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rafaelvitor · 4 years ago
👉 Get Rock Hard Erections Forever and Cure Permanent Erectile Dysfunction Without Pills or Drugs That Cause Side Effects and The Best is 100% Natural 👇👇 https://bit.ly/CURE-Erectile-Dysfunction Premature ejaculation (PE) occurs when a man experiences orgasm and expels semen within a few moments of beginning sexual activity and with minimal penile stimulation. It has also been called early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax and (historically) ejaculatio praecox. There is no uniform cut-off defining "premature", but a consensus of experts at the International Society for Sexual Medicine endorsed a definition of around one minute after penetration. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) applies a cut-off of 15 seconds from the beginning of sexual intercourse. Although men with premature ejaculation describe feeling that they have less control over ejaculating, it is not clear if that is true, and many or most average men also report that they wish they could last longer. Men's typical ejaculatory latency is approximately 4–8 minutes. The opposite condition is delayed ejaculation. Men with PE often report emotional and relationship distress, and some avoid pursuing sexual relationships because of PE-related embarrassment. Compared with men, women consider PE less of a problem, but several studies show that the condition also causes female partners distress. Cause: The causes of premature ejaculation are unclear. Many theories have been suggested, including that PE was the result of masturbating quickly during adolescence to avoid being caught, performance anxiety, passive-aggressiveness or having too little sex; but there is little evidence to support any of these theories. Several physiological mechanisms have been hypothesized to contribute to causing premature ejaculation, including serotonin receptors, a genetic predisposition, elevated penile sensitivity and nerve conduction atypicalities. The nucleus paragigantocellularis of the brain has been identified as having involvement in ejaculatory control. Scientists have long suspected a genetic link to certain forms of premature ejaculation. However, studies have been inconclusive in isolating the gene responsible for lifelong PE. Other researchers have noted that men who have premature ejaculation have a faster neurological response in the pelvic muscles. https://ift.tt/1PYwUr4 Treatments: 👉 Get Rock Hard Erections Forever and Cure Permanent Erectile Dysfunction Without Pills or Drugs That Cause Side Effects and The Best is 100% Natural 👇👇 https://bit.ly/CURE-Erectile-Dysfunction TAGS : premature ejaculation, premature ejaculation treatment, premature ejaculation pills, cure for premature ejaculation, medication for premature ejaculation, premature ejaculation medicine, premature ejaculation cures, how to stop a premature ejaculation, home remedy for premature ejaculation, natural treatment for premature ejaculation, exercise for premature ejaculation, get rock hard erections, #prematureejaculationtreatment #naturaltreatmentforprematureejaculation #cureforprematureejaculation #medicationforprematureejaculation by Destroy Erectile Dysfunction Naturally
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rafaelvitor · 4 years ago
👇👇 Obtener Erecciones Más Duras Para Siempre Y Acabe Con La Disfunción Eréctil de Forma Natural 👇👇 https://bit.ly/Cura-la-Disfunción-Eréctil https://bit.ly/Cura-Eyaculación-Precoz La disfunción eréctil (antes impotencia sexual) es la incapacidad repetida de lograr o mantener una erección lo suficientemente firme como para tener una relación sexual satisfactoria. Consideraciones estadísticas La disfunción eréctil (o DE) puede ser, aunque no necesariamente, una incapacidad para alcanzar una erección satisfactoria, una capacidad inconsistente para hacerlo o bien la tendencia a tener únicamente erecciones breves. Estas variaciones hacen difícil definirla y calcular su incidencia. Causas En los hombres mayores, la DE generalmente tiene una causa física, como una enfermedad, una lesión o efectos secundarios de medicamentos. Cualquier trastorno que cause una lesión en los nervios o que deteriore el flujo de sangre al pene puede causar DE. La incidencia aumenta con la edad: alrededor del 5 por ciento de los hombres de 40 años de edad y entre el 15 y el 25 por ciento de los hombres de 65 años de edad experimentan DE. Sin embargo, la disfunción eréctil no es necesariamente una parte inevitable del proceso de envejecimiento. Debido a que una erección requiere una secuencia precisa de eventos, la DE puede presentarse cuando cualquiera de tales eventos se interrumpe. La secuencia completa incluye los impulsos de los nervios en el cerebro, en la columna vertebral y en el área alrededor del pene, así como las respuestas de los músculos, los tejidos fibrosos, las venas y las arterias en y cerca de los cuerpos cavernosos del pene.[cita requerida] Factores emocionales tales como el estrés, la ansiedad, la culpa, la depresión, una baja autoestima y el miedo a no funcionar bien en el coito como se espera causan del 10 al 20 por ciento de los casos de DE. Los hombres con una causa física de DE experimentan a menudo el mismo tipo de reacciones psicológicas (estrés, ansiedad, culpa, depresión). Otras causas posibles son el tabaquismo y el consumo excesivo de bebidas alcohólicas y el consumo excesivo de la marihuana, que afectan el flujo sanguíneo en las venas y en las arterias, y anormalidades en las hormonas, como, por ejemplo, una cantidad insuficiente de testosterona. El incremento de prolactina que pueden producir algunos fármacos, como los ansiolíticos y antipsicóticos (risperidona, olanzapina, haloperidol), puede provocar también disfunción eréctil. Las causas hormonales suelen afectar también la libido. Tratamiento de la DE 👇👇 Obtenga Erecciones Más Duras Para Siempre y Acabe Con La Disfunción Eréctil de Forma Natural 👇👇 https://bit.ly/Cura-la-Disfunción-Eréctil https://bit.ly/Cura-Eyaculación-Precoz #curarladisfuncióneréctil #curaparaladisfuncióneréctil #alimentosparaladisfuncióneréctil Etiquetas: disfunción eréctil, curar la disfunción eréctil, cura para la disfunción eréctil, alimentos para la disfunción eréctil, cura natural para la disfunción eréctil, curar la disfunción eréctil de forma natural, curar la disfunción eréctil de forma permanente, erecciones más duras, erecciones duras, cómo conseguir una erección dura, como ponerse duro erecciones más fuertes, mejores erecciones, erecciones rígidas, cómo curar la disfunción eréctil de forma natural, curar la disfunción eréctil en casa, consejos para conseguir erecciones duras, by Maravillas De La Salud
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rafaelvitor · 4 years ago
AMAZING! See this powerful Home Remedy for Premature Ejaculation and Imp...
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rafaelvitor · 4 years ago
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rafaelvitor · 4 years ago
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rafaelvitor · 4 years ago
🔽 Link to the Quick and Permanent Cure Guide for Premature Ejaculation 🔽 https://bit.ly/Definitive-Premature-Ejaculation-Cure A SIMPLE REMEDY FOR PREMATURE EJACULATION - YOU WILL NEVER EJACULATE QUICKLY AGAIN! Premature ejaculation (PE) occurs when a man experiences orgasm and expels semen within a few moments of beginning sexual activity and with minimal penile stimulation. It has also been called early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax and (historically) ejaculatio praecox. There is no uniform cut-off defining "premature", but a consensus of experts at the International Society for Sexual Medicine endorsed a definition of around one minute after penetration. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) applies a cut-off of 15 seconds from the beginning of sexual intercourse. Although men with premature ejaculation describe feeling that they have less control over ejaculating, it is not clear if that is true, and many or most average men also report that they wish they could last longer. Men's typical ejaculatory latency is approximately 4–8 minutes. The opposite condition is delayed ejaculation. Men with PE often report emotional and relationship distress, and some avoid pursuing sexual relationships because of PE-related embarrassment. Compared with men, women consider PE less of a problem, but several studies show that the condition also causes female partners distress. Cause: The causes of premature ejaculation are unclear. Many theories have been suggested, including that PE was the result of masturbating quickly during adolescence to avoid being caught, performance anxiety, passive-aggressiveness or having too little sex; but there is little evidence to support any of these theories. Several physiological mechanisms have been hypothesized to contribute to causing premature ejaculation, including serotonin receptors, a genetic predisposition, elevated penile sensitivity and nerve conduction atypicalities. The nucleus paragigantocellularis of the brain has been identified as having involvement in ejaculatory control. Scientists have long suspected a genetic link to certain forms of premature ejaculation. However, studies have been inconclusive in isolating the gene responsible for lifelong PE. Other researchers have noted that men who have premature ejaculation have a faster neurological response in the pelvic muscles. Treatments: 🔽 Link to the Quick and Permanent Cure Guide for Premature Ejaculation 🔽 https://bit.ly/Definitive-Premature-Ejaculation-Cure Source: https://ift.tt/1PYwUr4 Share The Video: https://youtu.be/ZeQAZZXeJLc Sign Up: https://youtu.be/ZeQAZZXeJLc TAGS: premature ejaculation medication cure premature ejaculation premature ejaculation long lasting last longer men ejaculation pe treatment premature #prematureejaculationmedication #cureprematureejaculation #prematureejaculation by Destroying Premature Ejaculation
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rafaelvitor · 4 years ago
👉 Unique method that naturally cured me of impotence and premature ejaculation 👇👇👇 https://bit.ly/-Cure-Premature-Ejaculation Premature ejaculation (PE) occurs when a man experiences orgasm and expels semen within a few moments of beginning sexual activity and with minimal penile stimulation. It has also been called early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax and (historically) ejaculatio praecox. There is no uniform cut-off defining "premature", but a consensus of experts at the International Society for Sexual Medicine endorsed a definition of around one minute after penetration. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) applies a cut-off of 15 seconds from the beginning of sexual intercourse. Although men with premature ejaculation describe feeling that they have less control over ejaculating, it is not clear if that is true, and many or most average men also report that they wish they could last longer. Men's typical ejaculatory latency is approximately 4–8 minutes. The opposite condition is delayed ejaculation. Men with PE often report emotional and relationship distress, and some avoid pursuing sexual relationships because of PE-related embarrassment. Compared with men, women consider PE less of a problem, but several studies show that the condition also causes female partners distress. Cause The causes of premature ejaculation are unclear. Many theories have been suggested, including that PE was the result of masturbating quickly during adolescence to avoid being caught, performance anxiety, passive-aggressiveness or having too little sex; but there is little evidence to support any of these theories. Several physiological mechanisms have been hypothesized to contribute to causing premature ejaculation, including serotonin receptors, a genetic predisposition, elevated penile sensitivity and nerve conduction atypicalities. The nucleus paragigantocellularis of the brain has been identified as having involvement in ejaculatory control. Scientists have long suspected a genetic link to certain forms of premature ejaculation. However, studies have been inconclusive in isolating the gene responsible for lifelong PE. Other researchers have noted that men who have premature ejaculation have a faster neurological response in the pelvic muscles. PE may be caused by prostatitis or as a medication side effect. Epidemiologia A ejaculação precoce é uma disfunção sexual predominante nos homens; no entanto, devido à variabilidade no tempo necessário para ejacular e na duração desejada do sexo dos parceiros, é difícil determinar as taxas exatas de prevalência de EP. Nas pesquisas "Sex in America" ​​(1999 e 2008), os pesquisadores da Universidade de Chicago descobriram que entre a adolescência e os 59 anos, aproximadamente 30% dos homens relataram ter experimentado EP pelo menos uma vez durante os 12 meses anteriores, enquanto cerca de 10% relataram erétil. disfunção (DE). Embora a disfunção erétil seja o problema sexual mais prevalente nos homens após os 60 anos de idade, e possa ser mais prevalente que a EP em geral, de acordo com algumas estimativas, a ejaculação precoce continua sendo um problema significativo que, segundo a pesquisa, afeta 28% dos homens entre 65 e 74 anos e 22% dos homens entre 75 e 85 anos. Outros estudos relatam prevalência de EP variando de 3% a 41% de homens acima de 18 anos, mas a grande maioria estima uma prevalência de 20 a 30% - tornando a EP um problema sexual muito comum. Existe um equívoco comum de que homens mais jovens têm maior probabilidade de sofrer ejaculação precoce e que sua frequência diminui com a idade. Estudos de prevalência indicaram, no entanto, que as taxas de EP são constantes entre as faixas etárias. Source: https://ift.tt/1PYwUr4 Treatments: 👉 Unique method link that naturally cured me of impotence and premature ejaculation 👇👇👇 https://bit.ly/-Cure-Premature-Ejaculation SHARE: https://youtu.be/ayAceMGb_-Q Tags premature ejaculation treatment premature ejaculation home remedy natural solution for premature ejaculation remedies for premature ejaculation premature ejaculation how to end premature ejaculation penis enlargement erectile dysfunction #prematureejaculationtreatment #prematureejaculationhomeremedy #naturalsolutionforprematureejaculation by Destroying Premature Ejaculation
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rafaelvitor · 4 years ago
👉 Unique method link that naturally cured me of impotence and premature ejaculation 👇👇👇 https://bit.ly/-Cure-Premature-Ejaculation AMAZING! A SIMPLE HOME REMEDY FOR EARLY EJACULATION AND SEXUAL IMPOTENCE, YOU MUST USE THIS! Premature ejaculation (PE) occurs when a man experiences orgasm and expels semen within a few moments of beginning sexual activity and with minimal penile stimulation. It has also been called early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax and (historically) ejaculatio praecox. There is no uniform cut-off defining "premature", but a consensus of experts at the International Society for Sexual Medicine endorsed a definition of around one minute after penetration. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) applies a cut-off of 15 seconds from the beginning of sexual intercourse. Although men with premature ejaculation describe feeling that they have less control over ejaculating, it is not clear if that is true, and many or most average men also report that they wish they could last longer. Men's typical ejaculatory latency is approximately 4–8 minutes. The opposite condition is delayed ejaculation. Men with PE often report emotional and relationship distress, and some avoid pursuing sexual relationships because of PE-related embarrassment. Compared with men, women consider PE less of a problem, but several studies show that the condition also causes female partners distress. Cause The causes of premature ejaculation are unclear. Many theories have been suggested, including that PE was the result of masturbating quickly during adolescence to avoid being caught, performance anxiety, passive-aggressiveness or having too little sex; but there is little evidence to support any of these theories. Several physiological mechanisms have been hypothesized to contribute to causing premature ejaculation, including serotonin receptors, a genetic predisposition, elevated penile sensitivity and nerve conduction atypicalities. The nucleus paragigantocellularis of the brain has been identified as having involvement in ejaculatory control. Scientists have long suspected a genetic link to certain forms of premature ejaculation. However, studies have been inconclusive in isolating the gene responsible for lifelong PE. Other researchers have noted that men who have premature ejaculation have a faster neurological response in the pelvic muscles. PE may be caused by prostatitis or as a medication side effect. Source: https://ift.tt/1PYwUr4 Treatments: 👉 Unique method link that naturally cured me of impotence and premature ejaculation 👇👇👇 https://bit.ly/-Cure-Premature-Ejaculation Share: https://youtu.be/IWSnbBgdwd8 Tags premature ejaculation treatment premature ejaculation home remedy natural solution for premature ejaculation remedies for premature ejaculation premature ejaculation how to end premature ejaculation penis enlargement erectile dysfunction #prematureejaculationtreatment #prematureejaculationhomeremedy #naturalsolutionforprematureejaculation by Destroying Premature Ejaculation
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