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Mystic Verses of Sant Maluk Das of Allababad - Classic Sants of India - Sant Mat
"Maluk Das (1574–1682) was an Indian devotional poet of India. He was born in Kada, near Allababad. Themes of his songs such as social reform, religious tolerance, goodwill among men, equality and the oneness of God, resemble other singers of the Bhakti movement such as Kabir and Guru Nanak. Maluk Das believes in God as a Formless Being and the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, Who, at the same time, pervades through each and every shape. Maluk Das addresses Him by several names, e.g. Nirankar (That which has no form), Avinashi (That which does not perish), Allah, Parameshwar, Jyoti Saroop (The form of Light), Parmanand (The absolute Joy), Sirjanhaar (The Creator), etc…" (Dharmapedia)
"Maluk Das (Hindi:मलुक दास, 1574) was a devotional poet-saint from Prayagraj (Allahabad), India, a religious poet of the Bhakti Movement. These Compositions are most famous: Ratna Khan, Maluk Shatak and Gyan Bodh." (Wikipedia)
"Sant Maluk Das was one of the great poet Saints of India with the universal message of love and oneness of God. He was a Saint who taught love, amity and devotion, and looked upon everyone as equal and was never biased on the basis of caste and creed. His ashrams continue to send out a message of spirituality, integrity, and harmony to this day. They are a sanctuary where people from all walks of life come to find peace within and around. Like all great Sufis and Saints, Maluk Das revived the true spirit of religion with the ultimate objective of finding communion with God through love and devotion, not through rituals.
"The tradition of Indian Saints is all-inclusive, all embracing. It concerns the well-being of entire humanity and the Being only. This is why Sufis and Saints of the Bhakti cult like Guru Nanak, Kabir, and Rumi, Baba Farid and Maluk Das were never confined to any organized religion or sect. They aimed at direct communion with the Supreme Sovereignty. Sant Mat or Sufism shows the path leading to the union of the soul with the Ultimate Soul which Sufis or Saints call Sat Naam or Al-Haqq. Like Nanak, Kabir, and Rumi, Maluk Das adopted poetry as the medium to and spread his message of spirituality, devotion, and universal brotherhood. His poetry also deals with temporal issues and various aspects of human concerns. It seeks to promote social reform, religious tolerance, and goodwill among men.
"Maluk Das believes in God as a Formless Being and the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, Who, at the same time, pervades through each and every form." (The Concept of God in Maluka’s Poetry, By Mohammad Saleem, Research Scholar, Department of English Studies & Modern European Languages, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, pages 1 and 2)
Selections of Sant Maluk Das's Mystic Verses
"Like Kabir, he does not believe in rituals such as pilgrimage, etc. When he has realized that his heart is itself the abode of God, these exterior forms are unnecessary."
"He enlightens his disciples that realization of one’s self leads to salvation and the divine bliss."
"When the seeker attains this stage, he is able to recognize God in every particle of the universe, and he does not need to seek God at specified places of pilgrimage."
"He seeks only the final refuge, i.e. God, Who is all pervading and can be found only through love and devotion to His name."
"He further says that when he has realized that God dwells everywhere, in every object, and all ideas emanate from Him and end onto Him, why the Limitless Soul should be confined to a mere stone or a book?"
More Sant Maluk Das Verses (Hindi [followed by English translation])
Poem 1
“Tar hai chitai lāj karu jan kī, ḍāru hāth kī phānsī. Jan tē tērō jōr na lahihai, rachchhapāl avināśī.” [“You stand at the shore, mindful of your servant’s honor—cut away the noose from my hand. Your servant cannot summon the strength on his own—O undying Preserver, deliver me.]
“Kahai Malūkā chup karu ṭhagani, auguṇ rākhu durāī. Jo jan ubarai Rām nām kahi, tāte kachhu na basāī.��� [“Malūk says: ‘Be silent, you deceiver—hide your faults away. If a devotee is saved by chanting Rām’s Name, you have no power to stop him.]
Poem 2
“Sōtē sōtē janam gaṃvāyā— [While asleep, one has wasted life.]
“Māyā mōh mēṃ sani paḍō sō, Rām nām nahīṃ pāyā.” [So immersed in worldly illusion, you never obtained Rām’s Name.]
“Mīṭhī nīnd sōyē sukh apnē, kabhūn nahīṃ alasānē. Gāfil hōkē mahal mēṃ sōyē, phir pāchē paḍachitaānē.” [You slumbered sweetly in self-indulgence, never once rousing yourself. Heedless, you slept in your palace—only afterwards did regret set in.]
“Ajahūṃ uṭhō kahā̃ tum baiṭhē, binatī sunō hamārī. Chahūṃ ōra maiṃ āhaṭ pāyā, bahut bha’ī bhū’ī bhārī.” [Even now, rise—why do you linger? Listen to my entreaty. I sense the signs from every side—the weight of the earth has grown heavy.]
“Bandīchhōra rahata ghaṭ bhītara, khabar na kāhū pāyī. Kahat Malūk Rām kē paharā, jāgō mērē bhā’ī.” [The Liberator dwells within the heart, yet no one notices. Malūk says: Rām stands guard—awake, O my brothers.]
Poem 3
“Ab tērī śaraṇa āyō Rām.” [Now I have come to Your refuge, O Rām.]
“Jabē suniyā sādh kē mukh, patit-pāvan nām.” [When I heard from the saints’ lips saying the Name that saves the fallen.]
“Yahī jān pukār kīnhī, ati satāyō kām.” [Recognizing this, I cried out, tormented by worldly desires.]
“Viṣaya sētī bhayō ājiz, kaha Malūk gulām.” [Exhausted by sense-pleasures, says Malūk, Your slave.]
Poem 4
“Bābā man kā hai sir talē— [O father, the mind rests beneath the head.]
“Māyā kē abhimān bhūlē, garva hī mēṃ galē.” [“Lost in illusions of pride, you languish in conceit.]
“Jibhyā kāraṇ khūn kiyē, bāndhi jampur chalē.” [On account of the tongue, you have committed murders—bound, you proceed to the land of Death.]
“Rāmajī sōṃ bhayē bēmukh, agini apnī jalē.” [Turning your face from Lord Rām, you burn in your own fire.]
“Hari bhajē sē bhayē nirbhay, ṭārahūṃ nahīṃ ṭarē.” [Those who worship Hari become fearless; they do not waver in their resolve.]
“Kaha Malūkā jahā̃ garībī, tē’ī saba sē bhalē.” [Malūk says: Where there is humility, those people prove the best among all.] (from an unpublished book of 108 Satsang Talks Given by Maharshi Mehi)
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The Way Out Is Within! Spiritual Awakening Radio, A Sant Mat Satsang Podcast
"To the one who meditates on Him, there comes a perfect peace, and all pain and sorrows depart. Meditate on Him, who contains this universe, whose Holy Name is the whisper on the lips of the entire creation." (Guru Arjan Dev, Book of Sukhmani, Adi Granth)
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This podcast, as always, is about an in-depth exploration of the teachings of the Saints and Mystics, the Path of the Masters, unedited, unfiltered, and unaltered, as presented in their own words, from their spiritual discourses, poetry and prose, a satsang (spiritual gathering) without walls.
References, Subjects, and Sources Include: Guru Arjan Dev, Book of Sukhmani, a section of the Adi Granth. "Sukhmani" literally means "Jewel of Happiness"; two verses from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (sayings of Yeshua - Jesus) in rare translations you've probably never heard before: mystic verses of Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar on the temple within the human body; Swami Ram Bihari Lal from The Way Out is IN, on freedom of soul, religions and finding the Kingdom of God, published by the Sant Garib Das group: Radhasoami Satsang Sarai Rohilla, Delhi, India; Bahadur Jagat Singh and Baba Ram Singh on having daily satsang and meditation; Carl Sagan quote; mystic verses (a bhajan) of Baba Somanath; The Light Of Ajaib, By Sant Ji on simran practice as well as about the Soundless/Wordless/Nameless State beyond the Light and Sound Currents; Kirpal Singh on Surat Shabd Yoga Meditation Practice; a satsang discourse by Baba Ram Singh titled, Once We Come To The Eye Center, The Progress Further In The Inner Planes Is Much Faster -- on the Four Stages of Concentration in Meditation: the Path of the Ant, the Path of the Fish, the Path of the Spider, and the Path of the Swan; and mystic verses of Kabir from, Songs of Kabir.
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami (Radhaswami),
James Bean
A Satsang Without Walls
Light and Sound on The Path
Sant Mat Fellowship
Santmat Satsang Podcasts
Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:

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This podcast, as always, is about an in-depth exploration of the teachings of the Saints and Mystics, the Path of the Masters, unedited, unfiltered, and unaltered, as presented in their own words, from their spiritual discourses, poetry and prose, a satsang (spiritual gathering) without walls.

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This podcast, as always, is about an in-depth exploration of the teachings of the Saints and Mystics, the Path of the Masters, unedited, unfiltered, and unaltered, as presented in their own words, from their spiritual discourses, poetry and prose, a satsang (spiritual gathering) without walls.

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The Way Out Is Within! Spiritual Awakening Radio, A Sant Mat Satsang Podcast
"To the one who meditates on Him, there comes a perfect peace, and all pain and sorrows depart. Meditate on Him, who contains this universe, whose Holy Name is the whisper on the lips of the entire creation." (Guru Arjan Dev, Book of Sukhmani, Adi Granth)
@ YouTube: The Way Out Is Within! Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast:
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@ the Podcast Website - Permalink URL - With Buttons That Take You To the Popular Podcast APPS - Wherever You Follow Podcasts:
@ LinkTree -- Wherever You Follow Podcasts - At Your Favorite Podcast APP Just Do a Search for "Spiritual Awakening Radio" (Youtube, Youtube Music, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I Heart Radio, Audible/Amazon Music and Podcasts, Pocketcasts, Overcast, PodBean, Jio Saavan, etc...):
This podcast, as always, is about an in-depth exploration of the teachings of the Saints and Mystics, the Path of the Masters, unedited, unfiltered, and unaltered, as presented in their own words, from their spiritual discourses, poetry and prose, a satsang (spiritual gathering) without walls.
References, Subjects, and Sources Include: Guru Arjan Dev, Book of Sukhmani, a section of the Adi Granth. "Sukhmani" literally means "Jewel of Happiness"; two verses from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (sayings of Yeshua - Jesus) in rare translations you've probably never heard before: mystic verses of Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar on the temple within the human body; Swami Ram Bihari Lal from The Way Out is IN, on freedom of soul, religions and finding the Kingdom of God, published by the Sant Garib Das group: Radhasoami Satsang Sarai Rohilla, Delhi, India; Bahadur Jagat Singh and Baba Ram Singh on having daily satsang and meditation; Carl Sagan quote; mystic verses (a bhajan) of Baba Somanath; The Light Of Ajaib, By Sant Ji on simran practice as well as about the Soundless/Wordless/Nameless State beyond the Light and Sound Currents; Kirpal Singh on Surat Shabd Yoga Meditation Practice; a satsang discourse by Baba Ram Singh titled, Once We Come To The Eye Center, The Progress Further In The Inner Planes Is Much Faster -- on the Four Stages of Concentration in Meditation: the Path of the Ant, the Path of the Fish, the Path of the Spider, and the Path of the Swan; and mystic verses of Kabir from, Songs of Kabir.
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami (Radhaswami),
James Bean
A Satsang Without Walls
Light and Sound on The Path
Sant Mat Fellowship
Santmat Satsang Podcasts
Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:

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Kabir Says: Let’s go! Everyone keeps saying, As if they knew where paradise is, But ask them what lies beyond The street they live on, They’ll give you a blank look. If paradise is where they’re heading, Paradise is not where they’ll end up. And what if the talk of paradise is just hearsay? You better check out the place yourself. As for me, says Kabir, if you’re listening, Good company’s all I seek.

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Says Kabir: Now What To Fear?
Now what to fear? Fear merged in Fear, I know the secret of duality.
Fears always afflicted me, when I isolated you from me.
One is he with the One who sees the inner-outer as one.
But brute is he who led by delusion makes low-high division.
Freed from my 'I', says Kabir, I saw Ram in all.
-- Kabir, Says Kabir… A Collection of One Hundred and Ten Poems of Kabir

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Observations About Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India, by James Bean (Sant Mat History Explored)

Sant Das Maheshwari mentioned in the book, Param Sant Tulsi Sahib: "Tulsi Saheb, too, has not written anything by way of himself introducing himself and his family. It is said that he was born in the Peshwa family in the city of Poona."
One may wonder just where exactly "IT IS SAID". The whole basis for that story came not from Tulsi himself but what others eventually said about him or came to believe after his death, in other words, the lore and legend that developed around Tulsi many years later. Where IS IT SAID? This business of associating Tulsi Sahib with Peshwas of Poona goes back to an introduction to Tulsi Sahib to be found in the edition of the Ghat Ramayan first published by Belvedere Press in 1911. I do hope those who contributed to that book did good research.
Everyone has been repeating this Peshwas of Poona back-story regarding Tulsi ever since as if it's true, but I don't know that it necessarily is true. I notice Mark Juergensmeyer in, Radhasoami Reality, used rather careful language regarding this back-story.
"The common account of Tulsi Sahib’s life is that he was born into a family of Maharashtrian royalty and renounced his status to wander in search of truth." (page 25) "The common account".
It occurs to me that the whole archetypal Prince Siddhartha-like story of Tulsi Sahib belonging to the royal lineage of the Peshwas, and then his running away from the royal court might simply be viewed as an apocryphal story composed by others after-the-fact without necessarily there being any actual historically verifiable basis for it. To do a Tulsi Sahibism here, in Tulsi Sahib parlance, only when I see with my own eyes some references by Tulsi himself will I believe Tulsi Sahib had some connection to the royal Peshwas of Poona.
The only real evidence we have for Tulsi Sahib's past associations and possible guru connections is provided internally in the books Tulsi authored: Shabdavali; Ratan Sagar, Ghat Ramayan and Padma Sagar. Examining the internal evidence in spiritual classics is the approach which is used, for instance, by Nag Hammadi scholars to analyse the textual, theological and spiritual influences upon the authors of those Gnostic gospels. This same critical analysis should also be applied to the writings of Tulsi Sahib. In other words, we can learn much about Tulsi's influences and affiliations by closely examining what he said about himself, what clues he left that we can notice, what writings he quoted from, what gurus he mentioned most frequently, what groups he was most critical of, the mystical terminology present in his writings and hymns, and what guru and Sant Mat lineage best matches or most closely resembles Tulsi's own Sant Mat path.
Shabdavali is a collection of the hymns of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras. "Shabdavali ('shabds or poems') is a compilation of miscellaneous hymns and poems composed in different ragas, and it expresses different aspects of Sant Mat." (page 27, Tulsi Sahib - Saint of Hathras, 2017 edition)
Padma Sagar: "Padma Sagar means 'Ocean of Flowers'. It is a complete composition by Tulsi Sahib, in which he provides answers to spiritual questions posed by his disciple Hriday. In addition, he also explains the technique of uniting with the Shabd within." (page 28)
Ghat Ramayan: "Ghat Ramayan... is the story of the Lord within the body -- the inner spiritual journey." (page 20) The book is organized into two parts. The first section explores the treasure of spirituality within each human being, the mysteries of creation and the inner regions. The format of the second part of Ghat Ramayan consists of questions and answers, many discussions in the form of numerous dialogues between Tulsi and followers of various spiritual paths.
Ratan Sagar: "Like Ghat Ramayan, Tulsi Sahib's Ratan Sagar ('Ocean of Jewels') is a fathomless ocean of spiritual knowledge. In this composition he describes the state of existence before the universe was created, how this universe was created, the relationship of every soul with the Lord, how the soul became a part of this creation, the reasons why the soul continually wanders through the four khanis (modes of birth) and the cycle of transmigration, and the means of the souls emancipation." (pages 23 and 24)
Ratan Sagar and Anurag Sagar: "From a spiritual perspective, there is a significant similarity between Tulsi Sahib's Ratan Sagar and Kabir Sahib's Anurag Sagar ('Ocean of Love'). This similarity is most apparent in the various sections on spirituality and the manner in which they are presented. In Anurag Sagar, Kabir Sahib's disciple Dharamdas asks questions, and Kabir Sahib answers them. Similarly, in Ratan Sagar Tulsi Sahib's disciple Hriday asks the questions, and Tulsi Sahib answers. Both books are entirely based on a question-and-answer style." (page 25)
Tulsi Sahib's Q & A dialogues format, though rare in most Sant Mat publications, is the standard approach in much of the Sant Dharamdas Kabir panth literature known as the Kabir Sagar ('Ocean of Kabir'), a collection of around forty books attributed to, or written in the name of, "Guru Kabir". The Anurag Sagar that Tulsi Sahib comments on in his Ghat Ramayan is one of the volumes of this Kabir Sagar. Tulsi Sahib's understanding that Sant Dharamdas was the true "spiritual successor of Kabir", Tulsi's usage of the Five Names (Panch Naam) Guru Mantra (originating earlier in the Dharamamdasi branch of Sant Mat, in other words, in use prior to the time of Tulsi Sahib), his reverence for the Anurag Sagar, along with scores of references to a contemporary Satguru of his day from the Dharamdasi region of Bihar by the name of Sant Dariya Sahib are all suggestive of the primary spiritual influences upon Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras.
Here in the west, Mark Juergensmeyer was actually the first one to observe this connection between Tulsi Sahib and Dariya Sahib of Bihar to the Dharamdasis, the Kabir line of gurus going back to Sant Dharam Das (the People of the Anurag Sagar, the People of the Five Names) in his 1991 book, Radhasoami Reality.
"Although not considered normative sant teachings by those outside Radhasoami, the Radhasoami complex of sant-related concepts bears a coherent and distinctive stamp. Those within the Radhasoami community have not given it a specific name, but it might be called 'esoteric santism.' It is santism because the concepts are roughly comparable to those taught by the medieval sants, yet it is esoteric, since it makes each of the sant concepts part of a special system of interior spirituality. When and where did this esoteric santism arise?" (Mark Juergensmeyer, Radhasoami Reality — The Logic of a Modern Faith, Princeton University Press, 1991, page 24)
"This connection between Dharamdasis, to which the Anurag Sagar has lead us, is confirmed by another set of writings venerated by Radhasoami leaders but little known outside of Radhasoami and Dharamdasi circles: the poetry of Dariya Sahib. Dariya Sahib was an eighteenth-century poet who lived in a Dharamdasi region of Bihar and referred to both Kabir and Dharam Das as his predecessors." (page 29)
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Sant Tulsi Sahib: "External practices and formalism are worth nothing. The real sadhana [spiritual or meditation practice] is within one's own self."
Maharshi Mehi Paramhans, Philosophy of Liberation * : "One must go beyond the senses and Non-Conscious nature in order to realize the Supreme. For this reason, the outward practices of devotion are of not much use in attaining direct knowledge of the Supreme. The attainment of the state of Oneness is impossible by outer means. The state of Oneness is attained by going beyond all the realms of the nonconscious nature and by moving upward within the body. Waking and dreaming are the evidence that various states exist and can be altered."
"Within This Body" - Mystic Poem of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras
Within this body
breathes the secret essence.
Within this body
beats the heart of the Vedas.
Within this body
shines the entire Universe,
so the saints reveal.
Hermits, ascetics, celibates
- all are lost
seeking Him
in endless guises.
Seers and sages perfectly parrot
the scriptures and holy books,
blinded by knowledge.
Their pilgrimage,
and fasting,
and striving
but delude
Despite their perfect practice,
they discover no destination.
Only the saints
who know the body's heart
have attained the Ultimate, O Tulsi.
Realize this, and you've found your freedom
(while teachers trapped in tradition
know only the mirage
in the mirror).
* NOTE: The Philosophy of Liberation (Moksha Darshan) is a "Sar Bachan Prose" of the Tulsi Sahib branch of Santmat one might say. In other words, it serves as a central text in the same way the Sar Bachan Prose of Swami Ji Maharaj has traditionally been regarded as a key text in the various Radhasoami Satsangs. Both of these are available for free online as texts, ebooks, and audio books!
Philosophy of Liberation: https://archive.org/details/PhilosophyOfLiberationAManualOfSantMatMysticism/page/n1/mode/2up
Sar Bachan Prose (Dayalbagh translation): https://archive.org/details/SarBachanRadhasoamiProseDayalBaghTranslation/page/n13/mode/2up
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The Blessings of a Living Master: a new satsang spiritual retreat is underway in India at Radhaswami Ashram, Channasandra with Baba Ram Singh. For many satsangs with English translation provided, see more videos at this channel: https://youtu.be/PY0u0ropSsg?t=953
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Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj, the Great Scholar Sant, on the Occasion of His Jayanti — Birthday Commemoration

We Remember Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj (12–20–1920 — 6–4–2007)
The Goal of Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation: Our Path Back to the Source — The Inward Journey Back to God
“Sant Mat (the path and teachings as taught and practiced by Saints [Sant Satgurus]) delineates the path of union of soul with God. The teachings of the saints explain the re-uniting as follows:
“The individual soul has descended from the higher worlds [the Realm of the Divine] to this city of illusion, bodily existence. It has descended from the Soundless State to the essence of Sound, from that Sound to Light, and finally from the realm of Light to the realm of Darkness. The qualities (dharmas, natural tendencies) of the sense organs draw us downward and away from our true nature.
“The nature of the soul (atman) draws us upwards and inwards and establishes us in our own true nature. Returning to our origins involves turning inward: withdrawal of consciousness from the senses and the sense objects in order to go upward from the darkness to the realms of Light and Sound. [We experience this phenomenon of withdrawal as we pass from waking consciousness to deep sleep.] Another way to express this is to go inward from the external sense organs to the depth of the inner self. (Both of these expressions are the metaphors that signify the same movement). The natural tendencies of the soul (atman) are to move from outward to inward. The current of consciousness which is dispersed in the nine gates of the body and the senses, must be collected at the tenth gate.
“The tenth gate is the gathering point of consciousness. Therein lies the path for our return. The tenth gate is also known as the sixth chakra, the third eye, bindu, the center located between the two eyebrows. This is the gateway through which we leave the gates of the sense organs and enter in the divine realms and finally become established in the soul. We travel back from the Realm of Darkness to the Realm of Light, from the Light to the Divine Sound, and from the Realm of Sound to the Soundless State. This is called turning back to the Source.
“This is what dharma or religion really intends to teach us. This is the essence of dharma.” (Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj, “Harmony Of All Religions”).
Know Yourself and Know God: “Practice ‘Drishti Yoga’ (Yoga of Inner Light) and ‘Nadaanusandhana’ (Yoga of Inner Sound, Surat Shabd Yoga). This will remove the layers of Darkness, Light and Sound (that conceal your Soul from the Supreme Sovereign Soul, i.e. God). You will, thus, get to know ‘Who You Are’. And, when you know yourself, you will also know God.” (Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj)
Satsang Video: Santsevi Speaks about Qualification of the Guru -- Hindi With English Subtitles:
For a Biography of Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj, See:
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The Human Body is the True Temple of the Spirit -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast @ Youtube. This Life is a Golden Opportunity for the Liberation of the Soul; also, the Seven Stages of Mystic Ascension to Heaven; Ingredients of a Living Spiritual Path: Seven Gnostic-Sant Mat Parallels; Quotes from the Sikh Scriptures; The "Womb of Meditation" that gives birth to the realized soul according to the Gospel of Thomas & Syriac Mystics; and Satsang Spiritual Discourses by Baba Ram Singh on this rare Path of Simran and Meditation Practice;
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Rumi says, "We are stars wrapped in skin -- The light you are seeking … has always been … within."
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What is that flute whose music thrills me with joy?
The flame burns without a lamp;
The lotus blossoms without a root;
Flowers bloom in clusters;
The moon-bird is devoted to the moon;
With all its heart the rain-bird longs for the shower of rain;
But upon whose love does the Lover concentrate His entire life?
- Mystic poem of Kabir from, Songs of Kabir, culled by Rabindranath Tagore
Raga Bhairavi by Manish Vyas & Bikramjit Singh - album: Healing Ragas:

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Rumi says, "We are stars wrapped in skin -- The light you are seeking … has always been … within."
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if the simpsons would not drag me for five minutes
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"Not scanning the diverse literature of the Sants but restricting yourself to the works of one Sant only, you will become sectarian embroiled in mutual bickerings and quarrels." - Satguru Maharshi Mehi Paramhans
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