Finding the Way Forward
642 posts
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rangers-arecool · 1 hour ago
  It was his laugh that made some of her guardedness fade away as it meant he was having fun. Not a sound often heard by anyone nowadays, especially with things in the North Downs worsening gradually and the mounting missions. These few moments of laughter and playfulness were something that rarely happened now.
  Hal simply blinked when the snow fell on her, not panicking despite the fact it had completely covered. She felt his mirth- but also the anxiety that came from his side of their connection and reached out mentally to soothe him, since she wasn’t hurt. Just freezing cold for the snow had soaked through her clothes.
  ”I know you didn’t. I forgot about the tree behind me.” She admitted softly, helping him to dig herself out. Once out though, the gender-fluid Guide had start to shiver because of her soaked gear and the wind that was beginning to pick up ahead of a storm. “I think we need to find shelter.”
Halbarad laughed as he felt the mounting amusement from Hal and her emotion began to blossom in his own mind. He was most grateful for this light-hearted battle of the snowballs.
The ranger quickly jolted, dodging out of the way of a snowball that was coming toward him. He continued running forward, swerving behind a thick tree trunk.
He heard a big "ploof!" sound and peered around just as Hal was being hidden away by snow from a tree above her. He gasped, mirth still lingering in his thought, but anxiety also poked at their connection. "Oh, Hal!" he called, dashing forward and starting to dig at the fluffy whiteness to uncover his mentor and friend.
"I did not do this!" he promised, finally finding her arm and starting to gently pull her out, brushing some of the snow from her head and shoulders. "You just trapped yourself, Hal."
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rangers-arecool · 3 hours ago
  The scarred Ranger grinned as water was flicked back at him, trying to behave and not look at his partner's bare chest. But after a moment of flicking water water back at him, Arathorn snorted and gave him a teasing look.
  "Because everyone else he has chased away from here and he's no longer standing at the entrance. Are you coming in or staying out on the side?"
He laughed, flicking water back at Arathorn. Of course, now his shirt was wet, so he had no choice but to take it off, and cast it into a corner somewhere for him to search for later. Truly, tragic.
“How did you know?”
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rangers-arecool · 4 hours ago
  When she had first started making the trip to market, some of the older civilian residents of the East Fold had tried to get the farm taken from her. Arguments hidden amongst gentle concern, little persuading comments that someone who couldn’t see and was paralysed from the waist down would never cope alone, that maybe it would be better if someone more capable took over; all designed to gradually wear her down and make her give in.
  But Salina rarely let the comments get her down visibly and had quietly continued to make the journey every time. Stoic and calm, even when it was obvious she was in pain, the sightless artist unclipped her legs and swung herself down into the waiting wheelchair with a practised ease. A quiet click soon had the big draft horse going to wait in the shadow of a tree, where it was happy to eat the grass and sleep.
  ”Good morning, Lord Eomer.” The small smile that had appeared at the sound of his voice, quickly faded as pain flickered across her expression. It wasn’t very often but there were times when her legs tended to spasm and today was apparently going to be one of them. Despite not being able to see, it was easy to tell when the visible twitching started because it felt like someone was sticking red hot needles in her legs.
Continued from an open starter. For @rangers-arecool.
♘ ♘ ♘
The Third Marshal was carrying out routine inspection and restocking for his éored before they were to head out again into the East Fold. He was double-checking stock of food as he heard the loud clatter of the hooves of a large horse along the main road into Aldburg.
Éomer looked up and smiled as his eyes landed on the younger rider, as she was a usual visitor to the trade market here and many of the riders knew her. He paused in his task for the moment and made his way toward the steed as they came to a stop.
He called over, jogging closer so that he would not miss her. "Greetings, Salina! How do you fare this morning?"
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rangers-arecool · 6 hours ago
  There had been times across the years when people had attempted to use marriage as a way of ensuring a more permanent trade link between their own villages and the Dúnedain of the North. But each time, Aragorn had kindly but firmly refused the offer, for he had no desire to lose any of his Rangers, especially his second in command. For it had been her, who they had wanted to be the bride every time.
  She waited patiently, watching the taller Gondorian until he was partly leaning over her. Unbothered by the position that they were in and separated only by their clothing, a somewhat scandalous position to be found. Yet it wasn't that unusual at night time for them to be like this, for it made her feel safe.
  Hal gazed at him, her free hand tracing patterns on his arm as he spoke. After he had finished, she sighed and pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips. "Boromir, you and I both know that Aragorn wouldn't have tolerated fighting. Although he would have given you a bit of leeway due to the reason. This isn't the first time that someone has wanted to involve me in a marriage as part of a trade link across the decades but each time, Aragorn has refused it. He wouldn't suddenly force me to marry another, especially since I have you now."
  She smiled softly, warmth easing the ever present ice in her eyes. "I.. never thought that would be possible, if I'm honest. Marriage, a husband. It was one of those childish dreams that was locked away when I was 6. Just over 90 years ago." Her words were quiet as she relaxed, watching Boromir. "Until that day comes though, we both know that I'm yours in every way but one."
  "I love you and I wouldn't want to belong to anyone else." Then her smile faded into neutrality and the ice in grey eyes grew slightly, causing her to look away from his gaze. "I want to marry you and yet.. I'm still not sure if marriage is entirely safe, Boromir."
Passions so circuitous, neither short nor direct, they took to turns of a winding course, completely unclear. Powerful enough to blind, behind the envious green that clouded his eyes, Boromir felt acid on his tongue. Sharp words and blunt phrase - so unlike his typical nature, kind and warm - toward both friend and stranger. Innocent were the men who visited Gondor, dressed in their casual garb and carrying but small daggers as means of defense. Sheathed away, never to be used, peace the subject of all their talks. Conversations held with King and Queen; of trade and commerce, an alliance that would bring greater opportunities yet for Gondor and her people, the benefits of marriage. Unions of nobility and prosperity, proud soldiers and lovely gentlewomen, association beyond written decree or sacred scripture. Relations that would become all too intimate. Outside of the council door, the bit left ajar and opened to the hall, returned from his own tasks of the day, Boromir heard everything.
It was Hal that the men wanted. Beautiful, dark hair and light skin, the scars upon her only proved her warrior-courage, the lengths that she would go. Quiet and reserved, she was respectable, agreeable, the perfect choice for their wished for bride. One day, mother to their children; Boromir could not allow his heart to be an audience anymore. Far from the wooden door, he stomped down and away, parted from the council room. Almost enraged, blood boiled beneath his flesh, hot to the touch and about to burst. Never had he felt so. It consumed him whole. Until the day's end, when the stars rose into the skies, when Hal beckoned him to her bedchamber. A ritual between them - the purest of acts between lovers unwed - kisses that whispered for sweetest of dreams.
Requested for, between her legs did Boromir crawl. Hands traveled the bedspread, the softest of blankets and duvets, sewed in white and blue, knees followed. North toward her until he took the entire space - their bodies separated by the clothes they wore, a cotton shirt and similar pant, Boromir's nighttime wears.
"I know." Boromir concurred, for there was nothing more true. "It'll never change. For as long as you are mine, I am yours, my beloved."
"I doubt not the love that is between us. But to hear those men speak about you, to hear your name on their breaths, the mention of your beauty and strength, it pained my heart. For a moment, I wished to rush into the room! Grab at them and declare you for my own, fight for you in duel, should they have not listened to my words! Hal, I felt like I had gone mad, absolutely crazed. It wasn't me. It is not who I am, and yet I felt it so."
Her hand taken in his own grasp, Boromir pressed her palm to his cheek, kissed the center and relished in her.
"I am not ashamed of our love, darling, nor would I ever wish to hide it from the world. It is an honor to be yours, something that I cherish beyond mortal measure. I wouldn't know of love without you, Hal. My quiet, brave love; by the gods, I would be your husband, when time and place were right."
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rangers-arecool · 7 hours ago
  Hal gave him a grateful half smile, rubbing the old jagged scar that went from ribs to hip on their left side. It had been acting up alot during the last few days, after their last mission. "That would be much appreciated." They shifted to pick up their pack and winced visibly, moving part of their weight to their other side. "Sorry, Beleg. I don't think I'm going to be much good today for anything. It reopened during an fight on my last mission."
“Let us take a rest, then.” Beleg suggested, his expression sympathetic. He knew well how old injuries could ache. “It is best to avoid aggravating old wounds unnecessarily. Besides,” he smiled again, “The day is too fair to spend all hours training.”
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rangers-arecool · 19 hours ago
  "That way is better in the long run as it rarely ends well for anyone if feelings are kept bottled up all the time. I know that from personal experience." She admitted softly. Physically, the redhead was there with him but her distant gaze told another story; that she was a million miles and another world away in a mostly unknown past.
  Grey eyes blinked and returned mostly to the present when she sensed the slight sadness coming from the bowman. Skiâ squeezed his hand gently her free one, then side eyed him. There was a faint tinge of amusement in the back of her mind at his slow blink, before she sighed with a fond smile.
  "Then go see them on your way to bed, Bard. You're dead on your feet and the last thing you need is to wake up with a bad back from falling asleep here. I'll take Tils here up to her own bed, before I head out for the night." She tilted her head, watching him for a few minutes.
The bargeman smiled gently back at her, nudging her in return. "Yes, it is. I'd rather it than for her to be wary of expressing herself," he said, ending in a more serious tone, despite how tired he was and the teasing they had done a moment before.
He watched silently as Skiâ brushed her hand over Tilda's curls, noticing how it calmed her back to sleep. He smiled, even as some sadness was hinted in his expression. He returned his gaze to the woman beside him, blinking slowly.
"I would, but Sigrid and Bain-- ?" He would have felt bad if he just fell asleep right after his arrival home, not to seen them until the morning.
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rangers-arecool · 20 hours ago
Send "PINNED" for your muse to pin mine against a wall.
You [ the sender ] can include context as to whether or not it is done out of anger, as a threat, sexual tension, playfulness, etc.. or else let the receiver decide! Send "PINNED + reverse" for your muse to be pinned by mine instead!
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rangers-arecool · 21 hours ago
@thegreatstrongbow asked: Braid (Hal and Beleg)
It wasn't often the quiet Ranger got a chance to just STOP. But that was precisely what he was doing now. Or at least, he had been. One dark grey eye partially opened when he first sensed someone approach the quiet clearing he was lying in, at the far end of Lake Evendim. When said person started to braid his hair, Hal relaxed and closed his eye again as he trusted Beleg.
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rangers-arecool · 22 hours ago
  Estel grinned at them both, his eyes lighting up at the idea of a picnic with his two favourite people. "A picnic!" He answered quickly, quite happy to be picked up and rested his head against Beleg.
  Arathorn simply smiled at his, no their, son's choice. He nodded and ruffled Estel's hair lightly, before straightening. "In that case, why don't you two go find a place to have a picnic while I go get the food and drinks sorted?"
“Never.” He promised, with an easy smile. It was easy to promise Estel anything, but this he meant more than anything else. He would rather dive into the Bruinen in the middle of a winter’s night than hurt Arathorn.
“How does a picnic sound?” he suggested, hoisting Estel onto his hip so it was easier to carry him.
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rangers-arecool · 1 day ago
♡ LOVE IS IN THE AIR! a collection of ship based prompts. * change verbiage and pronouns as needed. / mild 𝘯𝘴𝘧𝘸 may apply.
──── 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴.
send FIRST KISS! for sender to kiss receiver for the first time.
send DANCE! for sender and receiver to end their night dancing under moonlight.
send PROMENADE! for sender and receiver to share a walk in the garden.
send UNDRESS! for sender and receiver to help each other undress.
send PROPOSAL! for sender to propose to receiver.
send FLOWERS! for sender to surprise receiver with their favorite flowers.
send PROFESS! for sender to tell receiver they love them.
──── 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴.
"i wish this night will never end."
"you've been on my mind. i cannot stop thinking of you."
"we all deserve someone to to love and love us in return, don't you think?"
"what does your heart say?"
"i love you all of you."
"i wish to call you mine, now and forever."
"i never knew my heart could be so full of joy, not until i met you."
──── 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵.
send UNREQUITED! for sender to admit they do not share the same feelings as receiver.
send BREAK UP! for sender to end things with receiver.
send FORBIDDEN ROMANCE! for sender to remind receiver they cannot be together, even if they wish to.
send UNLOVED! for sender to admit to receiver they will never love them.
"my heart will never belong to you."
"why did you have to break my heart?"
"could you ever love me?"
"we can't keep doing this."
"i'll never forgive you."
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rangers-arecool · 1 day ago
@aithynne asked: "You haven't moved since I left, have you?" kili, hal or aragorn
Hal didn't need to turn her head to recognise the voice, still curled up on the bed; the same position she had been in when the archer of the Company came to find her last time. Bilbo had come looking for her a few times and oddly enough, so had Dwalin but otherwise, she had been alone.
She rarely joined them in the dining hall of Imladris, opting to eat in the safety of the lone standing guestroom she was using. It was easier to avoid the dislike and hate from some of the Elves that way; yet it also made the Dwarves aware that something wasn't right.
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rangers-arecool · 1 day ago
&. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  dialogue  prompts  to  send  to  your  worst  enemy  (affectionate).  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ oh great, it's you again. ❜
❛ you? kill me? that's funny. ❜
❛ for being someone you hate, i'm sure on your mind a lot. ❜
❛ you're the last person i wanted to see, actually. ❜
❛ do us both a favor. stay away from me. ❜
❛ you really are an asshole, you know that? ❜
❛ i'm the asshole? what does that make you then? ❜
❛ sometimes i think you must hate me. ❜
❛ i thought you said you never wanted to see me again. ❜
❛ if you want me to go, then you have to tell me to leave. ❜
❛ well, someone's cranky today. ❜
❛ well, someone needs to shut the fuck up. ❜
❛ just stay out of my way. ❜
❛ of all the idiots in the world, i'm stuck with you. ❜
❛ what is it you want this time? ❜
❛ sometimes i wonder if you're in love with me. ❜
❛ do you honestly think this is easy for me? ❜
❛ why would i ever want to be friends with you? ❜
❛ can we please just talk? ❜
❛ there is nothing for us to talk about. ❜
❛ you can yell at me later. just let me help you. ❜
❛ touch me, and you're dead. ❜
❛ oh, so now you care? ❜
❛ there is something deeply wrong with you. ❜
❛ i know i'm the last person you probably want to see, but... ❜
❛ you don't think we could be friends, do you? ❜
❛ i'm tired of fighting against you. ❜
❛ don't pretend you give a shit about me. ❜
❛ you're an idiot, but... i trust you. ❜
❛ oh, don't be cute. ❜
❛ wait, did you just say that i'm cute? ❜
❛ we're not good for each other. ❜
❛ if i say yes, will you shut up? ❜
❛ don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? ❜
❛ maybe we should kiss just to break the tension. ❜
❛ i'm sorry i can't turn off my feelings as easily as you. ❜
❛ maybe there's a universe out there where we're friends. ❜
❛ how can you be so smart yet so dumb at the same time? ❜
❛ don't think this changes anything between us. ❜
❛ you look ridiculous in that outfit, by the way. ❜
❛ if you die, i'll kill you. ❜
❛ is that a challenge? ❜
❛ ah, so you're not heartless after all. ❜
❛ i don't think i've ever seen you smile. ❜
❛ you never cared about me, so why now? ❜
❛ why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? ❜
❛ i don't even remember why we started fighting. ❜
❛ i don't have time for distractions right now. ❜
❛ you're not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜
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rangers-arecool · 1 day ago
For: Anyone Muse: Hal Prompt: Summer, fun & friendship Place: Imladris
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“Ye-no. I don’t do parties, you should know that by now, Elrohir.”
“I haven’t said anything yet!”
“Keyword there: Yet. That means you were going to ask and my answer remains the same. No thank-you.” Hal didn’t even bother to look up, much to the amusement of the other visiting Rangers. It didn’t matter who or what the party was for; she had zero interest in taking part.
The youngest of Lord Elrond’s twins narrowed silver eyes and muttered something in Sindarin about stubborn assed rangers. But he didn’t try arguing and left quietly. Too quietly for him.
“He’s planning something. Normally he tries to change your mind.”
The gender-fluid Ranger pulled her attention away from the paperwork she was doing, only to give Prestadir a smirk. “I’m aware and it won’t work either way.” That gained snorts and chuckles from the other Dúnedain, before they disappeared to change.
Hal returned her focus to the work she was finishing, ignoring anyone who came to the door of the guest room she was staying in. Although her instincts were on alert mode, in case Elrohir had gone to find someone who could persuade her to attend the party. To which, they would get the same response. No matter who it was. At least, that was her intention.
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rangers-arecool · 2 days ago
Last updated: 02.03.25
If I have missed you off, please tell me. My ask boxes is currently open, DMs are also open or comment below if you would like a random starter to be sent, just say which muse/s. I am as slow as hell. Please do bear with me as I haven't been very well and everything is still up in the air right now. But I have everything saved on Scrivener, so I am trying to answer when I can.
Replies :: 10
@menelvagor - Halbarad (0) | Éomer (3) | Bard (4) | Thorin (2) | Boromir (0) & @promisesofstone | Kili - 1
Asks :: 3
@askrossiel - 1, @quentafeanorians - 1 & @menelvagor - 1
Starters :: 3
@storiedocs | Eruingil & Lyth, @lordsxfgondor | Aragorn & Hal and @inkwelloftheeldar | Jim Kirk & Hal / Star Trek verse (if I remember correctly)
Queued :: 6
@sonxofxgondor - 1 & @thegreatstrongbow - 5
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rangers-arecool · 2 days ago
@askrossiel asked: (She's been talked into Estelsitting) "I want to see you fast asleep after you've had your tea and your story. Lord Elrond will have my harp for kindling if his instructions for your care while he's away are not followed to the letter."
"No sleep." There was no childish grumbles; no 'just a few more minutes' that was his normal way when his foster father wasn't home. It was just one very quiet and solemn statement that the small boy wasn't budging on. Although his tea was there, Estel had yet to eat any of it, his attention firmly fixed on the entrance to the Last Homely House.
"Not 'til- PAPA!!"
And he was gone; flinging himself at the tall, lone eyed Ranger, who had literally just walked through the entrance. The same man who looked completely unsurprised at seeing him still awake and had caught him mid fling with a tired smile.
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rangers-arecool · 2 days ago
@thegreatstrongbow asked: ☠️ - a starter where my muse admits their true feelings for your muse after believing they’re about to die, but they survive. ( Arathorn and Bel )
The Ranger blinked in an attempt to clear his lone eye but the darkness was beginning to close in more rapidly as his strength waned. He collapsed against a rock as he faded from consciousness, unaware that people were looking for him.
Arathorn stirred slightly at the sound of worried voices but the ambush and subsequent serious injuries had drained him. With the darkness fast encroaching, he managed to get a whisper out. "Bel.., I love you.. and I'm.. sorry..." Then he faded once more.
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rangers-arecool · 2 days ago
@aithynne asked: “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Bifur n kili
§ "And I'm glad that you both are alive but we need to find your Uncle." §
His Khuzdul was gruff and to the point. Not giving either Kili or Fili a chance to say otherwise. Had the Toymaker not listened to both his instincts and the rock beneath his feet, the two Princes would have been captured by orcs and goblins. For Bilbo's warning about Ravenhill being a trap had reached them far too late.
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