rangers-arecool · 3 hours
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Send “UNF” to pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE
Send “UGH” to pin my muse against the wall from FURY
Send “DONT” to pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING
Send “AH” to pin my muse against the wall but letting a RANDOMIZER choose
Send “OOF” to pin my muse against the wall by ACCIDENT
Send “HA” to pin my muse against the wall as a JOKE
Send “NO” to pin my muse against the wall to PROTECT THEM
Send “LISTEN” to hug my muse against the wall to let them know they LOVE THEM
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rangers-arecool · 8 hours
  The soft spoken Dúnadan hadn’t realised quite how much she had needed Éomer’s reassurance about Theo, until tension visibly faded from her. She was happy to stay there, leaning against the taller man and, unnoticed by her, completely relaxed. Something that was rare now.
  Dark eyes shifted to meet his own, relying on more than just his words. Although Hal trusted the Horse-lord, time and experience had made her apt at checking emotions and body language to make sure it matched. Not that she had expected anything different off him.
  “I didn’t want to move him anyway, Éomer. Not when you, the Rohirrim and Aldburg are all that he knows. And crossing the Rohan Gap is perilous enough now, even for experienced travellers. Taking the path over Caradhras by Lothlorien would have been my only option and that isn’t easy to traverse at the best of times, given the weather.”
  Hal went back to watching Theo, aware that many were worried about the rising dangers of the Mountains. And the fears that she wouldn’t come out the other side, especially after Orcs had attacked her whilst crossing the Rohan Gap last time. That had NOT been a pleasant discussion when the Third Marshal discovered her sorting her injuries out on her own.
Continued from here. For @rangers-arecool.
♘ ♘ ♘
Éomer felt Hal leaning into him and a slight, contented smile entered his face as he still kept an eye on the little boy playing. He knew Hal had been hurt and was healing, so thus allowed her what brought relief. Yet he dared not to let his body respond.
He quickly shook his head and returned his gaze to the ranger at his side when she suggested she could take Theo elsewhere. He had spoken of duty but regretted it not. In truth, he cared deeply for the boy and it would be sad to see him go away. He brought light and laughter to a dark time.
"No, Hal, he can stay here. A hole would he leave behind if you did so. He is no burden to me, or any of the folk who live here. Éowyn also does adore him. I did not mean to imply that he is too much."
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rangers-arecool · 10 hours
RIP Dame Maggie Smith.
No one will ever play Minerva McGonagall quite like you did.
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rangers-arecool · 1 day
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"If I were a lesser man, I would confess my heart to you here, where no eyes can witness our folly."
"You speak of honor, my lord, but your gaze tells a different story."
"Duty binds us to another, but it is my heart that is drawn to you."
"A single dance is all I ask. Let the world say what they will."
"Your marriage contract is written in ink, but our bond was sealed in blood."
"There is no greater treason than what my heart conspires when I see you."
"A crown is a heavy burden, my lady, but it would rest lighter if you were by my side."
"Tell me your heart belongs elsewhere, and I shall never speak of this again."
"It would be a scandal if they knew how often I think of you."
"A marriage of alliances is what they see, but between us, I see more."
"Your touch is forbidden, but I crave it more than all the gold in the kingdom."
"My honor demands I walk away, yet here I remain, waiting for you."
"Shall we speak of politics, or shall we speak of what truly lies between us?"
"Your father’s alliances are well and good, but none can offer what I do—my heart."
"Would you defy your House to be with me? For I would burn the world to claim you."
"Let the court whisper all they wish. My only concern is your heart."
"There are eyes upon us, but do they know how deeply I adore you?"
"Do not speak of duty when your hand fits so perfectly in mine."
"One day, my love, they will write songs of the battles we fought to be together."
"If I must marry her, then know my heart will always belong to you."
"The realm would shatter if they knew the depths of my affection for you."
"A prince may sit upon the throne, but I rule only when you are near."
"You’re promised to another, but every word you speak feels like a vow to me."
"Your kiss would be the end of my honor, yet I cannot resist the temptation."
"I will marry for duty, but I shall love only for you."
"My kingdom is vast, but without you, it is empty."
"If you give me a sign, just one, I will renounce all that ties me to her."
"The stars above witness what I cannot say aloud—I am yours."
"Is it love or a dangerous game we play, my lady?"
"I would bend the knee to no one but you."
"Your name is on the lips of courtiers, but it is my heart that whispers it at night."
"I see the burden of your crown, and I wish only to share it with you."
"I could face a thousand armies, but your smile is what truly unmans me."
"They say the gods have destined our paths, yet my heart rebels for you."
"A kiss from you would ruin me, but what a glorious ruin it would be."
"There is no realm so vast that it could keep me from you."
"One glance, and all thoughts of duty flee. I live only for your love."
"What use is a crown when the heart is so divided?"
"I see the banners of our Houses in battle, yet I dream only of your embrace."
"Speak plainly, my lord. Do you wish for an alliance or something far more dangerous?"
"I will not ask for your heart, but know mine is already yours."
"The court dances around us, but you are the only step I wish to take."
"Your hand is promised to him, yet your heart beats for me. I feel it."
"Our families may be at war, but I long to lay down my sword at your feet."
"One touch from you, and the world could burn. I would care not."
"This is not the place to speak of love, yet I find no other words come to mind."
"Do not ask me to be content with only your friendship when I desire so much more."
"Your marriage may be arranged, but love is something we can still claim for ourselves."
"I have fought wars, but the greatest battle is hiding my affection for you."
"Would you forsake your titles if it meant you could have me?"
"My lady, one kiss, and I would renounce all crowns and titles for you."
"We are betrothed to others, yet my heart chooses you every time."
"I long for a life with you, but I fear the cost would be too great."
"The court will gossip, but they cannot understand what we share."
"One secret look from you, and I will forget all loyalties."
"They see us as pawns, but my feelings for you are real."
"A night with you would be worth all the betrayals of the realm."
"Marry him if you must, but know I will always wait for you."
"Our union would tear the realm apart, yet I cannot let you go."
"The gods have willed our paths to cross, but only we can choose what comes next."
“Our houses are enemies, my lord, yet here you stand, offering your hand.”
“You know well that a marriage between us would seal more than a treaty.”
“I should not want you, but how can I resist when the stars seem to conspire for us?”
“Duty and love seldom walk the same path, but perhaps we can change that.”
“Your gaze lingers longer than is proper, but I cannot say I wish it otherwise.”
“If my heart belonged to my house, I might deny you… but it belongs to you.”
“What can I offer a prince who already possesses a kingdom? Surely not my heart alone.”
“We have danced around this long enough. Say it—do you love me or not?”
“This court is filled with lies and shadows, yet you… you are the one truth I cling to.”
“If we are caught, my lady, it will not just be scandal—it will be war.”
“The crown sits heavy on your brow, but when you smile at me, you wear no weight at all.”
“It is dangerous to love you, but a life without danger is no life at all.”
“We speak in whispers, but my heart shouts for you.”
“You have kingdoms to conquer, and I have a heart to guard—yet both will fall if we stand together.”
“Even if the world burns for our love, I will never regret a moment of it.”
“What would your father think, seeing his son court the daughter of his enemy?”
“I should leave before we are discovered, but you have a way of making me forget caution.”
“Marrying you would be the end of my family, but losing you would be the end of me.”
“Does the crown prince bow to no one? Because I have seen you bend at my feet.”
“If your heart is as cold as the steel you wield, then why do you seek my warmth?”
“They say dragons and wolves cannot share a den, yet here we are.”
“My marriage was arranged, but my love… that is my own choice.”
“You think we could be happy in the shadows? I would bring you into the light.”
“They’ll say you’ve bewitched me, but I know it is I who sought your spell.”
“We cannot be together—too many eyes watch us, too many mouths would speak.”
“I cannot marry you, but I will not marry another.”
“This ring… I stole it from my father’s treasury, but it belongs to you now.”
“Our love is a secret, but it is the most real thing in this cursed court.”
“Every time you walk past me without a word, my heart breaks a little more.”
“Do you think this cloak hides us from the world? No—only our hearts can.”
“The king may order my marriage, but he cannot order my love.”
“I have sworn fealty to the crown, but to you… I give my heart.”
“If this court knew the truth of us, they would tear us apart.”
“You stand too close, my lord. But do not think for a moment that I will step away.”
“Would you still love me if I had no title? If I were no one at all?”
“The political alliance may be settled, but what of the alliance between us?”
“We are but pawns in their game, yet I find I am drawn to you all the same.”
“A kiss in the dark—was it a promise or a farewell?”
“I love you, but I will not be your queen if I cannot be your equal.”
“If your father knew what passed between us, his sword would be the least of our worries.”
“A crown is not what I seek from you; I want only your heart.”
“They think I love you for power, but the truth is far simpler—I love you because you are you.”
“We have danced at a dozen balls, but I crave only the dance we share in secret.”
“Even if the kingdom falls, my love for you will stand eternal.”
“You say I must marry for duty. But I wish to marry for love.”
“Every look from you feels like a stolen kiss in a room full of spies.”
“They would call us traitors for this, but love knows no loyalty to crowns.”
“When you speak of the future, do you see me beside you, or is my place already taken?”
“Let the court gossip, let them plot—I care not. I care only for you.”
“You think I courted you for your title? No, I courted you because you are the only one who truly sees me.”
“This sword may defend my honor, but it is your love that defends my soul.”
“I should not love you, but when have I ever obeyed the rules of court?”
“Your kiss may be forbidden, but I would rather have it than any crown.”
“If this is the last time we meet, let it be with love on our lips, not sorrow.”
“You think I belong to the throne? I belong to you.”
“There will be no heirs without love, and there will be no love without you.”
“I do not seek a king—I seek a partner, a love that burns through the ages.”
“In another life, perhaps I could have courted you openly, without fear.”
“We may be enemies, but my heart knows no such war.”
“Even if I lose everything, I will never lose my love for you.”
 Writing Prompts:
A lord risks his reputation to visit a forbidden love in the dead of night, knowing discovery could mean death.
A noblewoman is torn between her duty to marry for alliance and her growing affection for a knight beneath her station.
A marriage is arranged between two rival Houses, but the bride finds herself drawn to the groom’s brother.
At a grand tournament, a knight declares his love for a lady promised to another, causing a scandal in the court.
The heir to the throne must choose between a politically advantageous marriage or the one they truly love.
A lady is forced to wed a cruel lord but begins a secret romance with his trusted guard.
Two childhood friends, both of noble birth, find themselves on opposite sides of a war while trying to conceal their love.
A prince seeks the hand of a foreign princess for a strategic alliance but falls in love with her maid.
A lady-in-waiting falls for the king, knowing their love could threaten the stability of the realm.
After the death of her betrothed, a noblewoman finds herself pursued by his best friend, who has loved her all along.
A princess defies her family’s wishes to pursue a love affair with a rogue mercenary.
During peace negotiations between two warring kingdoms, the heirs from each side fall in love.
A knight tasked with protecting a noblewoman finds himself hopelessly in love with her, despite her betrothal.
At a royal feast, a noblewoman invites scandal by asking a prince from a rival kingdom to dance.
An arranged marriage is doomed from the start as the bride secretly loves the king's sworn enemy.
A foreign diplomat comes to court to negotiate a treaty but becomes entangled in a forbidden romance with the queen.
A betrothed prince and princess find themselves longing for others at court rather than each other.
A forbidden romance blossoms between a high-born lady and her father’s most trusted squire.
A rebellious nobleman attempts to ruin his family's arranged marriage by seducing his betrothed's handmaiden.
After a failed coup, a nobleman is held prisoner in the castle and falls in love with the king's daughter.
A knight wins a princess's favor in a joust but must navigate the court's dangerous politics to remain close to her.
A widow is pressured to remarry for political reasons, but her heart belongs to her late husband's brother.
A young nobleman must choose between family loyalty and his growing affection for an enemy spy.
A queen's closest advisor conceals his love for her as she contemplates a new marriage for the sake of the realm.
In a war-torn kingdom, a prince hides his love for the daughter of the enemy's general.
A commoner saves a noblewoman’s life, leading to a romance that defies all courtly conventions.
A princess defies her father’s wishes by pursuing a love affair with her sworn protector.
A noblewoman enlists the help of a mage to conceal her forbidden relationship with a member of the court.
A foreign prince sent to court to solidify an alliance is drawn to a lady-in-waiting rather than his intended bride.
Two heirs from opposing families must decide if their love is worth the risk of plunging their kingdoms into war.
Write a scene where a noblewoman sends her favorite knight a token of affection before battle, knowing they must keep their love secret.
A princess is courted by a rival prince, but she realizes she’s more drawn to his younger brother, a knight with no claim to the throne.
The marriage between two warring houses is meant to bring peace, but secret lovers on opposing sides must decide whether to betray their families or each other.
Write a scene where two political rivals share a stolen kiss in the middle of a negotiation, unsure if it’s love or manipulation.
A royal wedding is interrupted by a former lover, who makes a shocking declaration that could change the fate of the kingdom.
The court is abuzz with rumors of a hidden romance between a highborn lady and a mysterious foreign diplomat. What happens when their secret is revealed?
Write a forbidden romance between a prince and his most trusted knight, both of whom know their love will never be accepted by the realm.
A noblewoman is betrothed to a powerful lord, but a masked stranger at a masquerade ball captures her heart.
The queen’s handmaid catches the eye of a visiting lord, but the queen herself has plans for him.
A young heir must choose between a politically advantageous marriage and the commoner they’ve secretly been seeing.
Two nobles, one from the north and one from the south, fall in love despite their families being long-standing enemies.
A sorceress and a prince develop feelings for each other, but their magic and duty threaten to tear them apart.
Write a scene where a forbidden couple meets in a hidden grove, discussing whether they can ever truly be together.
A powerful noblewoman is tasked with spying on a visiting prince but ends up falling for him.
The princess falls in love with her sworn protector, knowing the kingdom would never approve of such a match.
A royal engagement is arranged, but during a secret meeting, the betrothed couple discovers they are each in love with other people.
Write a scene where a knight confesses their love to a princess, knowing it could cost them their head.
Two royals from rival kingdoms fall in love through secret letters, but neither knows the other's true identity.
The court whispers of a secret romance between the queen and her advisor—how long can they keep it hidden?
A betrothed noblewoman falls for her intended husband’s brother, creating tension at court.
Two lovers from opposing sides of a civil war meet on the battlefield and must decide between love and loyalty.
A widowed queen is courted by her late husband’s rival, and she must navigate her heart and her duty to the crown.
A lady-in-waiting is drawn to the king’s bastard son, but court politics make their love dangerous.
A knight is sent to escort a noblewoman to her wedding but falls in love with her on the journey.
A commoner saved by a prince in battle is invited to court, where they struggle to keep their feelings hidden.
Two nobles secretly betrothed as children meet for the first time as adults and discover that their feelings for one another are far from what their families hoped.
A prince courts a lady-in-waiting to his betrothed, creating political tensions within the kingdom.
Write a scene where a nobleman uses a dance at a royal ball to secretly profess his love for a woman already promised to another.
The heir to the throne falls in love with the enemy queen, leading to forbidden meetings in the midst of war.
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rangers-arecool · 1 day
Although seemingly preoccupied, a slight tilt of her head made it clear that no one could creep up on them without her knowledge. Hal didn't look up when the movement paused, already knowing who it was. Theo's excited call of 'Eo'!' only comfirmed it.
It took her just seconds to finish the response and put it in the completed pile at her side, before putting her writing equipment down. She looked up then, giving Éomer a rarely seen soft smile.
"Good afternoon, Third Marshal." Her words were gentle teasing, in light of his more formal clothing. "Thought I'd get it out of the way but then... you would know all about replying to courting letters, wouldn't you?" Dark eyes glinted with playfulness, which was even rarer than her smiles.
For: Éomer | @menelvagor Muse: Hal Place: Aldburg, Rohan
"Mama pretty!"
A soft laugh came from the young woman in a simple blue Rohirric dress, who was sitting under a nearby tree. Only a few of Aldburg's residents had connected her with the Ranger of the North who visited as often as she could, to see the little boy growing up there. "Thank-you Theo."
Most of her attention was making sure that her son didn't get into any trouble as he played in the water. Whilst the other part was focused on writing replies of polite refusal to the various courting letters she had received lately. It was warm and she had been banned from returning to Esteldin for three weeks by her Chieftain, giving her plenty of time to spend with Theo and anyone who came to see them.
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rangers-arecool · 1 day
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My mood has spiralled rather badly in the last few hours. So disappearing for a while. Shitty week - not getting any better.
Current owes for this blog & Elves can be found here
- Lou.
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rangers-arecool · 3 days
She didn't mind the staring, aware that her appearance had come as a complete surprise to him. Of all her treasured childhood memories, it was their horse rides that she kept close; part of the reason why she had become the Black Rider in the first place. To stay near one of the few people, outside of her father's kin, who knew her from before.
"I.." The quiet young woman tensed momentarily, before relaxing again and leaned into the hug. "I wanted to stop and tell you... But I didn't want my presence to become known, in-case it endangered you or your kingdom, Éomer. It was easier to remain at a distance, even if it did hurt." She murmured softly, not pulling away from her friend. "I have missed you too."
He knew that he was staring at Hal now but did not care what she thought of it; he was reminiscing about their horse rides together and all the lost time between them. Looking at her, and into her eyes, he could see a remnant of her much younger self. Even despite the scars.
He smiled when she admitted she wanted to see him. "A mighty fine search you led me on," he commented and then enveloped her up into a hug - to show that he did not want her to go again. "I have missed you, my friend!"
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rangers-arecool · 4 days
There had been many times before, where she had wanted to reintroduce herself to him. But safety had always been on her mind; both of her own and his. So she never tried, no matter how much it had hurt when he tried to find out who the Black Rider was. However Star, her wild companion, was usually far too fast for him to catch both of them.
Hal shifted slightly, watching her old friend approach. Despite the black clothing she wore, it was still obvious that she had grown into a beautiful young woman. Most of her scars were hidden but a still healing one ran diagonal across the corner of her lips and below her collar.
"You've been searching for me and.. I wanted to see you. But.. I can leave if you'd prefer..."
@menelvagor :: eomer | reply to this ::
The speaker was just hidden out of his sight, expression carefully neutral for the moment. It had been a while since she had last dared to get this close to her childhood friend. That was before the invitation arrived, one that she hadn't responded to.
Hal stepped out of the shadows quietly, looking wary at being this close to him. Dressed in repaired black riding gear and her long hair pulled back with a plain band, there was little to show that she was a former Princess.
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rangers-arecool · 4 days
@menelvagor :: eomer | reply to this ::
The speaker was just hidden out of his sight, expression carefully neutral for the moment. It had been a while since she had last dared to get this close to her childhood friend. That was before the invitation arrived, one that she hadn't responded to.
Hal stepped out of the shadows quietly, looking wary at being this close to him. Dressed in repaired black riding gear and her long hair pulled back with a plain band, there was little to show that she was a former Princess.
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rangers-arecool · 5 days
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Flag of Gondor in Pride Colours.
Working on owes in Scrivener so will be on the quiet side. In the meantime though, if you'd like to know anything (be reasonable!) about the muse; ask box is open!
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rangers-arecool · 5 days
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All sentences on these meme make references to royal balls, medieval ballrooms or regency, basically set during any period drama. You can change names, pronouns, titles and more as you see fit. Most of these were taken from different source materials found via google search. This meme makes references to masquerades, royal dances and partners.
Dancing, at its best, is independence and intimacy in balance.
Dance is the timeless interpretation of life.
Music does not need language of words for it has movements of dance to do its translation.
Masks reveal. They don’t conceal. Masks reveal your cravings, your passion, your deepest most secret desires.
It was you. I know it was you.
Look at me, Kia! Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not her.
And who shall you be once you don your grand disguise?
I don't like to hear you talk about yourself that way. Your scars do not define you, young lady. Your action do.
All the ladies must dress the same and the men have to find their partners. It’s a game of sorts. 
Even the smallfolk have their own version of the ball, at the steps of the castle.
Swoon, Dora. Every young woman deserves to swoon over the love of her life.
Dash it, Everton, how'd you know it was me?
A masquerade could have been a beautiful dance. 
 Oh, well. What's a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and-and-and boring, and-and completely... Completely wonderful.
Each finds a partner, and upon the bell, we must change partner until we find the one we came to be. . .or the one we desire.
It has been a while since you gave me the honor to dance with you.
If the princess is not too occupied, I would wish for a dance, perhaps?
The Queen and King have to open the ball but the King is gone. No mind, I shall be in his place.
Sometimes in life confusion tends to arise and only dialogue of dance seems to make sense.
If we want our men to dance, we have to inspire them. 
 But with something more, something bigger, something that will give them a reason to want to dance.
But when balls are held for pleasure, They're the balls that I like best.
Will you be my princess for the Ball?
Keeping pushing, Andrei, and you and I are going to play a game.
Nothing like a ball to cheer a nation, give the old lords wine and the young boys the opportunity to find a nice woman and everyone shows up.
Where are you taking me? The ball hasn’t ended.
Royals is like a beautiful, broken angel: hard to look at, but utterly impossible to turn away from.
Attend the royal ball in all your glory and find out what fate has in store for you.
How many dances is one allowed before people begin to whisper?
You cannot behave like a brute. It is my duty to dance with every suitor. I am their princess.
I do not recognize you, my lord? Are you from these lands? 
It is bad luck to steal a princess.
Attend the royal ball in all your glory and find out what fate has in store for you.
There is nothing quite like dancing in the moonlight. It sets your soul on fire and your heart aflutter.
The beauty of a ball is not just in its grandeur, but in the connections it sparks, the emotions it stirs, and the hopes it ignites.
Just keep your eyes on me. No one else here matters.
I shall keep dancing with you until you stop being stubborn and go speak with me. Or you rather have people whisper?
The princess looks beautiful tonight, does she not?
Father, please, you must dance as well. Your dull looks are making people bored.
You promised me a dance when you were better. Are you?
I've loved you at every dance, on every walk, every time we've been together and every time we've been apart.
I can feel people's eyes on me.
Every time I walk into a ballroom, I know they are comparing me to Daphne.
You both get to choose your passions and adventures, while my beloved is chosen by me. And now I must join them for a dance.
Are you planning on running away when the clock strikes midnight? 
If you do wish to go away, I know a spot, secluded enough.
You wish for me to go with you, alone, unchaperoned. I am a maiden, my lord. 
Aye, but I am no lord, sweet maiden. And these masks allow us some privacy.
This is my last chance to find a match on my own accord. If I don’t. The King will do it for me and I would rather not.
 I'm only a girl, not a princess.
Believe me - they're all looking at you.
 They're all looking at you.
You are requested and required to present yourself to your king.
 I do not even know if that beautiful slipper will fit But, if it does--will you take me as I am?
 It would be an insult to take you to the palace dressed in these old rags.
How charming, how perfectly charming.
When I go back, they will try to pair me off with a lady of their choosing. I'm expected to marry for advantage.
Oh. Well, whose advantage would this marriage be of?
I hope you don't find our kingdom too confining.
I am. An apprentice monarch. Still learning my trade.
Our prince seems quite taken with her.
She went straight for him. You have to appreciate her efficiency.
Walk into the room knowing you are the best. Shoulders back, chin up. Their attitudes will totally change.
You dance love, and you dance joy, and you dance dreams.
The ball is about to come to an end, and you have yet not told me your name. 
I thought we agreed we would remain strangers.
I’m afraid my true identity would put you in danger. 
Have you ever been kissed by a stranger at the end of a ball? If not, let me be the first.
Put him on all the invitation lists, he's a divine dancer.
I’m afraid I’m more used to swordfight than ballroom.
You will ruin your pretty gown, princess. I would not wish to step on your toes.
 Silly, I am a great dancer, no one ever steps on my toes.
No. Let them dance. Interrupting would cause a scandal.
One of these men will be my husband one day. What a thought.
The art of husband seeking at it’s peak, during royal ball season. 
Maiden beware, a gentleman can become a beast when the bell strikes.
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rangers-arecool · 6 days
For: Éomer | @menelvagor Muse: Hal Place: Aldburg, Rohan
"Mama pretty!"
A soft laugh came from the young woman in a simple blue Rohirric dress, who was sitting under a nearby tree. Only a few of Aldburg's residents had connected her with the Ranger of the North who visited as often as she could, to see the little boy growing up there. "Thank-you Theo."
Most of her attention was making sure that her son didn't get into any trouble as he played in the water. Whilst the other part was focused on writing replies of polite refusal to the various courting letters she had received lately. It was warm and she had been banned from returning to Esteldin for three weeks by her Chieftain, giving her plenty of time to spend with Theo and anyone who came to see them.
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rangers-arecool · 7 days
For: Halbarad :: @menelvagor Muse: Hal Verses: Fading Light & The Sentinel
  A peaceful, clear starlit night with the full moon shining down and bathing everything in it’s bright silvery light. Or at least… that’s what it should have been. But instead, the darkened moonlight shone down on a land broken apart by cracks and crevasses in which shadows twisted and snaked. Never dispersing even in the light of day, for the sunlight could not touch them.
  Hoofbeats shattered the eerie silence of a desolate and abandoned farm, passing thorough broken fields on which stalks of golden wheat once grew. But now there was nothing growing, except for wild grasses and the few wildflowers that could survive on the darkness tainted earth. The farmers and animals who had called this place home, were now long gone.
  Miles had already been covered by the black Rohan warhorse and his rider. Traversing the ruined landscape easily and leaving the wargs that had tried to follow, far behind. But their long journey was not yet finished, for they still had far to travel to reach their destination and neither wanted to be caught out by daylight.
Hytbold | Rohan
  Had it not been for Hal, they would never have been able to make Hytbold into the safe zone it was now. Yet to many of those outside of the Dúnedain, the Commander of Esteldin had finally followed in her father’s footsteps. A fact that was completely untrue but one they couldn’t disperse at that moment. Even though Hal had continually proven her loyalty to both Aragorn and her kin, the sceptics had still remained.
  However what many of the Rangers knew, was that Hal had been on a long term undercover mission. In Carn Dum, Angmar. One way coded messages were the only communication that Aragorn received from her. But it had given them a chance to find the burned down town and for that, he was grateful. Although still worried for his friend and second in command.
  With a message of just a few words in his hand, the Dúnedain Chieftain went to find the one Ranger it would affect the most. It didn't take long to find the older Sentinel as he rarely went far from the East Guard Tower, the one facing the direction of his Guide.
"Halbarad. I'm taking over your duty tonight. You'll going to be needed elsewhere soon."
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rangers-arecool · 7 days
  Growing up with the older Ranger meant she had the ability to do what most wouldn’t when it came to a senior member of their kin. Ignore him. She could feel the look that Saeradan was giving them both but unlike Halbarad, was completely immune to it and simply raised an eyebrow in response.
  Hal shifted slightly as her unfocused gaze moved away from the two men, stopping on Golodir and Corunir again with a faint frown. Darkness, very familiar darkness lingered around them but her gaze didn’t stay on them for long. It shifted once more, unseeing dark eyes scanned the forest treeline, searching for something that she couldn’t see; yet which only she could hear. But she was still listening.
   “I should be surprised that you remember that much about me but.. I shouldn’t expect anything different from the man who tried to stop me from leaving, Halbarad.” She offered him a rarely seen small smile, causing the shadows to fade from her temporarily.
  The quiet Dunadan turned and unlocked the door, leaving it open for the others as she shook her head. “No thanks needed. I’m just glad I recognised Saeradan, Candaith and Calenglad or your companions there may have had a few issues.” She nodded at the two Rangers she had previously paused on, one hand resting on the slightly glowing blue sword at her waist as they headed out. It was quiet and a bit more easier to set the necessary wards, than she had realised.
  “I…” Hal paused at his side, roughly following the direction of his gaze while waiting for the wards to finish setting. “Since 2950. I spent much of my time before that with the Dwarves of Erebor, healing and relearning to fight without the use of my eyes. I.. wasn't sure that I would be accepted back by our kin, so I came here. Blind Rangers aren’t much good to anyone.” She admitted softly, checking for any disturbances and making sure that the tracks left behind by the Grey Company were covered.
Halbarad smirked very slightly when Hal told Saeradan his introductions needed work, the look dropping when the older Ranger gave him an unamused look, as well as the blind ex-Ranger.
His face turned to a look of surprise when Hal relayed she had met his father before. He considered the words for several moments, trying to pull from his own memories anything about Hal. Well, first of all a very similar name to his own, but of course there were stories. About betrayal and evil, as one of their kind was from Angmar.
"Yes, my birthplace of Fornost. Now that I am delving back, I seem to recall more about you. My father spoke of you and your deeds, Hal," he said simply. This was not the place for further elaboration.
It was truly a relief to be able to restock supplies and rest on their way south to Rohan, especially as Halbarad had not expected the others to council stopping here. Nor to meeting someone who had once been one of them.
"We cannot thank you enough. I shall be glad to join you in this task," Halbarad answered. "Lead the way." Leaving the others to make nightly preparations, the leader of the Grey Company followed their lone host to the perimeter of her land. "How long have you lived in Dunland?" he questioned after a few minutes, now away from the other rangers. He looked off into the darkening forest nearby.
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rangers-arecool · 7 days
Nonverbal RP Starters
I’m finding it difficult to find memes for nonverbal characters ( be they mute, or just not fond of talking ) so I thought I’d make a few!
☝️ Tap my muse on the shoulder
👉 Point to something for my muse to see
🤙 Bump into my muse
😊 Sit down next to my muse
🤨 Sit down across from my muse
📓 Push/Slide [an object] across a table to my muse
✍️ Pass my muse a note
🙄 Roll their eyes at my muse
🚪 Tap on a table/door/wall/chair to get my muse’s attention without speaking
🐺 Growl at my muse
😬 Snarl/show teeth at my muse
😠 Death Glare at my muse
🙌 Push/Shove my muse
👊 Punch my muse
👖 Kick my muse in the shin
👠 Stomp on my muse’s foot
😵 Knee my muse in the gut
💀 Knee my muse in the groin
🔪 Point a weapon at my muse
🖕 Flip my muse the bird/a similar gesture
👔 Roughly pull my muse down by the collar
💢 Bang on a door/wall/table to get my muse’s attention- angrily
👩‍⚕️ Put pressure on my muse’s wound
🌡 Push my muse down to give them medical attention
🥣 Bring my muse soup/medicine when they are sick
🤢 Hold my muse’s hair back/Rub my muse’s back while they are sick/throwing up
👐 Hold my muse when they are badly wounded/dying
👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare
🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare
😭 Hold my muse when they are crying
😢Touch my muse’s shoulder while they are crying in secret
💧 Wipe away my muse’s tears
💥 Try to calm my muse during an overwhelming emotional moment
⛈ Find my muse after some kind of trauma
👕 Tug on my muse’s sleeve/shirt/skirt
🐈 Lean against my muse’s side
🤝 Hold my muse’s hand
🤗 Pull my muse into a hug
🐕 Rest their head on my muse’s shoulder/knee
🐶 Nuzzle my muse with their nose [specify a location]
✋ Touch the back of my muse’s hand
🤝 Reach for my muse’s hand to hold it
👗 Fix/Straighten my muse’s clothes
😴 Stand by the bed to see if my muse will let you under the covers with them
🛌 Crawl under the covers with my muse
🥪 Set a plate/tray/bowl of food down for my muse
😚 Kiss my muse on the cheek
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair
✨ Playfully shove my muse’s shoulder
💃 Pull my muse onto a dance floor/up to dance
🤞 Come up beside them and tap the shoulder opposite where they’re standing
😈 Jump out of the shadows to scare/startle my muse
😛 Stick their tongue out at my muse
😱 Make a silly face at my muse
🤭 Tickle my muse
👃 Poke my muse’s nose
💪 Pick my muse up
💘 Pull my muse in for a rough kiss
💕 Pull my muse in for a tender kiss
💞 Pull my muse in for a messy/desperate kiss
💖 Lean in to give my muse a sweet/chaste kiss
❤️ Lean in to give my muse a tender kiss
🔥 Pull my muse down by the collar/by their clothes - in a sexy way
😉 Pull my muse in by the hips
😲 Smack my muse’s butt
💋 Kiss my muse’s neck
👌 Push my muse down and give them a massage
👙 Pull [an article of clothing] off my muse
👀 Push my muse down on the bed
👄 Pull my muse onto the bed
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rangers-arecool · 8 days
Given that it's my birthday tomorrow, and I'm kinda dreading it, I don't know whether I'll be online much. So I'm going to try and get alot of my owes on this blog written & queued tonight.
With that said, let me know if I've missed you please? List can be found here
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rangers-arecool · 8 days
@xcursebroken ::
  3am in the morning was not an unusual time to find the elder Weasley twin still wide awake. At least, it wasn’t if you asked those who had been at Hogwarts for the past year. He had spent much of his nights awake, wandering the halls in panther form and comforting many of the students from all of the Houses. None of the staff knew, not until his collapse in Transfiguration in March. Although it had marked a turning point in his and Percy’s relationship, pulling them closer together.
  Seeing Bill and Charlie again and their whole family being together in Egypt was worth the effort of acting like the terror twin that they all knew. Even if it had George and Percy giving him side looks, for they knew it was simply a mask. Fred was curled up under a blanket, a hot chocolate by his side as he used the silence to focus on the Warding summer project that Garrick had given him. There was a pencil stuck behind his ear and a mundane ringbinder was open on his lap, while he crosschecked the wards that he would be needing.
“Not with that, big brother.” He replied mildly, before glancing up and giving Bill a faint smile. “It doesn’t mix with the potions I’m on.”
INSOMNIA : for one muse to find the other still awake at 3am
Bill rarely had trouble sleeping. His job was both physically and mentally demanding, and he usually crashed easily after a long day. It was a different beast entirely with his family visiting. The Weasleys were a loud, rambling, raucous bunch, and he loved them dearly. He'd missed the general noise and company of them while he was abroad, and he knew he would miss it again when they returned home. He'd been raised in a big family; he'd never known any other way.
The news of Sirius Black's escape had put a bit of a damper on the holiday though. He knew their mother was only keeping it together so well because all the family was together. Even Charlie had been able to get away for the week. It was some combination of the above that drove him restlessly from his bed, unsurprised to find he wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep. Bill was staying at the inn to be close with them for their trip, his tiny Ministry flat not large enough for all of them. A flick of his wand, and the teapot poured a mug for him as he sank into one of the cozy armchairs. "Top that off for you?" He nodded to Fred's cup, pulling a flask of firewhiskey from his pocket.
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