Amalia Rodrigues
37 posts
The Queen Of Fado
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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36-/-1966--/--Records three albums with her entire repertoire of folkloric songs.Sings at the Philharmonic Hall in the " Holiday Promenade ",with Maestro Andre Kostelanetz conducting the Philharmonic Orchestra of New York.Sings in Los Angeles at the Hollywood Bowl.Sings at La Tête de L'Art in Paris.Tournees in Israel,Brazil,South Africa,Angola and Mozambique.Stars in the French film " Via Macau "singing "Le Premier Jour du Monde".Receives the Pozal Domingues Award for her album "Fandangueiros ". 43--/--Japanese Program By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades @amaliarodriguesofficial @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferrer @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @omarstriperescortboy @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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35--/--1965 - Stars in "Les Ilhes Enchantees ",a film based on novel written by American author Herman Melville,with Pierre Clementi,directed by Carlos Villardebo.Receives the SNI Award as Best Actress for " Les Ilhes Enchantees ".Sings to full house at Bobino,in Paris.Performs in Spain,Belgium,Holland.Following a controversial period with rumors that Amália had been politically involved with the deposed regime of Salazar,she continues singing In Portugal decrying all false accusations.Introduces her new repertoire with the music of Alain Oulman to lyrics drawn from the great Portuguese poet Luís de Camões .Gives new breath to old ballads and contemporany scores to lyrics adapted from the poetry of Alexandre O'Neill,Cecilia Meirelles,Bernardim Ribeiro,Sebastião da Gama,Manuel Alegre,Almada Negreiros,and others. By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades @amaliarodriguesofficial @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferrer @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @omarstriperescortboy @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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34-/--1964 - Stars In the film " Fado Corrido ",singing " Cantigas Da Boa Gente ",with Actor and Director Jorge Brum do Canto.Sings at La Tête de L'Art in Paris.Tournees in France,Italy,Belgium,Holland and Spain. By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades @amaliarodriguesofficial @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferrer @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @omarstriperescortboy @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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33-/--1963 - Sings a full season at the cabaret La Tête de L'Art In Paris.Sings at the Savoy,In London.Tours France and Lebanon. By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades @amaliarodriguesofficial @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferrer @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @omarstriperescortboy @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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32-/--1962 - Sings in the Lyceum at the Edimburgh Festival.Performs in Angola and in Spain.Sings at the ABC Theatre and at the Cabaret La Tête de L'Art,in Paris.Following her decision to conclude her relationship with Valentim de Carvalho's label,Amália records for the French label Ducretet -Thompson,in French and Portuguese.Her new long - play " Asas Fechadas ",with the music of Alain Oulman,conducted by Fernando Carvalho's orchestra,includes " Estranha Forma de Vida "with Amália's own lyrics,the ballad with a poem by Pedro Homem de Mello for " Povo Que Lavas No Rio ",and poems for fados by David-Mourão Ferreira and Luis de Macedo.Oulman's music appealed to a more erudite audience,more than to those who were used Amália's well-know popular style in fados.Oulman adapted his unusual musical arrangements for Amália,influencing a positive turn in her repertoire by broadening her range to sing the classical poetry of Luis de Camões. By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades @amaliarodriguesofficial @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferrer @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @omarstriperescortboy @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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31--/--1961 - In Rio de Janeiro Amália meets with César Seabra,a Portuguese civil engineer she had met 16 years earlier in Lisbon,now residing in Brasil.Following a short and intense courtship they get married in Rio on April 26.Though César Seabra was mostly interested in subjects related to his engineering profession rather than music and art,he accompained Amália on her many tournees and they remained married for 36 years.She announces her plan to abandon her artistic career and live in Copacabana. By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades @amaliarodriguesofficial @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferrer @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @omarstriperescortboy @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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30--/--1960 - Returns to the Olympia.Performs at the Bobino,also in Paris.Singing fados and ballads accompained by guitarrist Domingos Camarinha and viola player Santos Moreira.The much accalaimed show is recorded live on February 22.Sings in Spain,Tunis,Argelia,Greece,and Belgium. In Lisbon. By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades @amaliarodriguesofficial @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferrer @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @omarstriperescortboy @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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29--/--1959 - Sings at the Olympia,in Paris.Tournees in several cities in France.Sings In Spain,Tunis,Argélia,Greece,and Israel.Receives The Silver Medal of Honor of the City of Paris at the Chamber of the Town Hall,in Paris. By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial @omarstriperescortboy @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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28--/--1958 - Stars in The film"Sangue Toureiro",singing" Amor Sou Tua" in the first film In Techinicolor produced in Portugal,directed by Augusto Fraga ,with actor Diamantino de Vizeu.Sings for the first time on Portuguese Television.Performs on the portuguese network with " O Céu Da Minha Rua ",a screenplay by Romeu Correiea adapted by television.Sings In Brazil,Sweden,Belgium,Denmark,and Spain.At the international Fair in Brussels she is condecorated by Marcelo Caetano,Minister to the Presidency,as a Knight of the Military Order of Santiago da Espada.#amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades @amaliarodriguesofficial @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfadista @khatesantorini @pedrocastanhedobessa @omarstriperescortboy @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @paulovereda (em New York, New York)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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27--/--1957 - Sings at the Olympia "Aie,Mourrir Pour Toi" In French,composed especially for her by Charles Aznavour,performing as first-vedette,accompained with the orchestra of Helmuth Zacharias,from 17 January to 5 february.Stars in the Mexican film "Canciones Unidas".Sings in Sweden,Switzerland,France, and Venezuela,at the Teatro Metropolitano. #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @khatesantorini @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial @omarstriperescortboy @paulovereda (em Lisbon, Portugal)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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26--/--1956 - Sings At the Olympia,In Paris,Europe's grandest music hall,as second vedette,performing from 12 april To 1 May with one group of performes.Immediately following this show,and with a completely different cast of performers,something unsual at the time,from 3 to 22 May.Sings at the Louvre Museum in Paris at a dinner -spectable for 'Le Nuit des Ambassadeurs'.Performs in the Cote d'Azur,south France.Travels on tours Belgium,Argélia,México,and Brazil. By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial @omarstriperescortboy @paulovereda (em Lisbon, Portugal)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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25--/--1955 - Debuts as a stage actress reciting poetry In "Severa",a play in four acts written by Julio Dantas,with actors Assis Pacheco and Paulo Renato.Sings the ballad " Barco Negro",with lyrics composed by David Mourão Ferreira,In "Lês Amants du Tage",the french co-production filmed In Lisbon and Paris which raised Amália to international fame,directed by Henry Verneuil,with Daniel Gelin,Françoise Arnoul,and, Trevor Howard.In México she films "Música de Siempre" with Edith Piaf ,Libertad Lamarque,Yma Sumac,Augustin Lara,and other International singers.Stars in "Abril Em Portugal" singing " Coimbra" in the English short film In Technocolor premiared at the 1955 Royal Film Performance,In London.By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @khatesantorini @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial @omarstriperescortboy (em Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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24--/--1954 - Performs in Hollywood at the night club Mocambo with the Orchestra of Paul Herbert.Declines invitations to film in Hollywood.Sings " Lisboa Antiga " and " Coimbra " accompained by the orchestra Los Chavales In the Waldorf Astoria's Star Roof in New York.Spends eight months in México.By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini By @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @khatesantorini @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial (em Osaka, Japan)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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23--/--1953 - In New York,Amália becomes the first celebrity to give voice to the Portuguese culture on American television,on the Eddie Fischer Show on NBC.Travels for a lengthy tournée to México,where she begins to sing Mexican rancheras.By Khaterinna Santorini @khatesantorini By @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @khatesantorini @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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22--/--1952 - Sings in New York,at the exclusive night club La Vie En Rose during four months,as well as at engagements in private parties and on radio.Receives invitations to perform on Broadway singing ballads in English.Performs in Geneva,Lausanne,and Madrid.For a couple of years she records for the label Melodia,which subsequently changed its name to Alvorada Lane Studios in London she records a full repertoire of fados on a long-play album for the label Valentim de Carvalho. By @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @khatesantorini @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial (em Lisbon, Portugal)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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21--/--1951 - Travels on a Grand Tournée in África ,to Mozambique,Angola,and the Belgian Congo.Back in Europe,sings in Biarritz ,and Madrid.By @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @khatesantorini @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial (em Lisbon, Portugal)
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rainhadofadoamalia-blog · 9 years ago
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20-1950 - Sings at The Café Luso and the Casino do Estoril.Travels no tounees to the capital cities of several European countries within the scope of the U.S. Marschall Plan:Berlin,Dublin,Paris,and Berna.Creats the fado "Foi Deus" with Alberto Janes.Begins her artistic collaboration and friendship with poets Pedro Homem de Mello and David Mourão Ferreira.By @khatesantorini #amalia #amaliafado #amaliafadodiva #amaliarodrigues #amaliarodriguesfado #amaliarodriguezsemprepresente #amaliarodriguez #amaliarodriguezfado #amaliarodriguesgarden #amaliarodriguesfadoinchiado #amaliarodriguesdiva #amaliarodrigueshouse #amaliarodriguesalbum #amaliarodriguesshades #amaliarodriguesdivaoffado @alexcruzdemalta @eddyferreroficial @gloriadelourdesfado @khatesantorini @pedrocastanhedobessa @miranda_marcio_ @bhcome8 @amaliarodriguesofficial (em Lisbon, Portugal)
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