randomdplover · 10 months
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randomdplover · 10 months
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randomdplover · 11 months
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randomdplover · 1 year
Futurist City from 70s Electronics Catalog - Pt 3
..I picked up an electronics component from the 1970s and used the cover in some image prompts to generate these images. These images also had help from the cover of a 1950s children's book.
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randomdplover · 1 year
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By future familiar
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randomdplover · 1 year
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By future familiar
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randomdplover · 1 year
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Gagged and bound you lay there, straining yourself against the restraints in the desperate attempt to prevent what was unfolding in front of your eyes.
It should have been a normal evening with your rather vanilla partner. But unbeknownst to you, your mate had different plans. In hindsight, it should have been a warning sign when your partner suggested to spice things up with a little bit of kinky bondage, but you had been too intrigued by the idea to suspect a thing. Only after you were ordered to strip naked and had your hands and feet safely tied to the bed, it had finally dawned on you that something was not right.
When your partner proceeded to gag you with some plastic tape, it became a certainty. Your partner was showing no intent to engage in sexual activities with you. Instead, your mate just stood there, silently relishing the sight of your naked and bound body and the increasingly alarmed look in your eyes. Then, slowly and theatrically, your partner opened the cupboard and, making sure that you followed every movement, removed the loose floorboards where your secret stash of diapers and other fetish gear was hidden. With a devilish grin your mate produced one of the extra thick AB/DL diapers you had secretly ordered from a fetish site. “No need to look so surprised. I have known about your fetish for quite a while now. And your secret stash..”, here your partner paused for effect to let you gaze upon the boxes of diapers that now lay out in the open, “…was not that hard to find either. It is almost as if you wanted to get caught. You didn´t even clear your browser history after visiting all these fetish sites. Naturally, I was intrigued and wanted to find out more about these secret desires that you tried to keep hidden from me.”
While speaking, your partner slowly unfolded the diaper, expertly handling it, fluffed it up and proceeded towards your completely exposed midsection. “At first, I was not sure how to deal with this. But when I saw what particular fantasies you indulged in, it was like an epiphany. All these stories about grown men being forced to wear diapers and turned into diaper dependent and obedient babies. All these posts about diaper training and forced incontinence. I couldn´t help but imagine how you would react, if I turned your fantasies into reality. And I must confess, I rather liked the idea of having that kind of control over you. In fact, I nearly came when I thought about all the possibilities.”  
Petrified, you were unable to stop listening, bound not only by your restraints but also by the sheer shock of it, tangled in an inextricable web of conflicting emotions, ranging from fear and disbelief to – as shameful as it may be to admit it – a peculiar kind of arousal you had never felt before. Despite your best efforts to fight it, your body was already betraying your emotions and things started to move in your diaper area. All hopes to conceal your arousal vanished instantly when you saw the mischievous smirk in the face of your partner. “I see that you like the idea as well. Since you are obviously onboard with it, I should better hurry to get this diaper on you before you make the bed all sticky.”
Still holding the diaper, your partner produced a towel and proceeded to spread it out under your exposed midsection. Not daring to resist in your exposed state, you obediently lifted your bottom when you were told to do so. Only a few moments later, you were resting on the soft padding of your new diaper – the first one in a very long time that you hadn´t put on yourself. “As you may have noticed, I have already acquired some skills of my own when it comes to putting someone in a diaper. I had plenty of time to prepare, after all. Your favorite sites were quite useful in that regard. I have read up on nearly everything from diaper changes…”, here your partner paused again while fetching a bag with changing supplies from your stash, “…to the proper use of suppositories and laxatives.” As on cue, your mate revealed, with devilish glee, a pack of glycerin suppositories. “I have heard that these are quite effective when it comes to ensure properly used diapers. If I use three of these, you will be messing yourself like a baby in no time.” Relishing your apparent horror at this prospect, your mate gave you a warning look while playfully toying with your exposed genitals. “I know that you don´t like messing yourself, but there is nothing you can do to prevent it. I am in charge now and I am making the rules. You want to wear diapers and I am willing to grant you your wish, but on my own terms. If we are going through with this, we are doing it properly. You want to wear diapers like a baby, so you will be using them like a baby, in both ways and at all times. And if you try to resist…”, here the grip around your genitals tightened to a painful squeeze, “…I have to use a more hands-on approach to make you comply.”
Your fantasies were indeed becoming reality, but they had been just that – only fantasies. This was different, this was real – a fact that was most clearly demonstrated on your throbbing genitals a mere second ago.
“I give you one choice and one choice only”, you heard your partner say. “Either you fully commit yourself and let me turn you into my diaper dependent baby, or you forfeit the right to ever wear or mention diapers again in my presence for as long as we are together. As I have said, if we are going through with this, we are doing it properly, according to my rules and with me in charge. If you don’t want to commit yourself, that is fine, but then I will take no part in it. I couldn´t stand seeing you in and out of diapers at your leisure, when there is no way for me to enjoy it. All or nothing, the choice is yours.”
Torn between two completely different prospects of the future, you lay there, motionless, speechless, overwhelmed by the impossible choice you had to make. Sure, you had at least thought about wearing diapers 24/7 before. But you had never actually considered going through with it anytime soon, let alone right then and there. What would your life be like, if someone else found out? Surely you could not expect to keep it a secret, if you were confined to diapers at all times. On the other hand, a life without diapers seemed so bleak and devoid of comfort. Could you really just forsake it all? Wouldn´t your partner´s presence always remind you of your sacrifice and poison your relationship? And your partner, would you really want to break up your relationship because you could not decide on what was more important to you? Either choice came with uncertainty and the chance of regret.
“The clock is ticking. We can´t leave you like this all night, after all. Either you choose to become my obedient and diaper dependent baby and let me finish what we have started, or you decide against it and I will personally get rid off all baby gear and set you free. If you want me to go through with it, just nod and let me give you your very first suppositories as a sign of your commitment. It will be diapers only from then on. No more potty, no more underwear, only diapers. You will be my baby and I will make sure that it will stay this way.”
You shuddered hearing this. Especially the last part sounded rather ominous. Was it meant the way it sounded? Would there really be no going back?
“On the other hand, you will have my utmost attention and I will personally cater for your every need. You will be the most obedient but also the happiest diaper boy around. Just a little nod, and it will all become reality. Think about it. I offer this only once. If you decline, I will never speak of it again. We will continue our relationship as if this never happened, if you keep your fetish out of it. Otherwise, there will be no future for us together. It all depends on you. You have to decide and you have to do it now. I can´t put up with your indecision any longer. This needs to be resolved right now or you will never find the courage to choose which life you wish to lead. If I hadn´t cornered you like this, you wouldn´t even have dreamed about coming out to me. Now everything is exposed and lying openly on the table. There is nothing to hide anymore. You are already lying there under my control, gagged and bound and with a hard on at the prospect of being forcibly diapered after receiving some very fast acting suppositories. No need for any false dignity. You and I know both what you really desire. I am about to give it to you. What else is there to think about?”
Cornered like this, called out on your obvious and undeniable arousal in one of the most humiliating situations you could imagine and with a hard on that had grown even more at the prospect of a life in diapers under your partner´s control, you couldn´t really find any words to deny the truth of it. You were finally allowing yourself to admit it. You actually were craving this, had been for a long time, in fact. With a deep inhale through your unimpeded nose and one last thought about the significance of what you were about to do, you resigned yourself to your fate and, slowly but firmly, nodded.
“I had hoped for this and I promise that you won´t regret it. At the beginning, you may try to change your mind, but believe me, it will be worth it to have me as your guardian and caretaker. Once you have adapted to the new situation, you will be glad that you have chosen this way.”
Already starting to doubt your decision as you once again saw the obvious glee in your partner´s eyes, you steeled yourself for what was about to come. “And now to make it official and to confirm your commitment, let´s continue with your initiation. Just relax and open wide, and it will be over in a jiffy.”
Not in the mood for lame jokes but resolved not to question your decision any longer, you gave a muffled sigh and lay back to let it happen without having to watch it. Only moments later, you felt the tip of the first suppository penetrate your backdoor and winced involuntarily at the unfamiliar sensation. One after another was pushed inwards until all three of them were resting deep inside you.
Afterwards, your partner´s hands began to coat your genitals and your whole diaper area in a thick layer of barrier cream, followed by a hefty dose of baby powder. Only moments later, the diaper was folded around your properly pampered bottom and fastened tightly. It was not your first diaper of that kind, but it felt differently. You knew that you would be forced to used it very soon and that it would not be your decision when it would be changed. And it would only be the first one in a long line of diapers lining the way into your new life of diaper dependency. Against your will, your arousal grew even more at this thought.
“And now that you have accepted my offer and are finally back in diapers where you belong, let´s order some supplies for your training.” Eager at the prospect of what lay ahead, your mate, who had now become your caretaker, pulled a chair towards the tail end of your bed and sat down with a laptop to let you see the page shown in the current window. It was the page of the web shop where you had ordered your latest shipment of AB/DL diapers.
“Let´s see. We will definitely need some more of your favorite diapers. Or maybe some pink ones…, I bet they will look pretty on you. And, of course, some locking plastic pants. We need to make sure that you stay properly padded, after all. Oh yes, and some of those padded mittens that I can lock onto you. Hmmm…, while we are at it, what do you think about chastity? This extra small cage seems to be just the right size for you. I say, let´s take it. And, oh wow, have you seen these tunnel plugs? The extra large one looks amazing. Can you imagine having this one inside you? We absolutely have to take it. I´ll order the whole set so that we can gradually work up to it. And they even have catheters, isn´t that great? With this, you can start becoming diaper dependent in no time at all. Let´s see, what else they have…”
Silently whimpering with every new discovery because of their implications for your immediate future, you had no other choice but to passively observe your mate ordering each and every item needed to keep you in diapers for a very long time and to make sure that you would end up needing them in no time at all. Soon after, the first cramps kicked in as the suppositories started to do their work.
This would be a very long night and, judging from your partner´s shopping spree, this would only be the beginning.
(The picture that gave me the idea for this story was provided by mndiaperboi26 - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/mndiaperboi26 - who gave me total freedom in regard to what kind of caption I create with it. This is the result. I hope that you like it!)
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randomdplover · 1 year
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randomdplover · 1 year
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You tried shamefully to hide your face with the clean diaper, but it was going to happen eventually.
Someone would walk through that door. A stranger would walk through that door and see you laying on a changing table with your pants round your ankles and your lags up in the air. Not only that, but your dirty diaper is so clearly on display. You’d have to force yourself to say it too, you’ve said it before, but it never got any less humiliating.
“Excuse me, please could you help me change my diaper? Daddy doesn’t let me change it on my own and he’s not here to help me!”
Somehow, even though you hated asking strangers, there was always a kind Daddy who was willing to help. You didn’t like to ask them but somehow you just couldn’t ignore Daddy’s instructions. He knew what was best.
See more captions and full length stories over on my Patreon!
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randomdplover · 1 year
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It wasn’t supposed to get this far. The entire team wasn’t supposed to know about your little diaper fetish and your desire to be regressed by tougher men and bigger jocks. How could you have been stupid enough to let this happen, stupid enough to leave laptop open for your roommates/teammates to walk into your room and see your tumblr feed. At first they thought it was an accident, that there was no way you could be into this kind of weird stuff, guys in diapers, guys being spanked by their “daddy’s”, even guys actually using their diapers. That was just the beginning though, soon enough they found your account, and even though you’d been so careful to not post your actual face on your tumblr, it didn’t take long for them to recognize it was you. It was you in those completely soaked thick babyish diapers with a pacifier in your mouth, it was you wearing those printed snap crotch onesies for baby’s, and it was you begging grown muscular men, who you referred to as “daddy”, to keep you diapered all the time, to treat you like a baby, and even to humiliate you while doing so. Looking up from the computer with an evil grin they all knew what was going to happen next. In no time at all they had found all your baby gear; the diapers, the onesies, the pacifiers, the overalls, the restraining mites, the butt plugs and so much more. They dumped it all onto your bed, left your room and closed the door behind them, knowing you’d be home from class soon, and waiting to see the look on your face when you realized your little secret wasn’t such a little secret anymore. This was all just a fantasy, not something that was actually supposed to happen. Yet here you were, almost completely naked, your pacifier in your mouth, and one of the extremely babyish block printed diapers that started this whole thing resting on your tiny little dick. After all the spankings you’d already been given by the team and all the blackmail photos that had already been taken of you, you knew better than to disobey. So everyday before practice and before games you were required to take a picture of the diaper you’d be wearing under your soccer gear for the day and send it to the entire team. As if your freshman year in college wasn’t hard enough already, now you’d be trapped in diapers for the next four years, and with the whole team having access to your tumblr account and all your fantasies, you’d only be cumming in your diapers from now on, because deep down that’s what you really want. Isn’t that right champ?
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randomdplover · 1 year
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⌛Time & Patience⏳
“Welp, we can officially retire these old toys…I mean who would have thought that after only nine months you’d work through the whole set! I know walking has been difficult, but your crawling like a champ..Best yet, the constant use and gradual size increase should have a permanent effect on you…Though, from that smell and confused look on your face I’d say it’s a safe bet!’
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randomdplover · 1 year
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randomdplover · 1 year
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randomdplover · 1 year
I have lots of errands to run today so double diapers is a must.
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randomdplover · 1 year
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To continue the reblog series on kinky stuff I am into: Random Diaper Checks in public.
This one really pushes my buttons. The thought of having someone inspect the state of your diaper in public at random intervals has some unexpected appeal to it. To have a caretaker you trust so much that you can submit to him/her to such degree would be really wonderful. The mixture of the embarrassment of having to expose your diaper in public and the comfort of having someone to take care of your every need, combines to an experience that really makes you feel what submission is about. You can trust your caretaker. You don´t need to worry about the potty. You don´t need to worry about the state of your diaper. Just be yourself and let go of all those responsibilities. If your caretaker decides that you need to be checked, who are you to oppose it? After all, they know what they are doing and they only want the best for you…
If you are also into very revealing random diaper checks in public, reblog this and reach out to everyone who feels the same.
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randomdplover · 1 year
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randomdplover · 1 year
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Put me in coach!
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