rachelb-berryx · 10 years
It excited her to know that he had felt the same thing that she had when they first saw each other. Resting her forehead against his, she paused there a second as she took in his words before sitting back. A soft smile formed on her lips as she stared at him. "You know, I love how big your heart is." Everything was slowly falling into place after their epic meltdown and destruction. And while she knew that they were going to be apart, she was glad that they were taking this chance. Licking her lips, she looked over at the picnic basket. "So, uhm, what did pack us for lunch?"
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
The moment their lips touched, Rachel sighed softly. It was everything she had remembered and then some. Being with Finn, even in just this sense made everything better. After a few moments, she pulled back and rested her forehead against his as she fingered the hair at the nape of his neck. "You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to do that. I think the moment I saw you at the airport I wanted to kiss you." Blushing slightly, she kissed him softly again. 
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
"Never!" She said in a strong voice. "I would never do something like that to you." When it had happened, she knew that he would probably think that and she wanted to assure him that it wasn't that reason but she also had thought that all he wanted was their one night together. When he moved in front of her, Rachel let go of him hand and looked at him with a soft smile. "I want this to work too. I really, truly do." Nodding, she took a deep breath. With her hands in his, Rachel's nods turned stronger, more sure. "I'll fight for us, just like I always did." Until recently. But she didn't say that. "No other guys, no other girls. No one else but the two of us. We can have date night via Skype. I mean, I know it's not the same but at least it's something. We can figure everything out. I know we can."
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
"I think that our past and our future will always keep the two of us together in one way or another." Even when she had broken up with him when he left New York, Rachel never had any doubts that they'd eventually end up together.  If she had to pass her time by simply being his friend or whatever it was that he needed her to be, she'd do it. When he said that he'd probably ask if the baby was his, Rachel felt her stomach churn. The fact that he'd even think to question her made her want to cry but she knew she couldn't take it personally. "I probably would have been really upset if you had asked me that but it wouldn't have been unfounded. I mean, with what happened with Quinn and my relationship, or lack there of, with Brody." Shrugging, she blew out a breath. "I ..." Covering her face she tried not to cry. This entire situation, the fact that they even had to talk about this, made her feel dirty. "I slept with him but there wasn't ever a time when the both of us weren't protected. The one and only time that I've gone...without, was that night with you in the hotel. It was never my intention to make you feel used. I just wasn't sure I could leave you in the morning if you looked me in the eye." Leaning her head against his shoulder, she grabbed his hand and threaded their fingers. "You're my biggest weakness," She whispered. "You wouldn't have even had to say anything and I would have been moving back home but I didn't think you wanted anything more from me. It wasn't our time."
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
Being tired was worth it.
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Leaving for New York on Sunday.
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
She really hated that he didn't think they would have lasted but parts of her weren't so sure either. Nodding, she pushed the door open and jumped out of the truck before heading towards the oak that she had spotted earlier. "I think this is perfect. If we want out in the sun, we just scoot over that way a little." She said pointing off towards the side. Grabbing the blanket, she laid it out as she tried to think of what to say. Sitting, she ran her hands over her legs and sighed. "As much as it pains me to say this, I agree with what you said. I don't know that we would have survived it. Like I loved you, still do, but that love we shared a year ago is different from the love I feel now. It's not just high school love anymore. It's something more. Something even better." Knowing that they probably still had a few things to talk about regarding her "pregnancy", she started, "If it was a real, I would have called, you know? I wouldn't have left you here not knowing anything and I wouldn't have pretended things were okay."
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
Okay. I'm leaving early Monday morning so I can make it to my class Monday afternoon. I'll only be home to change and head to school.
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Leaving for New York on Sunday.
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
She wanted to tell him that he had no reason to apologize. Least of all for showing up. But that would have been a lie and she refused to lie to him. If there was anything at all that she wanted apologies for it was because he had sent her there alone. Essentially, she was there all by herself after her fathers left and it wasn't until she met Brody that she finally had a friend. But then he was telling her that he regretted sending her there and everything else seemed to fade away. "I regret not fighting harder." She said quietly before looking over at him. "I knew it killed you to put me on that train and watch me leave and I spent so long mad at you. I didn't hate you, though at times I thought I could. I regret feeling like that even when I knew that it wasn't easy for you either." When they reached the park, Rachel wanted to jump out and run towards the big oak with lots of shade but they were finally talking after so long and she didn't want that to stop.
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
As they drove, Rachel grinned. "I thought you said no picnics?" She wasn't upset that he changed his mind. No, instead she was teasing him because she knew that time in the park was always a little bit better when there was a picnic involved. "So..." She started before shifting in her seat just enough so that she could see him fully. "I know we have a lot to talk about, and a bunch of things we need to decide before I leave but I just want you to know that I'm going to do whatever it takes to make this work. If you end up going to college in California, Alaska, Germany, wherever, I'm in this for the long haul and I won't ever give up on us again. I won't." There was so much more now on the line than there was a year ago. This time if things didn't work between them, she wasn't sure she'd be able to survive it. Last time was hard but if he left her again, she probably wouldn't recover.
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
What time is your flight?
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Leaving for New York on Sunday.
Anybody want to get together before I leave?
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
When his arms wrapped around her, Rachel practically melted against him. Closing her eyes, she let herself savor the moment as a soft sigh slipped from her lips. "You know, I've been thinking about doing this since the day you picked me up." After another squeeze, she pulled back, but not out of his arms completely, and looked up at him. "I think we should get a move on otherwise you're going to be stuck holding me while we pretend to watch a movie." It wasn't a lie, not really. When he had his arms around her, Rachel never wanted to leave and since it had been so long since she had been there, she wasn't sure she'd be able to pull away.
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
Closing the door behind him, Rachel nodded her head slightly. If she hadn't been so nervous this morning, she would have checked the weather but she hadn't. "Oh, yeah. I'll be back in a few minutes." Smiling, she ran up the stairs before bursting through her bedroom door and heading straight for the closet. Grabbing the first pair of jeans she could find, she tugged them on and then ripped off her shirt before pulling on a long sleeve one with a matching scarf. Once she was sure she was dressed for the cooler weather, she went back downstairs. "Okay. Better. And thank you for before. I haven't gone outside so I wasn't sure how cool it was going to be." She wasn't sure what to do or if hugging him was appropriate, so instead, she shifted awkwardly looked at him. "Are we ready now?"
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
Rachel nervously paced her bedroom a few minutes before stopping to look at her outfit in the mirror. She had already changed three times that morning and she still wasn't sure she liked what she saw but there was no time to change because the moment she started to tug her top over her head, the door bell rang. Blowing out a breath, she smoothed her hands over her loose tank and tugged at the hem of her jean shorts. It wasn't her usual outfit, at least not when she was in high school but something about the park just screamed shorts. Grabbing everything she thought she'd need from her desk, she practically ran down the stairs. "Coming!" She called when she was almost to the bottom. When she pulled it open, she smiled breathlessly up at Finn. "Hey. Do you want to come in or are we ready to go?"
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Reconnection ⇄ Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry
Honestly, he hadn’t thought this was going to happen. With all the fighting and all the pain and the fact that he wasn’t sure either of them had fully forgiven the other for the things they’d done after graduation and the start of her new school year, he was almost positive that she would head back to New York and it would be over. But it wasn’t. They were going to talk today and try to work it out and figure out what they needed to do. He loved her, always had, and he needed her to know that. So in the bed of his truck was a picnic basket - a peace offering - and a promise to start over or something. He pulled up in front of her house and got out, heading to the door and ringing the bell. He really hoped it was her and not her dads that answered. He wasn’t sure he was ready for them yet.
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
F: I look forward to it.
R: Same here. I kinda can't wait.
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
F: But I'll visit you in New York sometime and we can go to a movie then! :)
R: Okay, that sounds like a plan. A plan I'm going to hold you to.
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
F: If you want to, sure. But that's not really, you know, talking.
R: You're right.
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rachelb-berryx · 10 years
F: Good. :)
R: We could do a movie?
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