RainSpice Studios
67 posts
RainSpice Studios is a one-person visual novel studio based in Strasbourg, created by Rain in late 2019.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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rainspicestudios · 20 days ago
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End of February Update
Hello everyone! February ended, so it's time for a game update ✨
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Now, February was busy, both in terms of game work and my personal life. Enter The Eternity is still in active development when I'm not at work, and I managed to finish two long scenes (Aiko and Ameni's second dates) and a few scenes that are unlocked in-between dates. I'm still aiming for a late 2025/early 2026 release.
If I'm honest, The Code of Crystals was put on the back burner, however I did manage to draw a few CGs. I have no idea when chapter 2 will be released, but progress is still being made.
I also started working on a few future projects and a potential remake of Stardust★ Arcadis whenever I have a spare five minutes, but these are not on the active development list (yet?).
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On the side of IRL news, please skip this paragraph if you're only here for game updates and not for any information on what's going on backstage, clients for subtitling come and go. I still need to make a living, and I feel like March is going to be busy for me.
Thank you for your support up to now and I hope I will still be able to make some good progress next month!
Have a lovely day, everyone!
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Enter the Eternity is a dating simulator in which Michi (name customizable) signs up to study at the Matsubara Institute for a semester and lives in a shared house. The problem is: every single one of your roommates is a magical girl (or boy, or person)!
How will you survive abroad with magical girls? Will you be able to adapt to this new life and make friends? Better yet, will you end up dating one of them?
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rainspicestudios · 1 month ago
happy new year
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
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End of January Update
Hello everyone! The first month of 2025 is coming to a close so it's time for a game update! I only focused on Enter The Eternity in January, but next month will also have information on The Code of Crystals chapter two.
Now the good news is: all of the first dates are done! Which means that 35% of the game is finished, which is more than a third! Each route has three dates, a good end, a "best ending", and a message in the bad ending. ✨
On the side of IRL news, please skip this paragraph if you're only here for game updates and not for any information on what's going on backstage, I'm starting to find clients! (My irl job is to write subtitles.) While that means I'll have a little less free time for video games, it also means that I'll spend less time sending resumes around and waiting for HR to answer when they never do. 🤷‍♂️
Thank you for your support up to now! January was a really good month in terms of game progress and I hope that February will be even better.
Have a lovely day, everyone!
Enter the Eternity is a dating simulator in which Michi (name customizable) signs up to study at the Matsubara Institute for a semester and lives in a shared house. The problem is: every single one of your roommates is a magical girl (or boy, or person)!
How will you survive abroad with magical girls? Will you be able to adapt to this new life and make friends? Better yet, will you end up dating one of them?
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
Enter the Eternity Demo Update
Hello everyone! I've been made aware of a sentence that was weirdly written and a minor bug. The demo has been temporarily taken down and version 1.1 will be uploaded tomorrow at 12PM GMT. Thank you for your patience!
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
there's over 32,000 free visual novels on itchio with more being added daily. do yourself a favor and play some indie shit:
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
The Code of Crystals (Chapter 1) has been updated! + Game Information
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You heard it here first,
It has been re-released with a prettier UI, an additional CG for Eranis, and some edits here and there.
But if it's only chapter 1, why is it 10€? 10€ is the price of all five chapters combined.
As of right now there is no way to only buy the first chapter and I understand that you would not want to buy a game that is not technically "finished". However you may very well wait until all five chapters have been released before buying.
There is also a demo which you can download in order to try out TCOC and see if it is a game you would enjoy.
Chapter two will be released in late 2025 or early 2026 and I hope to see you there when it comes out 🖤
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
TCOC Chapter 1 re-release coming soon 👀🥂
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
... soo is anyone around here creating or about to create a visual novel game? *looks around curiously*
Message me?
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
Announcing... the first ever Otome Games Celebration, a Steam festival just for otome games! 💖
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I'm happy to announce that we've been approved for an otome-oriented festival on Steam in May. This will be a great time for otome fans to get discounted otome, try out demos, find new otome to follow, and more.
If you're an otome developer, you can submit your game to be included in the event. Developer sign-ups are open until March 7th!
More info
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
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The Code of Crystals chapter 1 will be re-released on Thursday, January 23rd!
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
Looking to fill out my site's release calendar with games and campaigns! Do you know of any cozy games, indie visual novels, otome, or boys love games coming out in 2025? Tell me about em, so I can add them to the lineup!
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Comments welcome, shares, and reblogs appreciated!
Tell me about your games! Drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you (and I promise, I don't bite)!
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rainspicestudios · 2 months ago
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Found two older designs and sprites for Ameni and Madigan. Admittedly, Ameni's is way older than Maddie's as it was drawn when I was still working on my previous game.
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Also a faceless Ameni in a school uniform from back when it was supposed to be a collab. I really like this uniform though, I'll reuse it in another project, but the palette is used for the game's logo and GUI.
Enter the Eternity is a dating simulator in which Michi (name customizable) signs up to study at the Matsubara Institute for a semester and lives in a shared house. The problem is: every single one of your roommates is a magical girl (or boy, or person)!
How will you survive abroad with magical girls? Will you be able to adapt to this new life and make friends? Better yet, will you end up dating one of them?
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rainspicestudios · 3 months ago
Happy 2025! [RainSpice Studios plans & updates for the new year]
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Hey everyone! Happy 2025 from RainSpice Studios. I hope this year will be kind to everyone and that many good things will be coming your way.
And speaking of good things, I'm cooking some projects that are just itching to be released and available for download. But before we get into that, let us talk a little about the games that were released in 2024.
This won't be a lengthy recap of 2024, as the games speak for themselves, but I am still proud of myself for releasing a full game, a chapter one, and a demo, during a very stressful year both in terms of world events and my personal life (I graduated college, I'm moving, all of that good stuff).
Stardust★Arcadis was my first ever release, and a game I struggled to finish. I lost all of my progress because of PC issues, I rewrote the story a few times, and I released it after working on it since 2019 (2022 if the moment when my PC broke doesn't count). However I love the characters, I love the setting, and despite the many hardships of game development, I had a fun time working on it.
I'm planning to release more games in this universe in the future, including a remastered version of St★Ar.
The Code of Crystals started as a novel collaboration with my best friend. Said collaboration never got finished, and I had a lot of inspiration for stories I could tell with these characters, most of these darker than the original project. Thus I used the characters I made for this former collaboration and started crafting this narrative, and the release of Stardust★Arcadis AND the 2024 edition of Phantasia Jam was a perfect opportunity to get started!
Chapter one will be re-release this January and Chapter two will be released in either late 2025 or early 2026. Stay tuned for more info!
Enter the Eternity, oddly enough, also started as a collaboration, but the idea of a dating simulator with magical girls was too good to let it collect dust and never get finished, especially since its inspiration board kept drawing me in.
With my best friend's blessing, I could re-use the idea, so I created a new cast of characters and got to work, and had to do even more work after I found out that the backgrounds I bought from someone on itch.io were made with an AI image generator, which disgusted me so much it powered me to redraw every single background by hand and I will keep doing so for the entire game. While it is more work to do on my part, RainSpice Studios will never endorse AI generation in any shape or form.
At first I worked on it while I worked on Stardust★Arcadis, which explains why the demo was done on such a short notice, but it has now became my primary project for 2025 and I am aiming to release it around November/December at best.
What's the plan for 2025 then?
My primary goal is to release Enter the Eternity and my secondary goal is to release The Code of Crystals chapter 2.
I aim to finish all first dates for Enter the Eternity AND re-release chapter 1 of The Code of Crystals in January. The dates are already written and coded in the script files, so my focus is to add in all the sprite expressions, draw CGs and backgrounds, and add all the necessary music. As for TCOC, I wanted to remake its menus and add a scene with Eranis that I did not have time to add before the end of the game jam. While the UI code I bought doesn't work, its images are pretty, and I am happy with the result.
2025 will be another busy year for me as I try to find a full-time job to sustain myself, launch some new projects more-or-less related to video games, move out again, among some other irl things. But here at RainSpice Studios, I love making games, and will keep making them for the foreseeable future.
If you read down to here, thank you so much!
There's a lot to do so I'm going back to work 💪 I'll update you guys when I reach a milestone or I find something interesting to share.
So stay tuned! And as said, I wish you guys a kind, good, exciting, fun, and game-filled 2025. Thank you for your continued support and here's to more projects this year 🥂
[RainSpice Studios itch.io] [Stardust★Arcadis] [The Code of Crystals] [Enter The Eternity]
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rainspicestudios · 3 months ago
The Enter the Eternity Demo is available on itch.io!
Enter the Eternity is a dating simulator in which Michi (name customizable) signs up to study at the Matsubara Institute for a semester and lives in a shared house. The problem is: every single one of your roommates is a magical girl (or boy, or person)!
How will you survive abroad with magical girls? Will you be able to adapt to this new life and make friends? Better yet, will you end up dating one of them?
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rainspicestudios · 3 months ago
The demo to Enter the Eternity will be available for download tomorrow!!
Enter the Eternity is a dating simulator in which Michi (name customizable) signs up to study at the Matsubara Institute for a semester and lives in a shared house. The problem is: every single one of your roommates is a magical girl (or boy, or person)!
How will you survive abroad with magical girls? Will you be able to adapt to this new life and make friends? Better yet, will you end up dating one of them?
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rainspicestudios · 3 months ago
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Enter the Eternity characters [6/6]
Last but not least, we have... Madigan! This messy and opinionated bundle of energy enjoys trespassing on abandoned property and anything related to the supernatural. Are you down to join her for some petty crime?
[Game presentation] | [Itch.io page (will be created soon)]
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rainspicestudios · 3 months ago
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Enter the Eternity characters [5/6]
The fifth character to be revealed is… Jae-In! This workaholic behaves very differently on-camera and off-camera and has a habit of focusing on their content and studies. When they do have free time, will you hang out with them?
[Game presentation] | [Itch.io page (will be created soon)]
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