rainbowstrology · 2 years
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
♈♋ cardinal sign culture ♎♑
has a shaky sense of self that strengthens with time
but they make good leaders because they actually can be persuaded by common sense advice from those they respect
starts things but doesn’t finish them
WAYYY too real for the masses
keeps folks at arm’s length
takes initiative
keeps going forward, whether it benefits them or not
can be bullies
in your face
has a lot of heart
can be chill but don’t push them
low-key dramatic
the best at sex
provokes others
starts conversations about real issues that affect everyone and puts action to their words; speaks truth to power
very intelligent; low-key wise
often puts their foot in their mouth
insensitive towards others but sensitive when it comes to themselves
SELFISH as fuck
crusaders for justice and what is right
moves under the radar
adversity is a part of their character and often fuels them to great heights
aggressive, either emotionally, verbally or physically
goes after what they want
hard on themselves as well as others
catalysts for massive change
thoughtless and cruel
always active or decidedly lazy, NO in between
they have a way of resonating with people
has an innate and strong grasp of reality
tremendously inspiring to others
DOESN’T get the credit they deserve
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
Specific Things the Signs Struggle With
Aries / their own inner self doubt. they think they won’t ever achieve exactly what they want to, and they’re scared of it so much that they may give up easily or try even harder.
Taurus / negative self image. they have to try to remind themselves everyday of their worth, and that their mind is their own worst enemy.
Gemini / worrying about what others think. they actually usually end up realizing others opinions don’t matter as they get older, but during younger years it’s very hard for them to stop caring.
Cancer / insecurity in relationships. they may fear abandonment in friendships and romantic interests, and they need reassurance from time to time.
Leo / watering themselves down. a lot of leos may get told they’re too intense or they are “too much”, and they convince themselves that they need to be less and to act differently.
Virgo / fear of others letting them down. they often put up walls for the fear of getting disappointed by someone.
Libra / putting their feelings into words. it can be hard for libras to truly understand what they are feeling until they sit down and process it, and it often involves writing it down. it can be a very thoughtful, long process for them.
Scorpio / thinking people don’t care. it is easy for them to think nobody cares and to bundle up their feelings in fear of annoying others with their problems.
Sagittarius / not feeling comfortable. sagittarius’ are very particular with who they allow into their worlds, and it’s hard for them to find people who fit their energy.
Capricorn / not knowing when to stop. they can work themselves to the bone and not ever know when to slow down and take care of themselves.
Aquarius / not voicing what they need. they can fear being an inconvience, and in return they end up silencing their own needs.
Pisces / getting caught up in the thought of the future. they often can worry themselves by thinking of every possible outcome and how things could go wrong.
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
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You can find Astarte in your natal chart on Astro.com - she is asteroid #672. Read more about Astarte here.
Astarte in Aries would desire passion, excitement, and exciting sex; they may seek equally fiery fights, however. Sex may be aggressive, and the conflicts certainly will be. There can be an immaturity to this position.
Astarte in Taurus wants comfort, physical security, and in conflict they are stubbornly set in their ways. There may be a possessive tinge to sexuality for this person, and there can be a great deal of resentment that forms.
Astarte in Gemini wants excitement, versatility, and a mental connection even at its most primal. They are curious lovers, and seek to explore. When in conflict, they will be highly verbal.
Astarte in Cancer would seek comfort, both physical and emotional, they want no risks, and seek security above all else. Conflict can inspire a fight or flight response, either they want to retreat into their shell or “pinch.”
In Leo, there is a need for control or a great deal of attention, they want to feel like royalty, but can be just as doting in return. In conflict, they can be somewhat spiteful, and controlling.
For Virgo, security and mental connections are needed. There is often a controlling quality, or a need to perfect even sex. They can be very critical of their lovers, but perhaps simply because they are so critical of themselves. There is a restricted feeling to this position, especially when it comes to the “war” that marks Astarte.
Libra associates sex with marriage, which may mean very different things depending on the placement of Juno and other heavenly bodies, but it is still an interesting aspect. Astarte in Libra will seek to please their lover, and face conflict with diplomacy.
Astarte in Scorpio is intense, both in conflict and in love. Sex must involve respect, and mutual benefits. They may have issues with secrecy in sexual relationships, or want to keep their sexuality secret. They can be highly vindictive when wronged.
When in Sagittarius, Astarte makes for a passionate individual, one who is very bold in their relationships, and in sex. Sex may be bound up in their spirituality or religion, however. In conflict, they can be blunt or dogmatic.
Capricorn leads to a great need for comfort, and security. Their sexuality may be repressed, or hindered in some way. They must have a solid relationship before they will pursue sex, typically. They can be cold and severe when it comes to conflict.
Astarte in Aquarius can lead to odd desires in relation to sex, and also a need to be sexually free. Friendship with their lovers is something that they often seek. They can have “casual” sex more easily than most, but still seek mental connections with those lovers. There may be a tendency to be condescending when it comes to conflict.
In Pisces, Astarte marks an individual who needs very deep emotional connections when it comes to sex. These are romantic types, even at their most primal. They need a lot of attention to feel satisfied sexually. They are typically passive aggressive, and will do a great deal in order to avoid conflict which typically causes more problems later.
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
you should do a post on how long it would take each venus sign to say i love you!
HMMM I don’t think it requires an entire post but I could briefly give my thoughts!
Aries Venus: probably like 3 weeks
Taurus Venus: give it a good couple of months, they take their time but they’re lovey dovey as well
Gemini Venus: wait about half a year
Cancer Venus: depends…….usually pretty quick (if they’ve liked their partner before they were even together, that is)
Leo Venus: FAST
Virgo Venus: ehhhhhh like 2 months or so
Libra Venus: they’re cautious but they feel deeply, usually they wait until they’ve found a perfect/romantic moment
Scorpio Venus: a long time
Sagittarius Venus: wait a while…….nearly a year
Capricorn Venus: they’ll prolong it because they wanna take it slow so I’d say like over a year
Aquarius Venus: depends but typically a few months
Pisces Venus: an hour
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
Astro Notes Pt.2💫
✨Moon in 10th house people usually have very big dreams regarding their career.
✨An Aries 9th house can cause someone to want to learn through experience. You can give them advice all day long, but they’re going to see for themselves whether or not it’s good advice.
✨Sagittarius Moons don’t give a fuck. They just don’t.
✨Pisces (in the inner planets) are known for getting lost in movies, books, shows, daydreaming, etc. This is usually their way of escaping reality.
✨People with Uranus in the 6th house are huge animal lovers, and can usually be found fighting for animal rights.
✨It’s good for Sagittarius placements to get out and explore somewhere new. If they find themselves constantly going to the same places, they’ll likely lose that excitement they once had.
✨Neptune in the 3rd house individuals are always daydreaming. It can be very hard to capture their attention for long periods of time. However, this is a great placement for creative writing.
✨Mars in Virgo people have really high sex drives. They’re also the type of people to have a lot of sex toys. This is because they feel the need to put sex/masturbating into their daily routines.
✨Aries Sun x Capricorn Moon combinations are funny as fuck and have the best sense of humor.
✨Aquarius/Uranus dominant individuals are so out of this world. Not in the dreamy since like Pisces, but literally out of this world. Like they came from outer space. They’re so open-minded and forward thinking and really are their own person.
✨There is no such thing as “bad” placements. However, someone can be underdeveloped, showing possible negative traits of a certain placement.
✨Mercury dominants are either really OCD or really messy. Same goes for Virgo dominant people.
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
Reblog this before April 30, 2020 and I will draw three cards (Sun, Moon, Rising) from my Tarot deck and tell you the Sun, Moon, & Rising sign of someone who will soon enter your life🌻
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓈𝒾𝑔𝓃𝓈✨
♈︎ ⇡// fiery ambition, natural born leaders, was either very well nurtured or learned to nurture themselves, very independent, impactful, can put a lot of pressure on themselves, visionaries
♉︎ ⇡// creative souls, value loyalty and honesty, protective, strong auras, want stability, artistic, need someone they can trust, probably want someone freaky because scorpio descendant
♊︎ ⇡// naturally curious, youthful, will attract people who challenge their views, spontaneous, hates being wrong, loves learning especially about other people, can be too analytical
♋︎ ⇡// highly receptive to other’s emotions, sensitive, prone to baby face, protectors, have a hard time coming out of their comfort zone, difficult for them to open up to people
♌︎ ⇡// natural creators, charismatic, very supportive and accepting of others, make great performers and public speakers, keep their emotions private, always seem to be laughing
♍︎ ⇡// perfectionists, can live in their head, reserved, loves unconditionally, very aware of themselves, humble, hates asking for help, hard on themselves but easygoing with others
♎︎ ⇡// people pleasers, need to be appreciated, learns a lot about themselves through others, charming, makes others feel seen, can give too much to others, need to learn self love
♏︎ ⇡// observant, a bit mysterious, intimidating, enticing, can be aloof, has a strong presence, stubborn, likes to question everything, highly reserved, surprisingly friendly
♐︎ ⇡// true adventurers, outgoing, blunt, humorous, optimistic, seek knowledge, kindhearted, social butterflies, huge animal lovers, seem to be anywhere but here
♑︎ ⇡// distant but friendly, enjoy discussing their own interests, very classy, success-oriented, can be pessimistic but only because they’ve been through a lot, sophisticated
♒︎ ⇡// inspires others to be themselves, strong political views, something different even alien-like about their appearance, love to express their individuality, very likable
♓︎ ⇡// doesn’t really feel like they fit in anywhere, thoughtful, easygoing, mostly introverted, empaths, unpredictable, can have a tendency to be too nice to others
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
Venus Fire, Mars Fire: Intense Lover
Fire Venus, Earth Mars: Dedicated Lover
Fire Venus, Air Mars: Talkative Lover
Fire Venus, Water Mars: Tender Lover
Earth Venus, Fire Mars: Dominant Lover
Earth Venus, Earth Mars: Practical Lover
Earth Venus, Air Mars: Ambitious Lover
Earth Venus, Water Mars: Romantic Lover
Air Venus, Earth Mars: Responsible Lover
Air Venus, Air Mars: Unique Lover
Air Venus, Fire Mars: Eccentric Lover
Air Venus, Water Mars: Sociable Lover
Water Venus, Earth Mars: Sensual Lover
Water Venus, Air Mars: Dreamy Lover
Water Venus, Fire Mars: Dramatic Lover
Water Venus, Water Mars: Emotional Lover
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
how the signs fuck and fight
*this applies for sun and/or mars*
for more on the sexual side of mars, check this link, this link and this link
fucking - fiery; pounding, hair pulling, good, solid jackhammering. pure adrenaline and naked amoral lust. will wear you out, the type most likely to have angry sex/sex after fighting and take their aggression out on their lover’s body
fighting - bullies; highly aggressive and confrontational, there is only one ‘right way,’ and that way is determined by their point of view. they’re very “my way or the highway” types. definitely ones to yell to get their point across
fucking - physical and tactile; scents, licking, caressing, ass slapping, pounding and touching. also relies on traditional gender roles where the man initiates and the woman serves the intimacy and affection. good with their hands. revels in the sensuality of it all
fighting - silent sulking; quietly absorbs the heat of the conflict yet will either make his or her displeasure known by a refusal to communicate openly, often to the point of not speaking at all. then when least expected, they explode and get very mean and inconsiderate
fucking - suggestive and experimental; also very good with their hands. will ask a lot of questions about what their partner likes, what he/she wants more of, and definitely ask about what sexual fantasies their partner has. likes to experiment with different sexual positions in a session. most likely to use toys
fighting - feigned indifference; whether they feel differently inside or not, they pretend they don’t care about whether they win or lose and can actually win an argument by acting as if they are giving in without really agreeing, which robs others of power or influence by their “playing dead” posture
fucking - emotionally expressive; the stuff of movies and love songs-vibrant, playful, erotic, high sex energy. uses sex to heal emotional conflicts, are experimental and take sexual risks, and has sexual fun and intensity.
fighting - passive-aggressive; they want power and control but they don’t go about obtaining it openly. plays games and often employs a submissive façade during the conflict and then employs vengeful tactics and harmful tit-for-tat payback games
fucking - direct and bossy; they’re straight forward about their sexual desires, and they’re be straight forward about their sexual limits or lack thereof. very much alpha males/females. likes to show off sexually and be adventurous and uninhibited. will do it almost anywhere luxurious and exotic. most likely to fuck in public
fighting - dominating; they want only their opinion to be heard. rather than resorting to open abuse, they need to win and will aggressively maneuver and compete to ensure that opposing points of view are quashed by utilizing powerful verbal and nonverbal behaviour to maintain control in the fight.
fucking - hidden sluts; will be restrained at first, but with the right partner and in the right situation will be as primal and intense as the most depraved scorpio…more on this here
fighting - compartmentalizing; in general, anger is beneath them. relies personal logic and facts and put conflicts neatly in a mental shoebox. but if pushed, they can be like a snow-covered volcano, coldly scathing and vicious
fucking - companionship-based; very intimate and erotic but only within a relationship with a person who leaves them feeling accepted and loved for who they really are (warts and all). needs to maintain a secure bond so they can be powerfully validated emotionally and sexually. very idealistic
fighting - avoidant; they simply don’t like becoming unsettled. they commonly shut down and close off to emotions, disagreements, and situations that might involve conflict and will do nearly anything to avoid fighting openly
fucking - primal; passionate, and intense. sexually raw and emotional, spontaneous and unpredictable. they pounce when the time is right and they will push your boundaries. can be too much emotional and sexual drama
fighting - savage; bullies similar to aries, but far pettier. they thrive by controlling and dominating others. will use name-calling, threats, demeaning jabs, and sarcasm are tools commonly used. gets power in underhanded ways and are very toxic
fucking - spontaneous; needs the randomness and excitement of having sex at the drop of a hat. will try any and all positions they can think of and have sex in the weirdest places. the less planning, the better. very vigorous, casual, and fun
fighting - exploratory; they don’t mince words and can be very fiery blunt and hurtful, but they utilize conflict to keep relationship dynamic and strong. the point for them is understanding and growth and they view healthy fighting as an educational experience.
fucking - bosses; either an alpha male who indulges his depraved side behind closed doors, or a business-minded female who longs to be ‘taken’ by a man and ravished like it’s the last time on earth that two humans have sex. either way, they’ll get down to business like no one else except for aries and scorpio. very elemental and raw
fighting - cool calm and collected; like virgo, they can be generally even keel, but when pushed, power at all costs is the name of the game for them and they can be incredibly abusive and will attack where it hurts. not above giving people the silent treatment and ignoring their very existence
fucking -  very hot and cold; interrupts the seduction pattern by teasing, sexual experimentation to the 9th degree. dirty talk; turns their partner’s mind on and gets into their head with all sorts of erotic imagery and promises of sexual savagery
fighting - invalidation; when they feel attacked or unnerved, they fight back by challenging and devaluating any reasons the other partner has for feeling the way he or she does.
fucking - connected; very intimate and romantic. sweet, gentle, rocking love with lots of eye contact and loving kisses. either very vanilla or very exploratory. loves to please their partner
fighting - victimization; they take whatever is dished out instead of speaking out or standing up honestly and assertively, they deny, make excuses, or blame others to avoid responsibility. they also often display emotions (e.g., crying out of frustration, hurt, and shame)
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
Mars/Venus: Instincts + Attraction
Your rising sign can be used in addition to your Mars sign (and house placement), as Mars rules the first house. These represent an archetype you often find yourself gravitating towards whether it be situations or people who embody these themes, you also tend to embody them yourself.
I am instinctively drawn towards…
Mars in Aries: Freedom, action, adventure, self discovery. Mars in Taurus: Security, nature, beauty, leisure, whatever reflects my values. Mars in Gemini: Variety, wit, communication, language, facts, intellectualism. Mars in Cancer: Nurturing, being nurtured, nostalgia, comfort, home. Mars in Leo: Self-expression, theatricality, glamour, romance, fun. Mars in Virgo: Self-improvement, analysis, humility, perfectionism. Mars in Libra: Relationships, aesthetics, diplomacy, sophistication, fantasy. Mars in Scorpio: Intensity, power, sex, the morbid, hidden or occult. Mars in Sagittarius: Truth, philosophy, religion, other cultures, academia. Mars in Capricorn: Wisdom, discipline, social status, authority. Mars in Aquarius: Genius, science, groups, rebellion, the unconventional. Mars in Pisces: Spirituality, sacrifice, sensitivity, isolation, escapism.
Your descendant and 2nd house can be used in addition to your Venus sign and house placement, as Venus rules both the 2nd and 7th house. The Taurus or 2nd house side of Venus represents an archetype you value while the Libra/7th house side represents what you often attract into your life through others.
I tend to value or attract people who are…
Venus in Aries: Invigorating, courageous, competitive, selfish, bullying, naive. Venus in Taurus: Dependable, artistic, beautiful, stubborn, possessive, greedy. Venus in Gemini: Clever, talkative, curious, intellectual, immature, dishonest. Venus in Cancer: Nurturing, gentle, domestic, needy, moody, irrational. Venus in Leo: Confident, fun, creative, romantic, egotistical, attention-seeking. Venus in Virgo: Health-conscious, helpful, analytical, humble, critical, anxious. Venus in Libra: Polite, charming, elegant, flaky, co-dependent, unstable. Venus in Scorpio: Powerful, perceptive, deep, manipulative, destructive. Venus in Sagittarius: Profound, cultured, optimistic, arrogant, blunt, foolish. Venus in Capricorn: Ambitious, disciplined, wise, repressed, intolerant. Venus in Aquarius: Friendly, unique, rebellious, detached, unpredictable. Venus in Pisces: Compassionate, poetic, imaginative, lacking boundaries, delusional, fragile.
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
The midheaven - sign closest to the heavens
Aries on the midheaven: Survival is part of the success story, is unafraid of what the world has to say because actions speak louder than anything
Taurus on the midheaven: Early experiences give money power, especially deprivation causing an insatiable desire, or restricted spending and rarely on themselves
Gemini on the midheaven: Forced to make a decision between two paths they want equally as much, and these can be completely unrelated to each other
Cancer on the midheaven: Pressures and tensions of life decrease with age, a brilliant story may be kept secret
Leo on the midheaven: It serves well when they recognise that living out a parent’s dream will not replace the love they need
Virgo on the midheaven: Sacrifices acclaim for the quiet applause of service and virtue, invisible yet vital
Libra on the midheaven: Suffers from the envy of others who have the impression that she lives a rosier life
Scorpio on the midheaven: Not prepared to provide an explanation for the choices made across their lives
Sagittarius on the midheaven: Often forced to decide between the path of acclaim, expectation, and comfort, or the wild calling of their joy and natural bliss
Capricorn on the midheaven: “Wrong place, wrong time” is the excerpt of life until the path of expectation is abandoned for authentic passion
Aquarius on the midheaven: Sickened by the ill actions of humanity, yet to help the exiled means relating to humanity and inevitably those malicious characters who first caused their dissent
Pisces on the midheaven: The professional life is unstable and unfolds in alignment with their spiritual path and not in time with other people or expectations
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
Mars in the houses
House 1: This is the house of Aries. It gives you a highly energetic nature and the need to be active. You are assertive in your own way, and depending on how close it is to the ascendant, you may have a temper or be quick to act or assume. You enjoy being the best at what you do and you do things well. You are focused on moving forward and may not understand others who aren’t. Sexually, you can be spontaneous and fiery. It’s not always far from your mind and you can get turned on in an instant. 
House 2: Your values are very important to you. Regardless of what they are. You put a lot of effort into boosting your position in the world and succeeding. You are a hard worker, depending on most aspects, and have a drive to get things done so you can relax and enjoy your ‘values’ whatever that may be. This is the house of Taurus. Sexually, it’s a tossup. This position can create a sturdy and enduring lover, sensual and gentle, or- if morals or values aren’t in order- unconscious projection into sexual conduct. Regardless of which, one can always learn to harness their awesome sensual powers!
House 3: This is the house of Gemini! You have a quick mind and wit. You are probably somewhat humorous. You have a lot of nervous energy that makes you restless. You need mental stimulation and variety to keep yourself happy. You are often involved in a multitude of different things at once. Sexually, you can get bored with the same old thing and enjoy a partner that is adventurous and suggests new things. Dirty talk is most likely your thing. You don’t want to sleep with someone unless they’ve appealed to your mind or major topics of interest. 
House 4: This is the house of Cancer. Mars in this house is ruled by family relations. This can mean that the temperament of the mother and father and household environment will affect the person greatly. This can be a good thing or a more negative thing that the native must work through. These people are extremely devoted to their family and invest a lot of emotion in their well-being. Sometimes it is flipped, and the native is spurred on to create a better family life for their own family. Mars in the 4th house need to learn to mold themselves into who they want to be and not give so much to please. Sexually, these natives are emotional and may get attached easily. They are extremely caring lovers and mostly pretty loyal.
House 5: This is the house of Leo. Mars here gets its energy from external areas. Anything that sparks the entertainment side appeals to this mars sign. Adventure, short trips, quick friends, having a good time, enjoying the moment, fun sex, dancing, children! This person acts in a unique way that attracts attention and commands respect unless afflicted. You do not enjoy when the attention is not on you. You may be somewhat dramatic. You may also be generous, especially those who are loyal to you. Sexually, house five Mars natives are passionate in a fiery, fierce, playful way. They enjoy pleasing their partner but need to be pleased also. They are normally pretty confident in their abilities. 
House 6: This is the house of Virgo. Mars here is a natural helper. These people get their energy from being useful. This can be anywhere on the spectrum of people and includes a variety of forms. This person enjoys being acknowledged but not over the top displays. Mars here may be a slight perfectionist. They may worry too much. This is the house of saints- for when one devotes their life to the betterment of others’, they are fulfilled through fulfilling! Sexually, these people are somewhat reserved until they are comfortable and it may take awhile for that to happen. They enjoy pleasing their partner over their own pleasure.
House 7: Libra is the ruler here, the sign of relationships. Mars here rules ones relationships. It’s important to have strong, deep connection with others. In romantic and personal relationships. You are always looking at every side of a subject and are a great mediator. You strive to always be fair. You are harmony loving and may bend yourself for this reason. Sexually, you are very light and airy, picking up on your partners wants and needs almost intuitively and catering to them what they want without even having to ask. 
House 8: Scorpio rules this house. Secrets of the self, repression, death, regeneration, sex, taboos- they all rule this house. Mars in the 8th house natives may feeling guilt easily, and are always criticizing themselves. They put themselves up to impossible standards and tend to let others do whatever they want without ill thoughts. These natives need the truth. They are loyal until slighted. They are fulfilled through letting themselves ‘off the hook’ and living a life of compassion for oneself. Trusting their gut and demanding the life they deserve. Sexually, these people need a partner with a strong sex drive and willingness to try new things. A lot of new things. 
House 9: Sagittarius rules the 9th house, the house of expansion. Mars here expresses and urge to travel, whether it’s physically or mentally. These people love to learn and are inspired by new experiences, philosophies, and ways to grow. They are usually pretty fun loving and like to have a good time. They are filled with surprises and enjoy others who are also. Sexually, they are energetic and enduring. They love it fast! (lemme know if you’re a Sag Mars and agree with this!!) They may even be interested in doing sexual things in different places, and a variety of different positions. They are the fun lovers.
House 10: Capricorn is this houses ruler. Mars natives with this placement are destined for greatness. That is if they use their abilities. They are dedicated to creating a name for themselves, or reaching a certain goal in life. They want to be successful and leave a legacy behind. They are hard workers and devote a lot of time to bettering their circumstances. They don’t half ass things. Sexually, they are extremely physical and earthy. They like skin on skin. It’s revitalizing. They are normally very intimate and strong lovers. 
House 11: Aquarius’ house. The house of friendship. Mars here is devoted to their friends and social circles. They need lots of contact to feel happy and feel most motivated when their friends are involved. They are fun to be around, somewhat quirky, and normally pretty intelligent. They love learning things and are very interested in humanitarian efforts. Sexually, these people may be attracted to those who give them the feeling of friendship. This Mars placement needs a stable relationship/friendship in order to be sexually satisfied. These people are usually pretty kinky.
House 12: And here’s the last, but not the least, Pisces house! This Mars placement is ruled by the undercurrents of the universe. These people may feel like they don’t know why they do what they do. They are unpredictable and have strange reactions to things. They can be spacey, but are extremely deep, and emotion oriented, and when I say emotion oriented, I mean the emotions of everyone around them including themselves. These people may be somewhat lazy unless inspired. They love to just daydream and think. Sexually, these people can switch from insatiable to uninterested. They are normally pretty sexual though, and enjoy the energy being swapped from intimate session. They enjoy diving headfirst into the experience and not really analyzing out anything- just swimming through the moment. 
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
moon in the houses
hardest to truly know:
moon in 8th | moon in 12th | moon in 10th
most self-involved:
moon in 1st | moon in 2nd | moon in 5th 
most sacrificial:
moon in 4th | moon in 6th | moon in 7th
most intellectual:
moon in 3rd | moon in 9th | moon in 11th
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
≛ astrology observations ≛
these are things i noticed about the people around me!
• females with scorpio ascendant might look more innocent compared to males with scorpio ascendant, but deep inside they’re not.
• people with cancer ascendant / moon , cancer dominance / moon in the 1st tend to have rounder faces.
• people with virgo ascendant or mercury dominance tend to talk with their hands a lot or they usually speak in a monotone voice when talking to new people.
• earth signs tend to have a very calm aura.
• water signs are way more outgoing than most people think. especially cancer.
• you might come off more as your draconic chart’s sun sign rather than your natal chart’s sun sign.
• people with mars in a cardinal sign can get really aggressive. 
• people with moon in the 5th are fascinatingly creative (if that even is a word) and they love to express it.
• people with their sun in the 10th always take the lead.
• people with mercury in gemini / mercury in the 3rd usually have good singing voices
• people with moon in an earth sign rarely show their emotions because they are very patient with it. they always find out a way to solve their problems themselves rather than venting to someone. 
• people with venus in scorpio or venus - pluto aspects can get really obsessed with their love interest.
• people with a water sun - air moon combination have a lot on their minds, but don’t know how to express it.
• earth dominance might make you seem cold.
• people with a fire or air moon sign give off positive and usually happy vibes.
• people with an air moon sign tend to express their emotions online with pictures, quotes, etc.
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rainbowstrology · 4 years
≛ astrology observations ≛
these are things i noticed about the people around me!
• females with scorpio ascendant might look more innocent compared to males with scorpio ascendant, but deep inside they’re not.
• people with cancer ascendant / moon , cancer dominance / moon in the 1st tend to have rounder faces.
• people with virgo ascendant or mercury dominance tend to talk with their hands a lot or they usually speak in a monotone voice when talking to new people.
• earth signs tend to have a very calm aura.
• water signs are way more outgoing than most people think. especially cancer.
• you might come off more as your draconic chart’s sun sign rather than your natal chart’s sun sign.
• people with mars in a cardinal sign can get really aggressive. 
• people with moon in the 5th are fascinatingly creative (if that even is a word) and they love to express it.
• people with their sun in the 10th always take the lead.
• people with mercury in gemini / mercury in the 3rd usually have good singing voices
• people with moon in an earth sign rarely show their emotions because they are very patient with it. they always find out a way to solve their problems themselves rather than venting to someone. 
• people with venus in scorpio or venus - pluto aspects can get really obsessed with their love interest.
• people with a water sun - air moon combination have a lot on their minds, but don’t know how to express it.
• earth dominance might make you seem cold.
• people with a fire or air moon sign give off positive and usually happy vibes.
• people with an air moon sign tend to express their emotions online with pictures, quotes, etc.
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