rainbow-skittle ¡ 2 years
could you do a nat story with potentially nat going on a bad solo misson and it doesnt go well. She still gets the job done but comes back pretty shaken up so when she gets home the reader notices and tries to comfort her and make her feel better afterwards 😄
the other stories you have written are rly good as well too!
A/N: First of all thank you so much for this great request. I loved writing it. Second sorry it took so long! I really couldnt get myself to write even if my life depended on it and I wanted it to be good. I really hope you like what I came up with anon and it turned out like you imagined. Everyone feel free to send in request!
You're save with me
Summary: Nat comes back from a bad solo mission and you're there to make her feel better.
word count: 1,3 k
genre: fluff , hurt/comfort
warnings: talk about killing, blood, red room past, slight panic, lmk if I need anything else
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not my gif.
You were sitting in your shared room in the compound reading on of your favorite books while you waited for Nat to return from her Solo mission. She had been gone for 3 days and you missed her terribly especially since it was a no contact mission.
She was due to come home that afternoon so you looked up and asked “Hey Jarvis, any status on Nat and when she’ll be home?”. “Good afternoon Agent Y/L/N, the quinjet should land in about 10 minutes. Agent Romanoff however seems to be in some state of panic, her heart rate is elevated and her breathing fast and uneven. Would you like me to alert Dr. Banner?”, the AI answered and your smile fell.
It wasn’t like Nat to show when something is wrong, so when Jarvis could sense it something had gone seriously wrong. “No thank you Jarvis, do you have more information about the mission?”, you asked concerned already getting ready to make your way to the landing pad. “Only that Agent Romanoff completed the mission succesfully”, said the AI and you answered “Thank you Jarvis”.
Once you grabbed one of her hoodies and threw it on before you quickly walked to the landing pad. You were pacing nervously until you saw the quinjet. Once it landed you waited patiently for Nat to come out, scared to see in what condition Nat would be.
As she slowly walked out you could already see that she was pretty shaken up but did thankfully not seem as panicky anymore. Whatever happened on the mission hit her hard. Eventhough you’ve been a couple for over a year already you’ve never seen her in that state. Almost like she lost all of her self control so you knew you had to be careful about your next steps.
Walking to her slowly you said softly “Hey Natty”. You could see her green eyes finding yours as she tried to give you a small smile, stopping in front of you. She seemed smaller than usual. “Can I touch you?”, you asked not ready to take any risks in her fragile state.
Hesitation crossed her face for a moment before she nodded slowly. It broke your heart to see her like this. You gently laid your hands on her arms and rubbed them softly, feeling her shaking under your touch. “Come on let’s get you inside”, you whispered and pressed a light kiss to her head before walking her inside.
As you reached the common area you shot the others a glare and shook your head before they could even say something. She didn’t need any comments from the others that would upset her even more right now. Tony closed his mouth again and gave you a small nod, knowing better than to mess with you when it came to Nat.
As you reached your shared room you helped her take off her jacket and saw that she was bleeding at her shoulder and side. Looking into her eyes you asked “Tasha you’re bleeding. Can I take care of them?”. Natasha’s eyes found yours as she shot you a confused look at first and only then realizing she was hurt. She nodded softly and let you guide her into the bathroom.
Nat watched you carefully as you made her sit on the closed toilet seat and got out the first aid kid. She could never tell you how much she appreciated your gentleness and carefulness. Once you cleaned her wounds, them thankfully not being that deep so you could just patch them up you brought her back to bed and helped her change into a pair of your pjs.
Getting some water for her you squatted down in front of her and handed her the bottle as you asked “Can you have some water for me?”. She took the bottle and drank a few sips before giving the bottle back to you with shakey hands. Placing it aside you took her hands in yours and asked softly “Can you tell me what happened Natty?”.
You didn’t wanna pressure her but her behavior worried you to say the least.
It took her a minute, playing with your fingers and getting herself ready to open up. You just let your hand go limp in hers knowing playing with your finger brought her the comfort she needed right now.
„It was more or less a trap. I got in without many problems but they knew I was there. On the way out I was exposed to some synthetic gas, a new weapon from hydra. I could hear the voice from one of them telling me that I’m about to relive my worst nightmares and Y/N he was right“, she started and I could tell it was bringing her relief but also pain to talk about it. Tears built up in her eyes as she continued „“I saw all of the faces from the people I’ve killed. Kids starring at me innocently before I killed them. All of the pain that I managed to forget from the red room washed up again. I somehow made my way out but it reminded me of how much red is still in my ledger“.
It broke your heart as she said that. Sitting down next to her you took her into your arms and gently dried her tears as you calmed her down. Once she was a little calmer you took her face in your hands and said „Natasha, I need you to listen to me now okay? All of this is in the past. Yes you did bad things then but you’ve done more good. You wiped out all of the red in your ledger as brought down the red room. It’s clean and you’re a good person. I’m sorry they made you go through that again but I need you to know that this is not who you are anymore“.
You could tell that Nat needed those more than she’d ever admit. „Thank you“, she mumbled and you gently kissed her forehead. You could tell that it helped but she was exhausted and still a little shaken up. Dwelling on the topic wouldn’t help so you suggested „How about I make some tea now and then we’ll cuddle up in bed and watch a movie?“.
Nat just nodded at that so you pressed another kiss to her forehead and quickly made your way into the kitchen to get her her favorite kind of tea and her favorite snacks. Once back in your room you cuddled up in bed together Nat in your arms as you put on her favorite movie.
You knew from the start that she wouldn’t last through the whole movie but as Nat realized she couldn’t fight off the exhaustion much longer she slowly moved out of your arms and said „I’ll probably have nightmares tonight. Maybe you should sleep somewhere else, you need your sleep“.
However you were having nothing of it. Taking her face in your hands you looked her deep in the eyes and said „Listen Natty. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll always be here for you and if you’ll have nightmares tonight I’ll be there to calm you and comfort you. I don’t care if I won’t get much sleep tonight. I promised you the day we got together that I’ll always keep you safe even if its from the demons that haunt you at night. I’m not breaking that promise. I’ll keep you safe, I’m not leaving“.
A sleepy smile appeared on Nat’s lips as she said „I know, you’re my safe place. I love you. Thank you“. She cuddled deep into your arms and you wrapped your arms tightly around her as you mumbled „Always, I love you more“.
You felt her smile into your chest before you kissed her forehead and she fell asleep. You couldn’t feel happier that she felt safe with you, helping you rest easier as you drifted of as well, ready to face whatever the night will bring.
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