raisefiire · 2 years
*lying* why would i lie
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raisefiire · 2 years
for @redempticns​ & emily prentiss ! 
there are worse things than dying.
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“if you’re going to suspend me, suspend me.” luke knew for a fact that he had the tendency to cross a line and every single time he crossed that line, he’d admit it. he’d take the consequence that he was given and he’d learn from his mistakes, just like his family had taught him and the military after that. but this right now? this wasn’t one of those times. he hadn’t crossed a line and he wouldn’t let emily make it seem like he had, no matter how much he respected her. “but i’m never going to apologize for protecting this team, including you.” 
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raisefiire · 2 years
we don’t get to pick the things that fix us.
you played the most dangerous game, and you lost.
all the things i'd done, they never hurt me.
my moment of clarity? it came from the strangest of places.
there's nothing but the cold satisfaction of punishment.
you cross over to my side of the line, you don’t get to come back from that. not ever.
i'm already dead.
i think you’re someone who can’t finish the job.
this city, it stinks. it's a sewer.
people think that torture is pain, it's not. it's time.
this isn't your fight. you protected me, it's my turn to protect you.
let me be what i'm meant to be.
sometimes you gotta fight. you take the fight to them.
you wouldn't like where i'm going.
it's not how much it hurts. it's how much you think it'll hurt.
i'm only human.
you make a choice, you live with the consequences.
you know you’re one bad day away from being me.
shit is a lot easier when you can kill people.
sounds like you don't think I'm so crazy after all.
pissed off beats scared every time.
morning, sunshine.
you get used to pain. you can adjust to it.
doesn't take a doctor of theology to know they are not doing the lord's work.
there are worse things than dying.
time for me to pull a few late nights.
what good are we to anybody without a war?
people that can hurt you are the ones that are close enough to do it.
here i am!  you want it, you got it! i’m right here!
you gotta admit who you are.
i send them to hell. i sleep just fine.
i'm not the one that dies. i'm the one that does the killing.
you don't know what it's like to hate. to have your entire life become nothing more than an expression of hate.
remember my face! it's the last thing you're ever going to see
happy is a kick in the balls waiting to happen.
a gun by itself is worthless if you don't know how to use it.
if you run out of bullets, it probably means we're both dead.
loss doesn't work the same for everybody.
i kill the enemy before they get to me. that's what i do.
all of a sudden, i'm in the mood for a cheeseburger.
i think i shoulda just killed you after all.
the past is more than memories.
only way you get out of here, only way you walk free, is if i want you to.
the only way out is to find something that you care about.
i don’t wear masks. i don’t get that privilege.
i'm gonna watch you burn right along with me.
you look like an asshole to me.
i only hurt people that deserve it.
i do the one thing that you can’t.
you want to make god laugh? show him your plans.
if you run, you can't see what's coming up from behind you.
you hit them and they get back up, i hit them and they stay down.
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raisefiire · 2 years
you fucked up
idk what you’re referring to but probably
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raisefiire · 2 years
Why are you problematic
just for fun
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raisefiire · 2 years
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Drew Starkey as Rafe Cameron, Outer Banks, s2 ep5: The Darkes Hour
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raisefiire · 2 years
adding so far/as of now: 
amy bendix (the punisher) 
rafe cameron (outerbanks, very low activity/by request)
daniel grayson (revenge) 
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raisefiire · 2 years
hello pls fill this out and help me think of other muses to add xoxoxo 
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raisefiire · 2 years
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brooke always valued herself on the fact that she could be there for her psuedo-neice should she ever need it. she never wanted lydia to feel as though she were alone, or didn’t have anyone to call in times of trouble – for she always had her aunt brooke. “are you asking me to lie to my best friend?” phrasing it like that in order to shift lydia’s perspective a little. she wasn’t one to break trust of any kind, including that of lydia, but she still had to take some responsibility for her actions. “you know she’ll be mad. but she would have been more mad if something had happened to you, and instead you did the right thing by calling. you get credit for that.” she knew that some of the parties they’d attended in high school had wound up the same way, and some of them hadn’t been as lucky as having someone to call. “i’ll talk to her with you. she can’t be mad at the both of us, can she?” she had a light tone to her voice, hoping to assure the young woman somewhat. “i’m proud of you for calling, lydia.”
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best friend. every single adult in the town were apparently best friends. of course, she wouldn’t be her aunt brooke if she wasnt actually best friends with her mom but it was starting to get a bit annoying how much everyone loved each other. “you would think, but the first time my brother and chuck got in trouble together might’ve made that out of the question,” she admitted with a small laugh, knowing that again? her aunt brooke was right. she had to tell her mom the truth. starting off with a lie, that was always a bad choice. it was exceptionally a bad choice when haley ‘im a natural lie detector’ james scott was your mom. maybe, well...maybe she would start by telling her dad? “does it ever get old?” her body shifted against the couch, moving to get just a bit more comfortable. “being right all the time?” it was also in her best interest to try and change the subject. maybe even ask about their past, what it was like growing up with her parents. anything to get away from her own emotions, right? 
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raisefiire · 2 years
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they  try  to  prepare  you  for  this  moment,   the  moment  where  your  kid  looks  dead  serious  into  your  eyes  and  says,   mom,   you  might  wanna  sit  down  for  this.   no  amount  of  parent’s  school  or  parenting  books  can  save  you  from  it,   or  give  you  a  one-size-fits-all  solution  that  acts  as  a  magic  wand  to  instantly  make  it  all  okay  and  safe  and  not  worrying.   how  haley  handled  this  breaking  point  right  here,   though,   would  be  a  testament  to  the  kind  of  mother  she  was:   the  supportive,   wise,   assertive  kind  that  she  hoped  she  would  be,   or  the  hysterical,  over-protective  kind  that  would  ensure  lydia  never  come  talk  to  her  opnely  about  whatever  troubled  her  mind  ever  again.   here  it  goes.   ❛   of  course,   sweetie,   what’s  on  your  mind?❜    please  don’t  let  her  be  pregnant.
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lydia could see it clear as day. her mom was more worried then excited, but that was typical haley scott. not that her mom was a worrier all the time, but she did happen to be the same age that her mom was when she got pregnant and married. not that lydia was ready for any of that, but it did make her laugh just a little to think about her mom assuming that she was. “so you know how - “ there was a pause, her feet began pacing back nd forth in front of where her mom was standing. “obviously, i’m a senior in high school and that means i’ll be going to college next year which means i’ve been applying to a bunch of places the past couple of months.” lydia continued to pace, but there was nothing else left to explain so her feet stopped her in her tracks.  “okay screw it, i got into duke!” she pulled the letter from behind her back, eyes lighting up with excitement. “i got into duke, mom! i’m going to duke!” 
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raisefiire · 2 years
for @ttrgrl​ !
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lydia always knew that her dad’s dream had been to play basketball for duke. of course, she knew about the point shaving and how close he really had been to getting there before her brother was born and their entire lives changed. for some reason, that story? and that sparkle in her dad’s eye when he still talked about the idea that he was even offered a full scholarship to play there, it had made duke her dream school. lydia - just like any eighteen year old girl would, kept that to herself. she had told her counselor and applied there on her own, but today was the day that she’d be able to tell her mom that she got into duke. she got into duke and a full ride scholarship. “mom?” she held the letter behind her back, “do you have a second? you might want to sit down.” 
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raisefiire · 2 years
send  “ i could’ve sworn i booked a twin room… “  for  our  muses  to  be  in  a  hotel  room  where  they  must  share  a  bed.
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raisefiire · 2 years
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raisefiire · 2 years
for @illuminatcd​ & brooke ! 
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“you’re not going to tell my mom about this, are you?” lydia had run off to the beach for the day, which was mostly an excuse to get drunk with some of her friends and celebrate the fact that summer was right around the corner. originally, she had asked her mom and dad if she could go and it was a big ol’ probably not. her parents were less than strict, but it wasn’t easy being the kid of tree hill’s royal couple. haley james scott and nathan scott? she couldn’t go really anywhere without someone telling her about an iconic basketball moment in her dad’s life or how her mom had helped someone who was barely going to graduate from high school get out of tree hill and go to some big school away from north carolina. when this didn’t go right in lydia’s life, she didn’t want to tell them. she knew - however, that she could always call her aunt brooke. so when the party got a little out of hand and she wasn’t really comfortable anymore? lydia gave her a call and asked for a ride, hoping that ride would end up at brooke’s house instead of her own. 
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raisefiire · 2 years
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MADELYN CLINE via tiktok
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raisefiire · 2 years
nsfw prompts that don’t sound like a bad porno
i’m always tired of seeing the cringiest sentence starters for smut so i’m back at it again kids. feel free to adjust sentences or specify who does the action. 
ACTIONS: 1. for one muse to give the other oral 2. to skinny dip with my muse 3. to shower with my muse 4. to take a hot bath with my muse 5. for sex in public 6. for sex in the car 7. to catch my muse naked 8. to undress my muse 9. for sparring to turn into sex 10. for an argument to turn into sex 11. for make up sex 12. for friends with benefits sex 13. to tie up my muse 14. to blindfold my muse 16. to make one muse watch the other masturbate 17. for a threesome (specify muses) 18. for one muse to wake the other by fingering them/giving a handjob 19. for one muse to deny the other orgasm 20. for angry sex  21. for break up sex 22. for sex after a near death experience  23. for after battle sex 24. for sex to get revenge on an ex 25. for one muse to give the other a lap dance or strip tease  26. to make my muse whimper 27. for one muse to take the other from behind 28. for sex against the wall 29. for sex on a table/counter/desk 30. for sex in a pool/hot tub 31. for one muse to choke the other 32. for rough sex  33. for our muses to try a new position 34. for our muses to try a new kink together 35. for one muse to use a toy on the other 36. for one muse to sit on the other’s face
WORDS:  “touch me.” “kiss me here.” “you have to be quiet if you want to cum.” “say my name.”  “oh fuck-” “i need you so bad.” “i’m so wet right now.”  “i want you to touch yourself for me.”  “let me hear you, baby.”  “come for me.” “i want to hear you cum.” “harder.” “i need to feel you.” “i want you.” “you’re so hot.” “can i come yet?” “please, baby—” “i’m so close.” “i told you to be quiet.” “i told you to stay still.” “are you gonna be good for me?” “i promise i’ll be good.” “i’m not done with you yet.” “i’ve been waiting all day…” “you’re all i want.” “just kiss me, i can’t take this anymore.” “just shut up and fuck me.”  “i’m gonna fuck you until you beg me to stop.”  “say please.” “i could’t stop thinking about you all day.” “your fingers feel so good.” “your mouth feels so good.” “i want your fingers inside me.” “i want it to hurt.” “more—” “i want you to forget everything and everyone else but me.” “make me forget.” “i just want to feel something.”  “make me.” “be quiet.”  “they’re gonna catch us—” “yes— right there.” “that feels so good.” “does that feel good?” 
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raisefiire · 2 years
“Open wide, (name).”
“Spread your legs for me, (name).”
“Let me taste you, please (name).” 
“Your ass/pussy looks so nice. I need a taste.” 
“My tongue has missed your ass/pussy so much.”
“Don’t hold back, now. I wanna know how much you love my tongue.”
“You want my tongue? Beg me for it.”
“You want my tongue? Ride it.” 
“Come sit on my face, (name).” 
“Can I try sitting on your face?”  
“Fuck. I could eat you up.”
“I’m so hard/wet. Want a taste?” 
“I’m gonna make you scream, only using my tongue.” 
“I was hoping I could skip straight to dessert.”
“Please, I need your tongue~”
“I wonder if I’ll choke on you this time.”
“That feels amazing, (name). Don’t stop~”
“You’re shivering. Does that mean you want more?”
“Don’t bite!”
“Fuck me with your tongue.” 
“Slow– slow down.”
“A little more. I know you can take it.” 
“You can take more than that, can’t you?”
“That’s it, keep going~” 
“Fuck my face.” 
“Would you do that thing with your tongue for me again?” 
“Am I pulling your hair too hard?”
“Fuck. So good. Just a little deeper.”
“I’m close… Just a few more seconds…”
“I could just slide your panties aside and-”
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