Will not stop dancing
13K posts
31 | Sara | she/her they/them || Random ramblings likely to involve biology, politics, maths, programming, philosophy, and linguistics. Might divert into gender and sexuality because dear me is there a lot to unpack there.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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rainbow-demoness · 56 minutes ago
Both Selfish; you each lose 2 points
You Selfish, prev Cooperative; You gain 2 points
You Cooperative, prev Selfish; You lose 1 point
Both Cooperative; You Each gain 1.5 points
(ps make sure to say what you voted)
Making this post long so you have to scroll to see prev's tags.
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rainbow-demoness · 1 hour ago
Got reminded again of my old coworker who was a massive misogynist but also trans inclusive. Told me he believed trans women are indeed women because "only women would be stupid enough to want to be women"
I wonder what he's doing now
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rainbow-demoness · 1 hour ago
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rainbow-demoness · 1 hour ago
i was reading a fic, and i had an angsty idea.
danny, working at WE. and something something concerns about him going rogue or keeping secrets, whatever. bruce, or various bats depending on where in time this is set, investigate and stuff, and meet danny A Lot in civilian personas. and dnany starts getting very paranoid and scared! until he has a full on breakdown. bat(s) don't realize how badly they are affecting danny until they get close to him again (mayhaps after determining he is fine and innocent and whatever) and he flinches. he sweats. he looks pale. he shakes. maybe a lil anxiety attack, as a treat.
and the bat(s) realize they done Fucked Up and made this innocent WE employee scared of them. not as the bats, but their civilian personas. they realize that was workplace harassment. and fuck why didn't they realize sooner?!
it's too late. the damage is done.
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rainbow-demoness · 2 hours ago
Something I see a lot, with people who are new to sewing, is a lack of understanding of the grain of woven fabric, and why it's important to cut out pattern pieces the way the pattern tells you to in relation to that grain.
The grain runs parallel to the selvedge edges of the fabric yardage, and is physically made up of the warp yarns that run the length of woven fabric, that the weft yarns are...well, that those yarns are woven around to make the fabric.
Because the warp yarns have to withstand the shuttles, carrying the weft yarns, passing back and forth across them repeatedly, the warp yarns are generally stronger than the weft yarns.
This means that, if you cut something perpendicular to the grain that is intended to be cut parallel to the grain, then the direction of the soft yarns and the direction of the sturdy yarns will be swapped, and the piece won't hang like it's supposed to.
Furthermore, the warp yarns need to be more stable, while the weft yarns, since they're traveling back and forth while being woven, are more flexible, which often results in a subtle stretch across the grain--from selvedge to selvedge--that can make a noticeable difference in how the finished item fits, especially if it's in any way fitted. There is almost never stretch along the warp/with the grain.
I so often see people new to sewing doing things like folding the fabric so the cut edges are together, which results in cutting the pattern pieces from the fabric across the grain instead of with the grain (not to mention doing potentially unwanted things to the nap and print direction.) Folding the fabric so the selvedges are together is usually what's directed in pattern cutting layouts, with the pattern pieces laid out parallel to the folded edge and selvedges, along the grain.
It's also common to see new-to-sewing people laying out the pattern pieces in all directions (usually jokingly called tetrising), to maximize the efficiency of fabric usage. This can easily lead to a finished item that doesn't quite fit right, even if you've used that exact pattern with that same kind of fabric before, and, without understanding the role of grain, it will seem completely random as to why it didn't work this time.
I know that a lot of the things sewing patterns tell you to do seem fussy and unnecessary, but they really do have their reasons!
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rainbow-demoness · 11 hours ago
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rainbow-demoness · 12 hours ago
hi trans people i hope you get to live. i hope you get to laugh so fucking loud and revel in how the wind blows through your hair and i hope you get to dress the way you like and i hope you get complimented on it. i hope you get to kiss someone or hug someone or hold hands with someone or be told how wonderful you are. i hope you get to dance to weird music and i hope you go swimming with no concerns other than how much sunscreen to put on and i hope you sing bad karaoke with your friends. i hope a kid spots you from across the road and realizes they don't have to live one way forever. i hope we all live
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rainbow-demoness · 12 hours ago
Imagine a world where we looked at having sex the same way we do going out dancing or grabbing dinner.
Some people really enjoy visiting dance clubs or restaurants, include their partners in these activities, and make them a cornerstone of their social calendar; other folks are quite indifferent, and can take or leave them. Some people might only like engaging in these activities when they are completely alone, and others among us have highly specific preferences for the ways we might participate in them, if at all.
We don’t tend to assume a person’s life is incomplete if they have never been to a rave, and if a new buddy recommends we take an invigorating walk instead of grabbing an order of tibs and injera, we probably don’t bat an eye. If a romantic partner doesn’t share our passion for darkwave it might cause us problems, but we could just as easily call up a buddy with a Boy Harsher shirt and still have a good time.
Most of us recognize there’s potential for trauma surrounding body movement and food, but we don’t consider a person fundamentally broken if their parents forced them to eat vegetables or take a ballet class. We’ll consider it wrong that their feelings weren’t respected, and understand if they never want to join us for Black Swan and cheese fondue.
We don’t clutch our pearls if a child finds out that people twerk or drink wine. Even when forms of these activities are firmly for adults-only, it’s evident to all of us that they can be openly discussed, that no one is harmed by acknowledging their existence. These parts of regular life are not seen as magical, or assumed to be always beneficial or always negative for a person. Sometimes you eat an incredible burger. Sometimes you trip over your feet and briefly look like an ass. Neither defines your life or brings you to ruin.
And in the bold, sex neutral world that I am proposing, we’d have much the same attitudes toward intimacy. If we could view sex neutrally, we wouldn’t necessarily consider it a deal-breaker if a romantic partner enjoyed floggings and we preferred Tantric massage. A person who eschewed all sex or only had sex alone would be a bit of a private type, not a fundamentally different or lacking type of being. If a person was forty-five years old when they made their sexual debut, we’d treat them like someone who found a new hobby later in life, not like they were carrying some major social defect.
When sex was used as a tool of abuse or exploitation, we’d focus a lot more on the facts of the mistreatment, rather than the lurid details of the sex. We wouldn’t treat sex as radioactive, imbuing all it ever touched with a kind of sinister energy. And because we wouldn’t have to push back against such a demonized view of sex, we wouldn’t have to claim that sex was some life-changing, sacred activity that possessed a special ability to cement marriages or alter bodies, either.
Sex would just be a blasé thing, like going to the grocery store, getting a foot massage, taking a shit, or rolling a joint: highly pleasurable to some, completely squicky and uncomfortable to others, varying in its importance over the course of our lifespan, and never fundamentally good nor evil, just a regular part of human life.
We could think dispassionately about sex if this were the case, not viewing gay men in puppy hoods as predators simply for existing in the open air, or penalizing librarians for giving kids resources about their own bodies. We could acknowledge, without flipping out, that fetuses masturbate in the womb, children sometimes tie their dolls up in proto-fetishistic ways, and teenagers have sex with one another.
We would not consider it pathological if a young person had no interest in any of this, or if any person enjoyed sex in ‘unusual’ ways — they’d be no more strange to us than a lover of peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.
And if a child were sexually exploited, or an adult person coerced into sexual activity, sex neutrality would allow us to look to the power and access that made such an awful violation possible. We’d see the problem was that a child had no one but their parent to rely upon, and nowhere else to go when that parent blocked them from seeing friends, restricted their access to food, or used them for personal gratification. Rather than being blinded by our aversion to sex, we’d be able to name all three controlling behaviors as equally wrong, all potentially fraught and traumatic.
I wrote all about sex neutrality and how it helps us to better understand issues of consent, abuse, and desire. You can read it for free (or have it narrated to you by the Substack app) at drdevonprice.substack.com
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rainbow-demoness · 12 hours ago
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This is the funniest thing I've ever read. I would have LOVED to see that
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rainbow-demoness · 12 hours ago
I'm not sure whether it's safe to out oneself as trans to a bunch of transphobes on the transphobic mass report website. We block to fend off attacks. Like Neo.
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the shimp got too much attention and now there are transphobes in my notes, this is a transgender blog run by a transgender dyke. fuckers.
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rainbow-demoness · 15 hours ago
I remember how fucking massive this video was 20 years ago when YouTube was in its infancy so it’s cool to read trivia about it. For anyone old enough to remember, it’s definitely giving VH1’s Pop-Up Video.
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rainbow-demoness · 15 hours ago
All my haters become aligators when I activate my gatorinator.
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rainbow-demoness · 15 hours ago
*goes to egg your house but I find out you're vegan so I ¼ cup of unsweetened applesauce your house instead*
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rainbow-demoness · 15 hours ago
“my son turned out fine” your daughter is begging me to assault her because you mistreated her so badly that she doesn’t know how to have agency as a person, so like not exactly fine i dont think
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rainbow-demoness · 15 hours ago
society and makeup companies to women at all times: you have to wear makeup, like you literally have to or else you look like a corpse, so wear it you fucking corpse. aren't you terrified of getting old? aren't you insecure about your little blemishes? we have the $80 solution.
someone online: you don't have to wear makeup
someone else in response, without fail, every single time: yeah but it's okay if you want to wear makeup :). I mean, it's a personal choice, which involves no coercion from the constant social pressures that dictate how women should present themselves, so go ahead! Don't let mean people bully you into thinking it's okay to have flaws in your skin.
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rainbow-demoness · 16 hours ago
cool, calm and collected strongwoman queen, gabi dixson 👑 with the 330lbs per hand
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rainbow-demoness · 16 hours ago
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when your art program’s closing message hits you straight in the heart and makes you stop and contemplate the state of it all
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