ramblesbykim · 8 months
To considerate yourself every step on your way
There are only certain feelings you are able to understand after some time have passed. We all have read about love, all different kinds of love; romantic, platonic, religious, unconditional and the list goes on and on. They all have someting in common, Which is to love, is to considerate. Consideration is not a word you will use often or even say a lot, because it has this subtle nuanced…
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ramblesbykim · 1 year
How writing poetry is one of the best things to express myself
I started writing poetry four years ago. Before, I only have written blogposts and longer essays, so to switch to poetry has been quite interesting for my writing journey so far. Overall, writing is all about self-expression, putting one’s thoughts on paper, extracting the essence from within into the external world. It’s a solidair practice that asks for an ability to sit still with yourself and…
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ramblesbykim · 3 years
Fruits reaped from the soil
Everything we encounter in life: our experiences, the people we meet along the way, are like fruits reaped from the soil. Sometimes it feels like our life is stagnating, as if we are looking at the same view every single day. However, even during these moments, we are gathering pieces of crops from past seasons. All of us experience joyful blessings, mundane moments, and sadly, also chaos and…
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ramblesbykim · 4 years
The first step in healing is to admit you're not doing okay
The first step in healing is to admit you’re not doing okay
October is mental health month but it’s an important topic personally for me as I too struggle with my own mental health. 
With the ongoing covid pandemic, I guess it gives us an extra kick in the gut and puts a mirror before ourselves on how everything just feels like shit all the time. As much as we love to hide it and put up our well presented face to the world – it doesn’t really help to…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
Read this if you just feel like everything is insanely pointless
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So many things we do in life could be considered to be pointless. Many of us have learned to set goals for ourselves to plan for the future. As time only is limited, we tend to do things that are higher on the priority list, than to just do ‘’pointless’’ activities.
And so, everything that has no direct connection to our goals, become pointless.
When we relate everything with our goals,…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
Forgive, but never forget
Forgive, but never forget
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Emotionally healing is a complex and confusing journey. It does not have a linear process and it’s definitely not a one-fits-all approach. There are times when you think you made it to the other side only to get dragged right back into the tangled web of your own consciousness. A lot of this back and forth behaviour says a lot of where one stands in this emotional healing process. ‘’Letting go’’…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
Life is not only deadlines and to-do-lists
Life is not only deadlines and to-do-lists
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Somehow we have this idea that we got all the time left on this planet. You can see it in the way how some people live their lives, moving along the flow and never taking on control over their own time. You wouldn’t think living would be such a difficult thing to do when you were once a carefree kid, roaming down the streets and exploring the corners of your neighborhood. We were all once pure,…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
It will pass when it passes
It will pass when it passes
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Breath, this will pass
This is for those who have its portion with bad luck and hopeless days. For those who have troubles getting out of bed each day and those who don’t seem to see the use in life anymore; this is for you.
Life seems even harder to live by when it hasn’t been your day, month or even year. It’s hard to stay hopeful when nothing really works out how you have planned out to be. We…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
Avoiding negativity won't make you into a positive person
Avoiding negativity won’t make you into a positive person
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I’m sure all of us strive to be a positive person eventually. With 2019 almost coming to an end, new resolutions will be made again, each goal to help us get closer to become our own best version of ourselves. That includes becoming more positive in our skin as well, that goes of course without saying. When positivity becomes a focus, it is logical to not attract negativity to practise positivity…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
A story about unfillable
A story about unfillable
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Some things never really change.
We may have surpassed evolution quite some time ago, but some traits never really go away. Back in time, humans hunt and collect food to survive. Sure, we don’t hunt for our food anymore, but we hunt in other ways. The bottom line is we hunt for jobs to earn money to collect food. Way back, all time was probably been used up to hunt and collect in order to survive…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
When you acknowledge that someone cares about you, it will help you care more about yourself too.
When you acknowledge that someone cares about you, it will help you care more about yourself too.
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Self-care comes in a lot of different forms. First thing what comes in mind is usually ways to relax our mind and body, think of meditation, taking a hot bath or just sitting in a park reading your favorite book. These are easy to execute and pampering ways to practice self-care. There are also ways that don’t seem like self-care at all in the first place but are equally important to practice the…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
This is where I love you
This is where I love you
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So, the other day I looked at you from a distance within a busy crowd and I thought this must be what other people see when they look at you: a charming, good-looking and well-mannered guy. Someone that can easily whip up a conversation with a stranger or can make people turn their head around when you walk past them. From that same distance, you radiated calmness and a hint of mystery, as if you…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
6 Things I Learned From My Asian Parents
6 Things I Learned From My Asian Parents
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The concept of success is up to ourselves to fill in
For the longest of time, I thought that there was only one definition of the word success. Which means to study hard, get a prestige job and earn tons of money. I thought it was what everything thought that it was the way to become a successful person. When you are raised by parents who put work on the first place, it becomes natural that you…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
6 Things I Learned From My Asian Parents
6 Things I Learned From My Asian Parents
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The concept of success is up to ourselves to fill in
For the longest of time, I thought that there was only one definition of the word success. Which means to study hard, get a prestige job and earn tons of money. I thought it was what everything thought that it was the way to become a successful person. When you are raised by parents who put work on the first place, it becomes natural that you…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
Why we feel the urge to prove ourselves to others and why we should stop it.
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Some people can never sit still literally and figuratively and always need to be ‘’on’’ something – anything. Hands always in movements and a mind that is running a marathon that is never-ending. Hopping from task to task to chase achievement after achievement. It’s like entering in a state of trance where you are so deeply absorbed in the act of doing, that you no longer stop and think what it…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
Trust me when I say that there is more to life than this
Trust me when I say that there is more to life than this
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Nothing is ever set in stone, but still, sometimes the darker days can overshadow and block out any sunlight to highlight the little moments that make our mouth angle lift up and our eyes glowing. Negativity always tends to stick longer on our minds while the lighter moments seem to give us a soft stroke and immediately would flash away from our minds. And so, while we continue to try to make the…
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ramblesbykim · 5 years
You are not going to heal until you accept the hardest truth of your breakup
You are not going to heal until you accept the hardest truth of your breakup
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So, it’s over. This time for real.
What now? You have spent so much time with this person that it felt like second nature to have them around you but it’s not the case anymore. Does time heal all wounds? Maybe, but only if you use this time wisely to heal instead of distracting yourself from the wrenching pain that you now feel once you remind yourself that it is over, truly over. There is no…
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