My poor, poor Rachel
20K posts
Hi, I'm lavanya and this was supposed to be an orphan black blog
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
Not sure if anyone really follows this blog anymore but I've shifted to @ironyss
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
let’s please take a moment to talk about Molly x Arthur 
the family came quite close to poverty 
one child had turned against them during a war
they were right in the middle of the war; one of the biggest ‘blood traitors’ family around, and were close to the chosen one 
had taken care of nine children, because we know how they felt about Harry and Hermione 
one son died
yet they managed to pull through together and survive.  
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
Beyond the brilliant way Alan Rickman gave life to a brilliantly written character in one of my all-time favourite childhood series, Alan Rickman was vocal (without fucking up) about Palestine. In 2005 he co-created the play My Name is Rachel Corrie about the brave American activist who was killed when an Israeli bulldozer ran her over in Gaza while she was trying to stop a Palestinian home from being destroyed. In 2006 Alan Rickman publicly denounced the political censorship of the play in the United States.
It’s difficult to find an artist/actor/writer in popular culture who you can respect both for what their art has given you and for their awareness and humanity–especially when it comes to an issue like Palestine which, for the Northwestern part of the globe, is misrepresented by so much racism, hypocrisy, a large deficit of empathy. Rickman’s ability to recognize and feel the need to spread Corrie’s story despite all the bullshit about it being ‘controversial’–that understanding and the ability to follow it with action is what makes his loss so sad for me because it matters even more than the fact he was a brilliant actor.
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
concept: me, physically removing my sadness. it’s a little stone that had been making a home out of the pit of my stomach for years. the moment it left my lips was like pouring sunlight over my skin
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
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don’t forget this when the media starts spreading hate and fear
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
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That’s what I’m trying to encourage here, a revelation of kids who are fucking cool and poetic and creative and deep and dope and are fucking happy and love themselves. That’s all I’m trying to do here. To show that being happy is not lame, and everyone needs to get that picture so we can s t o p romanticizing n e g a t i v e feelings and n e g a t i v e behaviors and t o x i c mentalities.
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
in what world would anyone give up a job in paris for ross geller
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
The image below is a screenshot I took of an UNSOURCED and MISINFORMED post that just came across my dash. I’m not reblogging the original post because I don’t want to spread this sort of dangerous information any farther than it has already spread.
Please reblog this post to counter the misinformation spread by the original post.
While it is true that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris, and that they have claimed the attacks are the “first of the storm,” there has been NO CONFIRMATION of planned or suspected attacks in ANY of the cities listed by the original poster.
Do not EVER leave your home because of anything some random person on the internet tells you. Listen to your public news broadcasts and wait for direction from the authorities in regards to ANY AND ALL possible threats.
If you have reblogged the original post that I’ve screencapped below, please be aware that you might be contributing to needless panic and have possibly endangered lives by giving people uninformed, unverified, and unsafe instructions on how to react to threats of violence.
To anyone and everyone living in the cities listed in the original post, please do no leave your homes or your cities because someone on Tumblr told you to. Listen to the radio. Watch TV. Read the news online. Listen to what the authorities advise for your area. Do not listen to some random-ass person on Tumblr.
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As of the writing of this post, I’m not even able to access the original poster’s Tumblr blog. It would appear to have been taken offline, further signifying that this post isn’t a credible source of information.
I realize it’s not pleasant to consider, but NOT EVERYONE ON TUMBLR HAS YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART. As sick as it may seem, there is always a possibility that anyone who spreads information on social media related to acts of violence intends to cause harm rather than prevent harm. I’m not saying that’s the case in this instance, because I don’t know, but it is something you need to be aware of before you reblog information that hasn’t been verified by the authorities.
And finally, to anyone who might feel inclined to create a similar post urging people to flee their homes: 
Don’t fucking tell people to leave their homes when you don’t know what you’re talking about. You could cause panic and fear where it’s not needed, or cause confusion in the case of a real emergency. You don’t know what’s going on. Don’t pretend that you do. Don’t scare people into leaving their homes when they might be safest staying in their homes.
Tumblr can be used to help those in need during a crisis, but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT EVER TRY TO TAKE THE PLACE OF THE AUTHORITIES ON MATTERS OF SECURITY.
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
I miss u
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
I’m not even going to lie, I judge people, and I judge them hard. if I see a person with some wacky ass clothes on or a girl wearing bright blue eyeshadow up to her super thin arched sharpie looking eyebrows ya I’m judging them because I personally don’t agree with their choices, but I keep my mouth shut and keep my damn opinions to myself because I’m not a piece a shit who wants to put others down. it’s perfectly okay to not agree with someones choices, but there is absolutely no reason for you to tell them that you think what they’re doing is wrong or to tell them that you don’t like how they look or dress or act. THERE IS NO FUCKING REASON FOR IT. stop talking shit and then defending yourself by saying “oh well i’m just stating my opinions!!! freedom of speech!!!!” you’re not just innocently stating your opinions, you’re being a jerk. 
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
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Sandra turned 51 this weekend! She looks so good!!! 😍😍😍
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
@Muslims: please please be as safe as you can, there is obviously going to be so much backlash from everything that’s going on and it’s going to just keep spreading. Please if you have to go without wearing hijab, niqab, burqa, etc Allah SWT will understand, these people calling for our murder do not. Protect yourself first and foremost, that is the most important thing right now.
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
When non Republicans hear Republicans speak about their policies and politics, we literally fear for our bodies, our loved ones, and our lives. When Republicans hear leftist policies and politics, they fear for their status and their capital. let that put things into perspective
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
No religion is responsible for violence terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism.
President Barack Obama (speaking about Paris attacks)
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rachel-cluncan · 9 years ago
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President Barack Obama making a statement from the White House earlier tonight to underscore the United State’s support for France and to condemn the people involved in the terrorist attacks. For the latest on the events in Paris.
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