randallrants · 7 years
Thoughts about human behavior overland and water...
It's odd how when someone is on the side of the road and needs help we all think "so many people on this highway, surely someone will stop to help... " and then no one does (Psychologically known as "The bystander effect"). But on the water, when someone is throwing around the two handed wave that is unmistakeable from a friendly wave it's completely different. It's like we know and understand that we may be the only people to pass by close enough to see this gesture, that we may be the only chance this person has at receiving any help at all... Maybe it's because I've been in situations where I've had to swim with a rope around me to bring a boat to shore... or run out of gas and needed a friendly tow, but I don't think there is a more universal truth to it than my own personal experience, there's kind of a "country" feel to being out on the water, which I shall try to explain for those who don't already understand. There's a neighborly way you interact with people even though they are strangers and even though they probably live many miles from you, on the water you wave at everyone like you know them, a friendly acknowledgement of their existence. When someone clearly needs help you provide what help you can, sometimes it's "no sweat off your back" (doesn't "cost" you anything) or sometimes it does, but that's okay because you hope and believe that if the situation was reversed some random stranger would be there and kind enough to do the same. I feel like on land people perpetually piss me off, and further jade me against people in general. Everyone's an asshole, every person in traffic is an idiot, all drivers (besides me) are shitty drivers, "does this asshole in line have any concept of personal space?" ect. But over water it's a different ball game, and that doesn't only apply to here in the US. It's like, as a species, we know and accept a completely different set of rules for waterborne society that get left pierside when going ashore. Quite possibly I'm overthinking this but in the meantime I'm glad I still have a job that pays me to be on the water. If you have a boat, go out more. If you don't make friends with someone who does and go out more. See what I'm talking about. Agree or disagree I'd love to hear your thoughts. 
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randallrants · 7 years
On this date in 1976, protesters in #LA tried to burn the #American flag … but a #Cubs outfielder #RickMonday wasn’t having it. #Dodgers #dodgerstadium
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randallrants · 8 years
I'm not sure if this is actually official usps but I loled and I ain't mad if it is.
A Poem Dedicated to Communists
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randallrants · 8 years
Some of these are simply outstanding, very creative and artistic.
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Exquisite Resin Jewelry
Irene from Alpaca Blue creates stunning resin jewelry made from real flowers. She prides herself in every unique piece, which is handmade.
She confesses, “My world is inspired by nature, bright colours, organic forms and different textures. My dream is to create amazing jewelry and unique accessories for people with love, spirit, and imagination.”
Since she lives in North Spain in a tiny village, she is constantly in touch with nature, wild flowers, fungi, and plants, which allow her to create.
Find her entire collection in her Etsy shop.
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randallrants · 8 years
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These judges... who the fuck do they think they are? Directly disobeying the SUPREME COURT ruling!!? They've all sworn to protect the Constitution, does that not mean ANYTHING anymore? For fucks sake, am I the only person who actually MEANT every goddamn word?? oath of enlistment:
"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God"
Oath of Judges and Justices: “I, ___ ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as (Justice/Judge) under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”Upon reflection on the part of the Constitution that defines all the rules of courts, judges and all associated persons or positions, I believe that there is a substantial need to update these rules. 
Whereas an enlisted man could be tried for treason and if found guilty (during a time of war) could be sentenced to death. However the provisions of Judges say nothing of treason, the only reference to the constitution is in their oath despite their existence as adjudicators of law of the United States and therefore, the Constitution. There are parts of these rules that state, and I'm not making this shit up, I'll copy and paste actually.
 "A judge should inform himself about his personal and fiduciary financial interests, and make a reasonable effort to inform himself about the personal financial interests of his spouse and minor children residing in his household." 
Should inform HIM(her)SELF? AYFKM, a judge's impartiality is mostly related to whether or not  themselves or someone 3 persons removed (which is a shitton of people) has a financial interest or stands to benefit in anyway from the decision of the court and they are only accountable to themselves to maintain this impartiality.... holy shit, "Who's watching the watchers?"
It's no wonder these fuckers think they walk on water, dispense "justice" while only being held accountable to themselves? Unfuckingbelievable.. 
via NRA-ILA | Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Ignores Heller: No Protection for Guns It Deems “Dangerous”)
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randallrants · 8 years
For gun owners against National Reciprocity #2
"who is carrying a valid identification document containing a photograph of the person, and who is carrying a valid license        OR       permit which is issued pursuant to the law of       A       State and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm      OR       is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides, may possess or carry a concealed handgun...in  ANY  State that—" 
 If there's a way to type bold or italics on youtube I don't know it, two very small but very important words have been selectively isolated and capitalized to draw your attention. Unfortunately none of us fuckers participating in this debate is a lawyer, but I account myself as being somewhat savvy. And I've read the damn thing a dozen times because fuckers keep saying "That's not what it says, look!" and then paranoid I missed something or it's been amended I go read it again. It's a short bill but even so legal jargon is fucking nauseating. To translate into laymans terms a person with valid (government, state or derivative issued) identification    OR   permit issued by A state. Not your state. Not state of residency. A state. But it get's better, OR is from a constitutional carry state (it is inferred that your ID would be the evidence of said state residence).  When you see "or" in a legal document that basically means either of the things surrounding the "or" are all that is required. I can keep trying to spell it out but I feel like I just keep repeating the same thing. However here is how the rest of the text reads after the stop above: 
"(1) has a statute under which residents of the State may apply for a license or permit to carry a concealed firearm;  >---- OR <-------- “(2) does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms by residents of the State for    LAWFUL PURPOSES." 
That last one is most certainly tricky. It could be interpreted a hundred different ways. Lawful to whom? the State? The Constitution? The Supreme Court? The Heller case plainly says "that the Second Amendment creates an individual right to possess a firearm unrelated to any military purpose" so, theoretically, any state prohibiting such is directly denying you your rights. Now things get interesting. 
 "A person who carries or possesses a concealed handgun in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) may NOT be arrested or otherwise DETAINED for violation of ANY law OR any rule or regulation of A State OR any political subdivision thereof related to the possession, transportation, or carrying of firearms UNLESS there is probable cause to believe that the person is doing so in a manner not provided for by this section." 
 So long as you have an ID or Permit this bill says that unless you are behaving outside the realm of the document (brandishing or threatening for example, waving it around, firing in the air, those sorts of things) you are protected from being detained or arrested based purely on the fact that you exist and choose to responsibly carry a firearm. Because A state is stated and not state of residence, state currently in or whatever, literally all 50 states and ALL of their laws, rules and regulations do not apply, without probable cause. But even more interesting is the next part.
"When a person asserts THIS section as a DEFENSE in a criminal proceeding, the prosecution SHALL BEAR the burden of PROVING, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the conduct of the person did NOT satisfy the conditions set forth in subsections (a) and (b)." 
 IE the burden of evidence is on the prosecution to prove you were acting unlawfully, vice YOU proving your innocence or that you were acting lawfully. 
“(3) When a person SUCCESSFULLY asserts this section as a DEFENSE in a criminal proceeding, the court shall AWARD the prevailing defendant a reasonable ATTORNEY'S FEE." 
 Straight up says any court proceedings brought up against someone carrying under the provisions of this bill who is found innocent or not guilty of a criminal act will be paid for by the loser, IE the state bringing up the charges. 
“(d)(1) A person who is deprived of any right, privilege, or immunity secured by this section, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any State or any political subdivision thereof, MAY BRING AN ACTION in any appropriate COURT AGAINST any other PERSON, including a State or political subdivision thereof, who CAUSES the person to be subject to the deprivation, for damages or other appropriate relief."
It's a rather wordy way of saying you would be fully within your rights to sue any person or state, agency or government for the deprivation of any right, privilege or immunity provided BY THIS BILL (such as not being arrested in any state without probable cause).  It's then followed by another statement saying citizen bringing up these charges and winning will have "reasonable attorneys fees" paid for, damages and "such other relief" as deemed appropriate. 
"(2) The court shall award a plaintiff prevailing in an action brought under paragraph (1) damages and such other relief as the court deems appropriate, including a reasonable attorney’s fee." Next it mentions a subsection 922 (q) of chapter 44 of title 18 USC and that any person carry a gun under subsection 1 (of this bill, not title 18) "Shall not be subject to the prohibitions provided in ss(q)922" 
and for the sake of thoroughness I pulled that up and I'll admit I'm confused about this part, not because I don't understand it but because it's almost too good to be true. The prohibitions in ss(q)922 involve school zones and when/where or if carry, possession or travel through is lawful or not. The phrasing
"Shall not be subject to the prohibitions" sounds an AWFUL lot like nullifying the ability to enforce the laws of gun free zones against a person carrying lawfully as provided in this bill. At this point I'm not sure if I'm delusional or that's really what it means. Either way I've been dissecting this thing for too damn long as it is. 
 oh one last bit 
“(2) A person possessing or carrying a concealed handgun in A State under subsection (a) may do so in ANY of the following areas in the State that are open to the public: “(A) A unit of the National Park System. “(B) A unit of the National Wildlife Refuge System. “(C) Public land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management. “(D) Land administered and managed by the Army Corps of Engineers. “(E) Land administered and managed by the Bureau of Reclamation.”."
If lawfully carrying in accordance to subsection (a) you may do so in ANY State in ANY of the LISTED places open to the public. Which is dope because fuck NPS telling me I can't carry despite a million signs saying "beware, bears" like fuck you beware but have no chance whatsoever, fuck you. /end rant
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randallrants · 8 years
For gun owners against National Reciprocity...
Are you a member of the Gun Owners of America? Do you receive the monthly GOA propaganda letter? Summary: "This is FULL reciprocity. It allows citizens in the growing number of constitutional carry states to travel with their firearms even when they leave the state. It also allows citizens who live in anti-gun states to get permits from other states, which their state must recognize." I understand where you're batshit crazy paranoia of this going south on us, and I generally agree that "there oughta be a law" should be met with someone smacking the face who said it, the fed is obviously too big, far more powerful than it's supposed to be, and there's extremely little we can do about it.
This would be a federal protection effectively ENFORCING the second amendment, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms." That's what national reciprocity is about. You probably have the privilege of living in a state that isn't actively attempting to deny you your right to have arms. In contrast MY state just tried to make it illegal for you to have unlocked firearms in the house (punishable as a class c felony and making home defense literally impossible) mandatory registration and serialization of all existing 30 round magazines and making it illegal to buy/bring more to the state. They tried to reduce that capacity of all rifles and pistols to 10 rounds, redefining and banning "assault" rifles to include basically every rifle with a pistol grip and 1 accessory of some sort, including scopes. If this shit sounds it's some fantasy hunger games level communist shit that's because it is, and it was real. Fortunately none of it passed but, like most anti-gun bills, they'll be recycled hoping to slip through the cracks, hence our required vigilance. 
As a military member formerly stationed in VA I acquired my VA CCW as quickly as I moved off base (because gov property is exempt for state permits/laws), I lived on the border of VA and NC and frequently road tripped through the east coast states. Reciprocity allowed me to carry in only a few of these (Vermont, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Maine) for all others I would stop before the border, unload and lock my gun someone inaccessible from the drivers seat, attempting to ensure that I would be protected by the federal protections afforded to intrastate transit. It was extremely not cool, a violation of my rights as an American, simply because half the east coast is communist in all but name, (example the "commonwealth of Virginia/Massachusetts"). I had to sell some of my guns before I moved to Boston (new duty station) due to their magazine capacity restrictions for anyone without a level A CCP, which was not attainable from an out of state resident not yet actually stationed in state. Bullshit. Despite this I still possessed some items that are completely legal in most states, which almost turned out to be a very very bad thing for me. I got lucky. Really lucky.
Handgunlaw.us has an absolutely fantastic Reciprocity map but you know what would be fucking awesome? If you went to handgunlaw.us and the front page said, “Are you an American? If yes, concealed carry for every adult over 21 in all 50 states (unless otherwise prohibited from gun ownership)” Instead they have a tool where you can input your permit/s and it'll show you everywhere in the nation you can legally carry due to the reciprocity of your permits. Even with 2 permits I cannot carry in 14 states. Among those were states I didn't live in by choice, states I traveled through many times, when I finally moved back "home" I had to drive through 4 of those states on my 3000 mile road trip. 
While this may hold utterly no bearing on some people, this attempt of guaranteeing a citizen's right to keep and bear arms, should be a no brainer. The fear of this being convoluted into full scale registration, a nationwide permit system or whatever is pure paranoia, the bill offers no mechanism for that to occur. It's not asking for the funding required or the retasking of pre-existing government body to stand up a new department of permits or some such, it's not saying you even have to have a permit at all, in effect it plainly says IF you have the right to carry anywhere in the country you have the right to carry EVERYWHERE in the country. Being against National Reciprocity because it doesn't particularly apply to you is just like being one of those Fudd fuckers that don't care about gun laws until it affects "hunting". Your fear and paranoia of gov't overreach is just your justification for being against it, the reality is you are comfortable where you are and don't give a fuck about the rest of us.
Even IF, god forbid, Hillary somehow becomes the next president, or Michelle Obama (which, BTW, I believe we should amend the constitution to state that anyone having been First lady or man at any point in a lifetime exempts your eligibility for office. Legally a married couple are perceived as “one” right? The spouse of a former president becoming president themselves would be effectively giving the first one 1 or 2 more terms, which is obviously bullshit), after 4 years of national reciprocity how many more gun owners will we have? how many more people will be carrying regularly thanks to the convenience of National Reciprocity? And someone new is going to come in and turn that around? We've all said it, if you fear that eventuality just remind yourself, “FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!” An unarmed majority probably wouldn't succeed against an armed minority. Level the scales a little more, give it time to become a natural part of our culture they'll have no choice to get over it, or leave. 
This was originally the longest goddamn comment ever to a specific youtuber. If any of it reads kind of weird I made an attempt to make it oriented towards a broader audience. 
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randallrants · 8 years
Sheeple tidal wave after "muslim ban"
Because the full swell of the sheeple tidal wave stirred by the media is in full force I am compelled to put something dissenting against all the followers following (media). Very much many of the people decrying racism, intolerance and bigotry didn’t say anything when, under the Obama administration, these same bans were implemented were proposed and implemented (to a lesser degree).
Where was the outrage then? Where was the outrage when the National Defense Authority Act, under Obama, allowed the use of MILITARY force on AMERICAN civilians? Where was the outrage when your right to privacy and protections against warrantless searches and seizures under the 5th amendment were decreed arbitrary in the same of “security” and “anti-terrorism”? Where was the outrage for the Patriot Act and every piece of legislation that has followed it’s twisted logic since? Or when the Patriot Act was supposed to expire and congress extended it? WHERE?
AMAZING how all these people who didn’t give a FUCK when they liked the guy pulling the strings are suddenly OUTRAGED by someone doing the EXACT SAME SHIT.
More amazing still, these SAME people who are the most likely to cry racism and bigotry who are the most racist and bigoted. Outstanding. Worlds biggest hypocrites just keep trying to out do each other.
and I’m over here waiting on the first flight for Mars. Elon Musk, chop chop motherfucker, before the stupid become contagious or so massive it ruins our ability to escape its gravitational pull.
TLDR Fuck fair-weather patriots suddenly concerned with government’s over extension of powers. Part of me should be happy, maybe now we can use your sheeple power-in-numbers to get the government back under control, but mostly I feel a deep rooted disgust for people who are more than willing to call foul on the other team while they sit by and allow their’s to get away with murder.if murder sounds harsh.. These murders were committed during violent conflicts overseas that never had congressional approval and therefor are not technically wars. Last I checked killing another human outside of self defense or during war was called murder. Thanks, Obomba, 100k bombs dropped and there’s still enough of them to cause problems.. Fucking fail.
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randallrants · 8 years
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Don't put that evil on me, fuck em both but lay it thick on progressive liberals, that's how they like it (or so I've heard).
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randallrants · 8 years
His holiness, the patron saint of Nobel Peace prize-for-no-reason and greatest firearms salesmen to ever live is gone and NOW people are upset... Where the fuck have you been for the last 8 years, in fucking lala land? I get it, you were brain washed by Obamas promises so much that you never paid attention to his actions, this is why you're stupid enough to say he was a great president and then immediately turn around and trash his predecessor whose mouth may be filthy but whose hands have far, FAR less blood on them. Hey, remember that time we paid off IRAN in exchange for prisoners? Or the 500 million dollar weapons shipment we sent to Syria? You know, because what's the worst that could happen? Handing out a bunch of guns to people whose loyalties and motives you don't understand, NO BIG DEAL. Spying on Americans? NBD. Benghazi? Totally not about a comic or a movie but you ate that shit sandwich and loved it. Remember that time someone made promises he couldn't keep but was worried about losing the election so we pulled out of Iraq before they were fully self sustainable just in time for you to be stupid enough to vote for him again? I get it, Trump is easy to dislike. Even more so if your ideologies don't match. But how about some consistency, eh? Either the new administration is basically carrying on with what the old had already started and it's been inherently wrong the the whole time but you only suddenly have morals cause you hate trump or yall are just brainwashed from watching too much tv or something, like fish instinctively swarming in the same direction everytime the news changes stories. All hail St. Obama, he-who-could-not-do-wrong! In Obamas name we pray, 1 hundred thousand bombs dropped in 8 years, after winning nobel peace prize, the king of hypocrisy himself, amen.
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randallrants · 8 years
Out-of-Control Washington State Vehicle Registration Taxes and Fees
"Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." - My homeboy, T. Jefferson, Declaration of Independence. 
Seriously, Washingtonians... Stop being fucking sheep. This is total bullshit. A tax for how much the vehicle weighs? Do we let airplanes charge fat people fees to fly? No, it's discrimination. The state has NO business charging more money in taxes based on weight, everyone was so quick to fly the "that's racial discrimination" flag when republicans wanted everyone to show ID to vote, because in the tiny dimly lit, racist minds of liberals black people are incapable of finding a DMV and getting a licence, "they're too poor" to get a licence and the intercities are too far from DMVS...blah blah blah. 
Here's a bullshit flag that actually makes sense to fly, where's all the white knights and social justice warriors? Poor people typically own OLDER motor vehicles, older motor vehicles TYPICALLY weigh MORE than newer ones, a legitimate argument could be made that this tax disproportionately affects POOR people. Here's some more rational to agree with that argument, vehicles that weigh more typically get less gas mileage, less gas mileage means buying more gas, gas which is currently taxed at just under  $0.68 a gallon. Double negative for poor people, taking it from both sides! Yeah! 
But who am I kidding, this doesn't just affect poor people. I'm not "Poor" by typical American standards, and this was a real kick in the balls. It's not only the weight tax that is complete bullshit. 99 dollar use tax, because hey, not only will we charge you to register your car, but we are going to charge you for how much it weighs and because you USE it... (insert evil laugh). 
And then the T. B. D. RCW 36.73.020 allows city or county governments to create transportation benefit districts and impose an additional vehicle registration fee to fund local transportation projects.
In case you don't know what that means I'll elaborate. We are letting them choose how much to charge people from different districts, who are already being taxed for OWNING A VEHICLE, REGISTERING IT, HOW MUCH IT WEIGHS AND THE FACT THAT THEY USE IT, to pay for "local transportation projects". 
There are 7.4 million registered vehicles in Washington. That's 7.4 million reasons to man the fuck up and tell your local and federal elected leaders this is intolerable. These taxes are insane. Do you know how much money WA "collected" in FY 2015? $2,935,887,843.00 That's $419.00 dollars for every man, woman and child in the whole state, retired, injured, living off welfare, homeless, illegal immigrant, incarcerated, or otherwise normal working, tax paying person. How much are you going to let them steal from you before you start abolishing the forms to which you are accustomed? 
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randallrants · 8 years
Fear of national security compromise... Fear of critical anti-terrorism infrastructure being circumvented out of "extreme carelessness"... Fear of an out-of-control government that is" too-big-to-jail" being headed by the Queen of the concept... Vote Gary Johnson or watch our substantially failing two party system continue to burn the country down.
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