rachelnazeri · 1 year
Rachel winces a little when she brings up Jordan, a clear indicator that things did not go well between the two. Jordan had told her he messed up when Dallas went missing, but Rachel's been hoping he apologized and made it up to Dallas now that she's safe. "Don't worry, Jordan's not with me," she says softly. "I take it his visit didn't go well?" She has to know before she asks Jordan too. She waves her hand dismissively. "It's no bother, it's a lot of good stuff, you'll be happy when you see it. You're probably tired of the hospital food by now, right?"
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Dallas was sipping at the straw of an orange juice carton she had in hand, her throat still hurting from what the shadow had put her through. She was stressed, she was heated and she was exhausted. She wished she could say those thing were all from what the shadow had done to her but unfortunately most were from her recent run in with Jordan Hayes of all people. He had a way of getting under her skin. Her eyes quickly shooting over at the door as Rachel walked in and an instant sigh of relief left her body, you can almost see the relief take over her when she noticed it wasn't her ex coming back for round two. "A lot better now that I know it's you and not Jordan." She admitted before smiling at her, "you didn't have to bring me anything."
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
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"Tired," she says the same thing with an exhausted smile that doesn't reach her eyes. She still can't wrap her head around everything that's happened so far, it has all happened so fast that she hasn't been able to comprehend any of it. She's still mourning her friend's death, and walking into the gym with Jordan to find a badly injured Dallas was a sight she was repeating again and again in her head. She's been trying to not think about it, but to no avail. "I just... I don't understand why this is all happening, I can't even wrap my head around it. It's all so insane. It's all so dangerous now." She sighs, immediately crouching down against to sit with Samson, needing the good energy the dog brings her. "Do you know Dallas?"
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steps inside without more waiting time, knows his way around the same way she knows hers in his place. and so does the dog, who likes her far more than he likes him, he's sure. ❛ got some options from slice's. ❜ sets down on the table the not - so - warm pizzas now, miscalculated to wind factor, sorry. holds a sigh in at the question, he doesn't want to lie to rachel, doesn't want to make her worried, either. ❛ tired. but i was going to ask you that. ❜ primary reason of his sudden self - invitation. probably not the first one to reach out, surely not the last — he knows rachel to be someone you want to circle around, have in your entourage. other people in town also hold that knowledge. but he didn't want to rely on townsfolk to learn of her wellbeing, he maintains his friendships himself. ❛ gym was pretty messed up. ❜ safer to start with locations than people in the news.
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
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As if losing one of the dearest people in her life was not enough, she and Jordan had to find Dallas in the gym where she worked, all injured and bruised up. She's more than relieved the girl is alive, but Rachel's still reeling from the state she found Dallas in. She's grateful Jordan had been with her at the gym when they found Dallas, but still, the experience is a traumatic one to say the least, and coupled up with everything that's been happening, Rachel has had enough. She's not sure she can handle anymore bad news. She had some sweets in her hand when she goes to visit Dallas at the hospital. Rachel hates hospitals, it brought her a flood of memories of when her had spent days in and out, but she had to check up on the blonde. She gives her a gentle smile when she walks into her room, glad she's up and that she's not interrupting her. "Hey, girlie... How do you feel? I got you the most delicious stuff with me." || @dallasparker
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
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Rachel's always thought she was lucky to have so many good and supportive people in her life. She had met Viktor around the time she moved back to Hidehill, and from there a friendship blossomed. They were unlikely friends, polar opposites and he drove her a little insane sometimes, but she knew when times got tough, he and Samson would be there. When she sees them both at her door, her smile is wide, albeit tired, but she's always happy to see them. "You shouldn't have, Viktor, but thank you," she says softly, moving to the side to let them inside, immediately crouching down to hug Samson before she looks up at Viktor. "How are you doing today?"
* // @rachelnazeri
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today's been a day. between waking up to an attack on the town, spending hours on his off - shift day to lend a hand, her workplace being one of the rampage's target — there hasn't been a single break to be caught. he took him on himself to give both of them some breathing room. at an hour far too unreasonable for dinner, he stood at the door of his neighbor with two offerings ; takeout in one hand & samson at his side. ❛ couldn't eat much today. figured you as well. ❜ if food wouldn't do the trick to bring a somewhat ounce of comfort, the waggling tail hitting the back of his leg waiting for an okay to charge with kisses might.
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
text → rachel
Jordan: I don't know Jordan: I'm at home Jordan: You think she's gonna be good? Jordan: The last time I saw her we got into a big argument and I feel like shit now Rachel: i hope so. i have to believe she'll be good Rachel: no. dallas is good and she will be fine. and when you see her again you will make it up to her okay? Rachel: can i come over?
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
text → rachel
Jordan: hey Jordan: um Jordan: you see the news? Rachel: omg i just did, i was just coming to text you. what the fuck is going on, j Rachel: where are you?
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
text to 📱 rachel nazeri
Roxy: rach Roxy: were you hiding from me or something??? Roxy: i went looking for you and i couldn't find you at the party Roxy: pls tell me leo wasn't an absolute idiot and you had a good time Rachel: what? i couldn't find YOU!! i was there the entire time. spent a little too much time by the bar... but i was there Rachel: no, leo was good. he took me home because i was too trashed Rachel: did you have a good time?
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
rachel 📱 leo
rachel: hey, i just wanted to thank you for yesterday rachel: i hope i didn't say embarrassing shit before passing out omfg
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
rachel 📱 campbell
rachel: are you home? rachel: i have the worst hangover on earth
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
"Yes, let's do another! I'm getting trashed tonight, J." She's already a few drinks in, but whenever she wants to do heavy on the booze, she'll go to Jordan and Campbell for that. She can tell Jordan's drunk already, but he's always been able to hold his alcohol way better than she can. "Oh, I came with Leo." She was supposed to come alone, but then Leo had asked. Jordan will probably have something to say about her choice in date, but she'll dismiss it because it's not a big deal. "Who did you end up coming with?" She had forgotten last they talked about the party. She hopes he's not with three dates like Campbell.
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He watched as Rachel took the shot, amusement across his face with how fast she was ready to start taking shots with him. He would have normally left it at one shot with her to keep them both at a slow pace for now, but it was holiday so the rules were different. "Great, then you'll wanna do another one." He grinned, throwing a hand up at the bartender to let them know to refill the glasses in front of them. Jordan looked over at his friend, "Who'd you come with?"
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
"Hell yeah, let's bring some records!" She claps, desperately in need for a distraction to latch onto after the devastating news. "No, no, no one's failing, certainly not us. We tried this drink the other day, do you remember what it was? Ugh, it was a recommendation from the bartender. I kinda want that."
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"We absolutely can break some record tonight." She nodded with a smile, the blonde waving down the bartender and ordering them both a couple drinks and shots. "If we don't leave tonight with our names at the top of every record list then we have pretty much failed" she shrugged "oh, obviously drunk as fuck too."
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
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"Oh for sure, for sure. Yeah." Debatable, but Viktor doesn't need to know that. She's not wasted—not yet, that is, but she's a very good level of buzzed, and it's not where she wants to stop. Tonight has been the first night she can actually escape a bit from the cruel reality. "Are you okay?" she asks, though knowing Viktor, he'll be sober by the end of this. "It's nice to see you here! I didn't think you'd come. Did Samson push you to come?"
* // @rachelnazeri
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❛ you going to be okay coming back home later ? ��� he wouldn't go as far as to call her wasted, but drinks have been overpoured for everyone the whole night — not blaming the bartender. it's been a hell of a week, everyone needed the distraction. still, some have to keep a cold head, unblurry thoughts. this feels too much like a trap to bring everyone to lower their guards.
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
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Rachel pauses for a moment. She doesn't have a great threshold for booze, and the night's still young, so she agrees with the brunette. She's already had something strong, so she decides to slow down too before she goes back to the heavy stuff. "I think I'll go for a lemon drop martini. What are you going for?"
———————- ♡
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a grin appearing on her face as soon as she heard the other , holly nodded her head and relaxed in her seat .   having a drink was nice enough during a time like this but with some company , she knew it’d be just better .   “ glad you are , honestly . ”   she commented before lifting her shoulders with a small pout of her lips as she looked up in thought .   “ well , i could slow down to some cocktails for now .   anything you like ? ”
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
"Oh shut up you," she says in jest, shaking her head and gently pushing him back. Going to a valentine's event with a guy you dated ten years ago has got to be new for Rachel, even though they're on good terms. She was planning on attending solo, but he asked and she didn't think it was a big deal. "God, yes, get me something really strong. What are you having?"
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"Crazy, I really got the hottest girl at the party as my date," Leo spoke, shooting Rachel a grin as they entered into the nightclub. Sure, they'd dated ages ago, but he did secretly wonder if he'd made a mistake when he was younger, breaking up with her after feeling like long distance wouldn't work for them. He supposed everything was fine between them though, seeing as she agreed to be his date for tonight. "C'mon, lemme get you a drink."
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
She spots Jordan from a distance. Granted, the bar is the first place she checked, knowing he'd be there. She was starting to properly feel the alcohol in her veins and she accidentally bumps into a few people to get to the bar. "Oh my god, Jordan. You've got the shot ready. Oh my god, did you know I was going to find you?" She smiles and takes the shot and immediately throwing it back, scrunching her nose at the burn. "That was needed."
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Only a couple hours into the night and Jordan was feeling it hard. He was never one to pace himself, so even when his vision got a little blurry he still found himself standing at the bar again. "Two shots of Tequila." He ordered, throwing the cash onto the counter in front of him after both the glasses where placed down in front of him. Picking up one, he threw it back immediately. Taking the other one and sliding to over next to him, "Go on." He nodded to the person who had just walked up, gesturing for them to take the shot.
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
"I'm only buzzed, so I think that should answer your answer." It's a good level of buzzed and yet it's nowhere near what she'd like for the night. She smiles over at Heather. "Think we can break some record tonight?" She should probably go to Jordan and try to break that record with him, too.
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Location: Moon
Open to everyone @hidehillstart
"How many shots am I getting you?" Heather shouted over the loud music as she threw one of her own back quickly. "If you're not drunk by the end of the night then you've done this all wrong" She laughed as she flicked her hair back off of her shoulders and down her back.
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rachelnazeri · 1 year
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There's a part of Rachel that didn't want to leave the party drunk, but barely a few minutes in and she's sure she can't do it sober, in light of everything that has happened. "Feel free, girl, I'm on that boat with you," she tells her. She was hoping for a little change of scenery and vibes, but it's a little stifling and if she's actually going to feel a change, she'll need the booze. "You just read my mind. What do you want to drink?
location :   moon nightclub ( valentine’s day party ) status :   open to everyone  /  @hidehillstart​ ———————-♡ 
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“ what ? ”  holly mumbled already downing a glass despite being around here for only a few minutes , placing the now empty one on the surface before her .   after the very recent events of her best friend going missing and then being found , it was safe to say that she needed that drink .   or ten of those .   sure , she was so damn relieved to have aaliyah back but all that had clearly been taking a toll on her .   tonight she had come here to relieve some stress by aaliyah urging her to , and the best way to start off seemed to be some drinks .   “ look , i really needed this , ”  she turned to see who the person near her was and continued before even acknowledging their identity .   “ so , wanna have one together ? ”
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