rancorsdelight · 2 years
I think my favorite thing about antis is how weirdly puritanical they are? Like, you're just spewing the same bs that's been actively destroying queer spaces that fundamentalist Christians have been for years. Cancel culture too. It's all just the same message over and over again without any critical thinking behind it. Its religious purity culture 2.0 and it's really gross. Policing what people create and how they think is very cult like behavior and ultimately just leads to more bigotry and suffering.
Like I understand if you disagree with someone or even dislike someone, but everyone deserves basic respect. And suicide baiting people is just not that.
yep yep
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
a relatively popular mutual of mine just posted a lukewarm opinion that someone had without their url cropped out. they also posted screenshots of the person’s ao3. but they’re the ones against harassment.
every damn time
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
Oh and to the little cunts who think anyone older than 25 can’t be in fandom — choke on it. We created fandoms and have been in them from the start.
Don’t like it. Leave.
Textbook fandom abuse apology. Some 20 thinks it’s it’s fine to advocate self harm and then says they aren’t an abuser.
The mental gymnastics is amazing
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
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Wait… @rottiebones sees a post about fandom abuse of real live people and then CLAIMS to see something that in NO WAY endorses CP, then proceeds to make a shit post like OP is out here endorsing CP?
You take the focus about something really happening — fandom abuse of real live people — and turn it around by making up lies about the OP to make yourself sounds smart? So you are an abuse apologist?
Antis like you endorse online abuse, bullying, TERF behavior tward trans fans and mental abuse of real people then. Okay. Good to know.
Because that’s exactly what OP was talking about. You just tried to derail the message with lies and throwing around CP like so much shit.
Way to prove OP’s point, kid. Your entire post is basically PSA on antis behavior of spreading lies and slander and twisting anything you don’t agree with into “this person obviously endorses CP or whatever” . OP filters CP and anything else sick like that out. You’re just a fucking liar… full stop.
Sounds to me like you think it’s fine for real life trans fandom people to be harassed and threatened AT THIER HOUSES because they wrote a piece of fanfiction the antis didn’t like? Do you know how fucking NAZIish that sounds? Maybe they aged up a character to well over legal age and wrote that and the fucking antis called them CP writers!
These antis better check their closets, lest someone take issue with THEM about something “problematic”
See this is what Op is saying — antis coming in crying wolf to get attention and then throwing around lies about ANYONE they don’t agree with. They’ll hide anti-poc sentiments and TERFy believes behind the “fictional moral good” to brainwash young people in fandom.
If you are in a fandom where people are writing shit about 10yr olds in relationships with adults - you need to choose better fandoms. If they are writing about an 18 yr old having a relationship with a 25 yr old an you call it CP - you need to seek help and touch grass.
. People need to be warned about people like them, running into posts and screaming PROSHIPPER — because if they will lie about anyone, they’ll lie about you too. And then hope you don’t look too closely at THEIR little fandom fetishes.
Real people > Fictional people jfc.
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
Wait… @rottiebones sees a post about fandom abuse of real live people and then CLAIMS to see something that in NO WAY endorses CP, then proceeds to make a shit post like OP is out here endorsing CP?!
Way to prove OP’s point, kid. Your entire post is basically PSA on antis behavior of spreading lies and slander and twisting anything you don’t agree with into “this person obviously endorses CP or whatever” . OP filters CP and anything else sick like that out. You’re just a fucking liar… full stop.
Sounds to me like you think it’s fine for real life trans fandom people to be harassed and threatened AT THIER HOUSES because they wrote a piece of fanfiction the antis didn’t like? Do you know how fucking NAZIish that sounds? Maybe they aged up a character to well over legal age and wrote that and the fucking antis called them CP writers!
These antis better check their closets, lest someone take issue with THEM about something “problematic”
See this is what Op is saying — antis coming in crying wolf to get attention and then throwing around lies about ANYONE they don’t agree with. They’ll hide anti-poc sentiments and TERFy believes behind the “fictional moral good” to brainwash young people in fandom.
If you are in a fandom where people are writing shit about 10yr olds in relationships with adults - you need to choose better fandoms. If they are writing about an 18 yr old having a relationship with a 25 yr old an you call it CP - you need to seek help and touch grass.
. People need to be warned about people like them, running into posts and screaming PROSHIPPER — because if they will lie about anyone, they’ll lie about you too. And then hope you don’t look too closely at THEIR little fandom fetishes.
Because I’ve seen some pretty concerning things happening in fandom lately, here is a gentle reminder that:
if someone tells you that you need to cut off contact with your friends to prove your morality,
if someone tells you that you need to publicly announce your stances on fandom issues to prove your morality,
if someone tells you that you need to harass people they disagree with to prove your morality,
if someone threatens you with public shame, harassment, and exile from the social group if you don’t comply with the above demands,
that is abuse
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
hello new followers
[time stamp: 2 Feb 2021]
I haven’t been on tumblr too much for quite a while for a variety of reasons, and I can’t promise that’s going to change (I’m … very ADHD …) I hope that my blog gives you some food for thought.
That said, I want to reiterate a couple of my blogging principles for your consideration:
First and foremost, I use the word ‘anti’ all over this blog - both in old posts and new. When I first started this blog in 2016, its meaning was understood by my audience. However, the meaning of ‘anti’ has become murky and controversial over the years, so let me define it here:
‘Anti’ is short for ‘anti-shipper’ or ‘anti-[ship]’.
Anti-shippers are people in (mainly English-speaking) fandoms who:
demand sexual purity and Americentric morality in fictional content, particularly ‘ships’ (short for ‘[usually romantic or sexual] relationships’), from fans participating in fan discussion and creating fanworks on social media sites,
where the sexual purity and Americentric morality of any given fictional work is frequently subjective and/or openly contradictory.
 Crucially, they enforce their demands via:
violent and bigoted rhetoric
targeted harassment
noise mobs/dogpiling
violations of privacy
threats of physical (and occasionally sexual) violence
threats to income
property destruction, and 
(occasionally) physical assault.
Antis named themselves ‘antis’ back in 2015-2016. They don’t like the label so much now (though they still frequently use it) because of their violent reputation.
This blog is heavily focused on what anti-shipping is, why anti-shippers exist and act the way they do, and the damage anti-shipping does to online fandom communities via thoughtful, reasoned analysis of anti-shipping rhetoric and sociology. The goal is to honestly look past the surfeit of anti-shipping violence and understand why its arguments and methodology have genuine appeal to many fandomgoers without judging those fandomgoers.
There are certainly anti-shippers who spout violent rhetoric because they’re remorselessly abusive, but I doubt that the majority of anti-shippers fit that description.
On the contrary: I believe there are sociological reasons anti-shipper communities are so prevalent in fandom today, and I believe people become anti-shippers for valid, personal reasons. For instance, I believe that the structure of modern social media has fundamentally changed the structure of fandom and how fans communicate. It’s harder to avoid content you don’t want to see, for instance. Has this encouraged the growth of anti-ship communities? I believe it’s a likely factor - one of many.
There is also plenty of evidence that anti-shipping communities tend to be insular and internally abusive. Members are expected to ‘cut off’ anyone who does not share their views on how fandom should conduct itself, and members who leave the community are demeaned, smeared, and targeted for harassment. This makes it exceedingly difficult for anyone who became involved in anti-shipping to escape it.
Furthermore: English-speaking (particularly American) fandom is heavily influenced by the same underlying societal factors that have brought us right-wing-based rising authoritarianism / anti-progressive bigotry / open white patriarchal supremacy today: things like white fascism (which started in the USA), Manifest Destiny, European/American Imperialism, Christian Fundamentalism / Puritanism, the post-Vietnam antigovernmental white supremacist movement, the AIDS genocide/crisis, backlash to the Civil Rights Movement, and backlash against gay and trans rights.
Although most of fandom - including anti-shippers - are themselves targets of right-wing hatred, Puritanical / Imperial / racist / anti-queer / misogynist / transphobic arguments frequently make up the basic elements of the rhetoric anti-shippers use to justify their violent abuse of shippers.
Many of these puritanical/imperial/racist/misogynist/anti-queer/transphobic talking points were dressed up in progressive language before anti-shippers started employing them by faux-progressive groups such as TERFs/SWERFs/radfem enablers, truscum, and exclusionists.
Anti-shippers are not typically aware of this, and may fall anywhere in their conscious desire to gatekeep marginalized communities for real people. (And pro-shippers such as myself are not immune to using right-wing arguments, either.*)
Because of all these factors, I believe it is crucial to understand anti-shipping rather than simply dismiss it anti communities as weird fandom phenomena made up entirely of bullies and jerks. I also believe it’s crucial to understand not only anti-ship rhetoric, but also to identify its origins.
The haters aren’t going away, and we aren’t going to shame them into stopping. But if we understand and dismantle their arguments, we can limit their influence more effectively and - most importantly - maybe provide an escape rope out of an abusive anti-ship community for those who need one.
Thanks for being here.
Keep reading
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
There needs to be actual de-conditioning stuff on tumblr that sympathetically, and tactfully, works toward undoing the cult-like brainwashing so many antis have fallen victim to. I remember seeing a video or an article somewhere about this and how well it works, but I see none of that on tumblr right now and all I can think of is how helpful it could be to even one person, if they are just reading something and it makes a light bulb go on in their head and they're like... "Wait, hold on a sec."
yeah I think the closest I’ve seen to that on here is @freedom-of-fanfic they do a great job of making nuanced arguments and breaking down anti arguments and explaining why they’re wrong
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
What is a proshipper?
I've seen this question pop up quite a few times recently, and the answer is going to vary depending on when you got into fandom and which fandoms you're in.
You're probably already aware of the idea of a "ship" in fandom - 2 or more characters that a fan or fans think would be interesting to see in a romantic or sexual relationship with each other.
Back in the 90s in the X-Files fandom, proshippers were fans who wanted to see Fox Mulder and Dana Scully together in a romantic or sexual relationship. Noromos ("no romance" fans) or anti-shippers were fans who wanted the relationship between the two characters to remain friends and colleagues. The whole point was whether or not a particular fan wanted a relationship between characters to be platonic.
The fans from X-Files were in other fandoms too and eventually these terms entered new fandoms. Eventually more terms were developed, such as multi-shipper, which means either someone who has many ships that they enjoy or someone who ships the same character(s) with many people. It often means both.
At this point, it was still about whether or not a fan ships something and to what extent. But then the terms started being used during ship wars.
A ship war occurs when a fandom fights about which ship is "better" or "canon" or "right." At first, these wars were fought purely on the basis of what was shown in canon. Over time, in order to be right, people on one side or the other of the ship war would bring in arguments about whether the ship was "healthy" or "problematic." Then terms like "abuse" were brought in. Then suddenly "pedophilia" and "incest" were major topics of concern.
All of these terms are in quotes for two reasons. One, the characters being discussed are fictional and therefore none of these things are actually happening in real life. Two, in order to win a ship war, fans were stretching these terms beyond their usual definitions. For example, in many cultures the term "brother" is used as a common honorific and has no actual familial meaning when referring to a friend, but fans would say the characters saw each other as brothers and therefore the relationship was incest and therefore it was abusive and therefore wrong.
At this point in time, there are still those who see the term "proshipper" to mean someone who generally thinks it's okay to ship what you want and read what you want and ignore the rest. However, in newer fandoms or fandoms with a lot of younger fans the term has shifted to mean "problematic shipper" - or someone who prefers to ship characters in incestuous, pedophilic, or abusive ways.
The term "anti-shipper" or "anti" has also shifted away from meaning "a person who doesn't ship something" to now meaning "a person who judges other people based on what they ship." Anti-shippers are also often equated with people who have difficulty separating fiction from reality, people who harass other fans for what they ship, and people who are strongly tied to American Christian ways of thinking.
The phrase ship and let ship also used to be common in fandom but seems to be less used now. The basic idea of that phrase is, if you don't like it, don't read it (DLDR). This used to be easier when fandoms and sub-fandoms were more separated from each other in private communities and independent websites. In the current social media climate, it's more difficult than ever to separate from each other.
Also, with so many fandoms now using the single website AO3 to host their fic, new users who are less familiar with the search and filter options are seeing things they don't want to see.
I don't really have a conclusion here. This is just the state of things as I see it. Feel free to share your own thoughts in the reblogs, as always, but be aware that I'll be hiding or removing any reblogs or replies that are hateful or harassing anyone - proshipper or antishipper.
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
I love the little passive aggressive dig here. What are you trying to do, take money away from a charity that may aid actual Maori people in NZ?
"we believe that this is not a topic that can be avoided or ignored."
Yeah but you have no problem featuring artists who appropriate Maori culture such as the Haka and Ta Moko tattoos, and Maori have repeatedly asked for them to stop using their sacred tattoos. I guess you're not "Problematic" at all. Just because Mr Morrison did the Haka behind the scenes of Mando, doesn't mean he was giving all you non-Maori permission to appropriate Maori customs and sacred practices. Did he give you guys personal permission? No? There you go.
How about you stay in your little lane and leave other zines who are actually trying to make a difference and help REAL people the fuck alone.
Hello! I wanted to ask for more information on the content ban portion of the zine. If someone says they will make their work strictly platonic but they are known for posting cl*necest, will they be admitted? I just want clarification, because I personally wouldn't want to work on the same zine as them.
Hi! The mods of this zine are taking a strong stance against clone/cest and people who ship such dynamics. Unlike some "discourse-neutral" zines, we believe that this is not a topic that can be avoided or ignored. Anyone found to have content involving incest in their applications, blog or portfolio will not be accepted.
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
palpatine: know the power of the dark side; the power to save padme.
anakin: yeah okay um I just need to check
anakin: sorry padme said ‘no’
anakin: obi wan also said ‘no’ and that I have to come home now
anakin: also they wanna to talk to you ?
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
Periodic reminder that you are not immune to reactionary radicalization through fandom.
We all know the "jokes" about how old bronies either came out as queer or became fascists - except they're not really jokes, and a lot of the queer ones admit to having been in the pipeline before they came out (some in a way that implies they never totally got out of said pipeline and don't understand the gravity of it),
GamerGate was an entire right-wing reactionary movement that was - and this is not hyperbole - partially responsible for turning fascism into a "legitimate" position by the American Overton window, composed entirely of people who feared losing their fan spaces,
We've had terfs right here on tumblr dot com BRAGGING about how useful fandom is as a recruiting space,
TJLC was a big pipeline for acephobia on this hellsite in particular, when people argued that headcanoning Sherlock as ace was inherently homophobic because it was denying a TOTALLY GONNA BE CANON (while the creators were promising that it wasn't going to be canon) gay pairing, and puritanical, and just HAVING that headcanon was saying that people COULDN'T ship Johnlock, all in the interest of a "fake" sexuality and "pretending to be oppressed" and oh whoops there you went,
We see people who all but center their fandom activity and identities around figuring out which people in predominantly queer fandom spaces are SECRETLY PEDOPHILES AND GROOMERS, acting consciously or otherwise under the assumption that predominantly queer fandom spaces are just massively infested with them in a way that other spaces are not for SOME reason, who twist the definition of "pedophilia" in these spaces until it covers shipping a 17-year old fictional character with an 18-year old fictional character, or a 30-year old with a 45-year old, or including an autistic character in a ship, and drawing two 17-year old characters kissing constitutes "child porn", and who unironically say we should bring back the Hays Code and Censorship Is Good Actually And Our Problem Is We Don't Do It Enough and this often becomes a pipeline to "sex ed is child abuse; people shouldn't even know what sex is until they turn 18; you need my consent to wear certain outfits in public if I see them as sexually charged, and Pride SHOULD be an assimilationist sideshow for our corporate overlords family-friendly party with no sadness or anger or ESPECIALLY acknowledgement of sex allowed",
We've seen otherwise progressive people defend literal hate symbols in fanart when pushback against the above brand of reactionaries gets corrupted into zero-nuance "it's us vs. them so anything they don't like is Good",
Even outside of those examples some of the most vicious, unapologetic, blatant queerphobic abuse I've seen in recent years hasn't come from right-wingers but from LGBT+ people, dressing their deep, violent, seething hatred for queer people who aren't exactly like them in a thin veneer of progressive language, who have become so convinced that they're the main character of the fucking universe that they think writing or enjoying a queer story that doesn't resonate with them is more queerphobic than sending a queer person who writes or enjoys such a story countless rape and death threats and denying their identity,
We've seen these examples again and again and again, and we keep seeing it again and again and again, so I am once again on my knees BEGGING people to recognize that this is not Something That Happens To Other, BAD People, or Something That Happens To People In BAD Fandoms, or Something That Happens To People On The OTHER Side Of Perennial Drama; this is something that CAN happen to you.
These things are the result of the fact that fandom is, by nature, a place of heightened emotion and if you don't know what to look out for that is very exploitable; you need to know the methods people use to do this, simply Being In The Right Fandoms or Liking The Right Ships is not enough.
So, if you see someone trying to convince you that you have the ONLY valid approach to any specific character, or ship, or show, or whatever, that your ship is activism and your fanfics are praxis, and liking something else or liking the same thing differently is Only For Bad People, that is the single biggest red flag that YOU NEED TO RUN, THEY'RE TRYING TO SELL YOU SOMETHING THAT YOU DO NOT WANT
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
Just anti things: putting a gay hat on a conservative Christian anti-porn crusade and expecting people to be fooled.
yep yep
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
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by sororitevintage
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
I'm new to TCW but...
Do the ones who don't like cloneship/clonecest and yet, devour reader/clone smut or their oc/clone smut, somehow think that makes them better than everyone else?
Because if you think you aren't fetishizing these POC copy and paste men or whatever dog whistle term you are using now, you are my dudes. You are.
Also its a good thing that these self proclaimed "better" TCW fandom milfs don't have people who take them seriously outside fandom (and even there, it seems like they are the ass of the SW fandom joke) because calling people "Incest apologists" is called SLANDER. Because, I don't know how to tell you this kids, but no, no one is okaying incest/apologizing for it/supporting it in the real world. And just because someone writes on their blog claiming that they are -- doesn't mean its true.
Just like the hostile proship ANONS some of these people claim they get. They could be sending it to themselves to get attention. It seems like a lot of them have lost their audience. Weird how when you pollute your good message of Unwhitewash the TBB with falsely accusing disabled people of abilism, calling POCs who disagree with you "internalized colorism?!?" and then supporting artists who CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE MAORI CUSTOMS (they start with an O) and think its okay because someone told them it was okay, you end up on the many block lists floating around TCW fandom.
And that's a YOU problem.
I have surfed around and seen MANY UniBomber style manifestos on these "blogs" with 10 paragraphs of why supposed cloncest/cloneship is, I dunno, fiction that is causing real-life incest? Like, what the fuck? Trying to sound all scholarly, saying that fiction "always influences real life"?
So.. by that logic, all murder authors condone murder? All smut writers condone S&M and dubcon and abusive sex? This is what happens when you try to be a Social Justice Warrior, and use a strawman argument. It doesn't work. I'll assume that most of these people are not even over the age of 25, and have been listening to people tell them everything in black and white. Evangelicals with a gay hat, I guess.
I do not read clone/clone, but I don't consider 3 million guys siblings. Shared DNA only matters for procreation in this context. (and NO I am not saying real life incest doesn't matter because the victim and perpetrator share DNA, I am saying in this context of 3 million xeroxed people, who, and I'll say it slowly, DO NOT EXIST)
I share DNA with people I have never heard of, don't know and never will according to Ancestry. It may be something as small as a single strand from a common ancestor 100-300 years down the line. They are not my family, never will be and anyone arguing that is a lunatic searching for a straw to cling to.
Again, these guys don't exist. Its really fucking sad and scary you guys have to be repeatedly told that.
I challenge these bloggers to go to a Sexual Assault crisis center and tell them that fictional SW character ships are equal to incest victims trauma. Better yet, do something to support those centers, instead of screaming into the void.
Don't like being called out? Tough shit. Reader/Clone is fetishizing. OC/Clone is fetishizing. Spreading slander makes you a piece of shit. No one believes you anyway.
Let people enjoy the fandom how they want.
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
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OHHHHH BOY DOES THIS THROW A MONKEY WRENCH INTO EVERYTHING.  AND THE WORST PART IS THAT WE REALLY DON’T EVEN GET THAT MUCH INFO ON IT?? So, in summary:  Heater and Racetrack are both clones who deserted (what does that mean specifically? WHO KNOWS) and the other clones are furious at them and don’t trust them, saying they abandoned their brothers, their family.  Wolffe offers the deserter clones a redemption mission, after which they’ll be free (what does that mean specifically? WHO KNOWS), and Heater is like HELL YEAH I’M ALL IN.  They do the mission, things are tense, but they come through in the end, Wolffe says, okay, you’re free, we can drop you off wherever you want, and Heater says that he wants to go home, ie, back to the GAR.  In the beginning of the comic, there’s tension running through the 501st and it’s Heater who is telling the story of what happened, himself characterizing it as a betrayal to his brothers. SO, LIKE. W   H   A   T. This is an Adventures comic, which means it’s fairly simple and straightforward (as well as supplementary material and reasonably low on the canon tiered scale, which apparently still exists in LF), so we don’t get a lot of details, but apparently there is a method of the clones being able to leave the GAR, if they really want to?  But that most clones really do not want to? Heater himself says that he never had a choice, he never signed up for this, but by the end, once he is given that choice, he wants to stay with his brothers, he sees his own actions as a betrayal, whatever that initial “desertment” was. Initially, when Wolffe proposes it, it sounds like, “Do this redemption mission and you’ll be forgiven for the desertion, then you can rejoin the army, slate wiped clean.” which isn’t actually being free, but he also says, “or you can stay here”, then later says, “You four are free.  We’ll take you wherever you’d like to go.” and that does sound like they’re genuinely free. Then you have the question–who is running this program?  The comic just says “Command” sent them on the mission, which seems to indicate Wolffe, so we don’t know if this was a program introduced by the Senate or if this was Clone Command introducing it, but it must have gotten approval if Heater, Racetrack, and the others actually were able to leave the GAR. So, are we to take it that there actually is a path out of the GAR, even if it’s a dangerous one, should any clone want it?  Is it only offered to those who “desert”, but then come back?  How many clones would have taken this? Because everything–from the movies to TCW to the comics, etc.–largely characterizes the clones as deeply prioritizing loyalty to their family (with the obvious exceptions), that they want to fight.  Even in s7 of TCW, Rex’s mixed feelings are about how they were created for the war and the war is a bad thing, but they are kind of grateful to it in a strange way because it’s why they exist, rather than being angry about being a soldier, that the tone of the conversation isn’t at all that being a soldier is an inherently bad thing. The clones themselves largely seem to want to fight to defend the Republic, especially because they’re seeing first hand some of the truly shitty things the Separatists do and they want to protect people, they want to protect their brothers, that they see the path out of this war as one where they stick together as much as they can.  There are exceptions to this and we don’t really know what the chips do to their thoughts–though, the intention of the narration by and large seems to say YES THE CLONES ARE INDIVIDUALS WITH THEIR OWN THOUGHTS, like even by the time of Rebels, when Rex and Gregor and Wolffe are given a choice, they choose to fight, that’s really what it came down to for them.  They were fucked over by the Republic and the chips, but when they were given a choice, the chips long since out of their heads, they chose to help the Jedi and the Rebellion, that’s what Gregor’s last words were about. And it’s hard to parse all this because narrative intention vs tone of execution is going to play havoc with the discourse, as well as we don’t really have a strong sense of precisely how a lot of this worked, as well as this is a supplementary piece of material and probably wasn’t intended to be taken super seriously (ha ha but what is Star Wars fandom if not giving too much time and energy to stories meant for childrens’ stories? 😂) and yet. APPARENTLY THERE WAS A PATH OUT OF THE GAR FOR THE CLONES??  I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS.
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rancorsdelight · 2 years
I mean fucking hell...
I do not ship Rexsoka, but I do not attack the people I follow for doing so.
I do not ship Jedi/Clone, but I do not leave anon hate. (And ngl some of y'alls CodyWan and Blyla art on my dash is adorable, I just don't seek it out actively)
I don't even ship Anidala because of the horrendous, toxic, destructive relationship it's based on (irl: been there, done that, don't want to read about it)
I do not ship LOTS OF THINGS in lots of fandoms I'm in, but I never ever throw my whole being into making another person feel like shit, threaten them, belittle them, attack them, or hate them.
Ship whoever the fuck you want. As long as it's two consenting adults and no one is getting hurt, why do you fucking care? Because it gets others riled up? Are you lacking in entertainment and feel the need to stir up shit over fictional characters? You may not like what comes across your dash, and that's totally ok.
But... DO NOT ATTACK OTHERS. If it's not hurting you, ignore it. Keep scrolling. Filter tags.. There's the unfollow and block buttons. Use them. Curate your space. It is not the job of others to do it for you. And if you don't actively do it, then you have no right to say a word about what you are seeing.
And just because you do see something you don't like does not give you the right to attack, bash, belittle, or be a general fucking asshole. Christ on a bike folks... My sister's kindergarten class resolves conflict better than this.
I am not shipping Clones together because that's Not My Thing™️... but I just might start out of pure fucking spite.
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