raicesdelchef · 2 years
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Mis bellezas 🪷, les comparto en esta ocasión una colaboración que estoy haciendo con #aromatelinsidersmx pero sobretodo súper recomendable este producto que facilita el lavado de nuestra ropa. Pude comprobar que realmente deja una textura muy sueva, delicada pero sobretodo un aroma floral SUPER DURADERO. TE LO RECOMIENDO AL 💯 #AromatelInsidersMX y #ConAromatelRindeMas https://youtu.be/gn6s1EHe9Yc https://www.instagram.com/p/CiQslDnPtDz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raicesdelchef · 2 years
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#Seadustmoments #seadustcancunfamilyresort https://www.instagram.com/p/ChqL0h4PLgF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raicesdelchef · 2 years
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A daughter complained to her father about her life, she was tired of fighting. It seemed that when he solved one problem, another appeared. Her father, Chef by profession, took her to his place of work. There he filled three vessels with water and placed them over a fire. In one he placed carrots, in the other eggs and in the last made coffee. The daughter waited impatiently, wondering what her father was doing. Twenty minutes later the father put out the fire. Took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took out the eggs and placed them on another plate. Finally, he strained the coffee. Looking at her daughter, she said, "My dear, what do you see?" -”Carrots, eggs and coffee”, was his answer. He made her come closer and asked her to touch the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. Later asked him to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg. Then he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled as she took in its rich scent. He explained to her that all three elements had faced the same adversity with boiling water; but they had reacted very differently. The carrot arrive to the water strong, solid; but after going through the boiling water it had become weak, easy to undo. The egg had reached the fragile water, its thin shell protecting its liquid interior; but after being in boiling water, its insides had hardened. The coffee however was unique; after being in boiling water, they had switched to water. *“Which one are you?”*, he asked his daughter. Are you a carrot, that seems strong, but when adversity and pain touch you, you become weak and lose your strength? Are you an egg, which begins with a flexible heart; you had a fluid spirit, but after a death, a separation, an observation or a dismissal, have you become hard and rigid? Or are you like coffee? The coffee changes to boiling water, the element that causes pain. When the water reaches the boiling point, the coffee reaches its best flavor. If you are like the coffee bean, that when things get worse, you react better and make things around you better, you understood everything. It all depends on how. And how is only up to you. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXsrNApwX3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raicesdelchef · 2 years
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#menopausia https://www.instagram.com/p/ChHpuC9Lgjv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raicesdelchef · 2 years
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Más vale prevenir!!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/ChBEsQwP1W3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raicesdelchef · 2 years
Pollo encacahuatado.🍗
4 piernas con muslo de pollo
3 chiles guajillos
2 chipotles
2 tazas de agua
1 tortilla tatemada
2 jitomates
1 taza de cacahuates pelados sin sal
½ cebolla
2 dientes de ajo
Suficiente aceite
Sal de grano
Clavo, canela y pimienta al gusto
En una sartén, sellar las piezas de pollo a fuego alto con poco aceite durante 5 minutos por lado. Reservar.
En un comal, tatemar una tortilla hasta que quede casi negra. Reservar.
Poner a hervir agua e hidratar los chiles. En cuanto se suavicen, sacar, escurrir y quitar el tallo, las venas y las semillas. Reservar el agua.
Cortar los jitomates y la cebolla. Tatemar en el comal junto con los ajos y los chiles. Reservar.
Tostar los cacahuates en el comal hasta que comiencen a dorar.
Retirar y tostar ligeramente la canela y el clavo si están enteros. Si están en polvo, no hace falta.
Licuar los jitomates con la cebolla, los ajos, los chiles, los cacahuates y el agua de la cocción de los chiles. Sazonar al gusto con sal y agregar las especias.
Calentar una cacerola a fuego medio con suficiente aceite. Servir ahí la salsa e incorporar las piezas de pollo. Agregar agua si está muy espeso y tapar.
Cocinar por 20 minutos y servir. Decorar con cacahuates y una hoja de perejil.
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