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Books|Anime|MangaAnything that’ll get me out of reality 💭
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random-kali · 10 months ago
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the first post 🤌
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random-kali · 10 months ago
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Starborn, Fireheart & Lady Death - CC, TOG & ACOTAR
Artist: renata_watsonn
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random-kali · 1 year ago
I keep seeing people saying "Aqua only wanted to date Akane because he couldn't date Kana", but I'm not convinced things are that white-and-black.
The thing is, I think a lot of us underestimate just how attached Aqua got to Akane. Sure, at first he wants to keep her near because of her intelligence and incredible insight, but that changes the moment Akane figures out his secret.
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The Japanese side-text even gives us a helpful ただのビジネス、 カップルを越えて— telling us that they're becoming more than just a business couple.
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This little moment right here pretty much disarms the guy. He gets a taste of what being understood is like, and he can't help himself after that. Suddenly he is letting down his walls and allowing Akane to watch his childhood videos, something that even takes Gotanda aback because Aqua doesn't let anyone watch those.
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More importantly, he even goes as far as to confess his goal to Akane. It was a clear gamble to gauge just how honest she was to him when she told him that she would be his ally no matter what, and Akane gives him more than he bargained for.
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Akane is the real deal. What she is offering him—unconditional understanding and support—is the real deal. And Aqua doesn't know how to react to that. His black star even reverts back to white!
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However, we see just how important this was to him a few chapters later, when we get this gem:
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"Did you think you finally found someone who understands you after meeting Akane Kurokawa?"
In hindsight, the fact that Goro is highlighting Akane's understanding of Aqua and putting her right up there with Kana completely sets-up the events that would follow.
Because, what happens after Aqua finds out that he's finally free?
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He thinks of both, Kana and Akane. She has managed to get under his skin to the point he is genuinely considering her as a romantic option, something he said would never happen.
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This is when things get pretty interesting, because Aqua began dating Akane just to use her, right? So he no longer has any reason to keep her around.
Except he wants to keep her around, and this time it's for entirely personal reasons. He knows his growing attachment to Akane will do her no good though, so he shoots that selfish thought down at once.
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Akane is young and she has a bright future. I can't hold her back forever...
By his own admission, he thinks he is holding her back, so he decides to break up with her to set her free. He even says as much as they're walking to the bridge, almost like he's trying to convince himself it's the right thing to do.
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I don't think... it's good for me to keep you tied down forever, Akane.
In other words, Aqua isn't breaking up with Akane because he isn't romantically interested in her. At the contrary, he even ends up admitting that he is attracted to her.
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However, he doesn't seem to be entirely sure of what he feels for her and he is under the impression that Akane isn't romantically interested in him.
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All this to say, Aqua mainly wanted to break up with Akane for her. Because he has been deceiving her and holding her back.
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Case in point, a chapter later he goes on a date with Kana, who even asks him what he plans to do with Akane. You'd think that this would be the perfect moment for Aqua to confirm his romantic-disinterest in Akane by telling Kana something like:
I tried to break up with her but we got interrupted
I'm going to break up with her
Or any variation of those lines, since that's what he intended to do last time we saw him with Akane. He tells her this instead:
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We talked about it the other day, but we got interrupted.
Oh, so breaking up actually isn't a done deal.
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We'll probably get an answer... the next time we meet.
So, it isn't only Akane who is trying to figure out what Aqua is to her. Aqua himself is thinking about what Akane means to him.
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Something about his conversation with Akane got to him, so he starts second-guessing whether he should break up with her or not even though it's "a little too late", since they talked about breaking up already.
If he were 100% intending to pursue Kana, why would he be telling her all this? Not to mention, why is he thinking carefully about his relationship with Akane instead of focusing on his relationship with Kana?
When it comes down to it, ever since Aqua found out that he is free to love someone, Akane and his relationship with her remain at the forefront of his mind. He even broaches the subject right after Akane finds his corpse, which was far and away not the time for that lol
Which of course leads us to the moment they get the answer Aqua alluded to earlier.
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Akane finally understands what she feels for Aqua, and while she tries to keep a smile on for him, her true feelings come pouring through her tears.
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Aqua wondered if Akane even harbored any romantic feelings for him. Those tears seem to be the answer to that question.
Which leaves us with: What does Aqua feel for Akane?
Aqua seems to realize it in very much the same way Akane did earlier. Through it all, they have been supporting each other, getting to know each other, understanding each other and having fun together.
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Their relationship hasn't been a lie. Akane sincerely wanted to get close to him to help him. He sincerely wants to stay close to her to protect her.
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Since Aqua had already resolved the question of 'should I fall in love?', that left him with two other questions to answer.
Can he fall in love with Akane?
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Does he want to fall in love with her?
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Going by this, he obviously decides that the answer to both questions is yes.
Now, this post isn't here to claim that he did fall for her or anything, he obviously still has unresolved feelings for Kana. What I'm 100% here to say though is that Aqua's feelings were way less set in stone than people make it sound, and that that the order of events clearly show that Aqua actually gave his feelings for Akane a whole lot of thought, even before he realized he should keep his distance from Kana.
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random-kali · 1 year ago
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Sweet youth
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random-kali · 2 years ago
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200% Hollow Purple
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random-kali · 2 years ago
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“but here, Utahime omits nothing.”
“like Utahime, Gojo does not omit a single step..”
..and thats on soulmatism 😌👌
via JJK chapter 223
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random-kali · 2 years ago
I gotta ask, you have any thoughts on what the Prison Realm might be, or what it could do to Gojo? Jogo called it 'that horrible thing', and Getwo said it needed 'time to process Gojo'. I'm just super curious about it, and whether or not Gojo's Infinity barrier will be able to protect him from whatever (terrifying) stuff is inside.
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Do I have thoughts? Well, thinking is hard but I will try my best. There’s quite a lot of symbolism I’ve noticed revolving around the box. There are a lot of people who asked why specifically it’s a six-sided die with actual eyeballs attached to it. The first and most obvious, the six-sides are a symbol for Gojo possessing the six eyes. 
As for why it’s a die, this is just a guess but. 
Alea iacta est ("The die has been cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase once uttered by Caesar when he marched his army into Italy -  used to say that a process or course of action has been started and that it cannot be stopped or changed
Once Kamo Sr. threw the die, everything was out of his hands and the world already had changed. 
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When the box captures him, it specifically has one eye open stapled open. This once again could be a symbol for Gojo having the six eyes, even if he wears a blindfold he can still see, his eyes are in a way always open. However, the eye is crying tears of blood, it’s being damaged, and Gojo has similiar blood on one side of his face.
Gojo's been associated with one eye before.
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He’s often depicted with one eye open, and one eye closed. Especially in pivotal moments such as when he comes back from near death in the fight against Toji. Gojo is typically depicted as someone all-seeing, always able to preceive everything around him, so him losnig an eye is a serious loss. 
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When Gojo is eaten by the boss, he’s also reflected in the pupil in a way that completely destroys his face, he’s depicted with the pupil being a hole in his face. This could symbolize many things, the destruction of is identity, that he might come out of the box unrecognizable. 
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There are two more pieces of evidence, but these aren’t my finds they’ve been pointed out by the fandom in general. In the opening for season two of Jujutsu Kaisen, there’s a one eyed cat depicted, missing the same eye that Gojo is often depicted as being without.  
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And Gojo is similiarly shown with the light shining over only one of his eyes. 
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Geto said that the “processing” that took time with the box was because of Gojo’s immense cursed energy. If the Six-Eyes is inevitably part of his technique, maybe part of the processing is taking one of those eyes out? There’s also the mythological parallel. Norse mythology has been referenced before in Mei Mei’s character, who is able to see through the eyes of ravens, like Odin who sent the two ravens Hugin and Munin around as his messengers. Mei Mei is someone who Gojo has paid off with money to be an ally, and if she’s the raven then logically he’s odin. 
Odin's self-sacrifice - He sacrificed his eye in Mimir's well and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide. He then hanged himself in Yggdrasil, the tree of life, for nine days and nine nights in order to gain knowledge of other worlds and be able to understand the runes.
This story has several things in common with Gojo’s current situation. He is a character who seeks wisdom, as the end result of budhism is “enlightenment”, and Gojo himself because of his six eyes is an enlightened character and associated with the concept. 
His given name is, in my humble opinion, one of the funniest words in the Japanese language. Satoru was originally the Buddhist verb for attaining enlightenment. It means to get rid of all your doubts and all your polluting thoughts (greed, hatred, delusion, etc), and grasp an eternal truth greater than the cycle of reincarnation we live and die in. 
 Nowadays the word still very much retains its original Buddhist meanings, but more commonly used outside of Buddhist contexts, as the verb for having a huge epiphany in a silly or dramatic context. When you remember you left meat off the fridge and realize it’ll get bad before you get back home, you use satoru for that. [x]
The same way that Odin sacrificed himself to hang himself on the tree of yggdrasil, Gojo descendsed to the bottom of the subways all alone to sacrifice himself in the fight against the special grade curses. He also fought against the tree. Gojo being able to see into the infinity is also something equivalent to knowledge of the nine realms that no one else has. 
So there’s a lot of symbolism tied with Gojo going into the box, when he leaves it, he’s probably going to at least lose an eye and come out with his mind effected because Odin had to hang himself on the tree and commit an act of self suicide first before he could attain enlightenment. 
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random-kali · 3 years ago
“Rooftop boys” 😂😂😂
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rooftop boys in ep. 1025 part 2
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random-kali · 3 years ago
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“I firmly believe Sasuke is the one who took all the steps in the relationship. He was the one who kissed first, who held hands first, who began the more intimate parts of their relationship. Everything. But not because Sakura was too shy! No, just because she never wanted to push him, and she always wanted him to go at his own pace. She waited for him to be ready for everything, and happily went along with every overdue gesture :)”
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random-kali · 3 years ago
I really love seeing Sasuke riled up and chaotic like this! 😂😍
The effect Sakura has on these two fools XD
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I miss Kakashi and his Chibis so much T - T ❤️
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random-kali · 3 years ago
So first of, I was kinda feeling depressed so I watched my favourite comfort show which is Naruto. Then I realized how Sasuke unconciously protected Naruto even after years of being apart.
So please join me on reminiscing the good old days 😂
Alright, so the first time he did it was when they were fighting Haku:
During this fight, Haku actually said that there was a shift in Sasuke's way of fighting because during that time, Sasuke is now fighting to protect a friend which is Naruto.
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Then Sasuke rushed to Naruto when he realized where Haku's attack would be.
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And then during the war when they were fighting Obito the Jinchuuriki, Sasuke did it again without realizing what he was doing.
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There was a scene before Sasuke joined the battle and he was with Orochimaru on their way to reanimate the four Hokages, Orochimaru noted that Sasuke was worried about Naruto.
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Notice how Sasuke keeps Naruto behind his back where his Susanoo can protect him? This isn't the only time Sasuke put Naruto behind him or near him. There was a moment before where Naruto wanted to run after the three Hokages (Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen) to protect them from Obito's attack but Sasuke stopped him and made sure Naruto stayed beside him.
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THIS!!! This was the scene where I first noticed Sasuke protecting Naruto. Just look at how he put his arm in front of Naruto, protecting him with his Susanoo 🥺 The hand of his Susanno was even around Naruto it's not even extended in front of him! ~ahh my heart~ 💛🥺
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So the questions is, why would Sasuke take Naruto with him to safety if he wants to kill him in the end? I mean, when Sasuke joined the battle he still has intentions of cutting ties with team 7 ESPECIALLY Naruto. So why would he save him? If you think about it Sasuke really cares deeply for Naruto and truly see him as his best friend 🥺
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Sasuke then immediately went back to where Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi when he saw the Infinite Tsukoyomi and covered them immediately. Look at how fast he landed, he's in a hurry to shield all of them from the moon.
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Then when he picked Naruto instead of the others 🥺 Yeah I know, at this point both Sasuke and Naruto have already met the Sage of Six Paths so both of them already know that they are the key figures in the war and are the only ones who can seal Kaguya. But still, Naruto even noted that Sasuke moved without really thinking just like what he did when he saved Naruto against Haku.
Honestly, these moments made me realize that Sasuke truly cares about Naruto even when he wants to kill him. It seems like even in the beginning Sasuke is like an older brother to Naruto. Just like how Itachi was to Sasuke.
I think these moments will really make you realize that their bond is different. It's much deeper than anyone else. I just love these characters so much 🥺💛💛
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random-kali · 3 years ago
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Sasuke looking at Sakura
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random-kali · 3 years ago
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NaruCole’s collection of canon badass power couple cards are so pretty and romantic!
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random-kali · 3 years ago
The effect Sakura has on these two fools XD
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I miss Kakashi and his Chibis so much T - T ❤️
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random-kali · 3 years ago
Am I the only one who loves it how Sasuke always brings Sakura into the scene, OUT OF THE BLUE, and makes random comments/gestures when it's NEITHER EXPECTED NOR REQUIRED XD ?
(Only Post-Manga/Boruto Scenes included)
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"You take after your mother"
Source: Sasuke Shinden: The Star Pupil
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Ofcourse, I am totally not implying that She lives in his mind(and heart) 24/7 XD.
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random-kali · 3 years ago
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"Besides he comes back home to sleep at night, when you aren't aware."
My Shipper Heart:
Aww... And does he always stop on his tracks and keeps looking at your *beautiful* sleeping face, when you fall asleep waiting for him, in those nights too?
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And do you have any idea how his eyes go all soft and tender, when he looks at you?
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(Am I the only one who thinks that Sakura always looks even more beautiful in Sasuke's POV XD ?)
Does my poor and tired Sasuke always keep standing by your side, waiting for you to wake up, to make sure that you know how much he appreciates you staying up for him?
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Does he always thank you for your selfless love and unwavering support through all these years?
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Do you have to reassure him again and again that you are fine and he really doesn't have to worry?
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And, Does Uchiha Sasuke always smile like this, in those nights too? (Oh, and I totally didn't see how he tilted his head XD)
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So, Can you two please stop looking so much in love? It's not healthy for my heart T - T.
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random-kali · 3 years ago
Sasuke Retsuden Notes (6/7)
Meeting by the lake, under the starry sky. Sasuke’s feelings.
After they discussed the starry sky and the lake while briefing each other on their mission, Sasuke says “I’m going to pick you up after the lights go out tonight.”
He picks her up by the window of her infirmary as promised. They arrive at the lake crater (called the Roku Lake) behind the institution, amazed by the view that’s been there this whole time. 
Sasuke says “Beautiful,” as if he’s only referring to the view, but he’s really looking at Sakura’s profile, noting that she looks happy, shining like a child.
They want to show the lake and the starry sky to Sarada too, noting that she’d like it since she’s been interested in the universe recently, particularly the moon and the stars.
Sasuke holds Sakura’s hand. He mentally notes that her fingertips appear thinner than he remembers them to be. He muses that there must be moments he misses because he’s not there.
He thinks even though they didn’t have a wedding ring, and that they can’t always be together, she is still his wife and his family. After all, his best friend Naruto taught him that “the most important thing is your bonds.” (I love that it really says best friend 🥺).
He thinks there is a connection between him and Sakura. That even if they weren’t together every day, she’s an irreplaceable partner.
Still, there are times when he is lonely when he’s on long missions, unable to return home for a long time. (🥺!!!)
He laments that he cannot hear his own voice when he wants to hear it. He wonders if having official wedding rings will make their days spent apart feel a little easier.
He musters the courage to actually say it out loud, asking Sakura if she wants a ring. He’d get her one when he gets back in the village. Sakura understands his intentions, but says no—that, yes, she’s always wanted one, but maybe it doesn’t look so good in her hands that are roughened from work. Sasuke thinks that her hands are proof that she has helped many patients. It is also his pride.
Sasuke shares that he never used to worry that someone might take his place in her heart while he’s gone, not even once. But sometimes, the thought is there and it is frustrating. The thought that “when you come home after a long time and Sarada is growing taller or your hairstyle has changed…”
Sakura reassures that she also feels this way sometimes, even noting that Sasuke has gotten a bit of wrinkles on his eyes. Sasuke touches Sakura’s eyes and notes that she has developed some too.
Sakura asks if something is the matter with him, and if somebody told him anything (Jiji lol!), to which Sasuke responds “No, I just wanted to say it. I want you to know that.” and Sakura says she understood Sasuke very well, so she will be just fine.
Sasuke thinks that from the bottom of his heart, he wishes to always be with Sakura. But they couldn’t because they had different roles to play as shinobi. Sakura is needed by the people in the village as well as Sarada, and he has his missions in the shadows.
Totally reminds me of this scene:
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