rainestormy-wrights · 10 days
It's Friday, you know what that means (I don't even know what that means lmao)
But brought to you by "I forgot to post this yesterday," here's my defenseworth-inspired outfit! (It's similar to my defenseworth design, so hehe)
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Don't mind the fact that my face *is* Miles Edgeworth
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rainestormy-wrights · 23 days
I just realized that when I did a personality test I got the type "thinker"
I promise I am not a murder weapon
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rainestormy-wrights · 23 days
He won't rest until he's inspected every suspicious-looking nook and cranny.
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I'm beginning to think he won't rest until he's inspected every suspicious-looking nook and cranny.
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rainestormy-wrights · 1 month
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the ace attorney social media manager deserves a raise
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rainestormy-wrights · 1 month
Everyone talks about how silly Ace Attorney is but only ever mentions the parrot and the Almost Christmas thing, so here’s a few highlights of insane shit that happens in Ace Attorney that I personally adore:
The famous orca defendant from Phoenix’s first case after disbarment turns out to be the secret sibling of another orca… who was also falsely accused of murder
The final case of what is widely considered one of the best games in the series involves a clown crushing the president of fantasy Hong Kong to death with a hot air balloon. The president turns out to be a body double who replaced the original president 15 years prior. This is all taken completely seriously
The inciting incident of effectively the entire series was an episode of cupcake wars that went really, REALLY poorly
The plot of the most recent mainline game is “what if defense attorneys were systematically oppressed by the government”
The main character gets hit by a car in one of the cases and walks it off. He does sprain his ankle though
Two separate characters can summon butterflies in court and make their scarves levitate. They have literally no relation to each other and this inexplicable telekinesis is never mentioned by the cast even once
A major plot point in one of the cases is someone tying a corpse to the end of a rope and then pendulum swinging them across a bridge so aggressively they get launched 30 feet into the air on the other side. This is fully animated and you get to watch it happen no less than 4 times
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rainestormy-wrights · 1 month
Y'all I cannot stop rotating trucy in my mind. (autistic rambling below cut)
My little cousin showed me a card trick, and she reminded me so much of young trucy that I cannot stop thinking about her. Like, little red cloaked trucy.
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This sweet little magician girl stole my heart immediately. She did not deserve the trauma she got from the whole gramarye mess, and then she just represses it. Hot take, AA7 should have a trucy breakdown arc.
And then that made me think back to my cousin who showed me that card trick (I know how it works, but she's young and I'm not going to ruin her fun). She also kind of reminds me of trucy with how she's confident and strong. I think she'll still reflect trucy when she gets to be trucy's age during aa4-6. Blue cloaked trucy.
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Also some things about trucy don't change from her 8 year old sprites to her 15/16 year old sprites. Her forward-facing thinking sprite is basically the same pose, albeit inverted.
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But the thing I noticed most while comparing her sprites is that her 15 year old sprite gallery contains this:
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The file name is "trucy_silly.gif", which yeah, she's doing a little silly face. But the way it's listed in the sprite gallery (which, as someone who has ripped the sprites for objection.lol, I can say is accurate in my experience) is as "self deprecating". I said I think AA7 should have a trucy breakdown arc, but this little sprite name is just a little thing that pushes me towards that idea.
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rainestormy-wrights · 1 month
Y'all I cannot stop rotating trucy in my mind. (autistic rambling below cut)
My little cousin showed me a card trick, and she reminded me so much of young trucy that I cannot stop thinking about her. Like, little red cloaked trucy.
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This sweet little magician girl stole my heart immediately. She did not deserve the trauma she got from the whole gramarye mess, and then she just represses it. Hot take, AA7 should have a trucy breakdown arc.
And then that made me think back to my cousin who showed me that card trick (I know how it works, but she's young and I'm not going to ruin her fun). She also kind of reminds me of trucy with how she's confident and strong. I think she'll still reflect trucy when she gets to be trucy's age during aa4-6. Blue cloaked trucy.
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Also some things about trucy don't change from her 8 year old sprites to her 15/16 year old sprites. Her forward-facing thinking sprite is basically the same pose, albeit inverted.
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But the thing I noticed most while comparing her sprites is that her 15 year old sprite gallery contains this:
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The file name is "trucy_silly.gif", which yeah, she's doing a little silly face. But the way it's listed in the sprite gallery (which, as someone who has ripped the sprites for objection.lol, I can say is accurate in my experience) is as "self deprecating". I said I think AA7 should have a trucy breakdown arc, but this little sprite name is just a little thing that pushes me towards that idea.
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rainestormy-wrights · 1 month
Well, um, hiya☆
I've come to life a little here and brought you some interesting features in the characters' spoken language
To begin with, let's look at the male trio of main characters: Naruhodō, Mitsurugi, Odoroki (Wright, Edgeworth, Justice)
Some people know it, some don't, but in Japanese there are many options for how to refer to yourself, i.e. "I" can be said with different pronouns and they are all ranked by gender (there are also gender-neutral ones) and the level of politeness.
The first one we have is Naruhodō.
He always, regardless of the situation, uses the pronoun "boku" (ぼく) in relation to himself.
僕 (ぼく)
僕 (boku) is a first-person pronoun often associated with male speakers. It has earnest, polite, cultured connotations. Overall, 僕 (boku) has a softer, less aggressive than 俺 (ore), another common pronoun with masculine connotations.
Naruhodō uses it both in the first trilogy, when he is 24-26 years old, and after the 7-year gap, when he is 33-35. It doesn't matter if he is in the courtroom or talking to friends - he always uses "boku".
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言わずと知れた、ぼくだ。 若手実力派弁護士として、 今年で3年目に入る。
Iwazu to shireta, bokuda. Wakate jitsuryoku-ha bengoshi to shite, kotoshi de 3-nen menihairu.
It goes without saying that it is me. I am a young and talented lawyer, and this is my third year in the industry.
ぼく・・・・今、弁護士を 目指して、勉強しているんです。
boku ima, bengoshi o mezashite, benkyō shite iru ndesu.
I'm studying to become a lawyer.
いいや。ぼくは、 大学は芸術学部だったからね。
Ī ya. Boku wa, daigaku wa geijutsu gakubudattakara ne.
No. I entered the arts department at the university.
When addressing someone, Naruhodo uses pronoun "omae".
お前 (おまえ)
お前 is a second-person pronoun that's masculine and rough — it's often used for cussing! It could also be a way to show affection to close friends, partners, and family in a very casual manner.
It is curious that he only addresses Mitsurugi this way, while he addresses the others (Mayoi, Odoroki, etc.) by name + suffix (Mayoi-chan, Odoroki-kun).
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もしかして、おまえ・・・・ やったんじゃないの?
Moshikashite, omae yatta n janai no?
Maybe you... did it?
そういうおまえだって、捜査の時は 証拠品をつきつけまくってたとか。
Sōiu omae datte, sōsa no toki wa shōko-hin o tsukitsuke makutteta to ka.
Even you, who is like that, apparently presented a lot of evidence during the investigation.
おはよう。思ったより早かったねえ ・・・・オドロキくん。
Ohayō. Omottayori hayakatta ne e Odoroki-kun.
Good morning. It was earlier than I thought... Odoroki-kun.
Next up we have Mitsurugi.
Mr. Politeness uses the pronoun "watashi" when referring to himself.
私 (わたし/わたくし)
わたし (watashi) is quite a common first-person pronoun as it's used regardless of gender, and both in casual and formal situations.It also has a certain elegant, sophisticated feel to it.
It also does not change over time, and is used by him both at 24-26 and at 34-35 years old.
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私が異議をとなえれば、裁判長は かならず聞き入れるだろう、と。
Watashi ga igi o tonaereba, saiban-chō wa kanarazu kikiirerudarou, to.
If I raised an objection, the judge would certainly listen.
私が検事の職をまっとうできるのも、 周りの誰かの支えがあってこそ。
Watashi ga kenji no shoku o mattō dekiru no mo, mawari no dareka no sasae ga atte koso.
It is only thanks to the support of those around me that I am able to carry out my duties as a prosecutor.
礼を言うのは・・・・ 私のほうだ、成歩堂。
rei o iu no wa watashi no hōda, Naruhodō.
I should be the one to thank you, Naruhodo.
But he has a special attitude towards the informal address "you". And by the way, it depends on the situation Mitsurugi is in, and not on who he is addressing.
Because he uses at least 4 (maybe more, I couldn't catch them all) options of address!
The first is "omae". We have already discussed it, so I will not repeat myself. But the situation in which it is used is when Mitsurugi tries to be cheeky, when he makes fun of others (most often, of course, Naruhodō)
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Omae no seida zo. Naruhodō.
It's your fault, Naruhodō.
Ikoku demo shōko-hin no tsukitsuke to wa, omae mo aikawarazuda na.
You're still the same, presenting evidence even in a foreign country.
Next, the address "kimi".
君 (きみ/キミ)
君 (kimi) is a second-person pronoun with various nuances. Some dictionaries define 君 as a pronoun you can use in a friendly way towards someone of equal or lower status. These days, however, the way 君 is perceived varies quite a bit from person to person.
Outside of hierarchical situations like the workplace, 君 is used a lot to sound literary or poetic.
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成歩堂。折り入って キミに頼みたいことがある。
Naruhodō. Oriitte kimi ni tanomitai koto ga aru.
Naruhodō. There's something I'd like to ask you.
キミのいない法曹界は 平和そのものだったよ。
Kimi no inai hōsōkai wa heiwa sonomonodatta yo.
The legal profession would be at peace without you.
いや。・・・・・・・・だが、結局 キミの力にはなれなかった。
Īya. Daga, kekkyoku kimi no chikara ni hanarenakatta.
No... But in the end, I couldn't be of any help to you.
In the example, Mitsurugi asks Naruhodō for help, so I don't think it's a hierarchy thing. It's more of an equal thing. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
And then comes the most epic part. Kisama.
お前 (おまえ/キサマ)
お前 (kisama) is a second-person pronoun that's masculine and rough, it's often in combination with vulgar language!
Although it's associated with masculinity, that doesn't mean it's a pronoun only for men. Even if you don't use お前 regularly, it's a great way of expressing your anger.
お前 can also be a way to show affection in a very casual way towards close friends, partners, and family. In this case, the above example would be playful, rather than showing genuine anger.
Mitsurugi uses it when he gets angry (usually in the courtroom) and sometimes in relation to friends. So, the area of ​​application is justified by its purpose as a pronoun.
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キサマの娘が、人を小さなハコに 詰め込むというショーをな!
Kisama no musume ga, hito o chīsana Hako ni tsumekomu to iu shō o na!
Your daughter puts people into tiny boxes in a show!
き、キサマなどに、美的感覚を 非難されるイワレはない!
kisama nado ni, biteki kankaku o hinan sa reru iware wanai!
You have no right to criticize aesthetic sense!
And the last one - addressing by name + suffix or without suffix (Mayoi-kun, Naruhodō)
Next - Odoroki Hosuke (Apollo Justice)
He's a real manly man, haha. He always uses the pronoun "ore".
俺 (おれ/オレ)
俺 (ore) is a first-person pronoun with a strong masculine feel. It sounds "manly" and less gentle than 僕. 俺 is also a pretty casual pronoun and can be seen as vulgar, especially when used in formal situations. In order to use 俺 naturally, the speech style also needs to match the manliness of 俺.
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オレは、ここの事務所の 所長さんに会いに来たんだよ。
ore wa, koko no jimusho no shochō-san ni ai ni kita nda yo.
I came here to see the director of this office.
A odoroki ore mo, chottonara dekiru yo.
I can do it a little bit magic too.
But he doesn't bother with addressing others, and always addresses them by name + suffix (Naruhodo-san, Minuki-chan, Garyu-kenji, Mitsurugi-kenji)
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成歩堂さんが 弁護士をやめたのって・・・・
Naruhodō-san ga bengoshi o yameta notte
Naruhodō-san quit being a lawyer...
(みぬきちゃん。 片付け始めたぞ・・・・)
(Minuki-chan. Katadzuke hajimeta zo)
(Minuki-chan, you're starting to clean up...)
I hope this will clarify the characters a bit and give you a new perspective on them.
One day, I'll do the same with the main female characters (because it takes a lot of time, but I bless those who post screen recordings and screenshots, thanks to them I can quickly find the right moment).
There may be errors and typos, don't be afraid to point them out to me
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
why is his last name edgeworth i could NOT live w that
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
Guys so what if. What if we actually let people enjoy nuanced characters? I've seen hate towards Actual People because they like characters like MvK or van Zieks or something, and like, yes, they're not the best people. I'm not here to do character analysis, that takes brainpower and that's something that I don't have-
But let's just say that someone, like me, likes the fact that the Ace Attorney anime shows Manfred to have been a decent father to Franziska, despite having a messed up moral compass. And he even treats Miles well in that same flashback episode. That doesn't mean I endorse his crimes, but I like complex antagonists.
Barok van Zieks literally admits that he was in the wrong with his racism. Doesn't excuse it, but once again, people are allowed to enjoy flawed characters.
Tl;Dr, I see a lot of hate getting thrown around in places over enjoyment of complex or antagonistic characters. Stop that. Let people enjoy media
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
Secretly Payne sister, Ophelia Payne
I feel your pain
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of rule in the super secret "how to draw ace attorney official art" ruleset that's just "Hosonaga must be tired as hell"
I'm definitely in my Great Ace Attorney era.
Hosonaga, right? We love him. He deserves more screen time. But I also think that, given modern medicine, he would suffer a lot less.
I think that aside from his allergy causing him to cough blood, he also has chronic fatigue syndrome. His sprites are generally low-energy, and when he's not coughing, he still looks tired as hell, even in promo art. Some examples of Hosonaga looking tired as hell:
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He's also shown to have a bad memory, which is often attributed to brain fog in CFS.
Or maybe this is just me projecting because I see a tired man with health problems and think "oh hey it's me"
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
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Klavier Gavin on my Tupperware????
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
MD drawing I did to test some procreate brushes + effects
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
Wagahai + family photo dump, because the game artists did not need to make them look so cute
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Also Wagahai and her kittens all have the same bowtie. That bowtie is also the one that Natsume wears. He just likes cats :)
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rainestormy-wrights · 2 months
My mom agreed to help me make a crochet Nyasked plush! She's gonna make his body, and I'll sew his cloak.
I'll post updates as we go along, but we can't get started until this Sunday at the earliest
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