raintrappedmehere · 2 years
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
mike and will constantly saying “a year” or “all year” when talking about the time since the move when it’s only been six months keeps me up at night
i saw people talking about how they say a year when it was only 6 months because they’re idiots in love and are being dramatic. as cute as that is, i didn’t really buy it until RIGHT NOW. i just saw it as a cute headcanon, but now i see that the writers could be enabling you to make this realization by use of subtext.
allow me to explain
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^ these are the three times they say it
at first i thought the writers may have just used year because that’s less confusing for the audience because 1 year time jumps have been used before in stranger things and are super popular in books/movies/tv shows. BUT, it clicked for me that that doesn’t make sense. the timeline in stranger things has always been acknowledged. throughout s1 we hear the amount of time will has been missing several times (as far as i remember). in s2, mike counted the days el had been gone. he called her every night for 353 days. when el and hopper argue in s2, el uses specific numbers to tell us how long she’s really been with him. in s3 hopper specifically says ‘6 long months’ when talking about how long he’s been dealing with mike (lol). that’s the same amount of time between s3 & s4, yet mike and will don’t say 6 months, they say year. there’s a date at the start of every season. and in s4, el says this in her letter to mike. 
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185 days = 6 months (almost on the dot)
the writers have specifically told us how long it’s been since they moved, down to the amount of days. and it’s 6 months, not a year. this makes it very hard for me to write off mike and will saying ‘year’ as just the writers slipping up. also in el’s letter, she says this:
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this is INSANE. 
mike and will are saying the wrong amount of time. the writers aren’t stupid, they know how much time has passed since season 3. THEY WROTE IT. i’m a writer as well, and i know how much time is passing between what im writing because I CREATED IT. IT CAME FROM MY BRAIN. and like i said, the stranger things writers have proven to be very keen on dates and time. all of this happening in the same season is not a slip up, its on purpose. stranger things 4 had a 30 million dollar budget PER EPISODE. do the math–that’s 270 MILLION DOLLARS. and yes, i know they supposedly forgot will’s birthday, but that’s different. his birthday is a date that was mentioned one time and served no purpose aside from creating emotional tension in that one scene. none of their birthdays are important to the plot, hell, will’s is the only one mentioned in the show and it wasn’t even on his birthday. one date that was mentioned one time and never brought up again is NOT the same as continuous attention given to timelines/time jumps over the course of all four seasons. and some fans theorize that they’re lying about forgetting his birthday anyway. either way, its not the same.  
so….the writers want us to know that emotions can make time speed up or slow down….and that el’s week has felt very fast because of her emotions….and then show us mike and will SPECIFICALLY deviating from the timeline established in the SECOND LINE OF EPISODE ONE “yeah, but you knew she was having problems for months and didn’t tell me.” “its been six months, mike.”, or “it’s been months, mike.” or not even including that line at all, or “the past couple months have been weird” would’ve worked and stayed in check with the timeline we’ve already established. but when writing those scenes, they chose to say year. which is flat out wrong and way off from the actual time they’ve been apart. 
and what did el say makes time speed up or slow down? emotions? oh, okay got it 
the first two times mike and will say it’s been a year are in the same scene: the rink o mania fight. emotions are high. they’re in a pretty serious fight. its not about something dumb, it’s about their ten year friendship and how they’ve grown apart. their friendship is VERY important to both of them. (remember when mike said asking will to be his friend is the best thing he’s ever done?) the third time it’s said is when mike is opening up to will in episode 4. it’s a very emotional scene. mike is being honest and vulnerable with his feelings. in this conversation he apologizes and admits that will didn’t deserve how mike had been treating him, which mike never does to anyone else. he admits his relationship with will is different and home isn’t the same without him, and that he feels like he lost will and wants to be best friends again. 
and the obvious: emotions making time speed up or slow down doesn’t just apply to in the heat of the moment occasions. (in theory) mike and will are in love. the six months they’ve been separated felt like a year to them because of their emotions, just like el said in the letter. and mind you, will is canonically in love with mike, yet they’re both acting the same way about this. it’s not just will. it makes sense for six months to feel like a year to will because of his emotions, because he is in love with mike, right? well, mike feels the exact same way. this isnt even about the characters as people. narratively speaking, mike and will both doing this doesn’t make sense if it’s unrequited. one way writers show how characters aren’t on the same page about something, a relationship for instance, is whether they’re on the same emotional page about different plot points. something major and emotional happens to all the characters—now we watch how they react to it. and i don’t mean small disagreements & such, characters are allowed to feel differently about things. i mainly mean when whatever happened is painful and important to one or more of the characters. for example, steve and nancy. steve and nancy didn’t feel the same about barb, barb’s parents, and everything that happened in general. steve wanted to keep on like nothing happened while nancy was literally eaten up with grief, guilt, and trauma. jonathan was the one who was on the same page as her and made her feel better about carrying that baggage around all the time. they understood each other. and who was nancy in love with? jonathan. narratively, that makes perfect sense and even further sways the audience into understanding they’re in love.
so…what? the emotions that made mike and will’s six months apart feel like a year to them is….friendship? not a fucking chance. mike and el are a couple, and according to mileven fans, they’re the main couple of the show who are in love and are going to be an endgame couple. why save this incredibly romantic coded trope for will and mike, the best platonic bros? idk, you tell me. and the fact that the line about emotions came from someone in the love triangle?? and it was said to someone else in the love triangle?? not a coincidence.
edit: someone reblogged and pointed out how el said 185 in her letter to mike that we SEE him reading. there is no reason for him not to know how long it’s been. so either he isn’t paying attention to a damn thing el says in her letters or he is just extremely in love with will
another edit: i keep seeing reblogs of people saying they’re probably referring to the time since mike and el started dating, which i used to think too. but the context when mike and will say a year makes it hard for me to believe.
“but you knew she was having trouble for like a year and you didn’t tell me”
here mike is specifically talking about el’s bullying problem which has only been going on since the byers have been gone and she enrolled in school. what he’s talking about is something very strictly related to the time since they moved, and it’s been six months, not a year.
“you called maybe a couple times. it’s been a year, mike. meanwhile el has like a book of letters from you.”
will is again, very specifically talking about something that strictly happened between the time since the byers left and the start of s4. he’s saying how crazy it is that it’s been a whole year and mike has barely called. but it hasn’t been a year, it’s only been six months.
“the last year has been weird, you know? and you know, max and lucas and dustin, they’re great, they’re great, it’s just..it’s hawkins it’s not the same without you. and i feel like maybe i was worrying too much about el…i don’t know maybe i feel like i lost you or something.”
this one i will cut some slack, i think he could be talking about literally the last year, as in since the beginning of 1985. but immediately after he starts saying how home hasn’t been the same without will (and separates his relationship with will as being different than his relationship with max dustin and lucas and even el), something specific to the time since they byers have been gone, six months, not a year:
in conclusion: mike and will referring to their time apart as a year when it’s only been six months is not a mishap on the writer’s part. they go out of their way to make sure you know exactly how much time has passed, down to the number of days, and they put this much attention on time in every season. and in the same season mike and will do this, there is a line in the SECOND LINE OF THE OPENING SCENE OF THE SEASON about emotions making time go by faster or slower.
byler is going to be a s5 surprise, but its not coming out of nowhere. there’s piles of subtext in every single season—enough that when you look back, it all makes sense. small details like this aren’t outlandish because this is without a doubt the length writers will go to keep something hidden, and in byler’s case and many other tv show plots case, to keep something a surprise. and for christ’s sake, WATCH THE SHOW! the amount of attention to even the TINIEST details in stranger things is insane. they put so much thought into everything—not just ships, and not just byler. idk how many times the writers are going to have to say details matter and that there are no coincidences until people believe them. 
anyways, byler is endgame. thanks for reading :) 
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
this has changed the trajectory of my life! will (el’s sibling) like suzie’s sibling is directing the monologue, while mike like suzie’s dad is giving his speech when el is choking!!! thank you for pointing this out!
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thank u @ximenaahuatzi for this gem
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
why is he twirling his hair while looking at will? 🤣🤣🤣
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This is actually why Mike has bangs, it's so he can covertly stare at Will without anyone noticing
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
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‘Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene’
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‘I'm begging of you please don't take my man’
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‘Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green’
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‘And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my man
But you don't know what he means to me
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‘Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man’
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‘Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can’
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
endgame in the bag
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
I forgot, the Cali gang originally planned to go back to Hawkins. But that changed when the military attacked them and the agent man asked them to warn Dr. Owens about El being in danger.
it's been stuck in my mind for the last couple of weeks that their og planned was to get El so I rewatch ep 3 and 4 because Mike's behavior confuses me lol
When Mike, Will and Jonathan found out that Hawkins was in danger they all freaked out. Will thinking about his friends and Mike thinking about his family. Mike asks where El is because they need her for that reason.Their friends and family at Hawkins are in danger.
Does this count as proof of Mike needing El because she's his superhero? 🤷‍♀️
I rewatch the "looks like it's gonna be up to us again" scene. And we can see Mike there worried for a moment- wait no, what's the word in the script? contemplating, looking at El's letter.
Mike threw El's letter in the trash immediately after Will assured him that she's gonna be okay. After Will comforted him you can see how Mike relaxed. He's not worried. He even smiled at the thought of going back to Hawkins.
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The next scene of them is the "it's Hawkins, it's not the same without you"
We can see Mike is quite excited going back to Hawkins with Will and Jonathan. El is completely out of his mind now. Because he's not worried anymore. She's with Dr. Owens getting her powers back. They're going to see each other again after that. Now that she's out of his mind, he gotta fix things up with Will. And we all know how that went.
Mike was about to apologize to Will for his behavior for the last few days but Will cut him off saying he deserves it because he was a jerk to El bla bla bla
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Mike here now tells Will the reason why he acted that way and it's not because Will was a jerk to El..
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yeah i mean y'all know this already right? LOL he was irritated because he was missing Will 😭
anyways, i only made this analysis because i was confused about how Mike reacted to El going away. there are times where we can see he looks worried and then at times he was relaxed. so I rewatch their scenes to understand it.
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
Full version! Of the Byler 🐳 song aka Being Different + You’re The Heart.
(Also hi I’m on Tumblr now 👋)
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
hate to be that guy but mike has been giving will those heart eyes and been that jealous since season 2. Will went from looking at mike across the room to HEART BEATING OUT OF HIS CHEST, BLUSHING, MOUTH DRY AS A CALIFORNIA SUMMER
guys i think will might’ve fallen harder
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
hi! since the dear billy script has been going around and a lot of people are just logging in (and are understandably confused what's going on), here is a master post with all of the information regarding it!
PLEASE REBLOG IF YOU CAN, A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN CONFUSED LOL 💓🌸 OFFICIAL DEAR BILLY SCRIPT PDF Script's Authenticity Information Receipts for My Obtaining the Script + More Authenticity About 8FLIX, the Script Provider (you can find ALL ST3 SCRIPTS on this site, as well as 1x01 and 2x09) How I Obtained the Script Upcoming 8FLIX ST4 Script Information Explanation for Typo in Script (PRODUCTION DRAFT) About Me + My Obtaining Future Scripts more will be added if i think there's anything i missed! happy reading, everyone :D <3
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
like some people just don’t understand the fundamental differences that Jonathan lives with that can make him appear less sympathetic than Steve or Nancy because he is truly and deeply different. like he was raised by an abusive father and after the divorce he was heavily parentified. Joyce tried her best but it’s clear that Jonathan regularly watched Will, picked up shifts to pay the bills, worked while attending school, took over parenting aspects such as pep talks and emotional support, regularly made breakfast or dinner, and didn’t seem overly surprised that he was the one responsible for planning the funeral while Joyce was convinced (rightfully) that Will was alive. and that’s just season 1!! no wonder he didn’t have time to make friends or be happy, he spent his whole life with responsibilities thrust onto him to keep his family afloat, and he does it with little complaint until he reaches a breaking point.
Jonathan is poor. He doesn’t have the financial support or options that Nancy or Steve have. He cannot afford to go to a different college with Nancy and he is scared to leave Will and Joyce and now El because he has been living life as a parental figure for years. Being poor when people you love aren’t is embarrassing and it can be very alienating especially because of the shame that goes with it. His self medicating with weed and avoiding his problems in my opinion is symptomatic of depression because he feels trapped but he can’t afford to get out and he’s afraid of abandoning Will and Joyce just like Lonnie did.
It’s clear that the moment things got bad, Jonathan took back on the role of big brother, father, practical and protective. He immediately realized what his absence had done to Will, which likely reaffirms his fear of leaving Will for any form of college and not being there. He took care of Will and El and was able to make it back to Hawkins. But no matter where his plot goes, being raised with an abusive absent father, being parentified at a young age, and being poor will always influence his decision making - which adds layers to his sometimes confusing and offputting behavior.
I really hope that while Nancy is allowed to express rightful feelings of abandonment, the show doesn’t gloss over the affects that being poor has had on his life and choices. Jonathan deserves to have that acknowledged.
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
Byler fics to read while waiting for Season 5 pt. 2
More fanfiction recommendations since i’m reading a lot of fanfiction right now T_T Let me know if y’all want a part three!
1. I like the formatting of this fic. Plus it also has some cute stuff from when mike and will were kids before it goes to season 4. It’s about all the ‘firsts’ Mike and will experience during their friendship.
2. Will has powers truthers will enjoy this fic. While it’s not completed, I refresh this tab 8 times a day to see if the next chapter has been posted because its that good. Amazing writing also. I don’t know how to describe it- but just take my word on it. It’s FANTASTIC.
3. As a someone who still loves making home videos, I LOVED this fanfic. It’s about the Party making a home video- I adore that concept. Super cute and fluffy.
4. I’ve already made an entire solo post to this fic because its so good: but this fanfiction is the series of unsent letters Mike wrote to Will. Chapters are shorter so it keeps your attention span and it’s completed!!
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
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These past few months, she’s I’ve been so lost without you.
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
noah schnapp never delivers less than a perfect performance like the possessed scenes and the exorcism scene in season 2? excellent. will's reaction to "it's not my fault you don't like girls"?? incredible. the destruction of castle byers??? heartbreakingly amazing. the painting scene, the way will sobs and shuts his eyes???? impeccable.
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
forget will having a villan arc, this was MY villain origin story
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raintrappedmehere · 2 years
not bad. i actually got 8 out of my predictions for vol 2
before i log off to avoid spoilers here's my stranger things four prediction:
melvin break-up
steve dies
sinclair siblings become orphans
mike and nancy's dad dies
murray dies
antonov dies
jopper kiss and they become canon at the end of the season
vecna still alive by the end of the season
will having powers
byler canon
a section of mike wheeler's monologue is him talking to el and telling her he loves her platonically
max lives
jason dies 🙏🤪
dustin witnessing eddie's death
vecna/henry creel is el's real father
jopper will reunite with the kids in hawkins through going inside a gate in russia
mind flayer comeback
will is going to come out to jonathan
will's painting is his and mike's dnd characters
will isn't going to give mike the painting but the painting will accidentally be opened by someone else possibly argyle
brenner dies 🙏😁
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