rainspicestudios · 3 days
Looking for a new Lead Character Artist!
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Foxglove Games is a tiny indie game studio dedicated to writing visual novels and romance games in a variety of genres. We released our debut visual novel, Trouble Comes Twice, back in 2023.
We are currently working on our second visual novel - BURN THE MIDNIGHT OIL. A neon-noir crime romance packed with action, mystery, and a touch of horror.
Set in a fictionalized eighties England, where supernatural creatures and other horrors hide in plain sight, you will play as one of two protagonists: the seductive vampire detective Circe, on the hunt for an explanation to a series of bloody murders, or the unwilling cop Dante, a half-demon looking to put an end to a dangerous new drug before it claims more victims. Due to health reasons, our previous art lead unfortunately had to step back from the project. We are now looking for a new lead character artist to draw the sprites and CG illustrations!
Some basics:
🛰️ Remote, Part-time (available for work for the next two years) 💵 Paid role ($25-$40 USD/hour) 🎨 Portfolio showcasing character designs & illustrations a must
Read more and apply here
Reblogs/sharing the word with your friends is much appreciated!
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rainspicestudios · 7 days
[DEVLOG] Phantasia Game Jam 2024 - Week 6
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(Placeholder name and logo.)
Hello everyone! It’s Rain, here again with another devlog for Project: Maselosia, my project for Phantasia Game Jam 2024.
A few words to open the devlog?
I did so much work for Project: Maselosia this week that I might have injured my arm. That or I hurt it when I was on vacation and it hasn't healed. Either way, more on that in the "game art" section.
Asks are open, whether it’s for me or game characters!
Let’s start with this week’s in-progress screenshot!
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Game Art
So many CGs and backgrounds were made this week. (11 CGs and 4 backgrounds!) Some still need to be coded into the game, but it will be done next week.
I either injured my arm on vacation or by drawing a lot this week, so I hope I will be able to meet the goal I set myself for this Game Jam.
Aside from the final point-and-click part from Teddy's POV, not a lot of writing has been done.
Nothing new on this front aside from a few new sound effects. However, the sound of a fire starting needs to either be replaced or be louder, but that is a detail that will be fixed later.
No puzzle has been worked on, but a point-and-click section was finished.
UI & Menus
With as many CGs to draw, I did not want to focus on UIs and menus this week.
Goals for next week
I don't know if this section will be implemented in every devlog but here is what I want to get done next week:
Finish the POV switch, complete with its point-and-click sections.
CG/Writing for a calm scene
Plan puzzles for the second POV character and tie them into the story
Start working on the itch.io page
Game logo (as I now have its official title 👀)
Main menu and game menu
One final CG for Teddy's POV
(Bonus) Character sprites for an NPC
Final thoughts
This has been a long and tiring week, fellas. I will try to slower my pace next week to rest (hence the shorter to-do list), as October will be a busy month, and RainSpice Studios is a one-person company, despite the plural form of "studio".
Please enjoy these tracks by Adrian Von Ziegler. These are the ones that Inspire me most for Project: Maselosia: Dreamwoods & Pride of the Scillin
That is all I had to share this week! Thank you all for reading, have the loveliest of weeks, and be ready for next week’s update ✨
Project: Maselosia is a is a fantasy puzzle game where two shapeshifters try to escape a cult and go back to their normal lives. According to the Phantasia Game Jam rules, chapter one will be released before October 31st and will be available for download on itch.io!
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rainspicestudios · 14 days
[DEVLOG] Phantasia Jam 2024 - Week 4 and 5
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Hello everyone! It’s Rain, here again with another devlog for Project: Maselosia, my project for Phantasia Game Jam 2024.
A few words to open the devlog?
I'm back from my vacation! I had a lovely time and I'm ready to start working on my game again.
Asks are open, whether it’s for me or game characters! Would you like to see character profiles?
Let’s start with this week’s in-progress screenshot!
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UI & Menus
I did not make the game menus (aside from a few sketches), but, as you saw in this week's screenshot, we now have a nice textbox and matching choice boxes!
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Game Art
I did not draw at all, but will focus on CGs this week.
I was able to write a little during my trip. I could finish up until an important POV change.
Audio & Puzzles
Not a lot of work has been done on this front. Audio is typically sorted out at the end of a scene, and I couldn't work on puzzles while I was away.
Final thoughts
I want to work on the game's itch.io page and finish it before the end of the month, which means that you will see the real logo and the game's official name very soon!
Unrelated to Project: Maselosia, but I want to update Stardust ★ Arcadis's demo as well.
That is all I had to share this week! Thank you all for reading, have the loveliest of weeks, and be ready for next week’s update ✨
Project: Maselosia is a is a fantasy puzzle game where two shapeshifters try to escape a cult and go back to their normal lives. According to the Phantasia Game Jam rules, chapter one will be released before October 31st and will be available for download on itch.io!
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rainspicestudios · 28 days
[DEVLOG] Phantasia Game Jam 2024 - Week 3
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Hello everyone! It's Rain, here again with another devlog for Project: Maselosia, my project for Phantasia Game Jam 2024.
A few words to open the devlog?
Asks are open, whether it's for me or game characters! Would you like to see character profiles?
Let's start with this week's in-progress screenshot!
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Game Art
I had to backpedal on a creative decision, as animation takes too long, but what I did make were the missing CG for puzzle 2 and sketches for CGs for a long scene I have just finished writing.
As stated above, I finished writing a long scene, so writing will not be my priority until I finish the CGs.
Puzzle two now has sound effects added and I've found soundscapes for the next scenes, as well as a lot of music. All of it will be credited in-game, of course.
Puzzle one and two are done. I need to get working on puzzle 3, but that is not a priority until the plot gets to it.
UI & Menus
My goal is to make the game menus on Monday.
Final thoughts
I will not have access to the Internet as I'll be on vacation with some college friends. I will work on Project: Maselosia on Monday and Tuesday, but nothing after that until I get home next Friday.
That is all I had to share this week! Thank you all for reading, have the loveliest of weeks, and be ready for next week's update ✨
Project: Maselosia is a is a fantasy puzzle game where two shapeshifters try to escape a cult and go back to their normal lives. According to the Phantasia Game Jam rules, chapter one will be released before October 31st and will be available for download on itch.io!
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rainspicestudios · 1 month
[DEVLOG] Phantasia Game Jam 2024 - Week 2
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Hello everyone! It's Rain, here again with another devlog for Project: Maselosia, my project for Phantasia Game Jam 2024.
A few words to open the devlog?
Asks are open, whether it's for me or game characters! Would you like to see character profiles?
Expect development to be slow yet steady until September. More info in "final thoughts".
Let's start with this week's in-progress screenshot!
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Game Art
Everything has been drawn for puzzle number two, except the flashback scenes and tiny imagery for the characters' inventory.
All good up to puzzle two. I have comments, descriptions, and dialogues left until I reach the first "real cutscene".
Nothing changed on that front. I'm also debating if Project: Maselosia needs voice acting?
Puzzle two is going well so far. However I'm having issues with the textbox, which I need to fix quickly. Nothing major or game-breaking, but it would be a great improvement to the game.
UI & Menus
Still no design in mind, but I'll get some menus done with the inventory. The main menu is not my priority right now, as I think I'll get it done when chapter 1 is being beta-tested.
Final thoughts
I will not be home in two weeks as I'll be on vacation, and I have an internship report to write before that. I will absolutely keep working on Project: Maselosia, but at a slower pace.
That is all I had to share this week! Thank you all for reading and be ready for next week's update ✨
Project: Maselosia is a is a fantasy puzzle game where two shapeshifters try to escape a cult and go back to their normal lives. According to the Phantasia Game Jam rules, chapter one will be released before October 31st and will be available for download on itch.io!
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rainspicestudios · 1 month
[DEVLOG] Phantasia Jam 2024 - Week 1
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Hey everyone! A lot has happened since Phantasia Jam 2024 started a week (and four days) ago. I will try to update you guys every week!
I'm sure that the first question on your mind is:
What is Project Maselosia?
Project: Maselosia is a fantasy puzzle game where two shapeshifters try to escape a cult and go back to their normal lives.
The "Maselosia" part of this placeholder title is the name of the world/continent in which the story takes place. I'm not sure what the official title will be, just expect some variant of the word "gemstone" or "crystal" to be in it.
When can I play it?
According to the Jam rules, chapter one will be posted before October 31st. Like a lot of indie puzzle games, this story will be told in chapters that will be released one after the other as I finish them.
How much of it is done?
Let's break it down into categories:
Character Sprites- I'm done with the two main characters! I still need to draw their primary antagonist for chapter one, and an important NPC. These two will be drawn when I get to their scenes.
UI & Menus- I found fonts that fit well, but I haven't changed the textbox, quick menu, game menu, or main menu. I'm still trying to figure out a design for those, as I have a few concepts, but nothing matches my vision for the game.
Audio- I'm thrilled to report that I've found great music that can absolutely fit my vision! As well as good SFX. (I feel like I should also make a public playlist of all the music I'm listening to while writing the game. Would anyone be interested if I shared it?)
Puzzles and their assets- I've finished up to puzzle two, which is what at I am currently working on. (Chapter one will have three or four puzzles depending on the needs of the story.) I've found a shading style that isn't too complicated to draw, and looks okay for the game, so I will stick to it for this project.
Cutscenes- I'm still wondering if I should have animated cutscenes or not. That will be decided after I'm done with puzzle two.
Do you have any screenshots to show us?
Yes I do! How about one per devlog?
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Yes I do! How about one per devlog?
Final Thoughts
I will end with a few bullet points:
My asks are always open, whether you want to ask me a question, or ask a question to any game character from any of my projects.
Next week will be slow as I'll be traveling to see friends and family on the other side of the country. (I'll be moving around a lot in August/early September.)
I'm done with my internship, which means that while I have more time to work on games, I also have an internship report to write. This will not impact any game's release date, but something to keep in mind if I do not add much in next weeks' devlogs.
I feel like I have said everything. I hope you will enjoy reading these devlogs and will enjoy Project: Maselosia when it comes out!
Thank you so, so much for reading up to here and have a lovely day or night ✨
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rainspicestudios · 2 months
RainSpice Studios project index
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Stardust ★ Arcadis is a visual novel centered around life in this futuristic city called Arcadis.
In this game, you play as Erina Milani, a lounge hostess who just became a Backer – a person working in law enforcement to clear up their criminal record – while dealing with the demons of her past and the aftermath of being involved in a bank heist.
Spend time working at the Shooting Star to get to know fellow citizens, deal with paperwork, and discover Erina’s story as she starts a new life in this city.
[Click here to access the itch.io/download page!]
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In-production title. Not final logo.
"Project: Eternity" is a dating simulator in which Michi (name customizable) studies at the Matsubara Institute for a year and lives in a shared house. The problem is: every single one of your roommates is a magical girl (or boy, or person).
How will you survive abroad with magical girls? Will you be able to adapt to this new life and make friends? Better yet, will you end up dating one of them?
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In-production title. Not final logo nor final font(s).
Project: Maselosia is a fantasy puzzle game where the protagonists have to escape a cult. More info to be revealed on August 1st.
This game is a project for Phantasia Game Jam 2024.
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rainspicestudios · 2 months
I'm so so serious when I say that indie visual novel devs are used to getting steam reviews where it literally goes
gorgeous art
story made me cry (positive)
wonderful experience
every character felt realistic and believable
it's a visual novel
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rainspicestudios · 2 months
Hello fellas! An update is long overdue. The good news is that I graduated! I now have a Master's degree in audiovisual translation and more free time to work on video games.
As you may have already seen, Stardust★ Arcadis is out! Making this game was a long journey with a lot of bumps along the road, but it's done.
Thank you to everyone who has already viewed the page, bought the game, left a review, or left a comment. It means a lot to me!
"But what about the future of RainSpice Studios?"
I have a lot of projects planned including two games in active development:
"Project Eternity" (dating sim) has no release date, even for a demo. I ave everything planned and some sprites and backgrounds drawn, and I have bought the music. I will reveal this project and its main characters some time in late 2024.
"Project Maselosia Morphlings" (puzzle game) is my game for Phantasia Jam. I have learned, since I've released St★Ar, how to make puzzle games and point-and-clicks, and right now I'm figuring out puzzle mechanics. The characters are designed and the world is built, but as it is for a game jam, I will not work on the actual game until it starts.
From now to AUG 1st: I'm taking a week off of active game development. Then I'm working on Project Eternity.
From AUG 1st to OCT 31st: Phantasia Jam / work on and release a part of Project Maselosia Morphlings.
NOV 1st and onwards: Active development for Project Eternity, secondary development for Project Maselosia Morphlings, background development for the rest of my game projects and more.
I also need to learn how itch.io works. I’m not too versed in forum-based social media/media sharing platforms.
On another note what would you like to see here ? Please use the poll to answer. If you want more than one, please pick one and tell me what else in the comments! I also accept suggestions and requests and asks.
Thank you for reading all of this and I hope you all have the loveliest of days. ★
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rainspicestudios · 3 months
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Phantasia Jam is a fantasy themed game jam for visual novels, interactive fiction and story driven games. 
These games can be free or commercial, but must be produced entirely within the jam dates! 
This year we have a sub theme of "Hidden Magic" 
With a Halloween finish line our goal is to bring players fantastical experiences in spellbinding new games and give developers a challenge with breathing room. 
But don't get too comfortable! Those three months will be over before you know it.
Join us and @twoandahalfstudios as we host our third Phantasia Jam!
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rainspicestudios · 3 months
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[Click here to access the itch.io/download page!]
You heard me, Stardust★Arcadis is available for download on itch.io!
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Stardust ★ Arcadis is a visual novel centered around life in this futuristic city called Arcadis.  In this game, you play as Erina Milani, a lounge hostess who just became a Backer – a person working in law enforcement to clear up their criminal record – while dealing with the demons of her past and the aftermath of being involved in a bank heist. Spend time working at the Shooting Star to get to know fellow citizens, deal with paperwork, and discover Erina’s story as she starts a new life in this city.
Twenty in-game days.
12 hours of gameplay.
Four different main endings.
One unlockable ending per character.
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Please read the CW list before playing!
Flashing lights
Parental neglect and abuse
Effects of long-term illnesses
Severe injuries
Drug use and trafficking
Panic attacks/depression stemming from PTSD
If you are prone to seizures, younger than fifteen,  or if you are not comfortable with any of these topics, even if just implied, then I thank you for your interest but this isn't the game for you. Take care of your physical and mental health.
If not, feel free to enjoy Stardust★Arcadis.
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If you've read this post up to here, thank you. Have the loveliest of days and I hope to see you again as RainSpice Studios releases more projects in the near future! ★
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rainspicestudios · 9 months
January 2024 Update
Hello everyone! It's been a while and I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been busy with uni, as I'm finally taking classes I enjoy attending.
HOWEVER! I have some time off, so here is The Goal(TM) for Stardust★Arcadis before I have to go back and work on my dissertation:
I have to finish the written part of the game and update the demo before January 8th.
Then, between January and April, I will be able to focus on placing sprites and drawing CGs.
Which will give me two months to beta-test and fine-tune the entire game.
I'm aiming for a June 2024 release.
You will all be updated anytime I finish something for this game. (For example: if I finish writing every scene and ending, if I'm done placing every sprite, if the alpha version of the game is done, etc.)
However, all of this is speculative. I have no idea how life will turn out for me after finals and handing in my dissertation, but this is my current goal. No matter what, Stardust★Arcadis will come out in 2024.
Thank you for reading this update and I hope you all have the loveliest of days ★
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rainspicestudios · 10 months
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Well, the patron demo has been out for a few months now, so it seemed like a good time for us to record a playthrough and do a little commentary. In this first Dev Commentary we talk about the environment art for the Goliath Offices and the approach to encounter design in this introductory mission. Give it a watch pls and let us know what you think. We enjoyed making it and would love to do more when future demos drop if the interest is there! Check it out on our YouTube Channel!
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rainspicestudios · 11 months
Hymn to the Earless God has just over 3 days left on Kickstarter.
If you miss RPGs that let you get lost in strange, fantastic worlds, now is your chance to put your thumb on the scale.
-Full-length, unique RPG set on a brutal alien world!
-Chrono Trigger style level design!
-Paladin's Quest/Lennus style atmosphere that's been dialed up to 10!
-Fun, intricate turn-based combat!
-Huge world to explore!
-Sprawling story about a society of insect people who don't understand the concept of empathy written by the guy who made Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass!
Spread the news! Let's get this dream funded!
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rainspicestudios · 11 months
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It's Halloween 199X, and you killed someone during your morning shift! Unfortunately, a true crime fan has stumbled upon it.
A game about hiding things.
☆ Black comedy Visual Novel/RPG with 3 endings, 10+ bad ends and 30+ unique cgs ☆ 1-1.5 hours to complete ☆ Available for Windows and Mac ☆ Developed in RPGMaker MV for #SpooktoberVNJam ☆ Collaborative project with @mokadevs and Team Cetacity
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rainspicestudios · 11 months
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[IMG Description - A comic strip with a cartoon of a woman with big round glasses speaking to the reader.
Hello Tumblr! I'm Jabbage, I'm making a game called the Beekeeper's Picnic. You play retired Sherlock Holmes trying to assemble the perfect picnic for Watson and solving cosy mysteries! Since this is Tumblr I need to tell you that you can decide the direction the relationship between Holmes and Watson will take - friends? found family? Queerplatonic partners? Romantic partners? Also there's a dog and you can tell him he's a good good boy. You can play an extended demo for free, and the game is currently funding on Kickstarter. Thanks for checking out my project! <3]
Check out the Kickstarter & Demo here!
You can follow this account for game updates, and reblogging super dooper appreciated!
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rainspicestudios · 1 year
Been awhile, but I've been working on a PS1 style horror game called Fear the Spotlight. Here's the trailer for it!
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