not having the Dark Tournament I sat with it for awhile and realized that it's fine. If granted a few more seasons, the 3 Kings Arc can have this handled (then maybe it might not feel so empty, lol)
👉🏼 MAN MEIKO KAIJI FOR ONE EPISODE CMON. 😭 But that just tells me that this adaptation might have ultimately edited certain parts or re wrote the script to kill off Genkai so early because of budgetary constraints.
👉🏼 The pacing really took a lot from the emotional pay-off in the last two episodes. I want more interactions! Esp between the four. Yusuke and Kuwabara really had a good rapport. It's nice to know the actors became close with each other IRL too.
👉🏼 Keiko and Yukina interacting is so endearing to me. ❤️
👉🏼 IDC what anyone says Botan's outfit is fucking beautiful. Those piercings and peep toe boots? Amazing.
👉🏼 Although I have to say that some of the outfits (esp the ones in the Casino at Ep. 1) feel weird and make it hard to place this adaptation.
👉🏼 I love that, even though we don't get a lot of interactions between Yusuke and Keiko, the Live Action highlights gets the core of their relationship. More than just Yusuke's childhood friend and voice of reason, Keiko is his moral compass and sees him for who he is.
👉🏼 Dat Smile Bomb Easter egg really hit me in my kokoro. 💖
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rargend · 1 year ago
I for one would be delighted if the live action makes yu yu hakusho relevant again
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rargend · 1 year ago
Now I hope they also do the BANG scene 🤩
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they really did it. kurama karasu hair scene. hiroya shimizu looks perfect as karasu. i'm hyperventilating.
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rargend · 1 year ago
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Cursed Child and Master of the Evil Eye, Hiei from the live action Yu Yu Hakusho
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rargend · 1 year ago
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Kuwabara: Hey, y'know, this game's got me thinkin'...
Yusuke: Wow, really? Remind me to mark it down for posterity. "On this day, Kuwabara had a thought."
Kuwabara: Shuddup! I'm tryin' to be serious here. Jeez, you really don't know when to quit, do ya?
Yusuke: It's a genetic flaw. Take it up with Atsuko.
Yusuke: [Sigh] ...Alright, fine. What's eatin' ya, Mr. Serious?
Kuwabara: I was just thinkin'. The next, uh, whatsit. The next tournament thingy.
Yusuke: You talkin' about the Unification Tournament?
Kuwabara: Yeah! That! It's comin' up soon, ain't it?
Yusuke: Uh, yeah. Preliminaries start in a few months. Why? You thinkin' of signing up?
Kuwabara: Oh, sure, and get my butt kicked into next week by you and your dead dad's uber-jacked sparrin' buddies? No thanks. I saw the replays. Those weirdos fight in a whole 'nuther league.
Yusuke: Hey, watch it, those weirdos were my dead dad's closest friends. Also, he wasn't my dad.
Kuwabara: Whatever. I was actually wonderin' if you were enterin' this year.
Yusuke: Me?
Kuwabara: Yeah, you.
Yusuke: ...I mean... yeah, duh. 'Course I am. I founded the damn thing, didn't I? I'd look like a total flake if I bailed for the second ever season. Besides, it gives me somethin' to work towards. You know. Keeps me motivated.
Kuwabara: Does Keiko know?
Yusuke: ......
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rargend · 1 year ago
i LOVE how yusuke is never a moral compass. he's never even shown pretending to be one. the author never even tries to trick the audience into thinking he is one. (like gon)
in the NINTH episode he doesnt even want to attempt to save people on a three day weekend until BRIBED. hes not a piller that crumbles, or a wall that stands firm. hes not even an askew line that slowly straightens into a more morally upright fellow.
hes a morally ambiguous person the whole time.
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rargend · 1 year ago
The writer's blessing:
May you write 1,500 words with ease.May your characters be lively and not cardboard.May you need little editing. May your muse visit you as soon as you sit. May the Internet not distract you much. May your phone lie dormant while you write.
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rargend · 1 year ago
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My bookshelf is looking much cooler now
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rargend · 1 year ago
Tbh the best characters in any show could all use some therapy
yyh is so good i want to violently smack yusuke across the back of the head and then gently shove him into a therapist’s office
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rargend · 1 year ago
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So many Yu Yu Hakusho posters around Roppongi!
(Posted November 18th, 2023)
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rargend · 1 year ago
I’m surprised there’s another pop up store happening so soon, since there was just one in Tokyo this month! Or are they usually this frequent? 😅
This looks much cooler than the one I went bth, but I’m still glad I had the opportunity 🙏
Why can’t I just live in Tokyo full time?
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Illustrations based on the concept "fighting from the back angle"
I wish all the boys had naked backs XD
Details of the Yu Yu Hakusho POP UP SHOP in TOWER RECORDS have finally been unveiled. It will be held at 4 Tower Records stores and online, from December 8 to December 17, 2023. There are benefits for those who buy BOX versions on the online shop, and for those who spend a certain amount at the physical stores.
■ Official site: tower.jp
■ Tower Records Stores: Shibuya, Abeno Hoop, Nagoya Kintetsu Pass'e, Fukuoka Parco, and on the online store (AMNIBUS)
■ POP UP SHOP period: December 8 to December 17, 2023
■ Goods:
Trading Can Badges (12 types)
Price: Single: 440 yen (blind) / BOX: 5,280 yen (all types)
Size: (approximately) 56mm in diameter
Material: paper, tin *Tower Records Online only sells BOX
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Online exclusive benefit for those who purchase one set of the "Can Badge BOX" on AMNIBUS:
Kurama/Youko Square Can Badge
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*In the future, when ordering on the EC site "AMNIBUS", they are also planning to offer "Yusuke Urameshi/Koenma Square Can Badge" as exclusive benefit.
Trading Bromide (12 types)
Price: Single item: 275 yen (blind) / BOX: 3,300 yen (all types)
Size: (approx.) 12.7 x 8.9cm
Material: paper *Tower Records Online only sells BOX
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Online exclusive benefits for those who purchase one set of the "Bromide BOX" on AMNIBUS:
Kurama/Youko Bromide
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*In the future, when ordering on the EC site "AMNIBUS", they are also planning to offer "Yusuke Urameshi & Kazuma Kuwabara bromide" as a BOX purchase benefit.
Trading Acrylic Stand (12 types)
Price:Single item: 880 yen (blind) / BOX: 10,560 yen (all types)
Size: Body: (approx.) 70 x 60mm/Pedestal: (approx.) 25 x 60mm/ Thickness: 3mm
Material: acrylic *Tower Records Online only sells BOX
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Online exclusive benefits for those who purchase one set of the "Acrylic Stand BOX" on AMNIBUS:
Kurama/Hiei Acrylic Stand
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*In the future, when ordering on the EC site "AMNIBUS", they are also planning to offer "Yusuke Urameshi & Koenma Acrylic Stand" as a BOX purchase benefit.
Trading Acrylic Card (12 types)
Price: Single item: 715 yen (blind) /BOX: 8,580 yen (all types)
Size: (approx.) 80 x 60mm/Thickness: 1mm
Material: acrylic
*Tower Records Online only sells BOX
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Online exclusive benefits for those who purchase one set of the "Acrylic Card BOX" on AMNIBUS:
Kurama/Hiei Acrylic Card
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*In the future, at the time of order sales on the EC site "AMNIBUS", they are also planning to offer "Yusuke Urameshi & Koenma Acrylic Card" as a BOX purchase benefit.
BIG Acrylic Stand (6 types)
Price: 1,980 yen each
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Extra Large Acrylic Stand (6 types)
Price: 3,300 yen each
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Acrylic Keychain (6 types)
Price: 990 yen each
Size: Character: (approx.) Height 40 x Width 35mm/Motif Charm: (Approx.) Height 16 x Width 40mm/Thickness: 3mm
Material: acrylic
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Chara Fine Graph (6 types)
Price: 14,300 yen each
Size: Picture frame: (approx.) 44 x 35.4cm/Illustration: A4/Plate: (approx.) 1.5 x 5cm Material: Paper/frame: Resin/plate: Aluminum
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A3 Matte Poster (6 types)
Price: 880 yen each
Size: A3
Material: paper
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Canvas Board (6 types)
Price: 5,500 yen each
Size: F3 (273 x 220mm)
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Desk Mat (1 type)
Price: 3,850 yen
Size: (approx.) 35 x 60cm
Material: polyester, rubber
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■ Store Limited Benefits
Illustration Card (6 types, random)
At Tower Records Shibuya store, Abeno Hoop store, Nagoya Kintetsu Pass'e store, and Fukuoka Parco store, for every 2,000 yen (tax included) purchase of eligible products, you will receive an in-store limited "illustration card" at random.
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rargend · 5 years ago
Emma and Ray: *just being together on the frame*
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rargend · 8 years ago
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i am so obsessed with how old he is
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rargend · 8 years ago
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rargend · 8 years ago
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