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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
If you reflect on the duaas (supplications) taught to us by Allah and His messenger (pbuh), they will direct you to what matters most, teach you who Allah is, and show you what to hope for. Take for example the duaa of Laylat al Qadr.
When Aisha (ra) asked what she should say if she were to witness Laylat al-Qadr, the Prophet (pbuh) taught her to say:
اللهم انك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني
“Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbu al-'afwa fa'fu 'anni”
“O Allah You are the Pardoner, and You love to pardon, so pardon me” [Ahmad, Tirmidhi]
1. It directs us to what matters most in life. And that is seeking and gaining the pardon of God.
2. Teaches us who Allah is: The Pardoner who loves to pardon.
3. Shows us what to hope for: “Pardon me.” This is the most valuable and precious gift: to attain the mercy, forgiveness, and pardon of Allah.
*That* should be our focus and the object of our deepest hopes. Not because we’re perfect. But because that’s who Allah is (Al Afoo).
Yasmin Mogahed
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
after a long time,
it’s nice to have someone who cares,
it’s nice to have someone who notice every little things about you.
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
“People think depression is sadness. People think depression is crying. People think depression is dressing in black. But people are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb. Being numb to emotions, being numb to life. You wake up in the morning just to go back to bed again.” – Unknown
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
“Write about the lessons you’ve learned this year: 1. There are hard days. Sometimes you hate to get up in the morning, or cry yourself to sleep at night. But those days will pass. 2. Sometimes, you just have to accept you’re not feeling well. Cancel your plans, make some food and stay in bed. Sometimes, that’s exactly what you need. 3. However, don’t let your feelings take over. It’s okay to do nothing for a day, or two. But don’t make it a week. 4. I know I did let my feelings take over way too much. I stayed in bed, did nothing all day. Until the point that I had to get out. 5. Getting out of bed can feel good. Make your bed, eat some breakfast. Just do something. And be proud of yourself for what you’ve accomplished - even if it’s just eating breakfast. 6. Don’t be angry at yourself, that never works out. 7. Just take care. Of yourself, your mind, your body, everything. And accept the fact that sometimes things just don’t work out the way you want to. 8. Don’t shut people out. They are there to help. 9. You are the one that has to pick up the pieces after a breakdown. But you’re not alone, even if it feels like you are. 10. Sometimes I think I’ve control over my feelings, but I don’t. They come and go. I just have to accept that. Sometimes the feelings are just too much, and I have to take a step back. Start again. There’s always a second chance.”
— youarejustlovely  (via wnq-writers)
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
“Always pray that Allah makes you satisfied and happy with whatever He has decreed for you. Ya Allah make me content with your decree. Allahumma Ameen”
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, made a fellowship between Salman and Abu Darda. Salman visited Abu Darda and found his wife Umm Darda dressed in worn out clothing. He asked her why she was like this. She said, “Your brother Abu Darda is not interested in this world.” Then Abu Darda entered and prepared a meal for Salman. Salman asked Abu Darda to eat with him but he said, “I am fasting.” Salman said, “I will not eat until you eat.” So Abu Darda ate with him. When the night time arrived, Abu Darda stood for prayer but Salman asked him to sleep, and Abu Darda slept. After a while Abu Darda arose again but Salman asked him to sleep. When it was the last hours of the night, Salman asked him to get up and they both offered night prayers. Salman said to him, “You have a duty to your Lord, you have a duty to your body, and you have a duty to your family, so you should give each one its rights.” Abu Darda came to the Prophet and told him what happened. The Prophet said, “Salman is correct.”
Sahih Bukhari 1867
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
Amalan Harian
1. Solat Tahajud di waktu ž malam sekurang-kurangnya 2 rakaat & solat sunat Witir sekurang-kurangnya 1 rakaat sebelum masuk waktu Subuh.
🔴 Tahajjud merupakan jalan orang-orang yang soleh, amalan para Nabi dan Wali-wali Allah yang terdahulu. Jangan ditinggalkan.
2. Selepas Subuh, zikir 300pagi {100x [tasbih,tahmid dan takbir], 100x selawat & 100x istighfar}.
🔴 Zikir sangat penting kerana semasa kedatangan DAJJAL hanya zikir sebagai sumber makanan dan minuman. Hanya orang yang benar-benar jaga zikir shj mempunyai sumber makanan dan minuman pada waktu itu. Selainnya akan mengikut DAJJAL untuk mendapat makanan dan minuman.
3. Kemudian bacalah surah Yasin.
🔴 Allah janji segala hajatnya pada hari itu akan dipenuhi.
4. Kemudian selepas 26 min naik matahari, solat sunat Isyraq 4 rakaat.
🔴 Allah janji akan menolong kamu menyempurnakan segala urusanmu pada hari itu.
5. Kemudian solat sunat Dhuha, boleh dilakukan bermula 20 minit selapas Isyraq (di antara jam 8-12 tghari).
🔴 Nabi SAW bersabda: “Sesiapa mengerjakan solat Dhuha 2 rakaat, dia tidak tergolong di dalam golongan orang-orang yg lalai dan lupa.” Solat Dhuha juga memudahkan urusan dan memberkati rezeki.
6. Selepas solat Zohor, bacalah surah Ar-Rahman.
🔴 Nabi SAW bersabda: “Segala sesuatu itu mempunyai mempelai, dan mempelai bagi Al-Quran adalah surah Ar-Rahman.” Surah Ar-Rahman menanam sifat syukur di dalam hati atas nikmat-nikmat Allah dan dengan amalan membaca Surah Ar-Rahman juga sangat baik untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan otak.
7. Selepas solat fardhu Asar, zikir 300 petang, {100x [tasbih,tahmid dan takbir], 100x selawat & 100x istighfar}
8. Kemudian baca Surah An-Naba’.
🔴 Nabi SAW bersabda: “ Jika kamu tahu fadhilat dan besarnya pahala membaca surah An-Naba’, maka kamu akan berhenti daripada tugas-tugas kamu, lalu mempelajari surah tersebut dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan membacanya. Sesungguhnya Allah akan mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka yang mengamalkan membacanya selain dosa syirik.”
9. Selepas solat Maghrib, solat sunat Auwabin.
🔴 Allah janji akan memberi keampunan terhadap dosa-dosa melainkan dosa syirik kepadaNya.
10. Kemudian bacalah surah Al-Waqiah.
🔴 Allah janji sesiapa yang istiqamah mengamalkannya pada setiap malam, kebuluran & kemiskinan tidak akan menemuinya.
11. Selepas Isya’ bacalah surah Al-Mulk.
🔴 Allah janji akan memelihara daripada azab kubur. Nabi SAW tidak akan tidur selagi tidak membaca surah Al-Mulk dan surah As-Sajdah.
12. Setiap malam bacalah Ayatul Kursi dan “Amanar-Rasul” hingga habis.
🔴 Sangat-sangat penting untuk melindung diri daripada pengaruh syaitan dan kejahatan
13. Sebelum tidur, solat sunat Taubat dan tidur beradab seperti mana Nabi SAW tunjuk ajar.
14. Setiap malam apabila hendak tidur, Muhasabah diri, pohonlah keampunanmu kpd Allah diatas dosa-dosa dan bagi setiap amalan yang baik, nyatakan kesyukuranmu kepada Allah.
15. Sebelum tidur fikirkan dan renunglah (muqarabah) juga mengenai mati dan peristiwa-peristiwa selepas maut.
🔴 Muqaraba adalah perlu untuk membentuk sifat Taqwa.
16. Setiap hari bacalah al-Quran (Tilawatul Quran) walaupun hanya satu ‘ain’.
🔴 Latihan tilawah sangat memberi kesan kepada hati. Hati yang tidak ada al-Quran seumpama hati yang mati. Pembacaan Al-Quran janganlah ditinggalkan. Hak Al-Quran adalah perlu dikatamkan dua kali setiap tahun.
17. Setiap pagi Jumaat bacalah surah Al-Kahfi, kalau tak mampu habiskan seluruh surah, bacalah seberapa banyak yang boleh.
🔴 Allah janji ‘cahaya’ di hari kiamat dan diampunkannya diantara dua Jumaat. Nabi SAW bersabda: ‘Sesiapa membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat, maka bersinarlah cahaya drpd bawah kakinya hingga ke langit.’
18. Hendaklah hati & lidah sentiasa sibuk dengan berzikir didalam apa jua kegiatan sama ada berjalan, duduk atau bekerja.
🔴 Berzikirlah ‘Lailahailallah’ sebagai amalan tetap dan berkekalan.
19. Puasa sunat Isnin & Khamis, juga puasa sunat pada hari-hari yang digalakkan dalam Islam. Untuk puasa-puasa sunat, bagi perempuan mintalah keizinan daripada suami-suami kamu.
20. Cubalah sedaya-upaya berada dalam keadaan berwudhu’.
🔴 Sabda Nabi SAW: ‘Wudhu’ adalah senjata orang-orang mukmin.’ Faedah wudhu’ sangat besar.
21. Tatkala Haid, jangan tinggalkan zikrullah. Meninggalkan zikir akan mengeraskan hati dan melayukan cahaya rohaniah bagi hati.
22. Tetaplah dengan usaha kamu melawan hawa nafsu.
🔴 Jagalah mata, telinga, lidah dan hati. Mengumpat dan mengata-ngata orang lain adalah bencana yang sangat besar. Ia menghapuskan dan melenyapkan pahala dan kesan ibadat.
Amalkan sedikit demi sedikit yg mana mampu. Semoga kita dpt amal dan sampaikan. Amin
kredit: tazkirah ustaz ebit lew
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
Truth slaps
You’ve spent so many years looking forward to this phase of your life. And it always looked so cool. So glamorous. So filled with love and laughter.
Yet here you are. With knowledge that it’s anything but.
It’s messy buns and messier lives. It’s baggy shirts and overflowing laundry bags. It’s a lot of work and never enough money. It’s freedom with responsibilities. And life is no longer what it seemed.
Different people are doing different things.
Your best friend’s getting married. Your old classmate is killing it with success. Your ex is happy in love. Your old mate is drowning in drugs. Different people are doing different things. But not you. You’re just existing. You’re getting through everyday a little better than the last. But then you have days where you can’t get up at all.
You spend your Friday evenings holed up in a corner because you’re too responsible to drink your night away. Too control freakish to lose yourself to someone else’s tunes. But somehow, this isn’t enough. This life you’re living doesn’t feel complete. Loneliness wraps around you like a blanket you love and you wonder where you went wrong. Why you became different to everyone else.
“Did I do too much too soon? Did I not do enough? Was there a reason why it was never me? Is this going to be the rest of my life? Alone? Unsuccessful? Filled with dreams that never come true?”
And your hands reach out to your phone. One text. One call. To that someone who might make you feel pretty. Who might make you feel important. And your need takes over.
The need to feel accepted. To feel appreciated. To feel adored. To feel loved.
And it is so strong, you forget your sanity for a few minutes of flattery. You lessen your worth for dishonest words. The hurt in your heart, camouflaged. If only for a few seconds.
But it’s never enough. And when you wake up, it’s worse. The hammering of your heart so loud in your ears. A memory of last night frustratingly haunting. Yet another mistake. Yet again.
You scream hateful words to yourself. When will I ever learn? You go over those messages. Those conversations. How you fell right back into a ditch when you knew better. Just for a moment, you wish you weren’t yourself.
And in that moment, read these words:
Breathe. It’s not so bad. You think I don’t understand. But I do. Because I’m there, too. I’ve made that call. I’ve texted that wrong person. I’ve woken up with regrets. I still do. I’ve felt the need to be held. I’ve felt that silent green monster towards a friend in love.
Yes, we all make those mistakes. And we all think nobody else does. But they do.
So please, don’t hate yourself. And don’t stop. Don’t stop loving with all you have. Don’t stop wishing on every shooting star. Don’t stop dreaming of fairytales and being as amazing as Malala Yousafzai. You might not always get there, but don’t stop.
You have so much left to do. You have a world filled with life waiting to happen. You have books to be read. Steps to be taken. Places to see. People to meet. You haven’t lived half your life yet. There’s so much ahead. And in ten years, when you look back, you’ll wish you were here again.
So don’t waste it wallowing in your own sadness. Don’t lose yourself to your self-pity and non-existent boundaries. Use everyday. And I don’t mean spend thousands of dollars and visit the North Pole. I know how you’re struggling to make ends meet.
Do the simple things. Stop procrastinating. Take a walk with nature. Go to the gym. Read your favorite book for the millionth time. Watch a movie. Write your novel. Sketch until you’re better than the best. Eat like you’re dying tomorrow. And most importantly, make mistakes. Your heart will heal. But today will never be back again. Don’t live with “Could-have-been’s.” Take chances.
And ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS remember – It’s okay to be alone.
There is time to let your life revolve around someone else. But today, let it revolve around you.
Not because you can’t find someone. Not because you can’t be loved.
But because you deserve to wake up with a smile. You deserve to live life. To make memories so wild, you’ll be the coolest grandparent they’ve ever known.
Breathe. It’s only your mid-20’s.
You’re going to be alright.
Words by: Poornima Baskar
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
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 Fix your sleeping pattern and get into a routine; wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night. It makes a difference.
The state of your body affects your state of mind. When people fall into depressed moods their shoulders hunch from the drop in energy. If you don’t fix this, it’s going to be hard to come out of it, as it will create a feedback loop. 
So do weights to pull back, straighten and strengthen your shoulders. Start doing plank core exercises every night or second night (10 in a row, hold for 10 seconds each) and find a type of cardio you enjoy. It took me a while to find out jump rope works for me, and now I actually look forward to my sessions.  Straightening out your back/ pulling back your shoulders and strengthening your abdomen is also going to bring down your cortisol levels, make projecting your voice so much easier and naturally boost your confidence levels.
Get a job, any job. Having a job is going to make your emotional state so much less reactive; your brain knows whether or not you can support yourself and afford to stay alive, so having a job is very important.
Give love to the people around you whenever you can. Be kind, make jokes; connect with people.
Depression is often linked to not discharging emotions, particularly anger. So whenever something bothers you, voice it. For people who are less naturally assertive, this can be difficult, but over time it’ll get easier and you’ll get calmer in your delivery. And then when something makes you genuinely angry, you’ll be able to voice it constructively and get it out of your system.
Even if you have a legitimately bad day, don’t give in to the whole Netflix-as-self-care trend. Unless you seriously can’t move, make an effort to do something every single day; even if that’s just going for a walk. Try to make it a habit, so it’s easier to fall back on when things get really tough.
The herbal supplement Ginkgo is amazing at clearing brain fog up. I avoided taking it for years and completely regret it. It’s like a very mild, natural and healthy version of Aderal- for some, it works as a ‘intelligence booster’. And always order it online, because the department store prices are significantly more expensive.
Look into rescue remedy/ Bach’s Flowers Remedies. For some people, it’s the only way they can get out of the house. It’s incredible at de-escalating anxiety, and there is a flower remedy solution for a huge range of mental health ailments.
You might have relationship stuff you haven’t resolved/moved on from. Maybe you haven’t figured out who was at fault, or the ways in which the involved parties messed up. If that is the case, you need to either talk it out or write about it until you clear everything up and can move on from it. A psychologist is great for this, but you could also accomplish it through journaling.
If you’re feeling really down because you’re stressed/overwhelmed, then take a moment to write down everything that is worrying you. After you’ve identified each thing that has accumulated into this stress exhaustion, write down the solution for each and every problem and a schedule for when you’ll tackle them. You’ll feel a lot more in control.
Organise your room so that it looks nice and everything is easy to navigate/access. If you’re someone who experiences frequent dips in mood, you need a straightforward wardrobe. So get a clothes rack or dedicate part of your wardrobe to ‘everyday essentials’ and set up a laundry hamper nearby. People tend to cycle through the same clothes and it’ll also help you find any gaps in your wardrobe.
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
“There used to be days that I thought I was okay, or at least that I was going to be. We’d be hanging out somewhere and everything would just fit right and I would think ‘it will be okay if it can just be like this forever’ but of course nothing can ever stay just how it is forever”
— Nina LaCour, Hold Still
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radziah-s ¡ 6 years ago
Here Comes March.
1. hidup adalah penerimaan. sekuat manapun kamu membantah dan selama pun kamu bersedih, itu takkan mengubah hakikat yang sesuatu telah terjadi. dan tiada apa yang kamu boleh lakukan kecuali menangisinya dan membantah tanpa mengubah apa pun. maka kesatlah air mata. bersedia untuk yang akan datang. biarkan yang berlalu. kerana hidup adalah penerimaan.
2. before getting frustrated at a situation remember that you never know Allah plans for you in the future. stay strong.
3. mendung di langit, mentari akan menghapuskan ; mendung dalam hati, doa sebagai cahaya.
4. it’s hard to ask a heart from someone. so don’t. ask it from God, always.
5. nak minta apa-apa, minta pada Tuhan, bukan merayu pada manusia.
6. we all hurt in some way. but stop crying, and keep trying, keep praying.
7. jangan ingat orang yang kita suka tu akan suka kita sebagaimana kita suka kat dia. jadi jangan suka-suka, suka kat orang yang kita suka.
8. all you need to do is just hand it all to Him and He’ll take care of it all and give you, without doubt, what is best for you.
9. kalau datang cinta, jangan gembira sangat. mungkin itu ujian untuk menguji hati.
10. the world is changing. people are changing. environment are changing. the only way to not get hurt, is to learn how to change.
11. kita tak mahu sedar dengan segala perubahan sekeliling. itu yang sering membuat kita lupa, kehendak orang tak sama dengan kehendak kita, hati orang tak sama dengan hati kita, fikiran orang tak sama dengan fikiran kita. dan itu, selalu buat kita terluka kerana harapan kita supaya orang mengerti apa yang kita rasa, seringkali tersasar.
12. even if the sun doesn’t appear after the rain, you got to keep walking, because you realize that Allah is always with you.
13. ada sebab Allah menjadikan jalan hidup ini begini begitu. ada benda yang kita tak dapat walau kita cuba sehabis baik. dan itu bukan hukuman. Allah nak kita terus sabar.
14. life is too short to regretting and blaming others. live a happy life.
15. walau sekarang kita semua ditimpa dengan perkara-perkara yang tak baik saya harap nanti kita akan ketemu kebaikan. tak sekarang, nanti.
16. there are times when it seemed like we wanted to just give up, but we already this far. hold your love, take courage, and keep survive.
17. memaafkan untuk tenang.
18. there will come a time where we are going to receive the love we deserve. be patient and stay strong.
19. kadang kita bertanya kenapa kita belum dapat apa yang kita nak. mungkin sebab Tuhan tahu kita belum mampu untuk bertanggungjawab terhadap apa yang kita mahu.
20. maybe nothing ever turned out as we planned. yes, there are things we don’t understand. but we need to just keep on living, keep on praying.
21. right now we are alive & things just keep going. kenapa asyik fikir pasal benda yang dah lepas? say alhamdulillah. be better for tomorrow.
22. maybe things will get worse before they get better. to teach you something. always. have faith in HIM.
23. the aching will fade. things are going to get better or hurt less, over time. find Allah. talk to Him.
24. hidup ni perjalanan. mungkin sekarang awak kehilangan, tapi siapa tahu, di hadapan sana, ada yang lebih baik buat awak?
25. nothing lasts forever, either happiness or sorrow.
26. terlalu mengenang, sebab tu tak nampak hikmah di masa depan. cipta kenangan baru, lepaskan yang dah tak boleh diubah.
27. we always have time to decide. just because we don’t get what we want, doesn’t mean that we are already late. it’s all about time. so have faith in HIM. always.
- sederhanaindah
p/s : times flies so fast. what ever we do, where ever we are, stay good!
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radziah-s ¡ 7 years ago
“I told myself I’d be braver this time. More confident. More trusting. More willing to put something at risk, to put my heart on the line. But slowly I can feel them digging their claws into my mind again: the doubts. Sense fear sending shivers down my spine, squeezing my chest with cold fingers. Instead of fighting, I find myself slipping back into old habits. They’re easy. Comfortable. They’re safe. I know how they work, how I have to act to get through. They’re always there to fall back into and welcome me with open arms. But sometimes the easy way isn’t the right one. Sometimes life is a gamble. Sometimes there is more to surviving than avoiding the path to danger. It is facing your fears, no matter how much they turn your stomach, no matter how scary the uncertain future is. It is stepping out of your comfort zone - difficult at first, but every small step gets you closer to being at peace with yourself. It is letting go of whatever makes you doubt, it’s learning to break habits that may feel safe but are nothing more than excuses to hang your head and give up. You are not your fears. You are not old patterns and your scars. You are so much more than your dark thoughts trying to take control. There are times when I forget how to be brave. When I can’t remember what it’s like not to be afraid. But I avoid old habits like the plague. I don’t let my fear take control. I don’t cower in front of anyone or anything. Not anymore.”
— habits / n.j.
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radziah-s ¡ 7 years ago
Terlalu banyak yang dipendam
Terlalu berat beban yang dipikul
Terlalu sakit kata kata yang dilemparkan
Akhirnya air mata sahaja mampu dilepaskan
Pernah korang rasa, orang yang kau perlukan sangat2, dah takde di dunia ni, dan kau meratap di kuburnya
Sampai kau rasa nak gali semula kubur tu, peluk jasad yang sudah tiada
Masa tu rasa takda makna hidup didunia ni lagi
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radziah-s ¡ 7 years ago
Amazing advice from Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله
“A friend will not (literally) share your struggles, and a loved one cannot physically take away your pain, and a close one will not stay up the night on your behalf. So look after yourself, protect it, nurture it. Don’t give life’s events more than what they are really worth. 
Be certain that when you break, no one will heal you except you; and when you are defeated, no one will give you victory except your own determination. Your ability to stand up again and carry on is your responsibility.
Do not look for your self-worth in the eyes of people; look for your worth from within your conscious. If your conscious is at peace then you will ascend high, and if you truly know yourself then what is said about you won’t harm you.
Do not carry the worries of this life, because this is for Allah. And do not carry the worries of sustenance because it is from Allah. And do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the Hands of Allah.
Carry one thing:
How to Please Allah. Because if you please Him, He Pleases you, fulfils you and enriches you. Do not weep from a life that made your heart weep, just say “Oh Allah compensate me with good in this life and the hereafter”. Sadness departs with a sajdah. Happiness comes with a sincere du'a. Allah does not forget the good you do, nor does He forget the good you did to others and the pain you relieved them from. Nor will He forget the eye which was about to cry but you made it laugh. Live your life with this principle: Be good even if you don’t receive good, not because of other’s sake but because Allah loves the good doers".
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