rachsuss-blog · 8 years
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Read about each victim of the Orlando Pulse shooting here. Remember their names, their faces, and their stories.
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rachsuss-blog · 8 years
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rachsuss-blog · 8 years
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Broad City S03E05
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
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This is one dance party 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin will never forget. To celebrate Black History Month, watch her fulfill her dream of visiting the White House and meeting President Obama.
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
People aren’t tapestries, and you don’t get to pull out the threads you don’t like – and if you do, everything falls apart.
Ann Patchett shares advice on friendship and love on Dear Sugar Radio. 
A generation earlier, Nobel laureate Elias Canetti wrote in contemplating belonging, identity, and what he called “the genes of the soul”:
“A person’s identity … is like a pattern drawn on a tightly stretched parchment. Touch just one part of it, just one allegiance, and the whole person will react, the whole drum will sound.”
Also see Patchett on why self-forgiveness is the most essential ingredient in art. 
(via explore-blog)
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
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You know, that bulls**t.
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
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Full Story
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
There’s nothing more American than the nexus of religion, politics, and the theater.
Sarah Ruhl (via itsdlevy)
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
Every year white people add 100 years to how long ago slavery was. I’ve heard educated white people say, ‘slavery was 400 years ago.’ No it very wasn’t. It was 140 years ago… that’s two 70-year-old ladies living and dying back to back. That’s how recently you could buy a guy
Louis C.K. (via deafdumbandblinddrunk)
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
I LOVE the annual TCG studies! Some highlights:
68% of the audience was female. 
Males overwhelmingly (48.3%) said they saw shows accompanied by “wife or girlfriend,” but, thanks to new marriage laws, 9.4% of men reported that they saw shows with “husband or boyfriend.” (Aw.) Among women, however, only 31.9% reported that they saw shows with “husband or boyfriend” versus a nearly similar 27.1% who saw shows with “female friend(s).” Only 1.2% of women reported attending shows with “wife or girlfriend.” (This is what I was just talking about yesterday!)
The average age of the Broadway theatregoer was 44 years.
While audiences are still primarily white (79.8 percent in 2014-15), the percentage of black theatregoers has grown from 3.6% in 1998-99 to 6% in 2014-15.
Theatregoers also get most of their information about shows from internet sources, versus traditional media. Some 74.6% of respondents said they get their information from websites like Playbill.com. (I’m sure FYGP was 0.03%.) Only 26.3% rely primarily on newspapers and magazines; 15.6% television; 6.3% radio. (Respondents were allowed to cite multiple sources.)
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
It’s a feminist show because we are all feminists. I mean all the men and women here are feminists, so everything is through the lens of our opinion and our take on life. But it’s not a show about women stuff. We have stories about women; we also have stories about refugees and men and mental health and prison and all kinds of things. You know, as women, we’re also worried about the economy and climate change, not because of our vaginas but because we like living on the planet.
Jo Miller is the showrunner of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (via npr)
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
reblog if you wish that 2016 is a safe year for trans women
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
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Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer photographed by Patrik Giardino for Comedy Central. Broad City season 3 premieres Feb. 17th!
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
The body described again and again in postmodern theory does not suffer under the elements, encounter other species, experience primal fear or much in the way of exhilaration, or strain its muscles to the utmost. In sum, it doesn’t engage in physical endeavor or spend time out of doors. The very term “the body” so often used by postmodernists seems to speak of a passive object, and that body appears most often laid out upon the examining table or in bed. A medical and sexual phenomenon, it is a site of sensations, processes, and desires rather than a source of action and production. Having been liberated from manual labor and located in the sensory deprivation chambers of apartments and offices, this body has nothing left but the erotic as a residue of what it means to be embodied. Which is not to disparage sex and the erotic as fascinating and profound (and relevant to walking’s history, as we shall see), only to propose that they are so emphasized because other aspects of being embodied have atrophied for many people. The body presented to us in these hundreds of volumes and essays, this passive body for which sexuality and biological function are the only signs of life, is in fact not the universal human body but the white-collar urban body, or rather a theoretical body that can’t even be theirs, since even minor physical exertions never appear: this body described in theory never even aches from hauling the complete works of Kierkegaard across campus.
Rebecca Solnit, in her history of walking, Wanderlust. (via sashayed)
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
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rachsuss-blog · 9 years
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