randomnessness · 1 year
Game progress
At the moment the progress is very minimal but i have the idea and the game concept developed very well. At the moment the progress of my game is just being able to "draw a card" but all my game does is add a card over its self i was going to progress even more by following a tutorial and developing the holding the cards in your hand hovering over one where it pulls that up to be more visible.
The concept of my game was to make a full fledged card game where the cards are random and the stats on the cards are some what random to a extent and the game would be you take turns choosing a stat and putting in your highest of that stat and the highest stat wins. I was gonna have it so after the cards are fully dealt the one who won the most wins or if you get a certain amount of wins in a row you win.
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randomnessness · 1 year
Card inspiration
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The art design on the cards above is what I will be getting inspiration for not like massive bit to be inspiration more the small parts that i really like from the cards above.
Print out cards finished cards designs
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randomnessness · 1 year
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In part 1 of the tutorial I am following i was basically making the UI design each part targets different bits of the code to then have the outcome i wanted. The tutorial i am following is to have the drawing mechanic implemented into my game it looked very fluent and nice so i wanted to implement it into my game.
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randomnessness · 1 year
Slay the Spire
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From Slay The Spire I like the cards movement and got inspiration from it its very fluent on when hovering over a cards it becomes at the top so you can clearly see it. Also the gameplay looks very smooth and unique within the card games genre the gameplay itself feels like it isn't a card game and that's the best part of it.
Hand of Fate
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In Hand of Fate the whole concept is unique it combine a strategy card game with a Action RPG. The storyline and plot is also well done you're the protagonist going against the other person before you can fight him you'll have to defeat his 12 underlings. Some inspiration I've gotten from Hand of Fate is the option to like choose a card that adds a aspect of freedom of choice in a way.
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randomnessness · 1 year
Data Tables
I created a data structure to store the variables i will be using this will make it so I don't have to keep making loads of enemy actors and making copy's for loads of enemy's. The second image is the enemy's presets with their name, hp and then what they look like for example cube.
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The code here gets the gets the names of each of the row/name of the enemy's and it randomly choose one of them. Then the second part is just visually showing what the name of the enemy is, HP and what they look like.
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This is just the template of a test dummy as a enemy.
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This is what it came out with when loading the game with a few random enemy's i'm happy with the outcome.
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randomnessness · 1 year
Random mechanic ideas:
Name generation
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Attack, HP, speed and defense randomness
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Card game where your cards stats are random but you chose a type and it will increase one stat more than the others
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Random hats, glasses and random face features e.g piecings and tattoos.
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Game ideas:
Card game the player has a card of themselves their card has random stats but they can chose a class which will boost a stat by a bit. i got a bit of inspiration from Inscryption by the fact that you make your own card once you lose.
Top Trumps random stats choose best card for one stat then use it to get against another card and the higher one wins.
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randomnessness · 1 year
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To start to make landscapes you need to go into land scape mode set the size then press create.
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randomnessness · 1 year
Pokemon Go Randomness
RNG stands for Random Number Generator, it does as its name suggests generate random numbers. Then these random numbers are used to define various aspects of the game. In other words, it defines luck.
Pokemon Go
For Example, Pokemon Go uses randomness for most of the main aspects of it such as the CP (Combat Power) is random which is the power that means a high CP Pokemon will perform better than a one with lower CP and the higher CP will yield a higher HP (Hit Points).
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Another randomness aspect in Pokemon Go is the randomness of a chance to get a shiny Pokemon the chances to get a shiny Pokemon is 1/500 but in some cases the rates can be better with special event putting down the rates to 1/125.
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Another way theirs randomness is in Pokemon Go is the appraisal stats aspects where it randomly choose how good/bad the stats can be for HP, Defense and Attack they can be either from 0-15 for each stat the base floor of theses stats can vary from different game mechanics such as base wild Pokemon have the chances to be any from 0-15 trading with a good friend has it to be 1-15 great friends makes it 2-15 ultra friend makes it 3-15 and best friend makes it 4-15 also when you hatch a egg the chances are 10-15 and when you catch a rain Pokemon that's also the same chances for good stats.
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For context each bar on Attack, Defense and HP represents 5 points.
Rocket League
Another example of randomness is in Rocket League such as the box that you open to get chance to get any certain selection of items the higher the rarity the item is you want the hard the chance it is to get it the rarity go from uncommon, rare, very rare, import, exotic and black market.
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Another way theirs a random aspect in Rocket League is the Rumble game mode in that game modes theirs a few power ups you get after 10 seconds and its random of what that will be.
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Genshin Impact
Another example of randomness is in Genshin Impact such as in the gacha system when wishing for your desired character.
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For example, on the standard wish, there are 36 total items in the 4★ rarity pool, and because, just by chance, it is equiprobable to obtain any given item from the 4★ pool, we can calculate the rate of obtaining any given specific 4★ item whenever a 4★ item appears (the rate within the same rarity) using the following formula:
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Unreal Engine
Random Integer but only set amount of odds this randomness is constrained with the number that we give it which in this example is 1-6. For context we add 1 because Unreal Engine starts to count at 0 so we add 1 to make it like a dice.
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Array is where you give it options to chose from and it will choose it at random in the photo below its mimicking a coin toss.
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Coin Flip this is the code to implement a coin toss element in a game. the minimum is 0 because Unreal Engine starts to count at 0 and above 0 is set as Heads then 1 as max to be Tails.
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Random Rotation: by splinting up the x, y and z rotation and putting in random rotation will have the random shape but in a uniquely rotated shape
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Shape Changing
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