rachel---parker · 4 years
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“Yeah.” She got that, especially after Callum. “Is… I mean is Bridgefield far enough?”
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Rachel nodded her head. “Yeah, Bridgefield is far enough. I’m never going to come back after this..”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
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Rachel wasn’t doing well at all. Gina and her had finally started to get along better and now that was all gone. “Hey..” She didn’t know what to say, she felt numb and she hated that. The tears had stopped for now at least. But she had a feeling that they would start again and she was the right. When she felt Nina’s arms around, she started crying, hugging her ex girlfriend back.
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“…hey.” She said quietly, looking back at Rachel. Nina had just heard the news about Gina and she was honestly upset but she knew Rachel would be feeling worse. It had been strange living with her ex’s sister at first but she’d thought of Gina as a friend. Without knowing what else to say, she moved to give Rachel a hug. “I’m sorry…”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
You can run but you can't hide. -A
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rachel---parker · 4 years
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“I just--I don’t think I can continue to live here anymore.” She didn’t want to be in Baberton anymore at all.
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“Do you need anything?” Faye asked gently after some silence, brushing her fingers lightly through Rachel’s hair.
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rachel---parker · 4 years
Rachel had been with Faye when her cell phone went off. She was glad that she had seen her sister for a bit today. It seemed like their relationship was a lot better. When she got that call though, she felt like her world got shattered. Once she pulled up, she parked her car and got out. Heading inside right away. “Where is she?! Where is my sister?!” She yelled, tears had already staining her cheeks. This couldn’t be happening. Gina had been fine hours ago, this wasn’t real.
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rachel---parker · 4 years
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“How about just scooting over instead?”
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“No, I’m not moving. Go around me.”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“Her name’s Ella.” She smiled lightly, shrugging. And, uh, yeah… she does. It’s been… pretty awesome.”
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“Ella...Ella Burke?” She questioned, looking back at her. There was a smile on her lips. “Good I’m glad that you have found someone. Look at us the Parker sisters finding people to be with.”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“Would believe me if I told you I actually got a girlfriend now?”
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@rachel—parker​ // “Where have you been hiding, huh? You don’t call, you don’t write…”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“I mean, there’s nothing that new.” She said, shrugging with a little smile. “Other than I’ve been seeing someone.”
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“Oh yeah? And just who is this lucky person?” Rachel questioned, looking over at her sister for a moment. “Whoever they are, they make you happy.”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“I… love you too.”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
Faye smiled lightly. “I know… I believe you.” Even though Maxine was ten million times better than she was.
“Good you should because ya know I really do like you. More like I love you.” Rachel said this, looking into her eyes.
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“We can gossip about what has been going on in your life.” She was trying here, she wanted to be closer to her sister.
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“Dinner you and me tonight along with watching crappy B movies. What do you say?”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“Well, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good cause I’m not either. You have me, Faye Gordon. I know things seem fucked up cause of the stuff with your sister. But you are the one that I want to be with.”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“Dinner you and me tonight along with watching crappy B movies. What do you say?”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“Is it what you want?”
“What I want is you.”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“I don’t know.” She admitted. “I think we could.”
“I think we could also. If it’s what we both want.”
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rachel---parker · 4 years
“Careful I don’t want that boy of yours to get jealous.” She teased lightly. “But you are right. How are things going? And sorry about being MIA, I’ve been in between here and Bridgefield.” 
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“Long time no see, babe.”
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