radiantinheritor · 2 years
"ike!" she gasps in surprise, especially so over the physical body he now accompanies. no longer is a he nothing more than a ghost accompanying her in battle, nor a ring to keep her mind at ease in the blistering hot deserts of solm, but rather... a whole human! "when did you... how!? you should have said you would be here like this before you left the ring back at solm!" and its then that she gives him a hug, their height difference making it a rather... funny looking scenario without any context. "oh man! now we can eat all the meat in the world together! this is so exciting!" she says as she pulls apart from him. "you wanna go hunting like good ol times back in solm?"
Ike was not a man who often indulged in physical contact outside of training and combat.
He got by fine with the occasionally shoulder touch, maybe a nice hearty high five on special occasions. It's not that he disliked it, he just wasn't a touchy guy. He was especially not keen on random hug ambushes from crazy people who seemed to somehow know who he was despite being very far from home. She even knew he loved meat! Which, granted, wasn't exactly classified information but still. The over familiarity of this stranger was ringing alarm bells in his head, so he couldn't be blamed for his gruff response.
"Who the hell are you and how do you know who I am?"
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radiantinheritor · 2 years

"Got it." Ike locks his focus on the forest floor. If there was any trace of wandering "Let's hope for tracks. I'd rather fight on even ground." Ike recalls everything he'd learned about hunting. Between his father and the occasional passive-aggressive comment from Sion he'd built a pretty decent basis of knowledge.
Not that it was a complicated pursuit. One just had to check their quarry's food sources. The mercenary drifts towards a river bank and walks along it for several minutes. This was...nice. Even if they didn't find anything Ike would consider this a successful outing. Maybe the river would yield some decent fish if his new friend was set on acquiring food.
The wild animals certainly seemed to find some. The mercenary finally stumbles across exactly what he was looking for. He takes care when approaching the waterline. Snowbanks could hide thin ice and the last thing he needed was a freezing water-logged boot.
"Hey." He calls out, trying to draw Ephraim's attention to the leftovers of a cod left rotting on the riverside. "Might've picked up something. You see any footprints?"
muscle builder’s club || ephraim & ike
A silent nod is his only response.
As they trudge through the woods he keeps his eyes peeled for any other predators on the prowl. Around this time of year it wouldn’t be unheard of to get gored by starving boar or wolf. Winter was a strange season to be hunting bears, but if this was an officially approved request Ike would trust there was a good reason, its not like he knew much about the local game anyway. They’d hopefully find a big one to get the jump on and of course make sure there are no cubs in the den.
He trusted his new companion to do the same. There was no joy or challenge in taking a half-starved beast in its sleep. They were here for a fight…though the idea of what a cooking club might get up to with a hundred pounds of bear meat was a good way to motivate him as well. More and more the mercenary was glad Ephraim had approached him. They could make a habit of this, hunting together and enjoying the spoils the wilderness had to offer. The idea was certainly appealing to Ike.
It was entirely possible to run into a grizzly who’d woken up for a snack. The thought it what snaps Ike out of his thoughts…That might get interesting, and he wasn’t about to be caught unprepared.
“Got any leads or are we just looking for tracks?” He suddenly speaks up. “I don’t mind either way, I just need to know if I should keep an eye on the ground.”
If Ike had any hesitation about the event, he certainly did not show it. They headed into the woods quietly. Ephraim kept all senses at the ready, sharpened, in case you needed to go into attack. But it was winter, and most of the forest was asleep. The king could feel appreciation for the cycles of the Earth as he trudged through the snowy landscape. Everything would come alive again in a couple of months…..he only had to wait. Then perhaps, he could spend more time here. Training, or finding a good spot to relax.
But Ephraim reminded himself what he came here with Ike for. He had told the other man that he was looking for training - a fight, essentially. They could not go in unprepared or merely kill off the next thing they saw. It had to be a well won battle. Of course, Ephraim was always looking for a good training session whenever he could find one. But sticking it out through the snowy woods would be a real test of endurance. Once they got their prize, they could finally head back and feast. 
They would have to stay outside for lengthy periods of time in this poor weather. Ephraim didn’t mind, but then he realized he did not really know Ike either. His companion seemed rather enthusiastic though…. Hopefully he knew how to kindle a fire. Now then….the best places to find fresh game….
Ephraim’s thoughts of preparation and hunt are interrupted when Ike speaks. It would probably be good if they agreed on that. He loathed to admit he didn’t know this area well. 
“Let’s look for fresh tracks. Other than than…any obvious dens.” 
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
Slow Down
It was a nice spot.
A clear stream ran nearby, the water cooled by the shade of the forest keeping the clearing nice and comfortable even as the sun beamed down in all its glory. Ike had come here initially to train without prying eyes. Sometimes he just needed to be alone, even if he struggled to explain exactly why. But he found himself stowing his sword after only a few moments.
This place felt...at peace, in a way he was always drawn to. He didn't fight that draw now. There was no war to fight, after all. No mad king inflicting his hatred on the world, no broken goddess forcing her judgement on people who shouldn't be held accountable for the actions of their tyrants. All that was waiting for him were students and reports. He could relax.
Or, he could try to remember how. That was the problem with thriving in conflict; he often had a hard time remembering who he was without it. It made these quiet moments strange. They were cherished, but distantly. Ike almost felt like he was observing someone else rest under the boughs and only benefiting vicariously.
Maybe someday soon that would change. He wished his father was here to assure him that it would.
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
A silent nod is his only response.
As they trudge through the woods he keeps his eyes peeled for any other predators on the prowl. Around this time of year it wouldn't be unheard of to get gored by starving boar or wolf. Winter was a strange season to be hunting bears, but if this was an officially approved request Ike would trust there was a good reason, its not like he knew much about the local game anyway. They'd hopefully find a big one to get the jump on and of course make sure there are no cubs in the den.
He trusted his new companion to do the same. There was no joy or challenge in taking a half-starved beast in its sleep. They were here for a fight...though the idea of what a cooking club might get up to with a hundred pounds of bear meat was a good way to motivate him as well. More and more the mercenary was glad Ephraim had approached him. They could make a habit of this, hunting together and enjoying the spoils the wilderness had to offer. The idea was certainly appealing to Ike.
It was entirely possible to run into a grizzly who'd woken up for a snack. The thought it what snaps Ike out of his thoughts...That might get interesting, and he wasn't about to be caught unprepared.
"Got any leads or are we just looking for tracks?" He suddenly speaks up. "I don't mind either way, I just need to know if I should keep an eye on the ground."
muscle builder’s club || ephraim & ike
Ike had been having trouble getting used to the monastery. The place was a particular blend of ancient and clean that made him feel like he didn’t belong. He’d stayed at ancient abandoned forts and freshly repaired villages but whenever the mercenary found himself somewhere this old and this well taken care of it was almost always a prelude to one of the worst days of his life.
Luckily he always had a way to unwind and forget his anxieties: Beat a training dummy into splinters. So he’d done just that. And then, just as he was winding down, he was asked one of the most random questions of his life from a complete stranger.
“A…bear?” Strange as this unfamiliar warrior was, Ike found himself more endeared to the idea the more he thought of it. Stalking a beast through the woods with nothing but his sword arm and a trusty partner…Yes. A test of will and a bonding experience all in one.
And the stranger could definitely fight! Ike could tell at a glance that this was a true warrior worthy of his respect. How could he possibly refuse? “Sure. I’m Ike. I’ve got everything I need already so we can leave immediately.”
Some might think he should ask more question before following an armed and armored man to an undisclosed location deep in the woods with no witnesses. But Ike could immediately feel a sense of kinship with the king. This was a brother; In spirit if not in blood.
Ephraim knew as soon as he laid eyes on the guy that he was perfect. He was all muscles and seemed immersed in his swordplay. It seemed like they already had the same thought - to hone their training, to perfect their craft and weaponry.
Ephraim only just spoke to him but he had the feeling this was the beginning of a comradery.  He needed someone he could bond with over things like this. 
And the stranger took the idea immediately. They did not need any more spoken words between them. There was the mutual connection of the thirst for strength. Ephraim felt himself madly grinning. This was perfect - just what he was looking for. Someone who understood what power meant. Someone who wished to train for the fun and stealth of it. 
They would surely become comrades on this trip - no pleasantries needed. This was how warriors spoke, and Ephraim could surely tell that this man was a true warrior. One could recognize the other. He carried himself with the silent grace of a man who’d fought endless battle. For a moment, Ephraim was mesmerized, and then tried to remember that he, too, was an accomplished fighter. Nobody could outdo him with the lance. 
“Yes, a bear.” Ephraim responded. “I’m Ephraim, by the way.” 
It was good that Ike had everything he needed. No need to waste time. Ephraim was relatively ready to go as well. Mindlessly, he wondered if Ike was interested in the bear meat at all. Or why Ike did not ask more questions. That was good though. They only needed to focus on their blades.
“I’m ready as well. Let’s head to the gates, then, shall we?” Ephraim asked, leading the way. 
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
"I still think you're selling yourself short, old friend. But I wont make an argument of it. Your results speak for themselves." Ike knew better than to try to force confidence on someone. Anything he said could simply be brushed off as flattery, but he'd be here for the forseeable future. There was plenty of time to help the prince see how talented he was.
"And I'm glad you're still improving! To be honest with you that's sort of what I was looking for when I signed on as an instructor. Father always said teaching was a good way to find flaws in your own technique." A smirk formed on his face as he remembered the early days of his training. "Of course he said that while beating me with one hand. Maybe he was talking about someone else."
"Ike!" Kurthnaga waves at the man in greeting, almost having to crane his neck to look up at Ike properly. It feels like it has been forever since he has seen the other man, and perhaps it has. Or least, long enough that he has begun to dearly miss everyone from home.
"How are you doing? It's nice to see you here." He smiles innocently, hugging the books he holds a little closer to his chest. He had been making a run to library before he had spotted the mercenary, but this was a more than welcome distraction.
"Oh wait! Aren't you going to be a Golden Deer professor...? I suppose that makes us coworkers then! It's an honour, Ike!"
“Kurth!?” Imagine Ike’s surprise. He had traveled by land and sea across continents to arrive at some distant, strange land…
Only to find a familiar friend had beat him here! But there the dragon prince was, like barely a day had passed since they last saw each other. Ike wasn’t one to dwell on things, however, and his shock quickly gave way to a relentless joy.
“Hah! I never would’ve guessed I’d bump into you! It’s no surprise we chose the same house I guess. Looks like we’re allies again, and this time we don’t have a war to worry about. I’m looking forward to working with you again, old friend.”
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
Ike caught the sudden tension. He'd heard before that many of the monasteries residence were away on a mission and judging by Kurthnaga's reaction to merely mention it, it probably hadn't gone smoothly. Hopefully everyone was alright. He had to keep his mind from wandering at the implications and the paranoia building at the back of his mind about what that bizarre Robin woman had gotten up to while everyone was out...
That could wait. It would have to wait. Not like he could go back in time to fight with them or even keep an eye on things. Ike was determined to focus on what he could do now. Like addressing his friend's apparent self-doubt.
"It really is comforting to know you're here, Kurth. I couldn't have asked for a better ally back in Tellius and there's no doubt in my mind you make an incredible teacher. If I'd known you were here I might have applied to be your student."
"Ike!" Kurthnaga waves at the man in greeting, almost having to crane his neck to look up at Ike properly. It feels like it has been forever since he has seen the other man, and perhaps it has. Or least, long enough that he has begun to dearly miss everyone from home.
"How are you doing? It's nice to see you here." He smiles innocently, hugging the books he holds a little closer to his chest. He had been making a run to library before he had spotted the mercenary, but this was a more than welcome distraction.
"Oh wait! Aren't you going to be a Golden Deer professor...? I suppose that makes us coworkers then! It's an honour, Ike!"
“Kurth!?” Imagine Ike’s surprise. He had traveled by land and sea across continents to arrive at some distant, strange land…
Only to find a familiar friend had beat him here! But there the dragon prince was, like barely a day had passed since they last saw each other. Ike wasn’t one to dwell on things, however, and his shock quickly gave way to a relentless joy.
“Hah! I never would’ve guessed I’d bump into you! It’s no surprise we chose the same house I guess. Looks like we’re allies again, and this time we don’t have a war to worry about. I’m looking forward to working with you again, old friend.”
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
The ex-commander huffs out a laugh and gently (very gently. He learned some hard lessons about his own strength after a sudden growth spurt) squeezes Soren before finally letting him down.
That doesn't mean he lets go, though, keeping both hands on either of his favorite strategist's shoulders.
Part of him wanted to do more. To touch his face, his hair, really take in the joy of being reunited; but somehow it felt like he needed to ease into things like that. Like if he wasn't careful he'd tumble right over those feelings and into something deep and wonderful and terrifying without a single clue of what to do about it.
That was okay. Soren was here now. There would be plenty of time.
"I guess that's why I need to keep you close. I was never any good at making the best choices. I'm starting to think coming here was a really good one, though."
You, the Best of Me [Ike & Soren]
Ike had been examining the training ring on campus but that task was almost completely abandoned as soon as he heard his name. Though it had only been whispered the warrior knew he could hear Soren calling him from the other end of the world if need be.
Yet now all he could do was stare into those red eyes and see the depth only he could see. His whole life he heard them described as cold, cruel, closed off. His whole life all he’d ever seen was the warmth and passion of a campfire.
They had caused him to miss some key details in the past during war and logistics meetings back in Tellius. Something about seeing Soren comfortable and in his element was always so-
Oh. Soren had asked him something. He’d have to apologize and ask him to repeat himself when he was done lifting his dearest friend into a massive bear hug.
Soren exhaled with a sound that could only be described as a squeak as Ike’s strong arms swept him up into a hug. His cheekbones burned bright pink as his ears registered what noise he’d made and there was nothing to do but bury his head in Ike’s shoulder, already taking refuge in his embrace.
He hugged Ike back by clinging to him like Soren was lost at sea and Ike was all that kept him from drowning. Chest warm with emotions that defied words, Soren savored the embrace. His heated heart pounded. Ike was here; there would be more hugs to come.
What to say that could possibly tap into how he felt?
“I missed you,” he muttered. The simple admission was plain but honest. Just how they liked it.
“And I know you’re definitely Ike.” His endeared smile was slight but genuine. Soren trembled, overcome with the jubilation swirling inside of him. Ike. Ike was really there. Ike was with him. Ike Ike Ike. “Anyone else would fear hugging me like they would fear petting a cat’s exposed stomach.”
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
"Oh, Lor--Si--Ike! Hello!" Leanne remembers Ike's disdain for titles a little too late, but she catches herself at least! It is wonderful to see him again. Garreg Mach seems a place that will meld well with his spirit, and he's already got some of the people dearest to him here! "I am so happy to see you! It seems as if I will be a student underneath you. I shall do my best!"
At this point Ike would have to let go of the idea of being alone here. Not that he minded, of course, its just hard to be shocked at a sudden reunion after running into Leanne of all people at a combat school.
Yet it made sense, in a way. After what the Herons had gone through...
And Leanne herself certainly fit in with the monasteries architecture. Ike couldn't help but smirk at the idea of how many people would mistake her for some kind of temple priestess.
"Look who it is! Good to see you, Leanne. So you're thinking of picking up the sword, huh? I wont lie to you, its going to be some hard training and I wont hold back if it means sending you into the field unprepared."
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
"Ike!" Kurthnaga waves at the man in greeting, almost having to crane his neck to look up at Ike properly. It feels like it has been forever since he has seen the other man, and perhaps it has. Or least, long enough that he has begun to dearly miss everyone from home.
"How are you doing? It's nice to see you here." He smiles innocently, hugging the books he holds a little closer to his chest. He had been making a run to library before he had spotted the mercenary, but this was a more than welcome distraction.
"Oh wait! Aren't you going to be a Golden Deer professor...? I suppose that makes us coworkers then! It's an honour, Ike!"
"Kurth!?" Imagine Ike's surprise. He had traveled by land and sea across continents to arrive at some distant, strange land...
Only to find a familiar friend had beat him here! But there the dragon prince was, like barely a day had passed since they last saw each other. Ike wasn't one to dwell on things, however, and his shock quickly gave way to a relentless joy.
"Hah! I never would've guessed I'd bump into you! It's no surprise we chose the same house I guess. Looks like we're allies again, and this time we don't have a war to worry about. I'm looking forward to working with you again, old friend."
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
A tiny green one? That wasn't a lot to go on. Could it be...Rolf!? No, probably not. He'd just have to patient and wait for them to reveal themselves. At least now he knew the missions offered at the academy weren't casual jaunts through the woods to pad the young nobles' record.
If it was Izana's job to welcome him then the divine duke certainly deserved high praise. This whole interaction had done much to assuage the lingering doubts Ike had been carrying during the application process. "Guess I'll just have to hang in for awhile, huh? I'm glad I've got you looking out for me in the meantime. Thanks for this. Really. I know you're probably just doing your job but I still appreciate it."
A Royal Welcome
@radiantinheritor continued from here
“Thanks. I’ve done a bit of training before, but never formally. A lot of this is going to be new to me.” The mere thought of paperwork had him ready for a nap as a matter of fact. Hopefully he could adjust.
“So…I haven’t met any of the other professors for the house yet. Mind telling me what they’re like?”
Izana pauses in thought for a moment. He hasn’t really met any of the professors, given the whole, clergyman training and all of that. (Why did he have to go to training anyway? He could already commune with the gods, he didn’t need to be taught anything!)
“Hmmmm, I only really know of the tiny green one, but he’s nice! Been gone for a while on some big mission though! I’m sure he’ll be back soon enough to show you the ropes!” Gods, why couldn’t he remember his name? Ah well, surely Ike would find it out soon enough anyway.
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
"That's all any of can really do. Survive and hope we find a better way." Nodding, Ike turns his attention to the window. Had they been talking that long? The clear light of the sun was taking on a deeper orange hue. Somehow, in the shadows it cast, he felt he could see the true Robin better.
Hopefully she could see him for who he was too. Hopefully what she saw would convince her to stay out of trouble. Ike kind of doubted it, though.
From what he could gather from their little back-and-forth Robin was the most dangerous kind of liar: The one who gets away with he. He had no doubt in his mind in the coming days he'd hear all about a kind and open-minded tactician. Whatever Robin was cooking, he'd have to put a stop to it himself. Even it made him a few innocent enemies in the process. If looking like a brute was what it took to protect people from her then he'd gladly make that sacrifice.
"I'd hate to push you out the door, but I've got a lesson plan to finish. It's a lot of work when everyone's coming in at different skill levels, you know? My doors always open if you want to talk later. I'll be ready for you."
"I don't think its that strange, to be honest. Its sometimes easy to think of death as an escape. I felt that way for awhile after my own father died in battle. I wondered if I could have saved him and if I would ever measure up to his legacy. I wondered if the world would be better off if I had died that night and he was still here to guide people. If it weren't for my friends and family I probably would still be thinking like that."
He had realized years after the fact that he never really had time to mourn. But maybe that was for the best. He could accept Greil's death without the fresh wound of failure compelling him to blame himself for it. Maybe Plegia would get the same opportunity somewhere down the line. In time, maybe they could grieve without it being tainted by self-hatred.
"Nobility can be a decent tool for change. But I've found too often they get mired by tradition and procedure and by the end they forget what they were even trying to accomplish. I think you're right to try to find another way. I hope your father can see that too."
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
Ike had been having trouble getting used to the monastery. The place was a particular blend of ancient and clean that made him feel like he didn't belong. He'd stayed at ancient abandoned forts and freshly repaired villages but whenever the mercenary found himself somewhere this old and this well taken care of it was almost always a prelude to one of the worst days of his life.
Luckily he always had a way to unwind and forget his anxieties: Beat a training dummy into splinters. So he'd done just that. And then, just as he was winding down, he was asked one of the most random questions of his life from a complete stranger.
"A...bear?" Strange as this unfamiliar warrior was, Ike found himself more endeared to the idea the more he thought of it. Stalking a beast through the woods with nothing but his sword arm and a trusty partner...Yes. A test of will and a bonding experience all in one.
And the stranger could definitely fight! Ike could tell at a glance that this was a true warrior worthy of his respect. How could he possibly refuse? "Sure. I'm Ike. I've got everything I need already so we can leave immediately."
Some might think he should ask more question before following an armed and armored man to an undisclosed location deep in the woods with no witnesses. But Ike could immediately feel a sense of kinship with the king. This was a brother; In spirit if not in blood.
muscle builder’s club || ephraim & ike
The cooking club had already kicked out Ephraim shortly after arriving at the officer’s academy for “barely blowing up the kitchen.” But he was resolute. This idea for roasted bear seemed ingenious. He just needed another capable lad to go along with him and help. The idea seemed so fun it was thrilling. Ephraim just gazed at the sky, smiling like a fool, thinking about chasing after the bear. 
It would be so much fun. 
He could do most of the work if it came down to it. If there was one thing he was confident in, it was his strength. The king wouldn’t mind wrestling with a bear for the day to throw off his pent off frustrations. No….he rather liked it. Maybe he should make this a habit. He was half tempted to go himself, to be honest. 
And what better way to keep in shape? Ephraim loved routines and keeping his physique in check. If he didn’t have a sparring partner in Fodlan, the bear would make do. Maybe this is what mercenaries did - what he always wanted to do. 
The king didn’t want to seem like a creep, but he headed down to one of the main plazas just to look at people who might seem like they were in good shape. Soon enough, he was headed to the training yard, one of his new favorite places. He saw him from the corner of his eye. A brilliant blue headed fellow wielding a sword and absolutely shredded. But it wasn’t just the muscle, it was how he used his weapon. The absolute skill that he displayed was undeniable. That’s it.
Ephraim waited for him to finish his swordplay - it was definitely rude to interrupt - before walking over. Should he ask for a duel or just cut to the chase?
“I’m Ephraim,” he started. “I can see you’re very skillful with the sword. Might you be interested in hunting a bear with me?”
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
"I don't think its that strange, to be honest. Its sometimes easy to think of death as an escape. I felt that way for awhile after my own father died in battle. I wondered if I could have saved him and if I would ever measure up to his legacy. I wondered if the world would be better off if I had died that night and he was still here to guide people. If it weren't for my friends and family I probably would still be thinking like that."
He had realized years after the fact that he never really had time to mourn. But maybe that was for the best. He could accept Greil's death without the fresh wound of failure compelling him to blame himself for it. Maybe Plegia would get the same opportunity somewhere down the line. In time, maybe they could grieve without it being tainted by self-hatred.
"Nobility can be a decent tool for change. But I've found too often they get mired by tradition and procedure and by the end they forget what they were even trying to accomplish. I think you're right to try to find another way. I hope your father can see that too."
Ike may not have the same genius as Robin but he knew a trap when he saw one.
He'd never met a trap he couldn't break out of. It was all just about waiting for the right opportunity. He could sense Robin was lying or at least not telling the whole truth. By the shepherd's own admission most if not all wars were fought at the selfish whims of those in power. If her nation was innocent of this wouldn't she have been quick to mention it?
Ike would understand a retaliatory strike. No, his issue wasn't that he thought this princess came from an 'evil' nation. Such a thing didn't exist. He just knew someone who would so quickly lie for sympathy was surely playing a larger game.
A younger Ike might have made it a confrontation, but with experience the warrior knew now wasn't the time to call her out. "You've got a point. But I only meant that everyone should get a say. No one person can fully understand the needs of every person in a country. I think a nation's leader has a responsibility to seek out other viewpoints and I would worry a priest wouldn't have the connections to do that."
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
Ike may not have the same genius as Robin but he knew a trap when he saw one.
He'd never met a trap he couldn't break out of. It was all just about waiting for the right opportunity. He could sense Robin was lying or at least not telling the whole truth. By the shepherd's own admission most if not all wars were fought at the selfish whims of those in power. If her nation was innocent of this wouldn't she have been quick to mention it?
Ike would understand a retaliatory strike. No, his issue wasn't that he thought this princess came from an 'evil' nation. Such a thing didn't exist. He just knew someone who would so quickly lie for sympathy was surely playing a larger game.
A younger Ike might have made it a confrontation, but with experience the warrior knew now wasn't the time to call her out. "You've got a point. But I only meant that everyone should get a say. No one person can fully understand the needs of every person in a country. I think a nation's leader has a responsibility to seek out other viewpoints and I would worry a priest wouldn't have the connections to do that."
Ah, highborn. That explains the general air of superiority. Ike knew it wasn't fair to assume all nobles were lying to or looking down on him. He couldn't give in to that kind of paranoia, especially in his current position. But there was just something so...false about her smile. Ike trusted his gut and it was telling him to keep an eye on this one. "I don't know if I can say that. All the fighting was pretty pointless. Stupid power grabs, prejudices, and conspiracies. All I did was help put a stop to it. But I survived and everyone under my command made it too. I take pride in that."
Ike wasn't a master conversationalist. He couldn't lead people on with his words or get people to slip up. But he was good at reading intentions. Maybe if he brought up some of his more controversial ideas about nobility he could find out who this Robin really was underneath it all.
"So, the priesthood can have a claim to the throne? Sounds like an interesting place. I always thought people from all stations should have a say in how things are governed. Even a farmer might make a good leader, right?"
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
Ike had been examining the training ring on campus but that task was almost completely abandoned as soon as he heard his name. Though it had only been whispered the warrior knew he could hear Soren calling him from the other end of the world if need be.
Yet now all he could do was stare into those red eyes and see the depth only he could see. His whole life he heard them described as cold, cruel, closed off. His whole life all he'd ever seen was the warmth and passion of a campfire.
They had caused him to miss some key details in the past during war and logistics meetings back in Tellius. Something about seeing Soren comfortable and in his element was always so-
Oh. Soren had asked him something. He'd have to apologize and ask him to repeat himself when he was done lifting his dearest friend into a massive bear hug.
You, the Best of Me [Ike & Soren]
Starter for @radiantinheritor
Given the events of the past month, Soren almost thought his eyes were seeing another fragment of a dream.
Yet, there was no mistaking Ike.
He froze, staring with open wonder, his soul rendered too fragile from the nightmarescape he’d been dragged through to attempt to appear calloused. Ike, of all people, was the last person to hisde what small smoldering embers his heart bore of warmth. Ike, who was so much more than just a mercenary, just a friend. Soren had never known true bonds between blood, but if he had he suspected what connected them ran with even more vibrant life than that.
“Ike,” he breathed, walking towards him as if in a daze, feet picking up until he was almost running. Ike looked exactly as Soren remembered.
How different did Soren look to him? Time had left no visible sign, but his academy uniform was a change from his old robes. His Hagakure Blade hung at his hip in addition to the tome in his arms, hinting at signs of a life that had dabbled in new pastimes since Tellius.
Although… there were also rumors of impersonators going around. Ike’s name hadn’t been dropped, but what if?
Soren would know Ike anywhere, and knew Ike was really before him, but he still allowed himself a slight smirk, laying a hand on Ike’s bicep. “Hm. There have been impersonators going around, you know.” He locked eyes with Ike, joy shining under his cool words. “You feel like him for sure, but I require absolutely certain proof.” He had no idea what Ike might do and didn’t even care, already on the brink of giddiness at seeing him again.
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
Ah, highborn. That explains the general air of superiority. Ike knew it wasn't fair to assume all nobles were lying to or looking down on him. He couldn't give in to that kind of paranoia, especially in his current position. But there was just something so...false about her smile. Ike trusted his gut and it was telling him to keep an eye on this one. "I don't know if I can say that. All the fighting was pretty pointless. Stupid power grabs, prejudices, and conspiracies. All I did was help put a stop to it. But I survived and everyone under my command made it too. I take pride in that."
Ike wasn't a master conversationalist. He couldn't lead people on with his words or get people to slip up. But he was good at reading intentions. Maybe if he brought up some of his more controversial ideas about nobility he could find out who this Robin really was underneath it all.
"So, the priesthood can have a claim to the throne? Sounds like an interesting place. I always thought people from all stations should have a say in how things are governed. Even a farmer might make a good leader, right?"
Sure, they were being friendly enough. But something felt...off. Far be it from Ike to judge, though. Its fully possible the tactician was just having a bad day. "Just call me Ike. I don't really care for formalities. It's good to meet you."
Ike puts on his best professional smile and offers his hand. "That includes all this house stuff. So if you want to talk soldier to soldier I'm always open. History's a little out of my comfort zone but I've led more than my share of campaigns. We can talk tactics."
And maybe while they chat he can suss out what about Robin is bothering him so much. She seemed friendly, humble...but something about it all felt almost condescending. One might assume having someone break into his class was simply enough to put him guard but to the ex-commander this place was just a room anyone could use freely. No, there was something more to this and Ike was determined to find out what.
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radiantinheritor · 2 years
Sure, they were being friendly enough. But something felt...off. Far be it from Ike to judge, though. Its fully possible the tactician was just having a bad day. "Just call me Ike. I don't really care for formalities. It's good to meet you."
Ike puts on his best professional smile and offers his hand. "That includes all this house stuff. So if you want to talk soldier to soldier I'm always open. History's a little out of my comfort zone but I've led more than my share of campaigns. We can talk tactics."
And maybe while they chat he can suss out what about Robin is bothering him so much. She seemed friendly, humble...but something about it all felt almost condescending. One might assume having someone break into his class was simply enough to put him guard but to the ex-commander this place was just a room anyone could use freely. No, there was something more to this and Ike was determined to find out what.
My Friend Ike - thread
Grima wasn't often interested in other people. However, upon hearing that a giant was now a Golden Deer professor Grima couldn't resist. She was confident she was adequately prepared for social interaction that day. So she hurried over to greet the new professor. She peered into the class she heard he would teach and was glad to see the room empty. She slipped into the room, shutting the door behind her as she started to look around the room.
"Professor Ike... No last name?" Grima mumbled, looking at the desk at the front of the room. "I suppose that's common." Grima didn't have a last name, after all.
She couldn't help her snooping. Surely the professor wouldn't mind. Was he really that large? People seemed to be gossiping about it enough. Grima was large herself and hardly felt intimidated by the idea of a giant man as a professor. She was particularly nosy about what was on the desk. Had Ike put anything inside? She stood in front of the desk, staring intently at it as she thought about what could be inside the drawers.
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