raimondazabulyte · 3 years
Week 8!
This week has been great. I am happy that my team could work and progress with the project, keeping up with the schedule but also trying to have fun and enjoy the last days in the bootcamp, which I appreciate, especially after the hard personal project we had. We met our client - Lexy and had a conversation with them in their work environment which helped us to better understand their ideas and the expectations from us. Only one week left of the bootcamp , it is nice to  finish but also I hope we all stay in contact and keep the great community feeling that we had all these 8 weeks!
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
Week 7!
What a week!
It was definitely  the most hard week of the entire bootcamp, at least for me. I think that I needed 1 more day to finish the project and design report the way I wanted it to be done.
I feel like I have worked really hard but there was just not enough time to do everything and that was the most stressful part.
The nice thing was the ability to talk with UX/UI professional and get some feedback on our work.I am really happy about that because I got some positive feedback and some tips on how to improve, that is definitely very useful, especially when someone sees it with ,,fresh’’ ayes and helps you to solve the problems much faster.
I am excited to do the last and final group project working with a real company, it is a great learning opportunity for us. It is also sad that in 2 weeks Ironhack bootcamp is done, so I feel we really have to enjoy/work/learn as much as we can.
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
Week 6!
I feel like this week went really fast because we are working on a project - to design a B2B Saas Web App and this project really requires a lot of work. I think my project - to build a Feedback Web App that companies could use is getting much more clear but I feel that there are still lots of things to finish. I try to manage my time in the most efficient  way but as we have 2 weeks for the project I think it gives an illusion that we have much more time than we think. This project is a great opportunity to exercise all the skills we learned till now and apply to a real problem that users have.
PS: We had a really nice rooftop party this Friday at Ironhack. It is great that we can all come together and spend some time after a long week. Really nice gift from Ironnhack! :)
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
Week 5!
Fifth week in Ironhack is done and we are already more than halfway through the Bootcamp! This week we have applied all the knowledge that we gained so far into our project - building an App for the collaborative playlist. Through the week me and my two talented classmates Carlos and Julie shared our ideas with each other and tried to really work together on each of the different stages of the project. It was very interesting to work on all the 5 Design thinking stages, but I just wish we had more time to dedicate to this project and explore more.I think the biggest challenge of this week was to manage our time in the most efficient way.
It looks like the next 4 weeks are going to be pretty intense and we still have to finish 2 big projects but I think that all of my classmates are really doing a great job and I am really impressed by everyone's work so far! It is nice to see how much we learned and improved  in these 5 weeks!!!:)
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
Week 4!
I can say that this week in Ironhack was exciting but also very  challenging. I was excited to finally learn more about 1 step in the Design Thinking process - user research, trying to empathize with users, get the insights about the problem and try to solve it by understanding user needs. Also I had to think wisely about the questions that I want to ask in  the interviews because having a Psychology background I am used to speaking about people's feelings and emotions rather than behaviors and it was important to understand that in user research we need behavioral data rather than attitudinal. I hope that I can learn even more about it in the following weeks.
It was challenging because we had to conduct interviews and process the data in a very short time to build our low-fidelity prototype. I wish I had a bit more time to do the usability testing because I think that is a very important process that helps to understand what works and what doesn't.
4 weeks have gone really fast and it has been a rollercoaster of emotions but I am excited to see what comes next and start our group project next week!:)
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
Week 3!
This week we had a very interesting team project - to create a new travel app for booking flights. We had to consider many different aspects, like user goals, business goals, usability and visual identity of our brand. I think the hardest part was to think about all the different elements but also not to lose the focus  on the big picture. Although it was a hard week and we have changed our ideas a few times, especially after the Crits, we also had lots of fun in your team and laughed a lot. Hard, fun, a bit crazy ….this is the third week. We crashed a few planes but we made it :)! I think we did a really good job in such a short time and had a good working in a team experience!
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
iOS  interface guidelines
There is a difference between  iOS and Android mobile platforms. This post is dedicated to address some of the iOS native design patterns that follow Human interface guidelines.
Navigation Bar
In iOS, the navigation bar  is at the top of the screen and it has the back button on the right side and additional action buttons on the left. It is used to go back to the previous page.
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Tab Bar
It allows users to quickly navigate to the separate pages and appears on the bottom of the screen, consisting of the icons or additional labels to specify the meaning. Highlighted icon indicates the user location.
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In iOS action buttons normally appear on the top bar of the page. It is also common to use a switch button that indicates different states that are visually represented by green and grey color.
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Action Sheets
Action sheets appear when the user has to confirm or cancel an action, they are used to perform one single action from the list.
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iOS uses datepicker, instead of calendar. It allows the user  to scroll through a list of dates and times and select values for day, month and time.
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Those are just some of the iOS design patterns but they can help to visualize the difference between Android systems.
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
Week two!
This week in Ironhack we had our first design project, to create a new feature for the existing App using reverse engineering process - trying to understand how the application works and identify design patterns. My task  was to add  a donations feature for Wallapop. In this project my biggest challenge was to prototype with Figma cause I really didn't feel so confident with Figma, but I have to say that at the end of the week I feel that there is progress. The coolest thing I learned was how to create different prototype features in Figma and use some animation. I would like to keep learning how to use Figma and more about different UI elements.
For me this week was really intense and it was not easy to finish the project in such a short time but it was a great learning opportunity. I learned a lot from my colleagues as well and feel super thankful for their insights and help!
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
Week one!
Now that the first week is done I can reflect a bit and write down my most memorable moments.
The time goes pretty fast so I think it is very useful to write your experiences and thoughts and also in the end it helps to see how we all progress. And for sure we will because already in the first week I think I have learned a lot. I have to say it was stressful and definitely not easy but in the end I am happy that me and my teammate completed the challenge and implemented  HTML and CSS knowledge that we learned during the class. Also I have to thank all my classmates that gave us ideas and created a very collaborative space.
After this week I understand why it is also important to know coding and how it helps to communicate your design ideas to developers.
This is just the first week and definitely there is still a long way to go but I am excited to see what comes next and learn more about different design thinking stages.
P.S I really enjoyed having beers on Friday and it was a great end to the first week!:)
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
New Beginnings!
First day was definitely full of new experiences - getting to know all the international classmates, the campus, teachers and everyone involved in the Ironhack organization. I am happy to meet so many interesting and talented people. For me it is a new experience to go back to work with people in the same space after almost 2 years working from home, so it is very exciting and  emotional to start this new challenge in Ironhack.
I am happy we had a refresh on the coding part from the pre-work and actually learned some new things using Glitch that I was not familiar with previously. I have to say it is not easy but very interesting to me as I have always wanted to dig a bit deeper into coding so I am happy that finally I get a chance and hopefully this week brings some more insights.
It was a great first day and the beginning of the new journey!
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raimondazabulyte · 3 years
My name is Raimonda and I am from Lithuania but I have been living in Spain for the past 11 years. I have studied psychology and digital marketing in the past and been working in different fields.
I am always curious to learn new things and keep growing and exploring so I have decided to take a new challenge in my life and dig deeper to UX/UI design. I am very excited to start the bootcamp at Ironhack and learn how to conduct user research and create valuable products. Lets see how this journey goes!!
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