Ragnarök on Netflix
734 posts
The Netflix series | Rebloggs most of the stuff the fans make | Makes fanarts and makes theroies myself | Is run by a Person who is so in love with the show they watched it 3 times in 4 days | This is a side blog of @IdunaLily
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
Just finished ragnarok season 3, and honestly, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHIT ENDING
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
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Laurits and Jens in Ragnarök season 3 episode 2
Gifs by the lovely @mimisempai. Thank you, love.
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
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I love them
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
I am so confused with the ending of Ragnarok like if none of the god stuff was real then what the hell was actually going on???!?? How did vidar die, I mean magne was definitely in the house/jutulheim at the time and laurits blamed him for it. And speaking of laurits, did magne really imagine that his he was raising his tapeworm in the lake and that he was getting beaten up by fjor at every turn.
And all the stuff that we witnessed from other people's pov, the jutuls in their home preparing for war in the first and second season, them having weird family dynamics, how was magne imagining that???!
Its just not making any sense to me at all and feels like such a let down.
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
The more I watch stuff the more I realise my most hated trope is writers not committing to the bit.
If you make a tragic death scene for a beloved character. Have them be fucking dead. I don't care about it otherwise.
If you make superpowers. Make superpowers.
If you wanna discuss heavy subject dunk your body into the goo because by god it will be gnarly and you better commit. Nobody will be fully happy but it will be truthful.
Commit to the bit or don't write it at all.
Also the "it was all in the characters head" stuff sucks and should be either properly set up or not done at all.
Stories don't leave impact if you don't commit and follow through.
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
so how's the discord server handling season 3 haha
Well, we are chatting about it, and theories are being thrown around, but otherwise, it's pretty decent and chill reactions.
You can find my first time watching reactions typed in there to each episode, and they are pretty funny
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
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Ragnarok Out of Context like...
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
Personally, I think Jörmungandr should take down billionaire yachts and submarines while he’s chilling out in the open ocean. I know Laurits doesn’t like his baby eating innocent people, but billionaires should be fair game.
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
They missed a chance to put Magne in Turid's wedding dress, even if it was just like in a dream sequence xD
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
Re: Laurits Character Development
(Ragnarok Spoilers)
I feel like Laurits was actually the reasonable one throughout all of season three, and it was ultimately his reasoning that led to the resolution.
Interesting considering Loki is blamed for starting Ragnarok and as such people have treated Laurits like a traitor or a pawn the entire time.
No one wants to take accountability for themselves so they make Laurits & Loki scapegoats. He put his foot down, though, and changed everything.
Laurits matured quite a lot and held onto his beliefs even when everyone else mistreated him. I was kind of worried they'd make him go full villain but...
It was Magne's pride and hubris that got the better of him, in addition to Fjor's fear of losing power. All the others wanted to profit off of godliness.
Laurits just wanted to be himself and live peacefully. He's always played both sides in order to just be able to exist freely and enjoy life.
That's very Loki of him. Like, the mythos Loki. Not the villain Loki popularized in media. Maybe that's why Magne struggled to understand him.
Magne judged him on this perception of who Loki was supposed to be and for a long time he didn't accept him for being both god and giant.
Everyone was trying to make Laurits "good" by making him choose a side, but as shown neither god nor giant are inherently good or evil.
Because both were capable of good and evil.
When Jens tells Laurits he's a good person and Laurits says he's never been told that before it really solidifies how awful people have treated him.
For something he can't control - his ancestry.
Anyway, I was ready to see Laurits sharply decline into villainy given the end of the second season but I was pleasantly surprised by his development.
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
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Ragnarok Netflix Season 3 Spoilers with No Context
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
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mother is mothering 🩷
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
Major Ragnarok Spoilers for Final Episode Discussion
The Ragnarok ending only makes sense if Magne’s delusion is half true. It all being a delusion makes no sense, because doing so would pretty much erase any character development and plot points unrelated to Magne. Whereas, Magne experiencing delusions because of his loss and it becoming stronger because of his obsession with Thor and his embrace of that role is believable. That’s why when the main conflict ends, he can’t move past it. He still sees Ragnarok as inevitable, but his Ragnarok is allowing Thor to die so that he could live as Magne. Putting down the weapons was a way for everyone to process their grief and move on, but Magne needed more time to truly be comfortable with himself and properly mourn Isolde. With that said, it is just completely unbelievable for all of it to be a delusion. It’s just not built into the plot to deserve that ending with the interpretation that is was fully a delusion.
This isn’t like Mr. Robot where all the pieces come together to create a picture that was there right in front of us all along. If it was, then literally none of the conversations and conflict that happened outside of Magne’s view would have happened the way that they did. So, in order to incorporate the ending at all into my understanding of the canon, I can only accept it as half true which is fine. That’s how Legion dealt with the schizophrenia of its main character - some of the superhero fantasies were real and some weren’t. He is a superhero with schizophrenia, not just a man with schizophrenia. We’ve known Magne is neurodivergent, but it was also shown that he was being gaslit into thinking he’s crazy after Isolde’s death because of that neurodivergence. So, maybe it’s a balance of the two. The gods and the jotnar are real, and so was the conflict between them and the impact of that conflict on the town. But. It was distorted in Magne’s mind.
Anyway, I’m going to choose to go the Legion route with this one and interpret it as Magne being both mentally ill and having a special connection with Thor just as Laurits has a special connection with Loki and so on and so forth. It makes the most sense. As I said before, if you want to reject the last episode entirely then you could easily stop at episode five of season three and preserve the integrity of the show. Again, if you were satisfied with the ending then that’s okay too but it really isn’t proven throughout the show that this is all just the fantasy of a sick young man who lost his only friend. It can argued that some of it may be, but definitely not all of it. That’s not congruent with the past two seasons, or anything in season three leading up to it. In order for it to be, other characters would have to play a more active role in dropping hints that it’s not real and that doesn’t happen.
So, yeah. I understand the show was only given three seasons to wrap up. I get that. However, that was a cliché I didn’t expect and it’s not a “wow, they got me!” moment - it’s a wow, that just doesn’t vibe with the rest of the show I’m afraid.
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
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Laurits Seier Jutul in Raganrök S03
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
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I call this one Magnes "Oh shit" moment
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
So. After the shocking ending of Ragnarok Netflix I'm stuck asking (SPOILER) how did the real story went? I mean the one story that is not just in Magne head.
Did Isolde just had an accident? Or was she actually killed by Vidar for discovery the dangerous stuff in the glacier?
If Magne didn't throw an hammer on the Jutul car with his super Thor-power, then what? Did Magne go to the Jutul's house to crash their car like Turid thought?
Did the Jutul's dog really attacked Magne? If that so, was Magne able to kill a huge dog that way with his own normal hands? Without powers?
At the port, maybe Magne imagined Fjor scaring the shit out of Gry and she forgiving him... But what about the battle between Vidar and Magne? What exactly was happening? Were they punching heach others or actually nothing ever happened?
What about Magne telling Laurits of his power demonstrating on the metal baseball bat? Did it happened and he wasn't able to do shit and he is just imagining to have impressed Laurits, or it never happened at all?
And the tapeworm? Maybe he was traumatized on the hospital and imagined that whatever was coming out of his brother was a big weird monster... But what about Lourits keeping it as a pet and even Turid finding out? Was Laurits just keeping a little tapeworm, or did something big enough to be a snake really came from his belly? Or he didn't gave a pet? Or he found a snake? The tapeworm must have existed, come on, why imagining Laurits talking with Jens about it??
And most importantly, if Wotan and the supermarket lady didn't really approach Magne/Thor, what happened? Did Magne stole "the gods" and brainwashed them in his little charade? did the reunion of gods happened but they talked about something else entirely (like what?) or they never ever happened?
Did Magne killed Vidar, and Ran was too scared to go to the authorities (like she said to the psychologist) or Vidar died of heart attack? In the first case... WTF?! In the second case.... what was the reason he "broke" with Laurits? Was it because Laurits was sick of Magne accusing the Jutuls of weird fantasy evil shit?
Did Magne just imagined Ran and Fjor beating Laurits to a pulp? Because what reason would they have to do it in a no-giant-no-Thor world? Maybe Ran did break in the Seiers home, angry about Laurits being Vidar's son. But outside that?
Was Magne keeping telling shit about Thor and giants, like we saw, but we never saw the real life reaction of those around him (like Iman, Laurits, Saxa etc); or there was no real life reaction because even whole interactions were totally in his head?
Like, Iman was convinced by him of their power while playing batman and Robin, or she though he was weird but he imagined her reaction differently? Or he never even interacted with her so closely?
Did Magne really slept with Saxa, or he was just his imagination? Considering Freya he must have... Does it mean that Saxa really brought home a boy who repeatedly threatened her family for no good reason at all?
Did Magne went around with a big hammer threatening the Jotuls and they were just to scared of his madness to go to the police??
If that is, it is a miracle that kid is not in jail!
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ragnarok2020 · 2 years ago
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Discard your phones, ravens are in
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