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Welcome to ADHD emotions! Get ready to experience
The Anger Spiral
Wednesday Forever
Oh God they hate me. This whole Grocery Store hates me.
And *•.~°♪ lust *•.~°♪
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thinking about how orpheus turning to look back at eurydice isn’t a sign of mortal frailness but a sign of love
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guys when they think a girl is hot: she is objectively attractive
girls when they think a guy is hot: yeah hes hot but only if you think of a german coal mine from 1882 that hes forced to work in to provide for his family of 12. he gives off that vibe
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also, not that y'all ever had an excuse, but with Georgia kicking and screaming and turning blue IN SPITE OF all the gerrymandering and voter suppression that goes on here, y'all really ain't got any excuse to keep acting like The South is some fucking monolith of backwoods bigotry and try to write us off and scapegoat us in order to feel superior and ignore your own issues. quit making jokes about throwing the south away or ignoring us during natural disasters or whatever the fuck, you're not funny. minorities live in the south! progressives live in the south! stop being classist and disgusting and support your southern allies, we're fighting hard to make things better
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Happy Halloween!! Eat lots of candy and stuff!!!
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just made the best non-looping gif i think
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me listening to foreign music and not understanding a single word of it
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no one is too busy, you’re just not a priority
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I fucking hate James Tissot’s paintings because in ALL OF THEM there is ALWAYS someone staring right at you, but it’s not always immediately visible. You just feel watched by this mf. Sometimes the little shit is right there at the centre, but others the bastard is just gazing from the distance, it is CREEPY, my guys
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really proud of this commission for @iridescentseawitch​ , with a bonus process gif (the quality kind of went down in the giff, idk. still trying to figure them out haha)
thank you so much for commissioning me and for being patient! 🧡
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