radical-flow · 10 days
Skate!! :] Great to see you could make it out here, how's the skatepark been?? :O
- @boomboxcore
Heyy Boom!! It's been cool as hell, but kinda lame when you and Sling aren't there.. Mind comin' over and lighting it up with some beats?
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radical-flow · 11 days
-> He laughs and hugs his boyfriend, his tail wagging.
"You havin' fun here, Slingy?"
"Skatey!!!" -> The feline phighter purrs loudly as he basically throws himself onto his boyfriend, rubbing his face affectionately against the other demon.
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radical-flow · 11 days
╰┈➤ Wanna race?! ---: ̗̀➛
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Let's get this started! I wanna get all this official crap outta the way so that we can get to the fun part, sound cool? Cool!
I'm Skateboard, but my friends call me Skate! I'm here lookin' for some new people to chat with, so don't be scared of me! I'm real nice!
I hate rules as much as the next guy, but you know I gotta lay down some boundaries! Sorry!
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RULES ✮🛹๋࣭ ⭑ BE COOL! All kindsa' people are welcome on here and if I see any funny business goin' on, I'll hit you over the head with my board! Well, I probably won't, but still! RESPECT OTHERS! ✮🛹๋࣭ ⭑ Asks that are kinda more "mature" are allowed! That means you can ask me abt adult shit, but I'm allowed to ignore 'em if they go too far! ✮🛹๋࣭ ⭑ BE COOL!!!!! DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE!!!!
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hey!! it's @/ketch-sideblog (follows from @/ketchfantrolls ) back at it again with ANOTHER PHIGHTING PARODY BLOG!!! i've got ZERO [0] affiliation with boggio. sorry if that's a disappointment LMAO i'll keep this short, but basically i've got some headcanons! and i will be applying them to fill out the character! please respect them and feel free to ask questions in that sort of realm! i'm gonna be coloring skate's dialogue with RED, and descriptions and OOC text in default white/black!
both canon phighters AND oc's are 100% WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED to interact!! let me talk to you. shaking your shoulders
icon is by @/jammerwaves !
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