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๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜๐˜๐—ฝ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ โœฆ ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—น๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜ โœฆ ๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐˜ ๐—บ๐—ฒ โœฆ ๐—ณ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐—ผ๐—บ ๐—น๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜18. ๐—Œ๐—๐–พ/๐—๐–พ๐—‹. ๐–ฝ๐—Ž๐—๐–ผ๐—.
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raindropssss ยท 4 years ago
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๐‰๐ˆ๐Œ ๐’๐“๐‘๐„๐„๐“
When you're fighting for your life in the hospital, Jim can't help but fear for your life.
๐‚๐‡๐‘๐ˆ๐’ ๐€๐‹๐Ž๐๐’๐Ž
Let's Go Home
You're a marine and you go missing in Afghanistan. After months of being captured by the Taliban, you're found and you go home to Los Angeles, to Chris.
Imagine.. Chris helping you when you're hurt.
Dating Chris Alonso Dating Jim Street
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๐“๐Ž๐Œ ๐‡๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ
Too Young
When you end up pregnant with your best friend's baby, you have no idea what to do.
Forever and Always
Tom passed away a few weeks ago, leaving you and your young daughter behind. You don't know how to move on, but after some loving words from an unexpected person, the future looks a little brighter.
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raindropssss ยท 4 years ago
Forever and Always
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โช not my gif! if itโ€™s yours, please message me so i can credit you or delete it! โซ
๐€/๐. This story is from my first account! Iโ€™m hoping to write more on this account. Sorry for mistakes, Iโ€™m not English!
๐’๐”๐Œ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐˜. Tom passed away a few weeks ago, leaving you and your daughter behind. You donโ€™t know how to move on, but after some loving words from an unexpected person, the future looks a little brighter.
๐–๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐๐“. 902
๐๐€๐ˆ๐‘๐ˆ๐๐†. Tom Holland x Female!reader
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You jolt awake, for once not because of Y/D/N crying for her dad, but because of your own crying. Ever since he died, you had felt completely drained. Every time you close your eyes, you see him and every memory of him you have. It makes your stomach hurt.
Looking at the empty side of the bed, his side, causes a feeling of heartbreak to wash over you, it makes you nauseous. His side was untouched and still as messy as he left it behind that particular morning. Some of his clothes still lay on the bed, but you canโ€™t get yourself to touch them.
You think about to the dream you had been having before jolting awake moments before. He was there, with you and Y/D/N, like he should be. You were on a beach in Hawaii, probably one of the best vacations youโ€™d had together, and you were happy, really happy.
"C'mon Y/D/N, you can do it!" Tom encouraged Y/D/N. "Walk to daddy, you can do it!"
Your 10-month-old daughter was placed on her feet and steadied by you. She had started crawling already and they were hoping she would take her first steps. Y/D/N was giggling at her dad and made her first attempt of walking towards him, but fell down almost immediately.
"Oh, let's try again, baby." You picked her up and put her on her feet again. "You can do it, baby! Walk to daddy!"
Y/D/N then took her first steps towards her dad, her dad who loved her endlessly and promised her when she was born he was always going to protect her, whatever it took.
"You did it, baby!" Tom cheered swinging her around, making Y/D/N giggle. Y/D/N giggling always warmth your and Tomโ€™s heart, you loved that little girl too much. "I'm so proud of you!"
He put his other arm around you, making it one big family hug. Everyone who walked by would say they probably looked happier than ever. "I love you, my two favorite girls."
You smiled at the fond memory that was playing in your head, a silent tear streaming down your cheek. You close your eyes and lean back against the headboard when you suddenly feel a warmth on your cheek.
You open your eyes slowly, not believing what you see. "Tom?" You choke out. This canโ€™t be true, you have to be dreaming.
There he was. Sitting next to you with that gorgeous smile of his you miss so much, with his hand on her cheek. Youโ€™re not sure if this is real or if youโ€™re just seeing things, but you donโ€™t care, not now. Why would you? It feels like heโ€™s back and you never want him to leave again.
"Hi, my love."
His voice made you tear up immediately and he pulls you in a tight hug. You crash your body into his and cry. You cry until it feels like you have no tears left in your body. All the emotions you kept inside for the last couple weeks, come out and it feels good.
You miss every single thing about him, the good things, and the bad things. His smile, his touch, his voice, him telling Y/D/N yes when you clearly told her no before. It was the small things she loved about him. You want this moment to last forever even though you know youโ€™re only kidding yourself with that thought.
"Y/N, my love, I know that this is hard to accept and I know it takes time, but you have to. Find your happiness, find love, marry again. You may not think about it right now but find your happiness because if there's one person in the world who deserves happiness, it's you."
His words made you sob once more. How can you think about finding happiness when the love of your life just died, leaving you and your daughter behind in this big, cruel world.
"Take care of our little girl, love. Tell her every day how much I love her. She wonโ€™t remember me when she grows up, but I hope sheโ€™ll realize that her dad loved her endlessly. Youโ€™re an amazing mom and I know you will raise her beautifully. I donโ€™t doubt that for even a second.
You nod your head, knowing that at one point life goes on and you have to fight like you know Tom wants you to do, to make sure you can raise your daughter the best way possible. "I love you, Tom. So incredibly much."
"I love you too, love. And remember, when you need me, just close your eyes and I'll be there. I'll be with you โ€˜til the end of the line. Forever and always.โ€
You shake your head let out a small laugh at the Marvel reference. No actor in the MCU loved Marvel as much as Tom did. They were lucky to have someone like him play for them.
You know everything Tom just said to you is true. He always tells you the truth, he always did.
A few tears you have left, for now, slide down your cheeks. He is gone, again. But for once, you donโ€™t feel as sad anymore. You know heโ€™s here with you, watching over you and Y/D/N.
"Forever and always."
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raindropssss ยท 4 years ago
Too Young
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โช not my gif! if itโ€™s yours, please message me so i can credit you or delete it! โซ
๐€/๐. I made the readerโ€™s age 21, but you can imagine the age you want.
๐’๐”๐Œ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐˜. When you end up pregnant with your best friendโ€™s baby, you have no idea what to do.
๐–๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐๐“. 1,292
๐๐€๐ˆ๐‘๐ˆ๐๐†. Tom Holland x Female!reader
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''You can do it,'' You breathed out to yourself and picked with shaking hands the pregnancy test up you peed on 5 minutes ago. ''You aren't pregnant. Everything's going to be okay.''
Your suspicion started when your period was late. You waited for days, but it never came. You didn't think that much of it at first, but when you also started throwing up in the mornings, you immediately knew it was bad news. You hoped with every fiber of her body that you just caught the flu, but the pit in your stomach told you differently. Youโ€™re just too young and have no idea how to even take care of a baby.
Two lines. The second one was faint, but it was there.
''N-no... I can't be..'' You whispered to yourself in disbelief staring at the positive test in your hands. ''This can't be happening. Oh my god.''
The shock washed away and reality kicked in. The tears started to fall. You werenโ€™t ready to have a baby, not now at 21 years old.
You and Tom had been best friends ever since you met in 2015. Sure, you found each other attractive but both never made a move to suggest you were anything more than best friends. You couldn't be having a baby together, you just couldn't.
You called the only person you could think of at this moment. You needed someone to tell you what to do because you had no clue what to do.
Robert was on set but came as soon as he heard the distress in your voice when you called him. Youโ€™re like a daughter to him, there's nothing he wouldn't do for the girl who came into his life when she was so young.
When he opened the door with his key, you immediately stumbled into his arms. He holds you tightly, confused by your behavior.
''What's wrong, kid?'' He asks you softly, not wanting to push you too much, knowing that if he does you wonโ€™t say anything. He strokes your hair with one hand, while the other is tightly around your shoulders.
You had no idea how to tell him but knew you had to. Robert was the one person you didn't want to disappoint, he's like a father to you.
You let him go slowly and move to the couch and let yourself fall onto it. ''I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do.''
''Excuse me you're what?'' He blurted out in surprise and shock the moment you told him the news. ''You're pregnant? How long? Who's the father?''
''Tomโ€™s the father and I think I'm around two months, I just took a test,'' You told him quietly.
โ€œTom? Since when is that going on,โ€ He asked, still processing from the news you just told him.
You sighed, knowing you had to explain you had sex with your best friend when you were drunk and high. You knew it was stupid, knowing that something like this could happen and now it did. "We were having too much fun at a party and it just happened. Neither of us expected it because we are just friends and nothing more."
"Oh, kid." Robert sighs, also not knowing how to deal with a situation like this. One side wants to be mad at you for being so reckless, but on the other hand, he knows things like this happen and he can't do anything to change that. "Listen. Everything's going to be okay. You're going to tell Tom and together you will talk about this and decide what's best for both of you. And I'm always here for you and to talk to you. Always. Remember, I love you kid."
"Thank you so much for always being here. I love you too," You replied to him, the tears still streaming on your cheeks.
Robert pulls you back into a firm hug and just sits there with you, comforting you, as he will always do.
When you said you needed to talk, Tom had no idea what you wanted to talk about, only knowing you sounded very serious. He knows that when you are serious, something is really going on.
He was nervous when he let himself in your apartment like he always does. He pauses a second and sees you sitting on the couch looking at a random tv show on the tv. He moves and walks towards you.
"Hey, love." He says when you get up from your couch to hug him.
Tears already start to well up in your eyes and you hug him tighter. "Hi."
"Hey, what's wrong." He asks noticing how tense you are. "Why did you want to talk to me?"
You step away from him and sits back on the couch with your head in your hands. You have no clue how to tell him. Telling Robert was already hard enough, how were you going to tell him that you were pregnant with his child?
"Hey, love. Talk to me." Tom says, slowly lowering himself on the couch too. "You know you can tell me everything."
You look at him and more tears well up when you see the soft look he gives you. "I-I don't know how to tell you, Tom. I-I don't."
"Just tell me, Y/N/N. I don't care what it is." He assures you.
"I'm pregnant!" You blur out through a sob, not being able to keep it for yourself anyone. "I'm pregnant and it's yours."
You cry into your hand and donโ€™t even dare to look at his face, probably filled with shock or maybe even anger. "I just found out and I don't know what to do. I don't know if I can have a baby, but I also can't bring myself to abort it. I can't do that to my child. Our child." It feels weird, really weird, to say that out loud. But it's the truth. It's their child.
Tom is shocked, very shocked, but he also can't help to smile. Yes, the circumstances aren't ideal, especially because youโ€™re not together, but he can't also deny he feels excitement. He is going to be a dad!
"I'm so sorry, Tom. I'm so sorry," You say, still sobbing.
"Y/N Y/L/N, don't you dare apologize. It takes two people for this, not just you." He reassures you, not wanting you to feel guilty. "Yes, this is very, very unexpected, but don't you think we can make this work? We're a team remember? We're in this together."
You let out a laugh. He always knows what to say to make you laugh. "A very weird and dysfunctional team."
"Maybe, but we can do this. Yes, I'm terrified, but I believe in us. We will manage, I know we will." Tears are also welling up in his eyes, happy tears.
"But how are we going to tell people? Everyone is going to judge, I don't know how to deal with that." You ask him, stressed out again. "I told Robert and that was hard enough."
"Don't think about that yet. I will call my mom and tell her, but we will figure out the rest later." He assures you
"You know you get a new label because of this?" He suddenly says.
"What are you talking about?" You ask confused, not getting what he means at all.
"Now you're not just my co-star and best friend, but also my baby mamma." He jokes and winks at you.
"You're something else, Holland," You laugh at him.
Yes, itโ€™s going to be a lot of work, youโ€™re going to face problems, critics and a lot of struggles, but you know you two will make it. You will.
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raindropssss ยท 4 years ago
Chris helping you when youโ€™re hurt.
โช not my gif! if itโ€™s yours, please message me so i can credit you or delete it! โซ
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โ€œHey, Y/N. Stay with me okay? Youโ€™re going to be okay.โ€™ Chris didnโ€™t know if she was trying to convince you or herself. She pressed her hands against your wound, trying to slow down the bleeding otherwise you were going to bleed to death. The team and an ambulance were on their way to you but right now Chris was your only hope of staying alive.
Your body felt numb. You were in a lot of pain and barely even conscious. Your ears were ringing but from very far away you heard Chris talking to you although it sounded more like a faint echo. You groan when she presses her hand against your wounds, the pain you were in was almost unbearable but she had to do it to save your life. โ€œY/N, Youโ€™ve got to stay awake for me, okay? I know itโ€™s hard and that it hurts, but you have to stay awake.โ€
Fighting against the pain was exhausting. Every breath you take hurts and it sucks all the power you have out of you.ย โ€œHey, youโ€™re one of the strongest people I know, you can do this.โ€ Chris kept talking to you, hearing the sirens of the ambulance and the shouts of your teammates. โ€œHelp is close, Y/N, cโ€™mon. You saved my life countless times, stay awake, and let me save yours for once, huh? Do me that one favor?โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re going to be fine.โ€
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raindropssss ยท 4 years ago
Let's Go Home
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โช not my gif! if itโ€™s yours, please message me so i can credit you or delete it! โซ
๐€/๐. I randomly got this idea and couldnโ€™t help myself. Iโ€™m still learning and trying to get better with my writing. Also, English isnโ€™t my first language so Iโ€™m sorry for mistakes. Hope you still like it!
๐’๐”๐Œ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐˜. You're a marine and you go missing in Afghanistan. After months of being captured by the Taliban, you're found and you go home to Los Angeles, to Chris.
๐–๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐๐“. 524
๐๐€๐ˆ๐‘๐ˆ๐๐†. Chris Alonso x Reader
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Hope is what kept you going for the months you were held hostage in Afghanistan. You were hurt in every way possible and you were just living in a nightmare, a nightmare you couldnโ€™t wake up from. Itโ€™s going to take a lot of work to get back to the old you, the person you were before Afghanistan.
For Chris, it was the worst few months of her life. Not knowing if you were alive killed her and having to learn how to live on without you was incredibly hard.ย  The possibility of you not coming back seemed bigger than you actually coming back alive. The team was heartbroken of it as well, not only for Chris, because they could see how heartbroken she was, but because all of them loved you. They couldnโ€™t be more relieved when they got the news from Chris that you were alive.
Chris couldnโ€™t help feeling anxious while waiting for you at the military airport, not knowing how you were going to be after all these months. She was trying to distract herself by looking at the military dogs being trained, it makes her think about her time training Champ.
You saw her standing there looking at the dogs, with her back towards you. Walking up to her you canโ€™t help letting a tear slip from your eye, feeling so lucky of being back in LA, back with Chris.
โ€œHey, stranger.โ€ You said after a moment of just taking in that she was actually standing in front of you after all these months of torture. You felt tears sting in your eyes and you couldnโ€™t help but let one slip out.
Chris took a big breath before turning to you. Aside from the obvious bruises and cuts on your face, you still looked the same to her. You still looked like the same beautiful person she fell in love with 3 years ago.
The hope of seeing Chris again was the one thing that kept you going all these months and now that youโ€™re actually there, you almost canโ€™t believe it. You saw the tears in her eyes too, threatened to be spilled. You slowly took a step towards her but Chris doesnโ€™t waste a moment and throws her arms around you.
โ€œI missed you so much.โ€
You held each other for what felt like hours, but it was the best feeling in the world.ย  Both of you were full-on sobbing now and clung to each other with no intention of letting go anytime soon.
Chris takes your head in her hands, looking at your tear-stained face. "I thought I lost you, Y/N."
โ€œBut you didnโ€™t, Chris.โ€ You answered her, leaning in. โ€œIโ€™m right here and Iโ€™m not leaving anytime soon.โ€ And with that, you press your lips to her warm ones. A feeling of happiness spreading in both of your bodies.
After a moment you pull back slightly and lean your forehead against hers. โ€œI love you so much, Chris.โ€
She gives you a wide smile, a smile you love and missed so much. โ€œI love you too, so much. Letโ€™s go home, shall we?โ€
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raindropssss ยท 4 years ago
๐‘ฏ๐‘ฌ๐‘จ๐‘ซ๐‘ช๐‘จ๐‘ต๐‘ถ๐‘ต - Dating Chris Alonso
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Meeting in a bar
Being loved by her teammates
Understanding her dangerous job and hectic job schedule
Always listening to her when she needs to talk
Exercising together
Hating it that sheโ€™s so hard on herself
Not fighting but when you do, itโ€™s most of the time not a small fight
Both being stubborn, but one of you ends up apologizing (after some encouragement from friends and family)
Cute date nights
Her teaching you Spanish
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raindropssss ยท 4 years ago
๐‘ฏ๐‘ฌ๐‘จ๐‘ซ๐‘ช๐‘จ๐‘ต๐‘ถ๐‘ต - Dating Jim Street
โช not my gif! if itโ€™s yours, please message me so i can credit you or delete it! โซ
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Being a cop too and meeting on the job
Not starting anything serious immediately, but after two months he asked you
Having a great relationship with his teammates, the best (surprisingly) with Chris
Trying to get him to understand he doesnโ€™t owe his mother anything
Taking care of him when he does something reckless and gets hurt
Him doing the same thing for you
His team joking about how the both of you are so reckless
Date nights that consist of you two riding his motorcycle to the beach and watching the sunset
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raindropssss ยท 4 years ago
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โช not my gif! if itโ€™s yours, please message me so i can credit you or delete it! โซ
๐€/๐. This is my first ever imagine and please bear with me! Tips for improvements are always welcome and I hope you like it!
๐’๐”๐Œ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐˜. When you're fighting for your life in the hospital, Jim can't help but fear for your life.
๐–๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐๐“. 889
๐๐€๐ˆ๐‘๐ˆ๐๐†. Jim Street x Reader
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Jim shuffled in the uncomfortable hospital chair, desperately trying to get a bit comfortable, as far as he could get comfortable with you next to him on the hospital bed, fighting for your life. He has been awake for 48 hours straight, but he needed to be awake when you woke up. If you woke up.
You were seriously injured while saving eight people who were taken hostage by an escaped mental patient. The man shot you in the neck and when you arrived at the hospital, you were barely alive. The doctors took you in surgery immediately and were able to remove the bullet, but you coded two times and the doctors arenโ€™t sure if you'll make it.
The whole team was in the waiting room the entire time you were in surgery, but one by one they left, needing to get home and get some sleep. The only ones left were Jim and Chris. You and Chris have been friends since high school, and like Jim, she couldn't bring herself to leave the hospital. Chris was now asleep in the other uncomfortable chair next to your bed, not being able to keep her eyes open any longer.
"Late on your first day and the boss lecturing you," You said to Jim at the end of his first day. "You don't have to worry about making an impression, Street."
"Was it that bad?" Street aks you with a little smile on his face.
"You were fine for someone with no SWAT experience. Don't be late tomorrow, read the SWAT rules and you'll be fine."
"Thank you for helping me," Street answers. "I feel like you're the only one that doesn't try to get me out of here immediately."
You sigh. The circumstances were not ideal at the moment and you know the team is still surprised by Buck's exit, but you want Jim to feel like he's a part of the team, because he is.
"Street, the circumstances are just really different than normal. Donโ€™t worry about the team, because this team's a family and you're a part of that family now. Be grateful for the opportunity you've been given and keep working hard. That'll do it. I'll see you tomorrow," You give him a last smile before walking to your car to go home.
Jim watches you drive away, replaying your words in his head.
After working with you for many months, he couldn't help but feel something for you. After he was kicked off of SWAT, you stood by him throughout the entire time until he was back on the team. He tried to let go of his feelings because you always made it very clear your intention wasn't to date a fellow cop. You were strong-minded and probably wouldn't change your mind. But that was until he saved your life in the field and you couldn't deny your feelings anymore.
Seeing you standing there on the other side of the door confused him a bit. Yes, you two were friends and hung out after work, but everyone was tired after the long day they had and he couldn't imagine she just wanted to hang out.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hey," You answered a little nervously. "I'm sorry for showing up out of the blue, but I just need to talk to you."
"No, don't worry about it. Come in," Street answered, opening the door further to let you in.
You walked inside, sighing deep. "Listen, Jim. I know that I told you that I don't date cops, but I don't know what to do with my feelings anymore," You say to him when you turn to him. "Saying this goes against everything that I stand for, but I can't work with you and have this tension between us. I really can't, but I also don't want to lie to you and say I don't like you. Because I do"
Jim doesn't know what to say. He thought that they had no chance, but her confessing her feelings to him gives him hope. "I-I,"
No, let me talk," She interrupts him. "I want to be with you and if you don't want that I get it. I turned you down multiple times, I understand it fully if you would be the one to turn me down."
Jim didn't say anything, he just nodded and smiled. He leaned in and kissed you.
Thinking back to their first kiss only made him smile. They have been dating for almost 9 months now and everything was actually working out very well until this happened.
Come one, Y/N. You can't do this to me" Jim said as he interlaced his fingers with her. He stared at her peaceful, but pale face. "I-I can't lose you."
"Fight, Y/N. You have to fight and not just for me. There are so many people who love you and need you, do it for them." Jim closed his eyes and sighed deeply, letting a single tear escape from his eye. He doesnโ€™t know If she can hear him, but he hopes she can.
And she could.
He thought he was dreaming, but she squeezed his hand.
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raindropssss ยท 5 years ago
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Alexander McQueen Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear Collection
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raindropssss ยท 5 years ago
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Zuhair Murad Spring 2016 Haute Couture Collection
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raindropssss ยท 5 years ago
Things said/done in every cop show ever Part 1
Cop arriving to crime scene: What do we got?
Sciency guy: *Using Sciency words* Cop: In English please!
A fellow cop will get arrested
A fellow cop will get shot
Two fellow cops will fall in love
Two fellow cops will develop a bromance
One cop will have a sad story about a past partner
Cop: Why didnโ€™t you wait for back up?!
Cop: That son of a bitch got away!
A cop will get abducted and their partner will be emotionally distraught and pissed
The Sciency character is the comic relief character
Supporting characters to main characters: How long have you two been married?
Cop: What kind of person kidnaps kids?
Beginning of the episode will start with the two characters talking about a side plot that will get interrupted by a phone call. The conversation will continue in the last few minutes of the episode or never at all
Cop on the phone: Detective [Insert Name} โ€ฆโ€ฆ. Yeah, weโ€™re on our way
Cop:ย *Interrogates suspect in a harsh way* Cops partner: What the hell is the matter with you?!
A cop will get suspended
A cop will loose their jobย 
Cop: I have been tracking down this son of a bitch for years
A cop will be framed
A cop will go to prison.
Two cops will go undercover as a couple
Cop to Partner: You are still upset about [Insert case that happened a few episodes ago] and it is affecting your work.
Cop to Partner: Look, Someone wants you killed, all Iโ€™m asking you is to just laid low and let us handle it.
The cop is extremely stubborn
Cop: If anything happens to [Insert partner name] I will kill you do you understand me?
Copย who is ordered to do paper work till further notice: I AM NOT MEANT TO SIT BEHIND A DESK!!
Cop: My father was a cop, he died a hero. He is my hero.
Cop: Iโ€™m going to make sure that you see the inside of a prison cell for the rest of your life
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