radjabisol · 7 years
The first Blue Moon total eclipse for 150 years will take place later this month
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Have you ever seen a "super blue blood moon"? Nope, us neither. But that's exactly what space agency NASA says will be viewable in the skies above the UK o
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radjabisol · 7 years
New platforms open at London Bridge after £1,000,000,000 makeover
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Five new platforms have been opened at one of Britain’s busiest railway stations on the day average fares rise by 3.4 per cent. It is one of the final step
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radjabisol · 7 years
Man pictured risking his life in ferocious sea as Storm Eleanor heads to UK
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A coastguard agency is urging people to stop risking their lives after a man was pictured walking out into the sea ahead of Storm Eleanor. The incident wa
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radjabisol · 7 years
Mystery solved over spinning disk of ice in the middle of a river
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An eerie spinning ice-disk has suddenly appeared in the middle of a Chinese river on New Years Day. The large disk could be seen spinning in the middle o
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radjabisol · 7 years
Pertama di Dunia, Sebuah Kebab di Kirim ke Luar Angkasa
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Sebuah kebab telah menjadi yang pertama di dunia yang dikirim ke luar angkasa. Pascal Leuthold, seorang pengusaha, sebuah kofta seberat 124.000 kaki melalui langit pada balon cuaca minggu ini.
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radjabisol · 7 years
Kreasi Unik, Mahasiswa Ini Mengubah Telur Goreng Menjadi Karya Seni Keren
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Meski ada lebih dari 64 juta gambar Instagram yang diberi label #breakfast, kami yakin kreasi telur ini lebih menarik daripada foto roti alpukat lainnya.
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radjabisol · 7 years
Tindakan Mulia, Pria Saudi Mendonorkan Ginjalnya ke Seorang Gadis yang Tidak Pernah Dia Kenal
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Pria Saudi ini menjadi penyelamat bagi seorang siswa sekolah menengah yang belum pernah dia temui saat dia menyumbangkan salah satu ginjalnya.
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radjabisol · 7 years
Wow! Orang Kaya di Dunia Meningkat Lebih Kaya Menjadi $ 1 Triliun
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Tiga pengusaha terkemuka dari UEA termasuk di antara tujuh orang kaya super dari GCC yang memperkirakan peringkat terbaru 500 orang terkaya di dunia dari Bloomberg yang nilai kekayaan bersihnya meningkat sebesar $ 1 triliun pada 2017, lebih dari empat kali keuntungan tahun lalu.
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radjabisol · 7 years
Lagi! Penjelajah Mengklaim Mereka Telah Menemukan Bahtera Nabi Nuh di Gunung Ararat Turki
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Lebih dari 100 peneliti internasional baru-baru ini mengadakan simposium selama tiga hari untuk membahas bukti baru bahwa bahtera Nabi Nuh membuat pendaratan di Gunung Ararat di Turki, menurut Nation. Seorang “pemburu bahtera” khususnya percaya bahwa dia menemukan tempat peristirahatan terakhir dari bahtera.
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radjabisol · 7 years
NEW ETHERIUM MINING SITE, Earn 0.02 ETH daily without any invest
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NEW ETHERIUM MINING SITE* Earn 0.02 ETH daily without any invest. Enter you ETH https://ethminer.cash/ref/22249
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radjabisol · 7 years
Student turns fried eggs into works of art on Instagram
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Although there are over 64m Instagram pictures tagged #breakfast, we are convinced these egg creations are more interesting than any photos of avocad
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radjabisol · 7 years
Man shuts down 'racist' woman at airport over first class dispute
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A man's reaction to an apparently racist woman at a US airport apparently caused onlookers to burst into applause, and has attracted hundreds of thousand
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radjabisol · 7 years
Israeli archaeologists find 2,700 year old 'governor of Jerusalem' seal impression
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Israeli archaeologists unveiled on Monday a 2,700-year-old clay seal impression which they said belonged to a biblical governor of Jerusalem. The artifact
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radjabisol · 7 years
Scottish professor shares ‘inspirational’ post about racism and receives heart
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Scottish professor shares ‘inspirational’ post about racism – and receives heart-warming praise from interracial couples across the worl
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radjabisol · 7 years
Bitcoin warning: May crash below $5,000
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Bitcoin will trade under $5,000, warns Dennis Gartman There seems to be nothing that can convince Dennis Gartman to turn bullish on bitcoin. Despite tankin
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radjabisol · 7 years
Massive Christmas tree bursts into flames as island rings in 2018
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A massive Christmas tree burst into flames during New Year’s celebrations on Russia’s largest island. Thousands of people had gathered around the 80f
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radjabisol · 7 years
New Year’s Eve 2017: New Zealand, Australia and Japan among first to kick off famous celebrations
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New Year’s Eve 2017: New Zealand, Australia and Japan among first to kick off famous celebrations to ring in 2018 Millions in New Zealand, Australia an
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