rangerlucaya · 4 years
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rangerlucaya · 5 years
Sometimes I think about if Girl Meets World got renewed if they’d adventure down the road of Lucaya and Maya just went with the whole “her becoming Riley” thing but really her feelings for Lucas was real but thought girl code was more important. Like they didn’t have to be end game, but just have them actually try to go on dates and have one on one time with each other. I feel her crush on Josh was just a typical crush on your best friends older brother(but was actually the uncle in this situation) trope. Also, bitter that they wouldn’t let the show venture down serious topics, but after it was cancelled allowed the newer shows do it.🙄
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rangerlucaya · 5 years
I always skip this episode now, I emotionally can’t handle it anymore 🙃
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he was dead the whole time and that hurts okay
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rangerlucaya · 5 years
I still feel strongly about this and still salty over it 😂
I wonder if the BMW/GMW knew they could of kept the story line of
Shawn and Angela being love in college but since departed ways and fell in love with other people without trying to back out say Shawn loved her because “he thought he had to to”. Not every damn person marries and stays with their first love forever. Some people’s first love love prepares them for the person they end up with forever. Shawn and Angela were in love and it was true and pure. They showed each other they were capable of loving someone and deserved love. Also, that they weren’t their parents and wouldn’t walk out on the people they love. As much as I loved them together, I wouldn’t been mad if they didn’t end up together if the writers actually acknowledged their love for each other. Any true boy meets world fan knows that Shawngelas love for each other was real and not forced. They didn’t automatically get together and were all heart eyes for each other. They had to fight for each other and learn about each other before becoming an us. Shawn liked the things about Angela from her purse but he fell in love with the girl she was when he was with her and learned and the better man she made him. No guy would go through an army boot camp to prove to a girl’s father he’s worthy of her love if he felt he “had to love her”. I get they wanted to make way for Shawn and Katy to get together but they didn’t need to demean Shawn and Angela’s relationship to. They could of had Angela tell Shawn what they had was great and they really did love each other and his love for her is what made her ready and believe her love for her husband now is true and she’s worthy of it and knows she can be a mother and not be like her mom because Shawn showed that to her before. And to tell Shawn that she did love him and will always have place for him for in her heart. And because of that, he need to find his love that he’s worthy of. Like it’s shocking people can have more than one love in life. Shawn and Angela was one of the best tv relationships since it wasn’t always perfect and showed people have to fight for what they want and keep a relationship going. Like it pisses me off how they brought Angela’s character back in just to cop out and make way for Shawn and Katy. To me I pretend that episode never happened and that Shawn and Angela love was true, and they just prepares each other for their forever person but will always have love for each other in a special place in their hearts
Credit to @bettycooperlodge for inspiring this post by seeing hers about them
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
If my evil doppelgänger came after me I’d have no problem squaring up. I’ve been wanting to kick my own ass for years.
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
I ugly cried through this entire episode ngl
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he was dead the whole time and that hurts okay
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
Y'all ever text somebody and they so boring that you have no idea what to say back
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
Important about the Tumblr “Purge”
Tumblr has made and official statement on twitter about what’s going on:
We’re committed to helping build a safe online environment for all users, and we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to media featuring child sexual exploitation and abuse. As this is an industry-wide problem, we work collaboratively with our industry peers and partners like NCMEC to actively monitor content uploaded to the platform. Every image uploaded to Tumblr is scanned against an industry database of known child sexual abuse material, and images that are detected never reach the platform. A routine audit discovered content on our platform that had not yet been included in the industry database. We immediately removed this content. Content safeguards are a challenging aspect of operating scaled platforms. We’re continuously assessing further steps we can take to improve and there is no higher priority for our team.
Please please please, for the love of everything, stop spreading fear in our community. They are not purging your blogs for having NSFW content. If your blog gets deleted and you didn’t have any of the above mentioned content, or something that could be percived as such, then please contact Tumblr Support to regain your blog. They can be contacted via the form here.
Please reblog so people stop spreading false information and cause unnecesary fear.
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
Oh my gosh 😂
omg I’m rewatching the office and I just realized that Jan’s assistant Hunter is Josh from trial & error I’m dying
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
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he was already so in love with her up to this point and his face when he realizes that she doesn’t feel the same way… I REALLY FELT THAT. 
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
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“What about us? What about everything we’re been through?” >_<
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
To all the boys I’ve loved before > the kissing booth
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
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“I guess I’m her boyfriend.”
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
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To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018) dir. Susan Johnson
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rangerlucaya · 6 years
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