I apologize cause it has been a while since I posted anything.
Instead of trying to find a company that wants to build an LGBTQ+ Real Estate team and go with my idea, I will do it myself.
I was licensed as a Real Estate Broker, I will register a domain name. I will do the marketing for it, I will run an instagram for it, and I will make money
My Goal is to create business for myself and my mom. My mom loves the gays and I think I have a great way for her to network with them.
The Rainbow Real Estate Broker...
lets make some money mf
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Know your History
I cannot repeat this enough, but it is so important to know your history. Whether it will help you in your life, or it will get you ahead in life...KNOW YOUR HISTORY
I am a little bit of a history Buff, and if you talk to me you will probably get some sort of historical references. I used to be super embarassed because of it, but over time I have just moved on from that. Knowing history has helped me more than not knowing it. As a member of the LGBTQ+ Community, knowing my history has helped me navigate the community social interactions. I didn't want to become everyone's BFF and be the social butterfly that most people try to be. I wanted to focus on business. I try not to get to sloppy in front of people cause I don't think they would want to work with you on a professional level afterwards.
I wish I was able to easily find like minded gays that want to just hustle it out and make some money. I cannot wait to get my LGBTQ+ Real Estate Team going. I started this blog to educate myself and others. I wanted to make sure that I was aware of the history of the prejudice and discrimination that gays have faced in the workplace. I know there are still alot of social norms that we have to overcome.
Maybe not social norms, but overcome peoples perceptions of what social norms are. I know that the history of discrimination is deeply rooted in misunderstanding and ignorance. If people studied their history, they would not be so stupid. They would most likely be more open to other ways of life, or other thought processes.
If they were open to just finding the best Realtor for their Real Estate needs, regardless of who that Realtor is dating or married to or whatever. I wish people learned their history, and here is a great link to some LGBTQ+ accomplishments of the last 40 years.
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It all goes back to watching Philadelphia. When I think of discrimination, I think only of outward discrimination against someone. Meaning you directly tell them that they are not welcome, or that you do not want them around. It's interesting to me that, because we live in Canada, we do have laws that protect us from Direct Discrimination.
If you apply for a job and you mention that you are a minority, YOU CANNOT be discriminated against for that fact. The Canadian Charted of Rights and Freedoms, outlines all of the ways that the laws will protect you. However, what happens when individuals get in the way of policy and they are the policy makers?
What happens if your boss, is religious and does not respect your lifestyle or who you are. Whether the discrimination is direct, or indirect, it still happens. I can only imagine how many ideas, products, or services have not been brought forward by employees cause they feel they might out themselves with their ideas. What happens to employees that do not feel comfrotable, and take their talents to another company or a competitor.
Are you in a leadership position, and do you allow all of your employees to be themselves. I hope you do, because that LGTBQ+ employee, might be the one that brings alot of money to your business.
Olya Kesh
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Main Character Energy
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I think having a blog is total Main Character Energy. Like I have mentioned before, I never really watched Sex and the City growing up. We had HBO, and I watched a few episodes here and there. I remember when the movie came out as well back when I was in High School. I can see why it get people interested and captivated in the story of the main characters.
I posted a little earlier that, I recently bought a fancy shmancy Limited Edition DVD set of the entire series, and I think I will watch it soon. I am not a religious person, but I do have religion in my life. I can't shake the feeling that this is all a sign that this is how its all supposed to happen? Like I started a blog, I set out to do something, and then I find some Main Character Energy references that maybe I needed?
A yuppie in the city, writing a blog, on his Macbook or Ipad...
Olya Kesh
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This was published as a survey by CNBC in 2022. I can assume that this was done in the US , and that the statististics might not be accurately reflect what the Canadian LGBTQ+ Community has access to. I do not think that we have more access than our American Counterparts, but we kinda do. It has to do with the fact that more Canadian LGTBQ+ persons live in larger urban areas, whereas our American Counterparts might in a more rural setting.
Access to services in larger cities has always been easier than in rural settings. I will definetely talk about the fact that the suburbs are not yet the bastion of acceptance that the cities are, but this article talks about accessing financial services. This could be as simple as going to a bank and being able to open a credit account.
This could be the first step in building credit, and establishing yourself as someone who is reliable. Having a relationship with a banking institution is the best way to access things like RRSP's, and TFSA's that can then be used towards a downpayment on a home. Alot of LGBTQ+ are not given the financial education that they deserve, whether its from their family or from educational institutions. This has long term adverse affects, and I will also share another article that talks about the fact that LGBTQ+ elders will have difficult retiring. They may lack the financial savings, simply because of homophobic discrimation and policies.
Its 2022, this shouldn't be happening. With the internet and social medias being present, why is it that LGTBQ+ folks are still not able to access the financial services that everyone else has had access to for decades?
Deep in Thought,
Olya Kesh
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This is a brief article that talks about LGBTQ+ discrimination in the past, and how it could be used in the present as well. The concept that most people that are applying for loans are couple looking for their first home, goes back to the Post World War 2 era.
When the returning servicemen were returning from the front lines, many of them moved to suburban areas and got married. In American and Canadian culture, the Baby Boom after the war is studied in detail. This generation in particular influenced how the government delegated development funds after the war, and to whom. For example, we all know of Federal Red Lining that was used as a way to limit loan access to African American Families. There are also tons of instances where urban development of highways, led to mass displacement of peoples in African American Communities.
The effects of this era's repressive policies can be felt when looking at the limits that were placed on Homosexual Couples until 1974. Until that time, most Loans that were given out were focused on suburban couples. Unless you were married, and working a Blue Collar job, you were not able to get a mortgage. At times the banks would insert moral clauses, that the receipients of the loan were attending church services. There are numerous examples of these kinds of discrimanatory policices in place, and I will continue to share them with you in this blog.
That being said, its time for us to open up those rainbow doors to all of the people that want to do Real Estate and weren't able to. Whether it is attracting top LGBTQ + talent, or serving the Real Estate Needs of the LGBTQ+ community, I am here for it
In thought,
Olya Kesh
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Office environments have always been a bastion of Heterosexual culture and WASP Life. I happen to be a huge fan of Mad Men, and I want to give credit to the show because they portray the office culture of a different era. In that show they do have a secondary character that is introduced later in the series. He is closeted, because he has to be in the 1960's. He has an incident where one of the main characters discovers that they are gay. They have to hide the truth from the other partners because they know there are unintended consequences. This was America at the height of the Cold War and at the peak of the Nuclear Family culture era.
I like my office environment, and I am not making a difference in the world yet. But I am working my way up the corporate ladder to get to an executive position where I can make the decisions I want to make. I want to be able to open the doors of opportunity for those gay kids, trans kids, non-binary kids who want to pursue a financially rewarding and lucrative career in Real Estate.
That being said, I am not operating a Charity. This is a business first and foremost. We are here to conduct commerce and engage in real estate trading. I want there to be an open and tolerant environment so that we can attract and recruit the best talent. I hate the fact that I have been limited in my success due to homophobia. Whether it was internalized and I felt uncomfortable being myself in a hyper masculine environment. Or whether it was the literaly HOMOPHOBIC commentary around me, left right and centre.
I do want to give a positive shout out to a Commercial Real Estate Brokerage in Toronto, for not being the white boy frat club that I thought it was going to be. I remember working in that environment, and there was a level of comradery and sportmanship that I really enjoyed. They did a really good job in fostering that kind of environment. That being said, alot of the residential real estate brokerages were non stop boys clubs. That being said, who cares about the opinion of lesser men.
End of Rant
Olya Kesh
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Philadelphia - 1993
This movie needs to be spoken about more than it currently does. It is on the of best movies of the 90's, if not the 20th century. It was Tom Hanks, someone who everyone loved...dying. He made the HIV/AIDS pandemic human to alot of people.
What hit home to me, was the fact that I myself have lived in Philadelphia. I am based in Toronto now, and Toronto is home. I have been here since 1997, and I want to stay here for as long as I can. What also hit home to me, was how much they loved and respected Andy, but then turned on him so quickly. I also think that Denzel Washington being the Lawyer and Antonion Banderas being the lover also somehow drew my attention.
Whatever it was about this movie, It hit home and it made sense. I want to break that glass ceiling. I want to be able to monetize being my true and authentic self, and I think that other people should be able to as well. They should be able to be their best professional self, make that money, and go home to their loved ones. They shouldn't be shamed or guilted, they should be proud. Imagine the motivational potential that would have on someone who doesn't have the confidence they need.
Signed with a need for coffee
Olya Kesh
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This wasn't originally intended as a Sex and the City post, but it will now become one. The other day I was walking through Value Village, and thats kinda my thing on the weekends. I have a routine during the colder months, that gets thrown off when summer rolls through Toronto.
But anyways, I was walking through Value Village, and I have been looking to expand my DVD collection. I was an early 2000's kid that used to go to Blockbuster and Pacific Mall. I used to go to one to rent, the other one to purchase cheap quality DVD's. I remember the quality of the DVD was awful, but the covers were even worse. Half the time it looked like it was printed by someone in their garage.
I was thinking to go online to purchase some DVD's, but then my BF told me of the large selection that Value Village has. So I went the first time with him over a year ago to VV for to hunt down some good DVD's. Last week though, I had the most amazing find, which I think was a casual sign from g-d.
What I found was the entire Sex and the City series in a felt book, with episode descriptors, pictures of the cast and more. So I was walking through VV, I saw it, and I bought it. For a total of $6.27, I own the entire series of Sex and the City (thats like $1 a season LOL). But I love the felt cover the discs came in, and I love the plastic that it comes in.
Now lets talk about the rainbow elephant in the room. I am not a religious person, but I do believe in signs from a higher power. So one day I sat down to create the Rainbow Investments blog. The idea was to help people who have felt left out of the Real Estate Industry because they are members of the LGBTQ+ Community. I have not watched the entire Sex and the City series, but I guess I have become Carrie in some weird way.
I live in Downtown Toronto, I blog about Real Estate, I am doing it at my desk looking out at the world, I am doing it all on my Macbook or Ipad, and I am trying to figure out all the other things that adults are supposed to do. I guess I have a little pep in my step knowing that I am kinda living out some sort of 90's TV Show Fantasy.
Let's See how This Goes
Olya Kesh
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I love this movie.
It's one of my go-to's when I need a moment for myself or a moment with the person I love. I dont really drink wine, but smoking a nice J and then having some delicious crunchy food, in the middle of the winter, on the couch, on a snowy day...
Thats the type of movie that this is to me. A romantic comedy and the cast is too die for. This isn't a movie review however, this is me saying I LOVE THIS MOVIE. The fact that the main character started this blog because she wanted to be more than she was, speaks to me on a whole nother level.
She set out on a mission, and she did not know where she was going to end up. She was exploring the Unknown and trying to improve herself. When I think of blogging and my inspirations, I have to thank this movie. The actors, the writers, the producers, the directors, and the film editors, y'all are awesome.
I am low key living my fantasy and finally putting my skills to use. I am not a natural writer, I know that I have a point of view. I am trying my best out here and I know this blog is gonna get me where I need to go.
Olya Kesh
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This was the Post That Made Me Think...
This was the post that made me stop to think about the impact that HIV/AIDS had on our community. The number of gay elders that died is over 600,000, according to low estimates.
Had they survived, would they have made our lives easier? Would they have paved the way for us to get into the world of Business and Real Estate? Would they break the glass ceiling for us?
I ask all of these questions because I am selfish. I want to work in Real Estate and be myself. I want to have an inclusive team where we can make references to TV Shows, Movies and queer culture in general. I wished all of these elders surivived so they would sit in the baordrooms and make policies that benefit the LGBTQ+ community. I can imagine the amount of wealtht that would have been accumulated and passed on to our community in the form of charity.
I always think of the movie Philadelphia, and the main character sitting in the board room with all those old waspy men. He sat there and was treated as one of their own, until they found out that he was one of them. That movie is a piece of queer cinema that should be watched by every single person who doesnt know our history.
I want to be that person for the next generation. I will open the doors that were closed when our elders didn't survive. I want to break the glass ceiling for our community, and open up Real Estate Investment for all members of our community.
Olya Kesh
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Olya Kesh
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The Inspiration for this Blog is : Leo Herrera
I am not 100% sure the direction that this blog is going to go in, but I know for a fact that it will positively impact the LGBTQ+ Community.
The Idea for this blog came from an American Writer/Producer/Photographer/Talented Individual named Leo Herrera that wanted to document the impact that HIV/AIDS had on our community. He wanted to explore what would have happened if an entire generation of queer men had not succumbed to HIV/AIDS.
When I first thought about this concept, It took a moment for me to realize the impact that generation would have had. I can imagine all the love and the friendships that were lost, and Leo talks about this in detail in all of his posts. I work in Real Estate, and I have been licensed since 2012. It has been an interesting road for me having changed paths a few times here and there, however I want to relate it back to our community.
The one constant that I encountered in the Real Estate World, was the fact that it was a Hetero-Normative industry. The traditional Real Estate transaction is usually a couple (a man and woman) wanting to purchase or sell real estate. They are looking to invest in themselves, or they are lookingt to grow their investment porfolio. Agents always make jokes that the wife is the decision maker in the family, or that the man will have the final word. Most of the references are to heterosexual couples that do not deviate from the "Norm". It is an industry that is based on Traditions that are not inclusive of all people.
I hated all of the back handed homophobic comments, and references to the fact that in a Homosexual Relationship there is also a "Husband" & "Wife". I hated the fact that I could not lay down the law and educate people on how ignorant their comments are. When I had the oppurtunity to create an equity statement that was inclusive, I made it my personal mission to make sure that there is no discrimination in the organizations that I work in.
The direction of this blog is undetermined. The posts...probably will be inconsistent. But the mission is clear : To Provide the highest quality of Real Estate Services to the LGBTQ+ Community.
Olya Kesh
From Leo's Site he describes himself :
"Leo Herrera is a Mexican activist/filmmaker and writer known for queer viral art films and short documentaries that tackle issues of queer politics, sex, HIV stigma and history. He travels across America to document instances of "queer utopia," which are the basis of Fathers. For more info on Herrera's work please visit leoherrera.com and follow on Instagram & Twitter @herreraimages and Facebook @iftheylived"
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