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things you don’t want to hear during rehearsal
out-of-tune shifting
the squeaky sound of someone rosining their bow
“oh, wait. is this two pages?”
a cello falling over onto its bridge
a flute falling off a music stand
the neck of a double bass hitting something
a breaking string
the clarinets tuning
someone’s endpin sliding back in
careless whisper
the violas
someone hitting their head on their tuning pegs
the low brass slowing down
the percussion speeding up
the percussion breaking their sticks
someone’s phone
only half the room remembering the ritardando
an alto saxophone attempting a high c
a clarinet attempting anything past a high c
“my reed!”
the trumpets
someone spilling a water bottle
a second violin when their part says they have to shift
all but one of the violins forgetting the g#
a bow stroke longer than 8 beats
pizzicato sixteenth notes
christmas songs in september
the sound of someone stepping on a ligature
“cork grease, the forbidden snack”
someone playing your solo much better than you
a bow that isn’t rosined nearly enough
someone knocking over their case with their foot
drumline in a closed space
the piccolos
someone sneezing into their instrument
“let’s sing our parts”
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Located in the Air Massif of Niger are two of the largest animal rock petroglyphs in the world. Known as the Dabous Giraffes they have been dated to about 8,000BCE. While the artist will forever remain unknown, this area of Niger has over 900 similar carvings of animals and humans. The period of these glyphs (12,000-7,000BCE) was known as the Neolithic Subpluvial, a time when the Sahara was a much wetter savannah that stretched thousands of miles and could sustain animal and human life. The giraffes are carved into a sandstone outcrop and depict a large male and smaller female. Shifting desert sands possibly covered the glyphs for millennia before they were discovered in 1987.
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Are straight white people okay????
What is this?!
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I’ll represent you in court :)
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The 5 things you gotta know before you let that cop into your house
THIS STUFF IS SOOO IMPORTANT TO KNOW.  Seriously.  It’s saved my ass before.
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fun fact about me is that when i was a kid id write capital E's with as many of those little horizontal lines as possible and id call them ladder E's and adults fucking hated them
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What a happy family
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love how wikipedia’s “List of unsolved deaths” starts at 11,000 BCE. like, I don’t think we’ll be cracking that cold case anytime soon.
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More favourite tropes:
“Unfortunately, [thing that would ordinarily be described in much stronger terms than ‘unfortunate’].”  
“Fortunately, [thing that is in no way fortunate].”  
“Unfortunately, [thing that would be fortunate in nearly any circumstance except the particular circumstance at hand].“  
“Fortunately, [very minor benefit that absolutely does not offset the considerable drawbacks of whatever just happened].“  
“Unfortunately, [the exact, word-for-word thing that somebody just expressed that they hope won’t happen].“  
“Fortunately, [complete non sequitur].”
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honestly like real ppl arent ur representation and dont owe you anything. real people dont exist 2 be tokens of rep 4 specific communities. if a celeb that had been an out lesbian/bi woman/trans/nb person came out and said “actually im cishet” that STILL wouldn’t be cause for “mourning” and in fact itd be good for them bc they found their authentic self! 
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Original post by @yeeeem
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Norwegian Pop Queens Playlist Collection
these playlists contain the complete discography of these four amazing Norwegian artists.
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