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Washington R words & Cleveland Indians
At what point do the team names matter? 
Im not sure of the percentage of Native American people that hate either of these team names. What level of hate for either of these or both team names make them no longer acceptable to use for a professional sports league?
There’s probably no actual way to figure out the true percentage of Native Americans who feel one way or the other, but the Redskins is really offensive isnt it? Is it just me who thinks this? 
My question isn’t how many people hate the names or think they should be changed. It’s why haven’t they been changed regardless of the number?
I’m no where near perfect so I am not going to pretend we haven't all said or thought something non PC several times in our lives but this seems like such an easy fix. 
Here’s my take on what happens if they get changed.
-Sell an all new brand of merchandise for the teams. Not all people will buy new merch but it’s a lock that you are going to sell at a higher % than you were going to typically do during a normal 5-11 season.
-Create a contest for your local artists to come up with a new logo/new name and give away some merch or season tickets or something. Bring some added excitement to next years season. 
-Licensing the new merchandise and getting rid of the old...There has to be a way that some billionaire Rword owner could afford this. The licensing seems like it would not be that difficult for professional sports level teams. Especially if 2 did it, and especially if it was done to make less people automatically hate your team.
-Some fans would be angry/upset that the franchise changed names. (would they really be upset enough to stay away or not watch though?)
Final thoughts.
I can’t actually believe the Washington football squad has not changed the team name yet. The Cleveland Indians have some built in history from a series of funny movies and a great mascot, also I’m not sure if Indians actually bother people as a team name quite as much as Red Skins. 
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Im not a give no fucks person. The world has enough of them. If you check with most people that’s what they are. They don’t care what goes on during a daily basis outside of themselves or a handful of friends they might know.
I see the pain in people’s faces. I feel the anguish every time I read about a tragic police shooting or an attack somewhere overseas. I understand the fight of the poor vs. the rich. 
I care more. I want more. We deserve more.
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Pot testing for work?
Zero deaths from Pot.
Creativity said to be higher on Pot by MANY elite artists/musicians worldwide.
No poisonous chemicals in Marijuana, an organic natural plant.
Who is profiting from this? Who owns the companies getting these drug test dollars? Do they realize these are undue costs on people who are already unemployed/disabled/single parents etc.? These blood testing places who are testing for a proven pain/anxiety relief known as marijuana are charging $X that people already cant afford when they are living on next to nothing.
 War on drugs? Is this still really happening? Do you really believe a police officer, even the best of the best…are still in the mindset that we have to stop marijuana In the streets? I don’t believe it. If he/she does, why? Give me some good reasons that tell me Marijuana should be illegal when Alcohol and Tobacco is readily available to anyone with a friend whos of age.
People are dying in the streets In 2017 from “crimes” regarding marijuana.
I don’t care if you smoke weed, hate weed, or never think of weed at all. Think of the money that could be better spent as community outreach programs between the police and the cities. Do you think the police love busting into legally run marijuana shops just because they are federal agents and are told to? I don’t think they like that feeling. Honest people trying to make a living off of a plant. No added toxins, tar, nicotine, etc.
Just like I don’t care if you smoke weed, I don’t care if you smoke tobacco or drink beer. As long as you are aware that I will continue to have my first choice, the choice with no annual deaths that is still somehow illegal in parts of North America and continues to get more and more popular among its people. Doesn’t mean that I wont smoke a cigar or drink a beer.
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I fall too fast, stay too long, & say no too little.
In a paper world, all I want is to be fluid so I can help who I want to help, when I want to help them, how I want to help them, living how I want to live, loving who I want to love and caring about what no one who cares to judge says.
How to live non-judgmental in a world of judgements everywhere, even from within.
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Peaks and Valleys
My confidence in myself struggles. My confidence in you is probably higher. My confidence in whether I'm good enough for you shakes. My confidence in whether you will make me be a better person everyday doesn't. My emotions are strong. My loyalty is stronger. That's me. Trying to get better everyday, trying to get better every way. Trying to get noticed anyway. Loving strong everyday.
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