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I'd like to be a man.
I'd like to be a man to be able to swear without anyone commenting on it.
I'd like to be a man to sit however I wanted to.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't feel terrified every time I was left alone for more than 2 minutes in a public place.
I'd like to be a man so I wouldn't have to think about the statistics of sexual abuse and realize that it is more likely a matter of "when" it's gonna happen instead of "if" it's gonna happen.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't have to contantly look over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being followed.
I'd like to be a man so I could be called "intimidating" without the judgement and the actual fear in the eyes, but rather with the admiration.
I'd like to be a man so my dark humour and sarcasm could be fully appreciated.
I'd like to be a man so my tone of voice wouldn't be considered loud and annoying, but commanding and fun.
I'd like to be a man so my feminism would be something to be proud of instead of something else to be judged about.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't have to justify the fact that I do or don't want kids.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't have to go through my period.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't feel like I had to make myself smaller in some situations, wether it was consciously or unconsciously.
I'd like to be a man so reading and watching tv shows and movies was something that made me interesting instead of weird.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't have to learn at the age of 10 that if a boy that you don't know screams at you, you are supposed to simply ignore him.
I'd like to be a man so the way I talk to people would be considered fine instead of "off putting".
I'd like to be a man so that my mom wouldn't automatically call me to deal with luch for the day when she is not home.
I'd like to be a man so my grandma didn't tell me every time I talk to her that I need to help my mom more in the kitchen and with the house (and not once mentioned it to my brothers).
I'd like to be a man so the sentence "she had it comming dressed/walking in the dark/drunk like that" wouldn't even be thought if I was sexually assaulted.
I'd like to be a man so I wouldn't have to wonder if I am not getting hired based on my gender.
I'd like to be a man so I wouldn't have to listen to tips and advice to not be assaulted and self defense classes in case worst comes to worse.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't have to know that if something is ever happening to me, I should scream "fire" so people pay attention.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't have to think about possibly getting drugged at a bar, party, restaurant or actually anywhere.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't have to think about what to do if I ever get drugged at a bar, party, restaurant or actually anywhere.
I'd like to be a man so the way I dress wouldn't dictate my worth.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't have to think if the way I dress is going to atract unwanted attention that could lead to unwanted assault.
I'd like to be a man to have pockets instead of having to carry a purse.
I'd like to be a man so I didn't automatically be considered a gossip, and actually justify the fact that I am really the opposit.
I'd like to be a man so I could talk about sex without being sexualised.
So yes, a lot of the time I like to be a woman. But the rest of the time?
I'd like to be a man.
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“Neutralidad y falta de progreso. Este pedazo de tierra es un tren que no obedece ordenes. Somos la mancha negra que daña este bonito paisaje. Somos el tema de comedia de muchos y la tristeza del mundo. La cuna del libertador que tiene de todo menos libertad. Personas con altas dosis de agresividad en sus venas y poca de ser buena. Somos ese lugar donde el sol no se pone y solo el tirano come. Somos una ciudad de despedidas queriendo dar bienvenidas. Somos esa madre que a su hijo llora y ese hijo que si mira atras se desmorona. Estamos tan acostumbrados a recibir golpes que ya nada nos rompe. Corazones obligados a ser de piedra y mentes selladas con cercas, o eso aparentan. Somos los hombros del que carga cemento y la barriga del que pasa hambre. Pero sobre todo. Somos como el sol que sale todas las mañanas Afrontamos a la vida con la fuerza de un tornado y le gritamos con la fuerza de un rayo. Somos el amarillo de las riquezas, el azul del mar y el rojo de la sangre que se derrama. Vemos luz donde solo hay sombra, agarramos fuerza donde solo queda zozobra. Dedicado a Venezuela, no rima solo solté líricas.”
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You are loved💘
It doesn’t make sense to call ourselves ugly, because we don’t really see ourselves. We don’t watch ourselves sleeping in bed, curled up and silent with chests rising and falling with our own rhythm. We don’t see ourselves reading a book, eyes fluttering and glowing. You don’t see yourself looking at someone with love and care inside your heart. There’s no mirror in your way when you’re laughing and smiling and happiness is leaking out of you. You would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are in if you saw yourself in the moments where you are truly yourself.
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whoever’s reading this, i pray that you find happiness. not temporary happiness, or “if i pretend and put on a smile & laugh, maybe i’ll be happy” kind of happiness, but long lasting real happiness. the kind of happiness that makes ur face glow & lights up ur soul. you deserve it
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Stop for a second and look around you
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And sometimes, sometimes, it’s too much and you just want it to stop. You don’t want to go away but you don’t want to be there. You just want for the world to stop moving for a few moments, for the fear and stress and all of it to just stop for a second and let you breath in deeply, without feeling that you may drown in your own thougts. Because sometimes, just sometimes, you just want it to stop.
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