randivoid255 · 2 years
I came by on the behalf of Maxine.artx, because she is not here to speak for herself, and no, she does not know I am doing this.
Do you know dark-cynder49? Well, recently I've read somewhere that Cynder has been doing some shady things, and saying rude things about Artx's oc. On Wattpad, about 2 weeks ago, she made an announcement on her account. From what I know, she's going through a tough time in her life rn, and she'd rather not deal with the fandom anymore.
Seeing the screenshots she posted of a private conversation between her and Cynder, I think Cyn and a couple of her friends is part of the reason for her stress.
I'm not saying it was right that she harassed Cynder, but if I was her, I would've been mad too if somebody said those things about my OCs.
You wanna know why Cyn posted this?
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It's because I tried to confront her about it. I didn't send all the asks that probably were in her ask box, but I did send a few of them.
I told her that I think she overstepped a bit with her criticism. I also said, in my own words, that I thought it was a little childish and rude to block somebody just because she disliked their oc.
Believe it or not, she is dodging the questions. If she really did do this to Max, how many other people did she do the same thing to?
We all knew that Cyn was cynical. We knew that she critical, but even I can agree that she took it a little far. What would thesoftanon think? Seeing that Cyn supports her oc blush, and not caring that she's a mary sue, but then turing around and telling another person that their oc is a mary sue and disliking them for it? Does that make much sense to you?
Reading further into the announcement, I also know that shinybeyzer and laranomyprisma were involved. I don't know what they did exactly, but from what Max said:
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In other words, she's saying that she feels like they were both manipulative towards her; faking their friendships, tricking her into thinking they were friendly, and basically altogether fooling her into a false sense of security, eventually leading to a climax where they then both reveal that then turned on her and Shiny told her to burn specifically:
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Maxine.artx had every right to be mad at them. It wasn't right, the methods she used to let them know that, but now looking at the history of this strange ordeal:
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I think the way Cynder went about with Maxine.artx was not only childish, but also selfish and overall hateful. There is a difference between being critical and full-on just bashing/shaming/putting someone down and then having your friends finish the job for you.
Hating somebody's character should not be a reason to cause chaos, let alone an entire hysteria this big.
I'm not saying to not follow Cynder or any of these people, they're cool artists. I just think that it would be a wise idea to at least advise people what someone like Cynder is capable of.
I know Max can be a big drama queen sometimes, but she doesn't mean harm. Even if she's really mad at someone, she doesn't want them to be hurt. She may also be a jerk sometimes, but she wouldn't kill anybody, let alone come to their house and forcefully delete their Tumblr account. She doesn't have time for all that.
I will admit, Max did spit some pretty messed up junk at them. She does that sometimes. We all do it sometimes. Believe me, I've witnessed it before this. Its stressful. She doesn't mean it, just like how you don't mean it. Again, I will say it; the way Max executed her thoughts and feelings about Cynder and her friend group wasn't right, and I let her know that. Still, she has every right to be angry at these people for first shaming her for her OC, then throw her under the bus, and then make up stuff to cover it up.
I remember when she tried to expose what was happening. I can't count how many times she's done it, but yet somehow, because of Cynde'r's social status, she always gets silenced and put right back down. I'm sorry, but do these people have anything better to do than to pick on another kid because their oc was a demon?
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This is cyberbullying. Actively bashing/shaming on someone because of someone else's lies? Spreading lies? I don't care. I don't appreciate ya'll beating my friend in like this. She ain't a stalker, she ain't a dumbass, she ain't a FUCKING cartoon villian, ya'll just spit bullshit about her that you don't even know is true!
Again, no wonder she hates all of you! No wonder I recieved a PM on my Wattpad telling me she's gonna kill herself!
Ya'll all are the ones who need to get a life. You've got no business saying these things about Max, especially when she can't be here to defend herself because she constantly gets oppressed by you jokers!
If I was Maxine, I woulda just straight up hexed ya'll.
Laughing at her, calling her names, bashing her, all because of one oc? This is cyberbullying. This is a full on shame-fest. It's almost like you ENJOY doing this.
I understand that Maxine has serious issues. You're not making it any better by saying theses things about her. I got a message, about 3 months ago, saying that she was gonna commit SUICIDE because of you. I talked with her on the damn phone, you cannot imagine the world of pain I was in, hearing her sobbing so hard, telling me all the things that you god damn clowns said to her. Her grades in school have went down because she was too busy dealing with YOU.
Lara Prisma, you're the one I've got a bone to pick with. You don't get to talk bull about Max like that, especially when you WILLINGLY manipulated her into thinking that you were her friend. You're lucky you get to hide behind a screen and snicker. I'd kick you in the balls and see how you like it. Same with you, too Shinybeyzer.
Again, I don't care if you're Russian, Brazilian, British, Spanish, American, whatever. I don't care if you're gay, straight, pan, ace, bi. I don't care if you're Christian, Muslim, Wicca, Atheist; we are ALL humans. We all abide to the same laws and rules. Nobody is exempt from punishment when it comes, the case in Wicca being 3 fold.
Ya'll can hate me for this.
Wanna laugh at me for defending Max? Can't wait to see who's laughing then when Karma comes back bites you in the rear end.
Especially with Max giving it a little encouraging push. She knows magic, and she's not kidding around when doing Karma magic. She doesn't need to hex/curse/jinx you.
You won't get away with this. None of you.
Have fun with Karma.
-Randi Void
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