Random Thoughts
64 posts
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
Suffering - December 22 2021 Wednesday
If we sit down to analyse our lives one thing we must accept is that suffering is an inherent part of our lives. We can call it by many different names such as challenges, hurdles, pain, दुख, etc but it all means the same - which is something that we wouldn't have wanted in our life. But this is the truth.
Another fact is that it's there in the lives of everyone no matter how rich or poor, young our old, East our West, past or future, etc. It's there. And it comes in many forms imaginable and unimaginable. It can be physical and it can be mental.
So if we accept suffering as the truth in our lives then what should be our approach to it? How should we handle it? Should we be strong to handle suffering or should we be weak? Should we get irritated? Should we look at it negatively or should we approach it positively? Because no matter how we look at it suffering is going to be there. So obviously it's better that we look at it with a strong and positive mind.
Once we do these two things we have won half the battle. I know it's easier said than done. But there's no other way.
After this comes the famous words of the Bhagvad Gita - "कर्म कर फल की इच्छा मत कर". To overcome your current sufferings do what you can to the best of your ability. But do not guarantee yourself that the outcome will be as you had desired. Doing what you can is in your hands 100% but the outcome is not in your hands 100%. Outcomes are influenced by so many factors, many of which are not in your control.
Suffering is also a mindset. It varies from person to person and for the same person from time to time. The same event can be painful for one and not for another. The same event can be painful today and not tomorrow. So if we learn to handle suffering this way we could suffer less because it's all in the mind.
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
December 4 2021 Saturday
A few days back I came to know that one of my cousin sister's husband's brother went missing. Coincidently he was also the husband of my friend's niece. They say he started to suffer from depression because of the lockdown during COVID 19.
This incident really disturbed me. I was not disturbed because of the usual reasons such as why there is so much suffering and pain in life. I was disturbed because we suffer so much even though we are inheritors and trustees of such valuable mechanisms that could help us handle these sufferings much better!
All of us will agree that suffering (दुख) and pain are an integral part of our lives. No matter how rich or poor we are, all of us experience suffering in our own ways. The important question is what is the correct way to deal with it? And let's agree that unfortunately there is no way we can eliminate sufferings from our life.
For those of us who believe in Sanatan Dharma or in Spirituality we are lucky that we have wonderful teachings in the scriptures or from our enlightened Gurus. The Bhagvad Gita, the Upanishads, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, etc have proven to be so useful in helping us cope with the stresses of life. Besides them we have Gurus such as Sadhguru, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Murari Bapuji, Shivaniji, Praman Sagarji, etc and other Spiritual organisations such as Brahmakumari, Sahaj Marg and many others who continually guide us in our daily endeavours.
Unfortunately most of us have not been made aware of these opportunities while growing up and ultimately we end up adopting other dangerous means of managing our pain. It's so common to see people resorting to smoking, alcohol, drugs, pornography, etc to distract themselves from the sufferings of life. These might give someone momentary relief but over a period of time the situation worsens.
That is why it's very important for all of us guardians to at least bring to the awareness of our children the existence of our scriptures and Spirituality. This could be included as a part of the moral education in the school curriculum. I'm very hopeful that we'll get to see these changes in our very own lifetime because of the changes in the political scenario of India.
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
December 3 2021 Friday
Some questions I have for which I'm not getting the right answers
Why the need for conversion? Especially now in this modern era. Centuries ago it could be said that there was a political need to expand kingdoms and religion was used as a means to do that. And don't tell me that people have a right to choose or convert to any religion. I'm not raising that issue. I'm simply asking why some religions still feel the need to convert people of another religion to theirs. And therefore should Hinduism also start proselytising?
I agree that reform is needed in Hinduism. But are there no reforms needed in Islam and Christianity? Just because their scripture says so do they have to believe in it blindly! Triple talaq, Halala, etc shouldn't social reformers talk about these issues also? And if not this then at least some parts of their scriptures such as the concept of apostasy, blasphemy, the concept of kafir, their compulsion to either convert or kill the kafirs, their God who hates those who believe in another God, etc. Shouldn't these issues be addressed in public debates?
Would you have liked it if the natives of North America, South America, Australia, etc had survived? Are you happy that Hinduism survived with all its paganism and idol worship? Do you think that the world is a better place if more cultures exist?
Do you think that if India becomes a Muslim majority country secular democracy will survive? Can you say this for sure because even within the last fifty years we know what happened to minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan? And do you think that ancient temples, sculptors, etc will not be demolished if India becomes a Muslim majority country?
Would you have liked Nepal to remain as the only Hindu country in the world given the fact that there are more than 100 Islamic and Christian States, many Buddhist States and even one Jewish state? If not for any other reason but simply to preserve it as a heritage like a UNESCO site or something?
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
November 30 2021 Tuesday
Do what you love. Love what you do
It's so common to hear this statement - Do what you love. And it's even more common to hear - Love what you do. Both mean opposite and yet both sound logical.
Ofcourse the ideal condition is when you're doing what you love. But most of the times it's not possible to find your love. And that's when the second statement applies. In case you cannot find your love then love whatever work you get to do.
The important thing to understand here is how can we find out what we love? So many children don't know what they want to do. They cannot identify their passion. They don't know what they would enjoy doing the rest of their lives and make a living of it as well!
I think one of the ways to do this is by elimination of choices. Like in the Hindu scriptures God is described by not what He is but by what he is not. Similarly if children from a small age are made to participate in many activities slowly but steadily he will begin to identify those that he enjoys and those that he doesn't. This way parents and guardians as well as teachers can start eliminating those activities that he doesn't enjoy.
Over a period of time it will be possible to reduce the choices of possible career options the child is suitable for. Instead of having to choose from an unlimited array of possibilities the options could be narrowed where it becomes easier to decide.
For this educational institutions will have to device mechanisms to implement this system. Findings should be incorporated in annual report cards.
Theory of elimination works in many places. While shopping one of the quickest ways to take a decision is to first remove those options that you instantly don't like. I've used this same phenomenon to decide upon our choice of careers.
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
November 23 2021 Tuesday
Problem of plenty. And delight in insufficiency.
Does the above statement sound weird? How can there be problems of you have plenty? How can you be delighted if it's insufficient?
This thought came in my mind when I realised how happily my friends and family recall their good old days when everything was limited and insufficient. On the other side today it's very common to hear phrases such as spoilt for choice.
Almost all of us want to remember how much fun it was when we had only one TV or when there was only one channel - Doordarshan or even before that when they heard cricket commentary only on radio. We have even heard of stories when some parents say how happy they were when they had limited money. How is this possible? There's one thing that is common in all these stories - In all of these insufficient circumstances there's this sense of togetherness.
If there was only one TV & only one channel then the whole family used to sit together and watch. And not only the whole family but the whole neighborhood. If there was only the radio then no one was listening to it alone. If there was limited money then there was this sense of sharing so that together all of them were caring for each other.
But now although there is more than sufficient why is there more frustration? Is it because we no longer enjoy this sense of togetherness? Individually each of us is getting so much to choose from that we spend all our personal time trying to fulfill each of these choices. In the process there's no time for each other.
We human beings are basically social animals. Seeing and being in each other's company is in itself a therapy for us. It's in our DNA. I believe that there should be some level of depravity in our lives because this will instill in us some sense of sharing, caring and togetherness.
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
November 22 2021 Monday
Material world. Spiritual world. These are the two worlds. Two philosophies. Aren't they? All logical people support the material world philosophy. They say this is the truth because it is provable. But just because something is provable doesn't mean it is the right thing. It doesn't mean there is nothing beyond it.
Being correct and being happy are two different things. What is more important? Does being correct assure you happiness? Our if you're happy but not correct does it matter? What should be our yardstick? Look around you.
If people around you who have achieved material success are happy because of it then obviously they should be your role model. But if those people around you who are happy inspite of it then it's important to find out why. And you will not find the answer in the material world.
You'll have to go beyond. You'll have to enter the spiritual world where you will not get all your answers. But you're free to ask unlimited questions and let as many remain answered. Ask me why. It's because here you let your own experience guide you. Your own instincts matter to you more than all the world's correct answers. It's possible that you get all the correct answers yet remain unsatisfied. And it's possible that you get inner satisfaction yet you spend your life trying to get answers to certain questions which could remain unanswered!
The choice is ours. Mine. Me. I.
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
कर्म कर फल की इच्छा मत कर - What does it really mean?
November 19 2021 Friday
In the Bhagvad Gita when it says कर्म कर फल की इच्छा मत कर what does it actually mean? Does it really mean that we should not hope for results? This statement has come in my life so many times and every time I am provoked to ponder over it for a while.
Up until now my understanding was that it is the action (कर्म) part that is in our hands. Our actions are under our control. It's in our authority to define and execute our actions to the best of our ability.
But it's not the same regarding the results of our actions. The results of our actions is not in our control. Besides our hardwork and intelligence the fruits of our actions also depend on 'luck'.
What is luck? Luck consists of all those forces that have an effect on the results but are not in our control. This includes forces such as natural calamities (earthquakes, floods, etc) and the role of other human beings (friends, family and unknown people) in our lives.
So therefore we should focus more on our efforts rather than on the results. But yesterday a friend of mine gave me another perspective. His logic was that ultimately things do fall in place. We are so focused or fixated on a certain result that we forget that it doesn't matter if something else happens. And that is what life is all about.
If we look in hindsight can we say for sure that everything in life happened the exact way we desired? No! But life happened. And we're alive and kicking. And for most of us it could be said that life actually turned out better.
So the lesson here is that there are many different results that can happen because of our actions. But because of our limited knowledge and experience it is not possible for us to know and scan through all these possibilities. Let's accept that some of these unknown optional outcomes could be better than what we had planned for!
So that's why कर्म कर फल की इच्छा मत कर! Not only is the fruits of our actions not in our hands but also there are so many different possibilities of our actions that we can't even imagine of.
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
October 24 2021 Sunday
"We all want leberation, Moksha, Salvation, Nirvana. And our traditions have suggested many ways to achieve it. Zero desire is one of the techniques or paths that can help us achieve this goal. Less desires means less pain. So if all of us agree that we want to follow this path then achieving zero desire should be our ultimate goal or destination? Right.
If we all agree on this then it follows that in this journey where all of us want to become beings with zero desire we are on different stages of this journey. Some are filled with lots of desires and some with very few. Some have a long way to go and some are more ahead. But this is an ongoing journey and we have to try to get better and better to reach out destination.
Now the question will come why zero desire? Why is it a natural goal to strive for. So for this we have to look at the lives of some famous, rich and powerful people who achieved considerable level of material success in their lives. Almost all of them have advocated the pointless-ness of desires and how spirituality is the way forward.
Again some may say that why should they be the criteria? They advocate zero desire after having fulfilled their desires! But doesn't it still hold true that zero desire is desirable? And if we as ordinary people can reach that level without going through so much suffering (because desires is equal to pain) isn't it a win-win situation?
Then again there are millions of ordinary & unknown people who have tread this path and are at peace with themselves. We don't sight them as examples because they are oblivious to us.
There are some who might counter this argument that if all of us strive for this goal of zero desire how will the world survive and progress? This is a useless argument. First of all this goal is for individuals. It's for each one of us to strive for. But we also know that it's next to impossible to achieve this goal. There will always be people in different stages of this journey. And if in theory if everyone does become filled with zero desire nature will find it's own way to take care of things.
So today I will teach you a mantra our a formula to help you achieve zero desire. It is just one of the many techniques and will help you in curbing at least your financial desires.
'Whenever you feel the desire to buy something simply ask yourself this question - If I don't buy this product or service will I die? Will I fall sick? If the answer is no then don't buy it!'
Desires can be nonfinancial also like sexual pleasure, jealousy, power, fame, etc. and they are harder to overcome."
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random-thoughts-pk · 3 years ago
October 24 2021 Sunday
Many of you might think all this talk of Brahman, Maya, reality, etc are hogwash. You might think all these talks are very abstract and useless. They don't really explain the truth. Let's for a moment agree with you. Now there is no denial that there is this world and there are all these creatures including human beings. And we all have to deal with our sufferings. No one questions when they're is happiness and fun. Such questions arise only when we suffer.
And no one can correctly answer where all this came from. Who created the universe? Who created God?
With this background all of us are trying to answer why we have to suffer? Different theocracies are trying to answer this question differently. Science does not have all the answers.
This is where spirituality comes in. On the one side is materialistic goal and success. Yet there is suffering. No materialistic means is able to satisfy this question of suffering. To counter this we have spirituality. We need some explanation to if not justify suffering at least accept it. If not accept it then at least some logic as to why it exists.
And that's why we need spirituality. If it does not have all the answers it at least has a calming affect on millions. Through the laws of Karma, Zero desire and through meditation and many other paths we do get a sense of semblance. 
Spirituality allows us to question our suffering and then try to find our own answers because there is no one answer for all! Without spirituality we're doomed because all we're left with is a materialistic world and suffering.
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random-thoughts-pk · 4 years ago
January 20 2020 Wednesday (Magh 07 2077)
It's amazing how life changes. One moment you're on top of the world. The next moment you're sinking. And you don't know the reason. There's so much negative news that everything seems hopeless. Governments and institutions have become so powerful that individuals no longer matter. We're being forced to live a life that we don't want to. It's becoming impossible for the right beliefs to survive. Isn't it ironic that a religion like Hinduism is being vilified that actually believes and promotes free thinking! And that too in its own country!
I no longer know what to believe and what not to. What to trust and what not to. I want to live a simple life in which Money is not the dominating factor. But people and circumstances around me want to make me believe that it's not enough. I want to instill these values in my children but I'm unable to find the right type of educational institutions to send them to. It's like we're losing the battle.
Every space of our life has been captured by evil forces. A country like America that promotes the worst kinds of values has successfully captured all aspects of human dignity all over the world and no one can do anything about it. It's becoming impossible to survive being Dharmic.
Everything's become about money. It's become a trap. No matter how honestly you work factors beyond your control determine your cash flow. And that's how your happiness fluctuates too.
When are we going to see a renaissance? An era in which everyone gets the opportunity and freedom to live a life that they ought to? An era in which freedom and responsibility are in optimum balance?
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random-thoughts-pk · 4 years ago
Debates on Hindutva
October 16 2020 Friday
After having watched so many videos about Hindutva I'm forced to ask myself two questions. Should I be afraid of Islam and Christianity? After watching such programs have I begun to hate Christians and Muslims or have I begun to love my Dharma & Sanskriti more?
Yes I should be afraid of Islam and Christianity because it's in their scriptures and teachings and beliefs that non believers are inferior and therefore should be converted or killed. Is it a coincidence that only those parts of the world and India are disturbed wherein these religions have become the dominant ones such as Kashmir, Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala!
No. I haven't begun to hate the others. But I have begun to know more about my Dharmic civilization, Sanskriti, itihas and what all is going on to protect and preserve it. But it's equally important in this process not to start hating the Christians and Muslims. There's nothing wrong in making ourselves equipped to become intellectual Kshatriyas so that we can argue articulately to counter their narrative.
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random-thoughts-pk · 5 years ago
Doctors & Teachers
August 28 2020 Friday
Mankind is going through one of it's worst phase in human history. In our society Doctors and Teachers are considered next only to God. They are responsible for a strong foundation of any country.
But today circumstances have made us become suspicious of their intentions! And nothing can be worse. The increasing importance of money has corrupted these two fraternities.
We the gullible people are left stranded empty handed under the protection of dangerous politicians and evil MNCs. They're the ones who have created this scenario.
If there's one sector which is still comparatively trustworthy it's our army. Let's wait and watch for the downfall of this last edifice after which we'll all be left on our own!
जिस समाज में धर्म का पतन होगा उसका ये हश्र होना तय है।
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random-thoughts-pk · 5 years ago
Guru and God
August 20 2020 Thursday
No one is greater than the Guru. Not even God. We cannot see God. But it's only through a Guru we can know God. 
If God is someone omnipresent then it's the Guru who tells us. If He's nature then it's the Guru who explains it to us. If God is consciousness then it's the Guru who can make us experience Him. 
Without the Guru even God is unimaginable!
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random-thoughts-pk · 5 years ago
August 15 2020 Saturday
Is it true that we're born evil? Is it true that we're born with tendencies to become bad? In Christianity when they say we're born sinners is it this what they mean?
The need to become attractive, powerful, popular, appreciated, recognised and special is very addictive and is one of the root causes from where all other problems sprout. This is a deep rooted problem.
In Meditation and Spirituality we spend our whole life trying to overcome these tendencies? Those who succeed attain moksha. Those who fail are reborn.
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random-thoughts-pk · 5 years ago
The Next 5 Years
August 11 2020 Tuesday
My Assessment of the Pandemic Situation for the next 5 years at least
Only people engaged in essential activities will be able to sustain. That too with lots of challenges.
Essential activities means activities necessary for survival.
Essential activities should not be confused with activities that add economic value as in VAT - Value Added Tax.
If you're part of a business or profession that engages in non essential activities then it's time you rethink your goals, etcetera.
Reduce your expenditure.
If you have a home and a family in a small town or village you could think of moving there.
This is the best time to bond with family and friends. If there's existing bitterness in relationships resolve it.
This is the worst time to incur avoidable medical expenses. Keep yourself physically, mentally and spiritually fit.
Immerse yourself in Spirituality, yoga and meditation because these practices have some unexplainable mechanism in them that not only keeps you fit but reduces your desire for worldly goods & services. This in turn reduces your expenses.
Engage yourself in non financial transactions such as kindness, goodness, love, compassion, etcetera. This will not only fulfill your sense of worth but increase humanity which is of utmost need at the moment.
If you've ever been thinking of reorienting your child's education this is the right time. You can't get a better excuse. Switch from career oriented education to life skill oriented education.
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random-thoughts-pk · 5 years ago
Article by Ashwin Sanghi
August 11 2020 Tuesday
For so many years I've tried my best to explain my stand on my faith. Ashwin Sanghi had done it for me. Every single word in this article is an echo from my 💓 heart!
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random-thoughts-pk · 5 years ago
August 11 2020 Tuesday
What is beyond you that is God. The day you have all the answers you're God.
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